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Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray?

The name of our Father is hallowed when His Spirit has filled our lives. When God's glory is seen by all in how we live day to day and moment by moment. If I say that I belong to the kingdom of God and I do not love and display a life that is of God, then I desecrate the Father's name.

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When we pray to Our Father I come to him in reverence(Awe) combined with respect to God's holiness.I must remember God is holy and I should thank Him and praise Him for what God has already done for me.I must use God's name carefully.God who is my Father is all knowing,and knows what I am going to ask, before I even come to Him.I honor God by going to Him in prayer,calling out to Him, with my needs or needs of others.

Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray?

We "hallow" God's name in our lives by living them according to His will. This can only be done in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit and by surrendering to that power, yielding our wills to align with the Spirit; in that process, God is pleased.

Self-centeredness which blocks our acceptance of the Holy Spirit's power brings desecration on His name. In that state we defy His will and rely upon our own strengths and limited wisdom to live our lives.

Approaching prayer in true and complete humility, possibly beginning with confession of sin and expression of gratitude is evidence of the "proper" way to reach God's listening ears.


1. Helping people have the right preception of God by the life we live and by respecting others by the way we talk to them.

2. Living a sinful life

3. With respect and worship, God is not our equal


I think that basically we use God's name in vain, in relations to disrepect (in other words we speak and do not think about how we sully his name just for random conversation) instead of meditating on the power of God and who he is, the holiness, reverence and the respect that is due to God.


- If we live a holy and rightiouse live, and not use the name of the Father in vien, be a good person and show respect.

- When we use and talk about the Father in disrepect, using God's name as a swearword or as in vien as part of a sentence in disrespect.

- We should understand the 'holyness' of the Father and of the grace and prevelage bestowed on us to be allowed to have the honour to talk to the allmighty.


Hallow means holy. When we approach God in prayer it should be on who He is.To me He is holy and in reverence to His Name I can approach His throne with confidence with praise and worship and then with petition and prayers I can then pray and ask the Father of my needs and for others. I believe that Christ is in me therefore He is working through me for the world to see. If we are not doing what the Lord wants us to do or we turn our back on God we are not doing His will nor giving the honour that is due to Him and Him alone. He is my "Pappa Father" and with humbleness and a greatful heart I believe that it is praise and worship the Lord desires from all of his creation


No matter how nasty and ugly I've been, God wants me to approach His throne. amazing. It's good to remember the price that was paid by Christ so that I could do so. Given my relationship with God, if I were to shrug my shoulders and mumble a postmodern "whatever" I would be besmirching the One to whom I belong.


What about our lives hallows the name of our father is when we respect and obey God's word. When we line up our lives and lifestyles according to what is written in the word, It shows respect and reverence to what God says.

What desecrates and besmirches it is when we call God's name in vain.

What about our words hallows the name of our father is when we praise and give adoration to God. When we speak the truth. In praise and thanksgiving we honor God by exalting him. When we begin to pray we should hallow God by acknowledgement of who He is and express how worthy He is of our highest praise!


I believe obedience to His word, and compassion towards one another helps us to "hallow" His name. Since we're called by His name when we honor and respect another child of God its like honoring Him as well.

Willfulness, selfishness cause grief to the Father, How we treat each other (forgive my repitition) Jesus said if you've unto the lest of my little ones you've done unto me.

By knowing that we've treated everyone as Christ & His Father treats me. I often when angry with my children, quickley remember, is that how my father treats me when i mess up. So when I pray I feel clear in my spirit that I've forgiven and forgotten as He has.

:) What hallows God's name? I find it today, as we have a beautiful day. His creation is singing, literally, with His birds. We have a hummingbird roaming around our garden. The weather is cool and fresh, and autumn is in the air. His creation makes me want to hallow Him, to praise Him, to rejoice in Him. We have seen so much over the past couple of weeks of nature's destruction. Now let's rejoice in the world that God created. May His name be praised!


How we live our life, is it uplifting God or tearing Him down? When we pray so we exalt the Father or just pray in repitition. Do our lives and our words reflect the holiness of God the Father? Is God truly your "Abba, Father"? Do you truly believe it?

Desecrate and besmirches? Beginning to think that God is our "buddy". Use of the Fathers name in profane ways. We are to control out tongue, though it is the hardest thing to control.

We should pray with all reverance, honor and glory to our God. Total respect, honesty and worshipful.


Will soon be retiring - and for me to "hallow His Name" is to acknowledge His Presence and Love in my life always. And to know that He will never leave me - Even tho i have strayed many times and have sinned against Him often, He has always been faithful. Truly, I am nothing without Him. I love Matt Redman's CD Facedown - He talks about the very breath we breathe coming from God - and that everything we give to Him has first come from His Hand. What a loving God and Father we have. God bless you all.

:rolleyes: Prayers Q1- Hallowed= (Heb.qadash,to set apart: Greek,hagiazo,to make sacred.) By definition GOD is HOLY? Of course He is! As we go into Prayer we must remember God is Holy,Leviticus 19:2. Desecrates and Besmirches=To behave in a Holy place in a way that shows a lack of respect,we must show this as we pray and also in our walk with the Lord :) AMEN.


What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of the Father? We are representatives (Ambassadors)of the Lord Jesus Christ and we are to display at all times His characteristics which are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faithfulness and self-control. We are to present the Gospel in love.

What desecrates and besmirches it? By living sinful lives. He is Holy and we are to be Holy because we are made in HIs image.

How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? We are to approach the Father with great referance and humbliness of heart with thanksgiving and respect for how great He is and HIs holiness.



Our lives lived in love and compassion as Jesus' life was, "hallows" our Father's name.

When we use God's name in a profane or common way we desecrate it.

We should give glory to God, with praise for who He is with a humble and thankful heart



When I live my life in the light of WHO I am inside of Christ this hallows the name of our Father each and every moment I do this. Why? Because when I live as unto the LORD in my mind, soul, and body, then my heart, mind and actions follow and the LORD receives the glory and the HOLINESS that makes HIM who He is.

When I think and act in my flesh (not honoring the Holy Spirit's working inside me) then I am apt to think, say and act contrary to hallowing the name of JESUS.

When I walk into the presence of GOD (in my daily on-going communitcations with Him) I begin with TELLING HIM WHO HE IS!!! It is as beautiful and adoring as that...All the names of who He is; Lamb of God, Emmanual, Christ the KING of kings, LORD of lords, the bright morning star, the great I AM and a zillion more...the more my heart does this the more my soul magnifies Him, the closer my spirit aligns with the HOLY SPIRT!


Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray?

The original meaning of the Hebrew term "hallow" is:

to consecrate, sanctify, prepare, dedicate, be hallowed, be holy, be sanctified, be separate

a) (Qal)

1) to be set apart, be consecrated

2) to be hallowed

3) consecrated, tabooed

B) (Niphal)

1) to show oneself sacred or majestic

2) to be honoured, be treated as sacred

3) to be holy

c) (Piel)

1) to set apart as sacred, consecrate, dedicate

2) to observe as holy, keep sacred

3) to honour as sacred, hallow

4) to consecrate

d) (Pual)

1) to be consecrated

2) consecrated, dedicated

e) (Hiphil)

1) to set apart, devote, consecrate

2) to regard or treat as sacred or hallow

3) to consecrate

f) (Hithpael)

1) to keep oneself apart or separate

2) to cause Himself to be hallowed (of God)

3) to be observed as holy

4) to consecrate oneself

When we honor the Word of the Father, referring to it properly, and not using using it in vain by defiling it with culture, tradition, Pharisee, opinion, etc. we are hallowing it. We respect it with Fear and trembling.

We defile the Lord and the Body of Christ when we use scriptures out of context, uphold doctrines, laws, cultures, traditions, etc., above the TRUE Word of the Bible in the intent and context that God intended! Our actions and words sometimes seem holy to us when in fact they are based upon relationship in scripture but rather on the ways that culture and tradition have referred to the scriptures in doctrines, etc.

We know the truth when what we have heard or know is completely portable because the Word is meant for everyone, the Spirit is not a respector of persons - when we know or uphold can be preached anywhere independent of local culture and tradition, it is the truth. If it depends upon culture and tradition for it to be true - then it is not the Word of Truth as it is intended to be understood.

The mysteries of the Lord are revealed to those who have understanding. Let those who are able to receive, receive. Let those who are able to hear, hear. This indicates that if you are not able due to culture, tradition, opinion, Pharisee, etc., the truth will not be revealed to you or through you - it doesn't matter if you call yourself a Christian. God knows.

The only way to the truth is through personal relationship and revelation with the Lord. Faith comes by knowing and knowing through the Word.


I always try to show everyone how much they mean to me not matter what they do, or how they act. I honor my earthly father with love & respect.

I am not as dedicated to my bible studies or my prayer life as I need to be. I let everyday life stop me and hold me in place, this is not a lack of faith, I know Jesus as my savior, He died for my sins, its a lack of self-contol.

Always honor him in our words first, praise him for his love, and the blessing we have.

Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray?

What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father

When as Belivers in the Lord Jesus Christ we live lives of total surrender and obedience trusting Our Father to carry us through life.

What desecrates and besmirches it?

When we profess to be believers and dont obey,have no fear of God and choose to walk by the flesh and not by the Spirit

How should we" hallow" the Father when we begin to pray.

We should enter His courts with Praise and thanksgiving and praise God for who He is and what He has done. We should stand in awe of Him giving Him glory and honor.

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