Lorraine Wright Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? When we pray in "Jesus name" we are identifing ourselves with Him having accepted his salvation. People should be able to see a reflection of Jesus in us. Our words and actions show other whether we are walking in the light or in darkness. Turn on the TV, listen to lyrics of the music today, or the language that is used. This desecrates and besmirches, not glorify our heavenly Father. As we praise our Father God, we worship, adore and hallow His name: "Ascribe to the Lord the glory due unto His name...Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness" l Chronicles 16:29 Quote
alisicia Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 I think we must first understand what "HALLOWED BE THY NAME" means. King James Version in the (Strongs Concordance - (Greek) Definitions) because it was written in Greek. When we (pray) we must (pray earnestly) that his will, will be done. If we understand what his will is. HALLOWED Strongs #40: hagios,(hag'-ee-os); sacred (phisically, pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially, consecrated):-- (most) holy (one, thing), saint. Strongs # 53: hagnos (hag-nos') properly, clean, i.e. (figuratively) innocent, modest, perfect:--chast, clean, pure. (Those) are our FATHER'S NAMES. Our (FATHER) who is our path. Strongs # 3961: (pateo),(pat-eh'-o),to trample (literally or figuratively):--tread (down, under foot). our enemies, the none believers, the false prophets, teachers, preachers, all of Satan's workers, the Kenites, and the fallen angels, when they are kicked out on to this earth with him, for Five months. See: Revelation 9:5 and 9:10. Our Father Whom Art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name So, let us pray earnestly, and enjoy (Seeing ) His Will being done !!!!!!!!! DESECRATE DEFILED, VIOLATED: besmirched, common, cooked, corrupted, desecrated,dirty, dishonored, exposed, impure, mucked up, polluted, profaned, ravished, spoilt, tainted, trashed, unclean. Our Father is cleansed, hallowed, pure, purified, sanctified. DESECRATE IMPURE, UNCLEAN admixed, adulterated, alloyed, black, carnal, coarse, common, contaminated, corrupt, debased, defiled, desecrated, diluted, dirty, doctored, filthy, foul, gross, grubby, immodest, immoral, indecent, infected, lewd, loaded, mised, nasty, not pure, obscure, polluted, profaned, smutty, squalid, sullied, tainted, unchaste, unclean, unrefined, unwholesome, vile, vitiated, weighted, wicked. Our Father is pure. DESECRATED UNCLEAN, DIRTY barn, dedraggled, befouled, besmirched, black, blurred, common, contaminated, corrupt, decayed, defiled desecrated, dingy, dusty, evil feculent, fetid, filthy, foul, grimy, gurbby, gurngy, impure, messy, mucky, muddy, nasty, piggish, pigpen, polluted, profaned, putrescent, putrid, rancid, rank, rotten, scuzzy, slimy, sloppy, slovenly, slummy, smeared, smudged, soiled, sooty, sordid, spotted. squalid, stable, stained, stall, stinking, sullied, tainted, tarnished, unhealthful, vile. Our Father is clean, hygienic, uncontaminated. It is sad to see so much desecration going among Our Father's children today. Again, let's (ALL) PRAY EARNESTLY for our Father's will to be done. Quote
dying daily Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 Our words and actions which carry out the Word of God hallows His name. We are Christians and our actions should show that we are followers of Jesus Christ. Anything that we say or do which is not according to the Word desecrates the Name of God. It is a hard walk to walk knowing that the world is watching our every move. Knowing that any mistake we make is going to give the World cause to turn against God or slander His name. The world is fast to point out the errors that we as Christians make. It is like they are waiting for us to fall, so they can rejoice in it. When I begin to pray, I start out by praising God and telling Him how wonderful and awesome He is. How holy and righteous and deserving He is of the praise I give. Quote
Jen Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 What about our lives and walk hallows the name of our Father? Micah 6:8 says to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. I think this sums up what our walk and talk should be if we desire to hallow Gods name. What desecrates and besmirches it? When we think or speak of God other than He is and don't treat His name with reverence. How should we hallow the Father when we begin to pray? By ascribing to Him the glory due His name and by confessing our total dependance on Him. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
oldsweetp Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? I believe our actions and reactions to the world around us is our witness for the Lord. I try to remember at all times that I am a witness for Christianity everyday in all cirucmstances because you never know who is watching. I try to be a good witness and to bring glory to God by the things I say and do, although I do fall short many times. What desecrates and besmirches it? The using the Lord's name in vain is the first thought that comes to mind. I also believe that not putting God first in my life also desecrates and besmirches Him. I have found myself trying to fix problems in my life and when all else fails then I pray. I think that also desecrates and besmirches God's name. How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? By remembering that He is the first and the last....the creator of all things...and then the awesome thought that He still loves me and wants the best for me. Quote
donnakds Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 Hallowed be Thy Name - We are acknowledging the holiness of God - that He is the one and only - the true God He is our Supreme Master - Creator of all things. We honor His name by using it in the proper text and bring dishonor to the name and ourselves when we use it as a comman exclamation or a curse. We hallow his name when we pray by expressing our appreciation of His greatness . His creations are things of beauty and wonder that no one can began to compare. His mercy is beyound our understanding - His name is indeed to be Hallowed! Quote
sandieh Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 Our life should reflect reverence and respect for our Father in Heaven. I have to confess that I probably have said "oh lord" or Oh my God, without even thinking of it as being disrespectful! But I repent of that right now! And ask the Lord to set watch over my tongue! When we pray it is "Hallowing" His Name when we do so recognizing that He is the awesome, merciful, loving, daddy that He is. And not take that lightly or without remembering that He is Holy and so should we be. Quote
retired Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 We "Hallow His Name" when we remember who and what He is. When we remember He is Holy and the Creator and Lord of all creation. We 'Hallow His Name" when we worship Him and turn our lives over to Him in every way. Unfortunately our lives are filled with sin and so even though we give Him our lives, we take them back again. We profane His Name. At that time we are no longer "Hallowing His Name," we are profaning it. The minute, nay the instant we get out of the worship mode and start to run things our way we are profaning the Name of God. We swear, use His Name in vain, break the ten commandments and in general, sin. When we do this we are no longer "Hallowing His Name". Quote
Sonshine777 Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 Since God's character can be seen by others thru the lives of His people, I think the way we treat others and ourselves is a way to hallow God or bring desecration to Him. This is to include our thought lives - dwelling on what is good and pleasing to the Lord ( I dont have alot of scripture reference memorized yet) should promote His hallowedness. If we take good care of ourselves we will most likely treat others well too. I'm keeping in mind that we are His Temple and commonsense-wise: garbage in, garbage out. If we treat ourselves badly or try to treat others better than ourselves we can create an imbalance which I think would not glorify Him at all. I'm thinking about how we are supposed to treat our neighbors as we would treat ourselves. I also think coming to Him in prayer with a humble heart and setting aside our selfish thoughts is another way to hallow Him (be still and know I am God). And as far as how I would choose to verbally begin prayer in a way that hallows His Name...well, I just get straight to the point about it and acknowlege that He is God and I am not! Quote
4godbpraised Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 We 'hallow' God's names by praising and worshipping Him for who He is to us and towards us. He is Alba Father, He is the Lord of Lords, He is the King of Kings, He is the great deliver, He is our provider, He is our deliver, He is Jehovah. We 'hallow' our Father first in prayer, by giving adornation to His Holy name. Quote
stsandy Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 As God's name is set high above all of creation we must accept and acknowledge it in all it's glory. His character is revealed in his name and so is our relationship revealed by our use of it. When our appeals and supplications are made to him through his many names we acknowledge him in all of his splender. Father:Iam your son, Lord :I am your servant, Redeemer I need Saving,ect. God is not seeking copycat prayers like the pagans using a pattern or formula,he is looking for hearts that are seeking and find their trust and hope in the relationship with in all his Glory. Quote
frogtea Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 I try to live my life like an open book, so that anyone looking at my life will see Jesus. From my modest dress, the jewelry I choose to wear, and my attitute toward my fellow man all reflect my love and respect for God. What desecrates or besmirches the Father is when I stumble or look away from him. When I am willfull and disobedient. Then the light of Jesus in my life is dim. We should bow down before him in humility. Quote
Sadie Stromberg Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 I agree with Wilderflower that I cringe when I hear someone so flippantly say, "Oh, my God!" with no thought of God at all. I should probably say something, but I just cringe and keep it to myself. It would probably be good for us to review the names for God that are used in the Bible to refresh in our memory how awesome God is. Quote
grace Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of the Father? What descrated it? How should we hallow the father when we begin to pray? If we have received Christ, then we are to put on Christ . Only this morning in church, we were told to LIVE AS CHRIST LIVED, SPEAK AS CHRIST SPEAKS, LOVE AS CHRIST LOVED. If we put on Christ every day and ask Him to reveal himself to us (as we walk in obedience) then, I believe we hallow His name. His name is descrated when we do and say those things that are unprofitable for a christian. When we walk in the world as though we belong to this world, then we bring a shame on the name of Jesus. IN prayer we can hallow His name by expressing God's greatness and reminding ourselves of all that God has created. In humility we come into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Quote
Mary Jane Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 I didn't get to introduce myself earlier. My name is Mary Jane and I am so looking forward to this study. I am an adult Sunday School teacher for a group of mature ladies. I have to tell you that I have truly been blessed by this. How to "hallow" the name of God? Well, I work in an environment where there are some who don't know, don't want to know, God. I hope I am having an influence on some by NOT engaging in the conversations that offend. I think I am as I notice that from time to time the "tone" of a conversation changes to a more acceptible string of adjectives. I would dishonor God if I allowed myself to be one to join in. Quote
Gwen Bryant Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 A proper approach (awe- revering fear) and the way in which we address (Father- Daddy; like a trusting honoring little child) our heavenly Father "hallows" His name. When we use the Father's name to express our disgust or displeasure at something or someone and/or approach and address the Father as if we would any human of any relation (For His ways are so above and beyond ours that we could never know Him as we would anyone that we know); furthermore, there is no one that we can compare to His holiness. To that end; it is only with utmost awe, gratitude and thanksgiving (for the priviledge afforded us by Jesus) that we must approach His throne of grace. Quote
Jesus Aguilar Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 Living the Word and speaking the Word in the name of our Father through our Lord and Savior is simple but not easy It is not what goes in our mouith what make us sick. But is what comes out of our mouth If we keep in mind and heart that this life is about God and not about us, that the price was paid for us then we must dedicate every minute of our lives to His Glory Our prayer in our secret place always must start with thanks given and Glory to God in the highest He is our Father that reigns in heaven and earth and indeed enters into our hearts an a way that is miraculous. May God richly bless you. Quote
TennLady01 Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? Our own lives we live holy and in his presence and we read the word and live the word to show how we feel about our Father he is Holy and he is our Holiness. What desecrates and besmirches it? To use the Lords name in any ways that does not bring honor and glory to it is wrong. We do not use it just to use it as we would not call our earthly dad bad names or say bad things about him we do not do this to our heavenly Father either. We are to give respect to him never use him name to put down someone or just to toss it in the air for others to hear. He is Holy and we need to speak of him in that way. How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? We should always respect and let our Lord know that we understand his ways are higher than our ways his thoughts higher than our thoughts and we need to make it so it is personal for us and for him. He is our heavenly Father who loves us more than any earthly dad ever could he is God. God is love. Hallelujah. Quote
sally7857 Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 What about our lives and words"hallows" the name of our Father? We are to treat our God with respect. He is set apart from sin. Holy and exalted. We should get quiet before God. What descecrates and besmirches it? Taking His name in vain. Not being an example for others to follow. Putting people down. How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? We need to get quiet before him, giving him the adoration, then the confession, and then the thanksgiving that He deserves as our God. Quote
farmboy Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 I am having a hard time thinking of some part of my life that hallows the name of our Father. An earlier post said it well: we either honor Him or dishonor Him, there is no inbetween. To me desecration begins with attitude, wether we act it out or not. Holding ourselves above others in thought word and deed. Going the way of the world etc..... Using God's name in vane is a larger demention than simple profanity. Through this lesson I think I found the answer to a question that no one has been able to answer for me -What does holy mean? To be set apart from sin-is that correct?? Quote
ekila Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 Tells to treat him with respect for his holiness, and not to treat him as we are friends or to be on par with him, as any act of doing so is a sin and disrespect for him the the Lord God Almighty. Doing right and living right are what pleases him. Quote
class1fox Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 Good evening to everyone.......... when we truly reconize Our heavenly Father and have a divine understanding and knowledge for who He is, then and only then can we "Hallow" his Holy name. To call the heavenly Father by any other name than his holy name , we besmirch him. Yahweh Elohim is his holy name. Geraldine Quote
Happy Feet Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 Many verses in the Bible say that we are to fear the LORD to be near him, to understand him and to not be foolishly avoiding him. To love him, we must also fear him, this is part of the way that we respect his awesome character, pure, holy, magnificent, and powerfully goodness. By approaching our father in prayer, we must begin by humbling our self, all of our self before him. Then, he will see our fear, knowing all along we would see him thru Jesus, and understand his love includes the authority to discipline us, only wanting to keep us near him to love and be loved by us. When we revere HIM as HOLY, only then are we acknowledging that we are not holy and that HE, and his name IS GOD.We desecrate and blaspheme GOD, when we consider him to be anything less than he is, often because our finite brain struggles to trust in faith that he is more than we can see and feel of this world, blinded by earthly failings. We do this in attitude, actions and words. When we begin to pray, we must let the HOLY SPIRIT control the communication, and let go of our selves to be given the HOLY SPIRITS vision of GOD we can respond to with our character he built into us to worship, and praise at that moment, then we are on his terms; ready to be heard, forgiven, guided, blessed and loved. Often we come to GOD or the image of what we have created as our understanding of GOD to be, on our terms, with our demands, and our agenda. How he longs to have us just be still, and know he is GOD. Quote
obnubilate Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 Actually, i'm quite confused with this question. When i was young and innocent(!) I prayed to God like I would talk to my dad. Its that simple. Then I was taught to approach the Almighty God in a different way...it was only then that i realise the Name of God can be blasphemed, abused, used in vain...etc.... A result of the Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, perhaps? Quote
sunilbernard Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? "Be ye holy even as I am holy" says the word of God. The Lord God, Creator, deserves to be honored with all our being, we being His creation. He is a loving father but that doesn't give us the license to jump and dance on Him. When we compare ourselves to His Holy and Awesomeness, we dare to address Him anything less. We have to be conscious of that fact that even though He is a loving God, He still sits on His Majestic throne. We give respect to mere mortals in high places. Doesn't the creator of all deserve more than that? When we use His name flippantly, without any respect or just for no reason, then we dishonor that holy name. That besmirches His name. When we get the big picture of His holy and awesome presence, then we will know and give due credence to His name. When we pray, we should address His Holiness. When that title is betowed upon mortals such as judges and christian leaders in the higher echelons, why not give more to the original owner of that title, "His Holiness"!!! Quote
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