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Becoming aware of the moral purity and holiness of God is the starting point to hallowing His name. When you respect someone, you are careful about what and how you speak of him, how you address him, how you represent him to others. I think it's true that even Christians do not appropriately understand or respect God's holy character' and we are far too careless. I got convicted in this lesson about using His name, not in a profane way, but sometimes in a common way. The way I think of Him will define how I speak of Him and how I respond to Him - and that shouldn't ever be common or careless!

When we pray, perhaps we should begin with just a moment to remember just exactly to whom it is we're speaking. That should put us on our faces in humility before Him in reverence and awe and respect and gratitude before we ever express the first thought. Our whole prayer will be influenced by that right frame of mind!

By the way, Pastor Ralph. Thank you for pointing us to the Father's Love Letter. I was deeply moved as I received this beautiful expression of love from my Father. It truly was a blessing!

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What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father?

when we speak of GOD, how we speak of him and who we speak of about him

which is always, in praise and to everyone

What desecrates and besmirches it?

any time we or anyone else does something that is disrespeckful of him.

(ex) disobeying any of the 10 commandments

or seeing someone else doing it and disreguarding it because it's not yourself

not helping others be better in GOD even if they aren't willing right away.

How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray?

to give him thanks, praise, and recognition.


Leviticus teaches us how to approach a Holy God - Jesus' death opened the way into the Holy of HOlies for all peoples. To hallow His Name is to live a life accordidng to His instructins. To live for Him and honor Him in all we do.

Our job is to constantly strive to be in line with God's precepts - - acknowledging His greatness to all we meet. Jesus came as our Savior and as our Rabbi to show us how to live on this earth, preparing us for Heaven. He is our example and we need to reflect His image.

What besmirches His name is when we fail to acknowledge God. When we try to mold HIm into our image, when we go disrespectivly into His presence.

We need to go before Him in humilty. In the modern church we are losing reverence for Him.


The Lord's Prayer, question 1:

What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father?

Our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father by showing our Father is holy by the way we live and talk. To do this we have to be set apart from sin like our Father who is holy.

What desecrates and besmirches it?

By using our Father's Name in a profane way and living in a way that is not pleasing to our Father.

How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray?

We should approach the Father with reverence and respect for His greatness and holiness.


The way we act and talk. Our actions speak volumes! He is to be respected as divine, holy, and sovereign. We must remember that HE is all authority, without sin and is to be treated with respect and honor. Remembering to keep HIM high and lifted up and to Worship Him and have no idols that would hinder our worshipping Him. Give Him Praise!!!

(B) To take His Name in vain, to disrespect who He is and not take serious what is in scripture.

©With reverence. By closiing our eyes and bowing our heads and concentrating on HIM only. By calling Him Our Father and mean and believe it.


Living a pure and holy life hallows the name of our father and brings glory to his name.

Dirty talks/jokes, complaints, backbiting, lies etc desecrates and besmirches God's name. We must be very careful at believers what comes from our mouth. The way we live our lives is also very important. We must check ourselves constantly and daily to ensure we are living a life pleasing to God.

We can hallow God by going into his presence respectfully, reverently, full of praise, thanks and worshipping God truthfully and with all our hearts.


Our daily living/words should be acceptable to God. We should have reverence for God for HE is holy. Our words/life should be of respect for our Father. We should never use God's name in vain and in a common casual way. HE is our creator. Let us approach God with reverence and respect when we pray for who he is. He is our Father and he is great and holy. He deserve all our praise, respect and reverence. One day we all are going to have to stand before our Father.


Leading our lives in a way toward Christ hallows God and His name.

By turning toward sin and not away from it desecrates and besmirches God.

I agree with Adetomi when he stated that we should go into God's presence respectfully, reverently, full of praise, thanks and worship, and do it truthfully and with all our hearts.


One thought I've not been able to shake has been the idea of reverence and respect. Popular culture is changing so much and we have become so casual. I don't know the correct answer to this but I do wonder if we have lost our respect for God because we stopped doing the little things that showed respect. For people we respect in our world we use proper etiquette. One would say, "Mr. President" not "Hey, George!". Many years ago we dressed up to go to church. We wore out "Sunday best". We were careful to treat our Bible carefully, not even putting anything on top of it. When we wrote about God we used the part of speech called the "divine pronoun" (do they even teach that in school now?) which was to capitalize pronouns that refer to God. Bibles are not even printed that way now. Most people go to churches where they can dress down from work and behave very casually. I'm told that is the way to reach people now. If that is true wouldn't a larger percentage of people go to church? I don't know the answer or if this is a question, just sharing a thought.


Considering that a name is much more than just a name in the cultural mileau of Matthew's gospel, I believe that we are talking about more that avoiding thoughtless usage of the word "God" or "Jesus". Since a name is the representation of the person, when we speak and/or teach about God or Jesus our words should reflect Him as He truly is (in so far as we are capable of knowing God. We can never know God wholly, but we can know Him truly). To speak or teach in a manner that would lead someone to believe God to be someone He is not would be profaning His name.

We who bear the name "Christian" should live up to, with God's help, our name. Our lives should be more and more a reflection of Him whose name we bear so that Christian is a name that is representative of us. Not because we have to, not because we are afraid of bringing dishonor to our Christian family, but because we love Jesus and want to be just like Him when we grow up. This attitude, I think hallows His name.


When I was a child I was taught to respect my parents, but not in the sense of just practicing compassion and common decency. I respected them because they had power far beyond my own. They were the ultimate authority in my life as a chid. They were more strict than many parents today, but I knew they loved me.

For me to hallow God's name is similar. In prayer, I recognize His supreme power and authority over me, which is both loving and inerringly in my best interest. He is the father who really DOES know everything and really CAN do everything! He knows me intimately and I can hide nothing from Hin. I am in awe of Him and express this to Him in prayer.

To speak as if God was my pal, to think or speak as if He "owes" me something (He's already given me the greatest Gift) implies that He is not Almighty. To use "Jesus" or "God" as an explative besmirches His name.


Our prayer life, our worship (singing hymns to our Father), respectfully waiting on the Lord, praising Him with adoration, being an example of the Christian life, our good works are all ways of hallowing the name of our Father.

We desecrate and besmirch His name when we use it in vain and by our sin.

We hallow Him with words, song, waiting, silence, and agreement.


Question #1

When I reflect on the greatness of God, its easier for me to ask Him in faith for the things I need, that seemed difficult before, just buy changing my approach to my heavenly Father. I understand that I must treat my heavenly Father as holy with veneration and respect for His greatness and holiness

When I hallow the name of our heavenly Father: This is where I praise God and worship his holy name. By letting Him know how much I love and adore Him, and thanking him for all He has done for me and my family, and all that I have asked for even though I have not seen those request manifested in the natural yet.

What desecrates and besmirches the name of God: Using His name in vain, swearing by His name and allowing others to depredate the name of the Lord, and by approaching God as if He is my buddy.


To hallow, is to make holy, to sanctify - His ways and means are different than ours; He is the Creator. We should know, recognize, and use God's name with the highest of reverence, and we should honor Him thusly with our behaviors. To hallow, is also sacrifice, which is to make holy. Jesus sacrificed His life for us, and God sacrificed His Son for us so that we could know God and have a relationship with Him - God's gift to us before time began. God through us, will make holy ... spread The Good News ... prepare for Christ's return and The Most Holy of All.


What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? It is true that our understanding of "Father" could become sentimental to the extent that we forget our God is God. We always need to remind ourselves that our Father is holy and exalted, and that we need to reverence him. To me, this means that I have reflect the holiness of my Father whi is in heaven in everything I do and speak.

What desecrates and besmirches it?

I think we desecrate or besmirch His Name when we fail to live for His glory.

How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? When we begin to pray and call up on the Father, we need to fully understand whom we are calling and give the respect that He deserves and we also need to present ouselves with reverence in His throne.


When we say we are His children, we are expected to behave and live in a manner that does not bring Him shame. People around us should be able to see at least some traits in us which are from Him. Just as when we see a human father and child we expect to see some resemblance in either looks or character, when we call God our Father people who hear us expect to see at least some of His qualities in us. When they are able to do so the name of our Father is


Our Father who art in heaven; Hallowed be thy name. We too often feel as if keeping God's name hallow and not speaking His name in vain (for nothing) is a law to be upheld. Have we not broken all of God's laws? If we reduce God to a mere law then we have certainly exhaulted ourselves above Him.

God posed this question to Job, "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" And gave this instruction to Moses, "I AM THE ONE WHO ALWAYS IS. Just tell them, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"

God is and will always be, we hallow His name by the relationship we have with Him. Not by the law we keep but by the love we keep.



We are taught to honour the name of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the king of the universe, the great 'I Am' who is and always will be Lord and redeemer.

If we do not have a high regard for people, we simply take no notice of them. We are not interested in their opinion or advice. In practice, many of us behave just like this towards God. We ignore him, we fail to honour the God in whose hand is our very breath.

In all of our decisions, we should seek his advise. We should have a longing to please him in all that we do and say. We should honour Him with our entire way of life.


Showing the love of the Father to others brings honor to Him, as He said others will know us by our love. It is important to recognize His Glory and Holiness and to follow His commands.

Using His Name in a common or disrespectful way dishonours God and not following His commands, especially the command of love is not honouring to God.

I think it is important to remember to praise God and remember His great attributes when I am praying, but confess I do not do that enough. I think I pray more about asking for things rather than focussing on who God is and how great He is.


Our lives hallow our Father's name if we decrease so that He may increase. For us to be holy for our Father is holy.

Our words hallow our Father's name when we begin to praise and lift Him up. That anything and everything that we say brings glory to His name. By confessing with our lips what He is to us: Our Rock, our Bright Morning Star, our Firm foundation.

Anything that desecrates or besmirches is contradictory to who the Father is. For example, I have heard people say that "God spelled backwards is dog and He's a selfish *******." I actually heard someone say this and it grieves my spirit. Other people who view God as a child with an ant farm also besmirches His name.

He hallow are Father's name by loving on Him. Giving Him extravagant respect. Tell the Father all the things you are grateful for and all the things He's done for you. Showing thanksgiving.


It is impossible to Hallow the Father's name unless you know what it is. Some have ignorantly called him "God". God is not a name, anything can be our God. such as: money, clothes, our jobs, our cars etc. Some have ignorantly called him "The Lord". If we remember from high school, you never put an article before a proper noun. Futhermore, there never was a (J) in the Hebrew language, neither was there a (J) in any language until the middle ages; therefore, such names as Jehovah and Jesus are impossible renderings of the true name of the heavenly Father and Son. The true name of our heavenly Father is " Yahweh" which is derived from the tetragrammaton, YHWH, with the vowels "A" and "E" added so that it can be pronunceable in the english language. Once we learned His correct name, then and only then can we began to show reverence to his name. Anything other than the correct name, we are besmirching his Holy name.


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