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Lesson 1 Q 2:

In what sense are we asking that the Father's Kingdom should come?

The sense we are asking that the Father's Kingdom should come is we are asking God to manifest the power and glory of his kingdom in us, and throughout our world.

Why are we asking that the Father's will to be done here on earth?

So all can know His power and glory and praying that Christ might reign over all. Also to hasten the return of Jesus Christ to this earth.

How should this prayer affect our living?

We should be living with God's will on our minds at all times. Our living should be in tune with and guided by God's will. Amen!

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We are asking for The Return of Jesus to Earth and to manifest the power and glory in us.

b----- To be in tune with God's will for our lives and doing what is God's will. Wanting only God's will for our lives...

c---- We should only want the will of God here on Earth. We should strive to be more like Jesus everyday. SINLESS!


We ask that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven: That even as the angels worship God in heaven so should our worship be to God on earth,

This should affect our lives by us living lives that approximate to that type the angels live in heaven


We are asking that the Father's Kingdom should come in that we are God's glory will be manifested in all we do.

Being in the centre of God's will is very important. So we are in essense sayiong, Not my will but let your will be done in my life as God knows best. He knows the end from the beginning and vice versa.

This prayer should affect our lives in that we must consistently give ourselves over to God, learn his will by hearing what he has to say.Study and meditate on his word daily.


Thou Kingdom come:

We are asking that God's plans for us on this earth are completed.

Thou Will be done:

That God's ultimate will, plans, and decisions are done. So that we can no longer be a part of sin instead God's will shall triumph throughout this earth.


We are asking God that His kingdom, His will, His glory be manifest on this earth.

We should always ask that His will be done. He is the creator, Lord, Father. It should never be our will.

This prayer should affect us by keeping those words. For if we turn towards sin and not away from it, we are not abiding that His will be done; but instead are trying to endorse our will.


In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should com

Why are we asking for the father's will to be done here on earth?

How should this prayer affect our living?

1. We are asking that God would manifest His power and glory through

us that we might affect the world for His purposes.

2. We are asking that the father's will be done here on earth so that

the kingdoms of the world will now be His (returned to its rightfull owner

after the fall).

3. It should affect our living, in that, we should follow the example that

Jesus has given us, in how our life should be guided by the Holy Spirit.


In what sense are we asking that the Fathers Kingdom should come?

We are asking in the sense that God's kingdom in which He is Lord and King over all would come.

Why are we asking for the Fathers will to be done here on earth?

Its obvious that life on earth is not as it is in the heaven of the Bible. We are to ask, pray for for His will to be done. It is a responsiblity of ours as His ambassadors on this earth to pray for it. John MacArthur says "lack of faithful prayer inhibits His will being done."

How should this prayer affect our living?

Not only does God tell us to pray but he shows us how in simple terms with profound implications. We should spend much time in prayer and pray that God live out His kingdom in us. We must discipline ourselves to show the world the righteousness and goodness of God's kindom so that they too will desire it.

As always I have a lot of work to do in this area.

God Bless




We are praying for the return of Jesus and this we will see fully on his return. The kingdom of this world will have become his. We know God is in control and that he allows thing to happen. We are not to be selfish in praying bur pray according to the will of God. We are praying for the quick return of Jesus. His timing is not our and that is great because he desires that we all are saved. We can't say that we have not had a chance to repent and receive Jesus as our LORD and SAVIOR. We should live a life of expectancy. Hopefully we are prepared for his return and ready to meet him.

This is a great study because I think we all need help in how to pray and what to pray for. I want to pray in the spirit and according to the will of God.


The one thing that I might have to offer that is different from the many wonderful posts I've read is to look at the word "as". "on earth as it is in heaven" Could that mean "in the same manner"? Are we to respond to God's will and do His will with the same attitude and completeness that the angels do? Joyfully, happily, without reservation, totally, completely, all the way, nothing held back. In total awe of the majesty of God. With total reverence. With all that is in within us.

This is a new way of looking at if for me and one I will be trying to make part of the fabric of my being.


I think that in asking the Father for His Kingdom to come, we are asking for Him to allow righteousness to reign over evil. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is at hand, that is that if we live according to His teaching we are establishing the Kingdom now. Also that we are asking for it to be made full, which will be at His return.

We are asking for the Father


Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

We should submit our minds to God's will and God's renewal. God's will is to have priority over our will. There is little point in praying for God's Kingdom to be strengthened everywhere in the world if we do not want God to be King in our own lives.


We are asking that the Father's kingdom come in at least two senses. One present: that the Father's Kingdom will come in and through us, that we will be the light and salt of the world, true disciples of Christ that make disciples of others; even to the ends of the world. Second sense is future; after we have fulfilled the great commission; we want Jesus to return to rapture the Church, but I believe as a discipler of Christ we must have the heart of God, "Not wishing that any should perish," to that end, even when we would desire a speedy return of Christ, we desire more that the Kingdom of God be fulfilled in us to the point of giving our all to winning souls for the Kingdom of God.

If God's will is done in us, then we would be about our father business winning souls, and all of God's children could be freed from the bondage of this flesh and the world. God is in control of heaven and when Jesus returns He will be in control of earth as well. When Jesus returns to reign over the earth God's will will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

This prayer should drive us to strive to be more like Jesus everyday.


When we pray "Your kingdom come" we are asking God's will be done in us, because the kingdom of God is within us! We want His will to be done, and His will is being done! We are in agreement with His will!! It makes me want to be in close communion with my Abba Father! So when He reveals His will to me I know it and am quick to obey! We also have to put into practice in our own lives what God says His will for us is! I need to be listening!!!!


Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven:

It is such a sweet thought that the bible tells us--promises us--that Jesus will come again. This prayer reminds us of Jesus' promise every time we say it. And with that promise we are also reminded that he is the loving Father--our guide to the glories of the kingdom.

We are His children--and just like a father He also reminds us that He is the one who is in control. His will be done on earth and in heaven. Life becomes so much easier to take when the child is obedient to the parent who has only the best interests of the child at heart.

In our walk with God we need to remember what it was like to be a child--to trust our father--crawl up on his lap and feel his care and strength--know that he would provide all of our needs so we never had to worry. That's what He wants for us now.


When ask for his kingdom to come we are actually, anticipating that his kingdom will come as promised in the second coming of christ.

His will be done on earth. Tells us that we should conduct ourselves both in prayer and dialy living according to his will. We must therefore desire to live according to his will. This can be achieved by seeking the Guidance of the holy spirit to manifest to us and breakus down to his specifications. This is the process all christians go through to achieve his perfect will in our lives.


when we ask the the Father's Kingdom to come on earth, we are asking God's indwelling Presence in our lives...which became possible thru the death and resurrection of Christ and then before Christ went to sit at the right hand of the Father, He left the Holy Spirit to dwell in those who are born again to His Kingdom.

The will of the Father is perfect, pleasing and it is not to harm us, but it is to prosper us and whoever does the will of the Father pleases HIm. Our Lord Jesus had set us a good example. ANd these should be our cry to let His Will be done on earth. When we pray like this, we also do the best we could with the grace of God to live a life that is in line withHis WOrd. and the meditation of our heart is pure.


IN what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? For God to manifest himself in us. We want the Lord to come quickly to take us home.

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? Wanting Christ to reign over all.

How should this prayer affect our living?

To conform to God's will for us in our lives. To have Gods will guide us in what we do and say.


Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come?

The Fathers power, his provision, his will.

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth?

Because His will is perfect, he know our need and generously supplies it.

How should this prayer affect our living?

It should be a daily staple, a necessary start to every day. Like the air we breath


Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living?

In what sense? In a sense of awe. In a sense of helplessness. Because earlier we see how the Father's glory is and how we often take His name in vain. Having tasted the majesty of His name, we now ask our Father that He come soon and establish His throne because we have made our lives miserable having gone our own ways. We have become helpless on our own strength and now we crave for the Father's abiding presence.

Our will is always contradicting the will of the Father, because we are in this world and this world belongs to the Devil and his angels. They control everything in here. So, in a way, they control our minds and bodies too. Unless we surrender our everything to our Lord and Father, there is always this contradiction taking place in all our decisions. That is why we seek the Father's will to be done on this earth as well as in our lives, so that our lives might become more meaningful in His sight.

This prayer is self demeaning, self killing. We kill the self and ask the Lord to take over. Once He does that, our lives will change automatically and we begin to live for the Lord along with Paul saying, 'for me to live is Christ, to die is gain'. What a blessed life that will be.


When I ask, "Your kingdom come", it's two-fold. First, that His presence of the Holy Spirit would come in fullness in every part of the lives of His people to help us live out the righteousness, peace, and joy that is His kingdom (Rom. 14:17). The kingdom of God exists right here on earth within the Body of Christ, as we yield ourselves as subjects to the One who has all right and authority to reign. Secondly, I'm asking that the physical return of Jesus to reclaim and fully redeem earth as King of kings and Lord of lords would happen sooner rather than later! Especially as we observe the state of this world today and the events that are ravaging God's creation.

The Word says that the will of God will be done. When I ask for the Father's will to be done here on earth, I am asking that it be done just as perfectly, just as joyfully, just as obediently as it is done in heaven. The request is not that the Lord needs any help getting it done, it's that we need help in doing it!

This prayer keeps the spiritual realm in sharper focus. It reminds me of God's authority in my own life. It calls me to submit my mind, will, emotions, body, time, my all to His good and perfect will.


Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come?

We are asking that he return to earth to rule and reign for ever more. We are asking him to show his power and glory to all the world and for the Father God to send Jesus again to take us home with him.

Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth?

The Fathers will is perfect. Not like us as human's who make mistakes or are selfish. His will is perfect and without failure of any kind his will should be our will also and one day when he returns it will be.

How should this prayer affect our living?

This prayer should show us to open our prayers with praise for our Lord for he is worthy of all praise, honor and glory, Then we are to ask his will to be done in our lives as well as on this earth. It should change our lives to be more like Jesus. :wub:


We want God's ways and thoughts and eyes to be ours; to establish these on earth. His will, not ours, will bring about this process; we all need to surrender our wills to the will of our Father. God is love; we surrender to God's love; receiving it, giving it, living it; establishing His Kingdom by love.

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