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As was stated in the lesson, when we ask that the Father's kingdom should come, we are "asking God to manifest the power and glory of his kingdom in us and throughout our world." When we ask for God's will to be done here on earth, we acknowledging that He will not grant prayers that will contradict His will. In praying this way, the focus should move away from ourselves and toward others.


God's Word instructs us to ask for what we need, but often we digress into what we want. Our lives will be blessed if we can line up what we want with God's Will, and this will help prepare us for the Coming of God's Kingdom.


We are asking that He manifest the power and glory of His Kingdom in us. We can show the rest of the world (or at least our tiny portion of it) our Father's Kingdom.

We're asking our Father's will to be done, because He's all-knowing and knows what each person or situation needs. We don't...so we want our Father's guidance. If we aren't "in tune" with our Father, then we're going to make tremendous mistakes.

Everything we do, should be done through attempting to be "in tune" with God's will...at all times, not just when praying.

Departing from answering the questions a moment. I read (and printed it...and hung it on the wall...and e-mailed it to all of my e-mail contacts) "Father's Love Letter"....what more can I say than....WOW!


In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come?

We are asking that His kingdom come soon and in the form of Jesus Christ Himself ... in all it's/His glory.

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth?

We don't always know what is best for us, by praying that our Father's will be done we are asking tht what is best, though we don't what that is be done. It also, asks that he guides us and shows us the path that we should take so that we walk in accordence to His word.

How should this prayer affect our living?

This prayer should affect our living so that we daily live our lives according to His will and not according to the things we want or the way we want ... So, that His kingdom and His love shine forth from us that others may see it and know Him through us.


In asking for his kingdom to come, we are acknowledging that Christ will return!. When asking for his will to be done, we are submitting to him, telling him that we completely trust him with our lives.

We should be trying to live each day the way that Christ would.


In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

We are asking for His will to be done in our lives and pray that those we love will open their hearts to the Lord, also. As we can all see the work of the Devil is prevalent in the world we live in -We need to ask for God's help that we can live our lives in a way that shows we are awaiting the Kingdom of God and that if it is not God's will that the time for His Kingdom to be here on Earth yet - - that we can have His kingdom ruling our lives.


In what sense are we asking the Father's Kingdom should come?

Well, being a young Christian I would like to say that I want the Father's Kingdom to come and restore peace and order to my life and to our world and the lives of my loved ones. I did NOT want order and peace to come to my "enemies" at first. Only to those who, in my opinion, "deserved" to have order and peace in their lives. Now I realize otherwise.

Why are we asking for the Father's Will be done here on earth?

I think we've recognized we have made a mess and tons of mistakes with this gift of freewill that He gave us and that we cant manage without Him. We need His rules to live by but we often choose to break them. We need to let Him lead the way.

How should this prayer affect our living?

From what I understand, the Kingdom of Heaven is in our hearts. If we dont choose to resist, the Holy Spirit can work to mend our hurts, yank out the strongholds, offer us a fresh perspective and to ultimately give us stregnth to make amends and be able to make the choices that go with helping to carry out God's Will.


In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come?

When we become a christian (ask Jesues to be Lord of our lives) we become a menber of the kingdon of heaven. At that time we change from the family of Adam to the family of Christ. Chist's family is the kingdom family. It starts here now not later in heaven.

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth?

Our Father know the plan for our lives. We only see one demension of what is happening. His will is perfect and we will be blessed if we follow it.

How should this prayer affect our living? We should be loving children, doing the will of our Father. Not our will but yours Father.


When I pray these words, I am acknowledging the Kingdom of God, where the will of God is lovingly and willingly made manifest by us in our actions and in our dealings with each other, and I express my willingness to do my part in carrying it out.


We are asking that God's Kingdom come in every sense, first in the Jehovah Shammam sense of His ever abiding presence with us, His people, (including His first place in our hearts), and second in the glorious sense of the second coming of Jesus soon, when He will rule the earth with a rod of iron and all will be put right.

The earth was planned and created by the Father for the Father with His Word. It is only in order when the Father's will is being adhered to - otherwise total chaos takes over. We know His love and live daily in His presence, longing for His return in the fulness of time.His will is magnificent to us in every respect, for it manifests His love towards His creation. We know that if His will is complete here on earth, sin will be gone, sickness will be absent, all will be very well with each person. Under His banner of Love and Justice, everyone will flourish.

Our living should point the way to this eventuality by Godly living, obedience and care for others as He has cared for us.


I often think of the Dao De Ching, "If heaven were whole, it would rend". The idea of Dao is that perfection is, what is. But this an observation of earth and heaven that is ignorant of God's designs. Similarly, the Muslim idea is that every animal and plant, every incarnation besides Man is a natural "muslim" because they all abide in God's will. Man, before the dawn of creation, asked for freewill inorder to bring more glory to God in the final submission. Alas, this too is ignorant of the whole design. The Bible informs us that "Ego/Pride" and "Freewill" are details in the problem sin and the full reality of Christ's suffering for our sin. I'm just getting to know the Bible but this is what fascinates me. If I'm way off, please instruct me.


Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come?

We are asking that this world as we know it come to an end, and His kingdom as we read of it come to replace all the evil and suffering that we know.

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth?

We are asking for His will to be done on earth because we know that Satan's stronghold will be done with, and we look forward to His wonderful kingdom in the new earth.

How should this prayer affect our living?

This should affect our living by making us be in His Word more often, and by allowing the Holy Spirit to change all of the wrong things within us, so that we grow ever closer to the goal of eternal life.


The Phrase. "We ask that you Kindom will come now" is a reference to God's spirtual reign. God's Kingdom was announced in the covenant with Abraham (8:11: Luke 13:28) is present in Christ reign in Believers hearts, and will be complete what all evil is destroyed and he establishes the new heaven and earth.

We are to let God reign not only here on earth but in our hearts, and daily go to him in prayer that "His will" will be done not only here on earth but in our lives. :D


In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come?

that the moment GOD has decided to "Come" and get us (we die) that then we go directly to "heaven"

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth?

that Jesus uses us for his doings while still here (on earth) alive

How should this prayer affect our living?

lets us know that we are here for a purpose, (which is to let everyone we come in contact with know of GOD and his doings) as well as there is a better place to go when Jesus is finished using us for his doings


Wow, what a question! How/why are we asking that Gods kingdom come here on earth when we pray? Can you imagine a world in which everyone is living as God wants people to live? :rolleyes: We wouldn't recognize the place. It would be a bit like heaven on earth! :D Now THAT is the earth I want to live in. Jesus knew that this kind of world would be so much etter for us than what we presently have. He knew that if we asked the Father (Daddy) to come and run things we would be so much better off. Things would be like they were meant to be. Because of sin, this world has never been what God wanted for us.

Besides, when we ask that God's will be done, we are acknowledging His soverignity, His majesty, His holiness, His supremacy. We are acknowledging that he is the Lord of all. He is God and that is the way it should be. :rolleyes: We are putting the proper perspective on the whole thing when we ask God to run things. :D


Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

In two senses, we want the Father's kingdom to be established within us and our lives and also we want the coming of the Lord Jesus to establish His kingdom here on earth. This prayer affects our daily living in two ways also. We are live our lives day by day wanting the Father's will and authority and to be manifest and also we are to live as though Christ will return any moment.


the media has allowed all sorts of people to impudently ask why God allows all these situations to occur in our world..He rules over the affairs of man...

someday, He will not allow Anything to come..unless it is from His hand...

now, we have an adversary and God allows him rope...but only till then...now we pray: Thy will be done...one day it will!



1. To me it is like asking for help in submission. God's kingdom should be reflected in how we conduct our lives. If God's glory can be reflected to the world in how we play the hand we are dealt that would be something.

2. The thoughts of man are foolishness and troublesome. God's will being done is nothing short of perfection despite what we think we want.

3. Again submission. if we don't live it do we really believe it?


I have been struggling with a definition for repent. What does it mean??


In what sense are we asking that the Father's Kingdom Come? We are acknowledging that the kingdom is Yahweh and that it be present in our lives. Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? There is so much sin and chaios here on earth, however, we know that all will not adhere to the basic fundamental teachings of the heavenly Father. How should this prayer affect our living? We should be upholding and admonishing the kingdom where ever we are and not when it is most convenient.





I have been struggling with a definition for repent. What does it mean??

Repentence is always about doing the next right thing rather than beating yourself over the head for something you have done in the past. The latter is just a sure way to get caught in a cycle of unforgiveness. In Hebrew the word for repentence is "t'shuvah" which literally means "to turn around." The idea is that it is not enough to just say "I'm sorry." You must turn your back on the behavior for which you are repenting. In the future whenever you have a choice to behave that way again consistently choosing something else will demonstrate that you have truly repented.


We ask the Father's kingdom to come so that the "system" of divine living can be established here on earth as it is in heaven. The Father's kingdom is His ultimate plan of how we should live in His will. We need to operate in His will because we do not possess the infinate knowledge to know the end from the beginning as He does. God knows what's best ultimately and if we allow His will to be done, there is no need for questions because His will is perfect. This prayer should affect of daily living in that we shoud always request God to have us do that which is well pleasing in His sight and to lean not unto our own understanding, but in all our ways, acknowledge Him and in this, His perfect will becomes our will.


Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

We are on this earth for God's glory. The kingdom come is the body of Christ and ultimately the final Kingdom when He comes to redeem His people. We are on this earth preparing for an eternity of worship with God in His new kingdom.

God is perfect and holy and has given us instruction how to live - - His will is done on the earth. The good things and the bad - - all things are filtered through His fingers. We should pray constantly that we are in His will and living out His instructions. We should relinquish control and allow God to work in and through us.

Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

I realized a while back that the most powerful part of prayer (at least from the human perspective) is really "petition." We're told "ask and you shall receive" and it's easy to take that promise at face value and go along praying for health, wealth, and happiness or whatever. But it doesn't really work like that: the promise is more accurately "ask for something that's in the will of God and you shall receive." So ideally when you pray, you should be praying for things that are in God's will.

The catch is that there are very few things we can be absolutely certain are in the will of God. Makes it real difficult to know what to pray for and how it feels to be praying in the will of God. So what's important about "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done" is that it consists entirely of things that we're absolutlely certain are God's will. There is absolutely no doubt whatesoever that God's intention is that His kingdom will come. No doubt that His will will be done. Even if we don't understand the details of God's will the way we understand more concrete things, when we pray this prayer we are 100% in synch with God.

I know this is skipping ahead, but I think I'd be willing to say the same thing about the rest of the Lord's Prayer as well. "Give us this day our daily bread" is a statement of complete reliance on God for sustenance of all kinds -- definitely God's will. Ditto for forgiveness both for ourselves and from us towards others. Reciting this prayer ought to be one of the most ecstatic things one can do, but unfortunately most of the time people rise once a week, recite the words when they're told, then sit back down and go on to the next thing in the service.

I mentioned in passing above that we probably understand "more concrete things" better than we understand the will of God. Asking for help paying the rent or healing for a parent does seem pretty concrete. But I've found that it's not really concrete at all. God's will may be that His idea of "help paying the rent" means that you're going to have to move to a less expensive place. God's idea of healing for your parent may be to bring him/her home quickly. Yes, our prayer was answered, but we have to be entirely ready to notice the answer and recognize it as a blessing even when it's nothing like what we expected. And my experience has been that most of the time it will be nothing like what we expected.

So it doesn't really matter whether we understand what sense we're asking the Father's kingdom to come or exactly what it means for His will to be done here on earth. The point is to ask and to know that when you DO ask you are absolutely in sync with God's will and there is no doubt that what you ask will come to be.


When we pray "Thy kingdom come," aren't we praying that all creation will respond to God and obey Him? God's will WILL ultimately be done. When we pray for His will to be done "on earth as it is in heaven," I believe we are praying that our wills will coincide with the Father's will. This prayer changes us to be more like Jesus -- in obedience, in service to others, and in love to God and our fellow man. I believe that this prayer, prayed wholeheartedly, will change hearts, minds, and lives.

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