trinity Posted May 3, 2010 Report Posted May 3, 2010 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? Our lives should be an example of holiness so others can see the father throught us. When we uses the name of God in vain we besmirches Him. We should hallow the Father by giving Him respect, praise, and honour for all He has done in our lives. And for giving His only begotten Son to die for our sins. Quote
Leah Minayo Posted May 4, 2010 Report Posted May 4, 2010 In complete worship, he is sovereign God to be adored at all time. he created us and the universe belongs to him... his glory can never be touched because God is Holy Quote
hanks Posted May 30, 2010 Report Posted May 30, 2010 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? God is holy and we are to honour His name all the time. It is when we live lives dedicated to Him and words that praise Him that we honour His name. His name is to be respected, reverenced, and glorified in everything we see and do. We are to acknowledge His majestic works in all of creation. We honour Him also my honouring His Son, and imitating the life of Jesus, to the glory of God. It is when we use His name in vain or flippantly, and worse, as a swearword that we desecrate and besmirch it. We Quote
PATCH Posted July 29, 2010 Report Posted July 29, 2010 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? Many of us lead double standard lives. We live one way when we are in church or in the presence of other christians and we live in the ways of the world at other times. We must, by God's grace, emulate Jesus in all that we say and do. Then only will we glorify our heavenly Father. It is not easy because we tend to fall back to our old ways but if we ask God to help us, He is faithful and He will. We desecrate and besmirch His name when we use His name loosely, in a profane manner or as a swear word. God is holy. We also desecrate His name when we as His children do not conduct ourselves in a decent manner. The cross is the symbol of Christianity. Today many young people use the cross as a fashion item without understanding the message behind the cross. They put on cross earrings and pendants with indecent clothing and behaviour. When we begin to pray, we must be grateful that we can approach the Almighty God, the creator of heaven and earth at any time. Although He is almighty He has given us the priviledge of calling Him father. It is wonderful and even amazing that we can approach Him at all times with all sorts of prayers and petitions but we must remember that He is holy and we must accord Him the due respect and reverance that only He deserves. Quote
Kerneydr Posted August 22, 2010 Report Posted August 22, 2010 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? Q1.1 What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? The word hallows in the spanish version of the Bible uses the word Quote
Kerneydr Posted August 22, 2010 Report Posted August 22, 2010 Many of us lead double standard lives. We live one way when we are in church or in the presence of other christians and we live in the ways of the world at other times. We must, by God's grace, emulate Jesus in all that we say and do. Then only will we glorify our heavenly Father. It is not easy because we tend to fall back to our old ways but if we ask God to help us, He is faithful and He will. We desecrate and besmirch His name when we use His name loosely, in a profane manner or as a swear word. God is holy. We also desecrate His name when we as His children do not conduct ourselves in a decent manner. The cross is the symbol of Christianity. Today many young people use the cross as a fashion item without understanding the message behind the cross. They put on cross earrings and pendants with indecent clothing and behaviour. When we begin to pray, we must be grateful that we can approach the Almighty God, the creator of heaven and earth at any time. Although He is almighty He has given us the priviledge of calling Him father. It is wonderful and even amazing that we can approach Him at all times with all sorts of prayers and petitions but we must remember that He is holy and we must accord Him the due respect and reverance that only He deserves. Path, I like your comments that we can besmirche His name by our words - 'swearing' and our actions - 'living a double life'. Also thanks for reminding us that we need to approach our Holy Almighty God with thankfulness. We certainly don't desire His love and His holiness. Friends of Jesus, David Quote
Jeanette M Posted August 22, 2010 Report Posted August 22, 2010 I try to remember to shine with God's light to the people around me and I believe we should approach prayer with submission and a humble attitude towards our God. Thank you for that. Quote
Kerneydr Posted October 3, 2010 Report Posted October 3, 2010 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? We are like a mirror. If we clearly reflect Christ in our world through every aspect of our lives, then we honor Him and "hallow" His name. If our mirror is smudged and splattered by our selfishness and sins, then we desecrate and besmirch His holy name. We "hallow" His name when we pray by truly focusing on Him, His majesty, holiness and glorious qualities. That puts things in their correct perspective. He is the All-Righteous Creator and we are they lowly and wayward creation. Quote
Douglas Posted October 30, 2010 Report Posted October 30, 2010 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? The name of our Father is "hallowed" in our lives and in our words when we live our lives as separated unto God. When we speak words that reflect honor and reverence and respect for God. When we are careful to use His name carefully and in bringing life to a situation and not death. When we don't do these things, when are aren't careful in our conversations and lifestyles we bring a reproach on His name. When we begin to pray we "hallow" our Father's name when we approach Him in humility and reverence. Quote
dez Posted January 31, 2011 Report Posted January 31, 2011 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? OUR LIVES SHOULD GLORIFY GOD.WE DESECRATES AND BESMIRCHES WHEN WE DO NOT LIVE ACCORDING TO HIS WILL. WE HALLOW GOD WE ASK HIM TO CONSECRATE US BEFORE WE BEGIN TO PRAY. Quote
noksidam Posted February 13, 2011 Report Posted February 13, 2011 What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? When we praise Him, recognize Him as Lord of heaven and earth; when we live our lives according to His will, deeply aware of His love and amazed by what Jesus did for us. This love that has been given to us should lead us to give love around us so that we may glorify God. 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' What desecrates and besmirches it? When we (I)use His name in vain and do not live according to His will. When our actions do not reflect God's love. When we are selfish or self-righteous and fail to share God's love around us. How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? We (I) should always be grateful to be in His presence because we (I) do not deserve it. We (I) should be so humble and thankful. Quote
noemi Posted March 17, 2011 Report Posted March 17, 2011 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? Our lives and words should always hallow the name of our father. It is those thing that some see and hear that influence the behavior of desecration and desmirches it in order to not be influenced it is necesary to be selectful of the company we have and choose a quiet place to clear our minds and hearts with all the respact He deserves in order to address Him in prayer. Quote
Ian Flores Posted March 29, 2011 Report Posted March 29, 2011 We desecrate or besmirch God's holiness by our lack of knowledge of who He really is. We desecrate His Holiness when we come to Him out of ritual or religious act or when we recite a prayer which we don't really mean in our hearts. We definitely need the Holy Spirit to help us in our prayer and when coming to God's presence. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide us into a deeper understanding of His Holiness. Quote
mary58 Posted April 16, 2011 Report Posted April 16, 2011 Not so much an answer to the question as thoughts brought up by it: Regarding God's name, literally the word "God", when we treat that word as holy -- to be uttered always and only with reverence for who He is -- we act much differently from contemporary society. It is interesting watch myself and my use of His name. I've let the world reduce its meaning for me -- do I say "oh my god, this is an awesome cake, what is the recipe?" ? Maybe. I will be watchful for how and when I use his name. I should never use His name without reflecting on Him and His holiness. Quote
SoiKosum Posted May 31, 2011 Report Posted May 31, 2011 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? While we have the privilege of intimacy with God and know him as our "Abba, Father", we are never to imagine that we are buddies with God or his equal. He is always our Father but God is also holy and to be exalted. Jesus teaches us to call God our Father but at the same time recognizing his exalted place of dwelling, and to reverence him. It is common for Christians, particularly Christians who come to faith later in their lives, to have a rather profane vocabulary. To be in the habit of using God's name often, and sometimes almost as a swearword. If, when being surprised, we say "Lord!" or "Christ!" or "Jesus!" or "God!" we are using God's holy name in a profane and common way. We are not reverencing his name, but debasing it. Including "hallowed be your name" in our prayers means that we are to approach the Father, not only with familiarity, but also with reverence and respect for his greatness and holiness. He is our "Dad" but he is also Holy. And as we are learning to pray, we must not forget this. Assuming a proper attitude during prayer will hallow the name of our Father. This includes taking prayer seriously with a reverential attitude and the proper posture and mindset. Many times, when we pray, we treat God as our personal ATM machine. Quote
Trusting God Posted July 4, 2011 Report Posted July 4, 2011 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? Our lives and words Quote
frieda Posted August 1, 2011 Report Posted August 1, 2011 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? 1.We should come before the Lord with honour and praise and always guard our thoughts, because with our thoughts become words, then deeds and so forth and so on. We should talk to God daily and walk with Him as well. I always repeat Philippians 4:8 to get me back on track when my thoughts and deeds get off of what is true and good and right. I believe that sin in our life descrates and besmirchs God's name. We are made in God's image. And I imagine when we sin by word or deeds everyday this sin stains our relationship with God. But, then when we confess from a true heart daily God is just to cleanse us of our stains. This of course takes the blood of Jesus Christ and God's only begotton son (John 3:16)As for me, being human I know I get stained everyday. My heart is in proximity with John Newton who said. "I am a great sinner, but I know a great saviour." This is why I must ask over and over and over again for God to cleanse me, even of the stains I maybe unaware that have crept in on me. I'm believing the precious blood of Jesus covers us. God's Amazing Grace saves us all. When we begin to pray we should praise God and adore Him for who He is in a most respectful way, I then believe we should confess our sins and give THANKS to God for all our blessings and spiritual gifts that God chose to give to us, that we might use them for His glory. Quote
lostbutchosen Posted September 3, 2011 Report Posted September 3, 2011 Living our lives in way that makes GOD happy, and having the fear of GOD in us. By fear I mean the understanding that we incappable of anything without god that it is only through the father that we exist,and can accomplish any thing and just like hear on earth when we do wrong we fear what our father will say or do. I feel its the same with GOD we know he loves us but we fear him when we do wrong so we try to do right to make him proud we are always seeking his approval. When we get angry and gd or jc blurts out of our mouths not in joy but as if to curse.this desecrates his good name. I also feel that if you intentionally decieve some one and then say GOD bless you you are smearing his good name. When we pray we should recognise that he is all mighty that everything in this world is his and because of him I don't know how to put in words other than saying Father I exist because of you Without you I am just dirt and clay. Quote
jackiem Posted October 1, 2011 Report Posted October 1, 2011 when we speak with kindness and peace and love to others that hallows the Father, but when we swear or curse and take His name in vain then that besmirches Him. When we begin to pray we should praise His Name and thank him for Who he is and what He has done Quote
Don V. Posted December 18, 2011 Report Posted December 18, 2011 We hold God's name to be holy by interacting with others as Jesus did -- with respect, compassion, patience, and love. Treating others rudely, disrespectfully, or indifferently denigrates both them and besmirches the name of their Creator. This includes the way we treat animals as well. We hallow His name in prayer just as Jesus did in the disciples' prayer -- by beginning each prayer with salutations of respect and appropriate awe and by praying as Jesus taught us to pray. Quote
Srilata Posted December 19, 2011 Report Posted December 19, 2011 I was wondering how to answer this question. Then I read another Bible study of mine....the reading was from Proverbs: 30:-24-33. From this reading I realized I can use my mouth to praise God and honor His name by using my mouth to share how Our lord has worked in my life to shape me into the person God wants me to be and not use my mouth to stir up trouble.....make assumptions or jump to conclusions. When we hear the Gospel or the good news we must share it. We must not partake in the evil and wrong practices around us. A valuable lesson learnt again when I read Rev: 9:13-10: 11. This sounds like our world at this very moment with the wars and need to be politically or to use religion as a tool to ensure power...... every time I let someone in my immediately world or in my life influence me.......the media....the entertainment.....the reading material that is culturally popular or i let someone or trend lead me in the wrong direction I am dishonoring God and God's name. My relationship with Father and Jesus my Savior is not "hallowed". Quote
patricia hopman Posted June 11, 2012 Report Posted June 11, 2012 All we do in life whether in word or deed, should bring praise and glory to our Heavenly Father. When we use his name as an expletive, or in a joke, it brings dishonour to our Father in Heaven.It brings our Holy God down to our level! We must recognize that God is Holy and perfect, worthy of our praise and devotion,and pray that our lives might bring Him the honor He is worthy of. Quote
mycin Posted February 3, 2013 Report Posted February 3, 2013 When we do what is right and honorable and stay away from sin that drags us down, we hallow God's game. We dishonor it when we use His name in vain or act ungodly outside the church. I think we can learn, including myself, to hallow God's name by starting the day by lifting up his holy name in prayer and living out the rest of the day in worship to Him. Quote
Onerivertrail Posted February 12, 2013 Report Posted February 12, 2013 Hallowing His name is our expression of reverence and acknowlegment to God of who He is to us when we pray to Him and the way we live our lives. This attitude toward God is an expression to others as well of who God is in our life. Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted March 30, 2013 Report Posted March 30, 2013 What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? Are we seeking God's will in everything we do? Are we honouring God in everything we do. When people see us, do they long to share in my secret of happiness, or do i push them away from God's Kingdom through my actions. Do my words represent someone filled with God or with myself? What desecrates and besmirches it? Poor actions or speach. How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? I must seek the will of God, I must humble myself, I must come with respect to get guidence from my Almighty Father Quote
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