Dada Posted July 1, 2008 Report Posted July 1, 2008 class1fox said: In what sense are we asking that the Father's Kingdom Come? We are acknowledging that the kingdom is Yahweh and that it be present in our lives. Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? There is so much sin and chaios here on earth, however, we know that all will not adhere to the basic fundamental teachings of the heavenly Father. How should this prayer affect our living? We should be upholding and admonishing the kingdom where ever we are and not when it is most convenient. GIVING HONOR TO YAHWEH ELOHIM FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY Geraldine THE KINGDOM IS THE CHURCH.JESUS GAVE PETER THE KEY TO THE KINGDOM ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST. Quote
Dada Posted July 1, 2008 Report Posted July 1, 2008 Stan said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? In the physical sense we would like to see God take His place as ruler of the world and to remove all sin from our lives We ask that His will be done meaning that more or all peoples would come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We should live our prayers believing that God will answer. He will have His way here on earth and we as His Children will live and praise Him eternally. THE KINGDOM IS THE CHURCH.PETER WAS GIVEN THE KEY .HE USE IT ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST. Quote
iam4-1god Posted July 7, 2008 Report Posted July 7, 2008 Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? I think that when we ask for The Kingdom to come and for God's will to be done, it means that we should be concerned with having Jesus in control of our lives-Him dwelling in us. That is God's will. That we live with the heart and mind that Jesus is in us, and we are to be about our Father's business. When this happens, we will conduct ourselves in a manner that is pleasing to God, and also in a manner that others can see and know that something is different about us. Quote
Sis. Abney Posted July 23, 2008 Report Posted July 23, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? He promised that he will return, and we shall see a new heaven and a new earth, so as we live day by day fighting temptation, and the sin of this world with the help of the holy spirit it is for the believers to pray to our father that this world of evil come to an end and come. Q2. We pray that he let his holy spirit which is the comforter that he left dwells in us to help us endure the temptations and trials of life here on earth as it is in heaven. Q3.To enable us to walk in the holy spirit so that others may sight his life in us. Quote
swordwoman Posted July 27, 2008 Report Posted July 27, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? We are asking for the return of Jesus Christ to rule and reign upon t he earth. We are asking for the Father's will to be done, because God knows (in advance) what He has planned for our lives. Satan's big lie is to "offer" us an alternative that is counterfeit to God's ultimate plan...because of the weakness of our flesh and our own evil heart's desires, we fall prey to satan's devices and "get our knickers in a twist." God, however, is faithful to His own, and always "does a Romans 8:28" on us...Amen! This prayer should affect our living in that we should always pray the Father's will on earth as it is in heaven in our lives...this kind of prayer is a prayer God will always answer and will yield the best results for our lives. Praying according to His Word is the best and most effective prayer. Quote
JanMary Posted July 28, 2008 Report Posted July 28, 2008 Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? We're asking His power and glory to be manifested in us and in the world as He intended before Adam and Eve fell and the Kingdom of God was delivered over to Satan. Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? We're asking for Jesus to come and take up His throne on earth. For the earth to be established in His righteousness and peace, in submission to His will and His Lordship. How should this prayer affect our living? It should help me to remember I'm a pilgrim passing through this temporary wilderness on the way to my eternal home.. and that while I'm here, to live in such a way that my life draws others to Him and brings Him into my little corner of this earth. Quote
RickJW Posted August 4, 2008 Report Posted August 4, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? By asking that God's kingdom come, we are asking the Lord to help people, including ourselves, to live by his will. His kingdom is a spiritual kingdom, it exists within his children, those who believe that Jesus Christ was sacrificed as substitutionary atonement for all of man's sins. We ask that His will be done on earth in this prayer, which was given to the disciples, to remind us that we should not pray only for ourselves, but for all of mankind. This was a prayer made to teach the disciples to pray, and so contains the elements of a prayer that could meet God's will. It is prayers that are within God's will, or His boundaries, that are answered. We should live by the example of this prayer, as humble servants, as Christ did. We should look to the betterment of those around us first. Offer help to the down-trodden, give alms for the poor, and not store up earthly treasures for ourselves. Quote
csreeves Posted August 10, 2008 Report Posted August 10, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? We are asking God to allow His kindom to enter us so that his will will be done through us. God's will is what gives us our health and skill so that the Father's will can be done through us is we humble ourselves. Quote
Precious Posted August 13, 2008 Report Posted August 13, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? This prayer will only affect our living if we are obedient. If we refuse to be teachable then God's kingdom cannot be experienced in our life. If we obey i.e absolute obedience it will not be difficult to do our father's will. If God's will is obeyed by all the world would be a better place to live. It will be peaceful. Our own little effort can help, we should do whatever is within our power to obey God's command even in witnessing. If many people are born again it will be possible for God's kingdom to be on earth. We should all do our little part Quote
Jose B. Cruz Posted August 18, 2008 Report Posted August 18, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? R2. In God's (our Father's) Kingdom, His will is followed perfectly, i.e., 100%. God reigns suppreme in an individual, a group or society when His will is done perfectly in one or in all. We are asking our Father to be our King, everyone's King; we will submit our own wills to His will. We are asking our Father's will tobe done here on earth so that our earth will be like Heaven! O what glorious moment! When we pray the Disciples' Prayer we are commiting our whole humanity to the whole divinity of our God, the Father Almighty. Quote
Joi Posted August 19, 2008 Report Posted August 19, 2008 We are asking that the Lord will hasten the return of Christ to earth. God's kingdom will not be fully present until Jesus returns. We should live as if Jesus is returning today. We we pray we should think first of what is good for God's kingdom and not what is good for ourselves. Quote
ellajames Posted August 19, 2008 Report Posted August 19, 2008 As christians we have a big part to play by availing our lives so God can use us to proclaime his mighty acts in the earth. Jesus came for the brokenhearted, those who needed a spiritual sight, who were bound in sin and he preach deliverance to the captives and we who are blood waste in the Lord be continue His work in the earth and let our light shine so men can see God and glorify his holy name,a nd also we must praise his name so His spirit can draw me unto himself, and people be free from boundage, and accept christ as Lord of there lives. we are asking God for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven because our help cometh from the Lord only; creator of heaven and earth, He is in control (not man) therefore His Will must stand, His desire must come to past, His mission must be accomplish and our lives must line up to his will on earth. we want his manifesting power to be seen and bring about chang each day in our community, homes and lives. by praying the will of God each day, and asking him to come quickly Quote
waynus Posted August 20, 2008 Report Posted August 20, 2008 We are asking for his glory and power to be made visible in us and through us and for the saints around the world. Secondly in asking for Gods will to be done on earth is to acknowledge the fulfillment of the prophecies spoken of Jesus return and the power delegated to him to rule on earth. To confirm this is also recognition that this part of the prayer is not about us but about God and what He wants firstly for us to do on earth and how we are to conduct ourselves on a daily basis that brings His kingdom here on earth. For this prayer to affect our living is to place Gods will before our own and in so doing the verse of ' seek ye first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness' will take more of a centre stage in our lives day to day. Quote
Tina Posted September 8, 2008 Report Posted September 8, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? When we ask for God's Kingdom to come, we are asking for all His power, His grace, Hid righteousness and His love to be manifest in our lives on earth. We are also asking that He come quickly to earth again. We ask for the Father's will to be done on earth because we are His disciples and His disciples should live selfless lives, putting our praise, worship and gratitude to God before our requests are made known to Him. This prayer should make us live lives focussed more on how we ought to serve God rather than what we expect Him to do for us. It should help us become more concerned about the needs of the lost than our own needs. Quote
Daff Posted February 24, 2009 Report Posted February 24, 2009 We are asking for the needs of others to be met before asking for ourselves. Others need Christ in their lives they need to experience the power of God in their lives meeting the spiritual, physical, emotional, financial needs. Kingdom living can and will provide all this and more. This is when prison doors are open, chains fall off, captives are set free. Jesus comes into their lives and they start to experience kingdom living . God said He would not have one to perish. How can this come to pass if we who know our God do not pray for them. I believe as we start to concentrate more on seeing the lives of others changed, that our own lives will be affected. We will be changed because we are praying according to His will and purpose. I say "let Thy kingdom come and be on earth just as our Father planned it to be. Let's get out of our selfish ways and be vessels ready for the Master's purposes." Quote
catluvsjesus Posted May 20, 2009 Report Posted May 20, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? When I read this scripture I think of the scripture that says in Matt 16:19 "whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." His Kingdom should be manifested in the natural here on earth. This manifestation is through the will of God and we should come to Yahweh's throne with humility and confidence of his authority and control over the heavens and earth. Our life should be a reflection of God's will. Quote
muriel Posted June 18, 2009 Report Posted June 18, 2009 God's Kingdom is somewhat three dimensional. In prayer, we ask for the Kingdom of God to be in our hearts (Luke 17:21) Do you pray for God's authority to rule over your life? We pray that we can add people to God's Kingdom (Luke 9:11) Do you pray for the Gospel to be spread worldwide and for it to be imprinted on peoples' hearts? Above all, we pray that His ultimate Kingdom will come (Psalm 103:19) Do you pray in anticipation of His return? Consequently, the Kingdom of God is inner, expanding, and eternal. If the Father's will was done here on earth, that would be a perfect world. We should walk in the will of God and the steps of Jesus. "You will know them by their fruit". Quote
maxxina Posted June 21, 2009 Report Posted June 21, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? We are praying as the passage says that HE will reign over all. When we pray his will be done is saying that He will do what He knows is best for us. Quote
4JaneE Posted June 22, 2009 Report Posted June 22, 2009 I don't think that 'we' are asking for God's will to be done, I think that we are acknowledging that it is the way it is. God's will. Period. If we remember this 24/7...we would all be happier. God is in control, not us. Quote
angelcarols Posted June 22, 2009 Report Posted June 22, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? I believe that when we say, "Thy kingdom come," we are both asking for His kingdom to be established on the earth as well as acknowledging that it will be so. Since we are constrained by time and space, for us this will hapen sometime in the future. However, I believe that this work, this establishment of His kingdom, has really already occurred; we just have not experienced it yet. I believe that God, the omnipotent, established His kingdom when Jesus cried out, "It is finished." We ask for the Father's will because His will is true and perfect. We are humbling ourselves and bowing to His authority. This prayer should affect our living by causing us to think, speak, and act in accordance with the Father's will, yielding to Him and supressing our earthly desires. Quote
mygardengates Posted July 13, 2009 Report Posted July 13, 2009 It effects me in a way that I shouldn't ever worry or faint because things are going bad. In my heart I have so much hope that our Earth is going to be just like Heaven one day. Living in this world but not of the world can make us so sad. So much hate, crime, unholiness, ungodliness, selfish, no love. I pray to our Lord "Abba" to set me free from all of this and to keep me safe and to protect me from all evil. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is Heaven. I have heavenly thoughts always just knowing that we have a place to go. The Lords promise is all I need. Quote
hankeelady Posted August 2, 2009 Report Posted August 2, 2009 When I say "Thy Kingdom Come" I am wanting first and foremost for the 2nd Coming of Christ. BUT, I also know I am to do my part to accomplish that as well. The Scriptures say that Christ will return when "all have heard" the message of Christ. Thus I may be able to reach that one last soul to bring on His 2nd coming. I want the Father's will, not mine, because if I were to design it I, very selfishly, would want him to come NOW!! I think this part of the prayer indicates my true heart of my prayer. Am I here only to ask for something? Am I here to truly meet with God on his premises and principles. Do I truly want what He wants? Quote
hankeelady Posted August 5, 2009 Report Posted August 5, 2009 Many times throughout the NEW Testatment, Christ refered to the time when His kingdom would be set up on this earth. He would be the ruling King and we his faithful servants. Think about the times of Kings and serfs how the serfs worked the land and gave unto the King what was due him in return for his protection. Someday soon Christ will set up his literal Kingdom here but for now we must remember that the Kingdom consists of His Lordship over us and our desire to "work" for Him to bring others into that Kingdom. What then is God's will for now. That we do our part to bring others in....that His will is completed soon. What is God's will? That every soul be won to Him. Quote
ajavajunkie Posted August 27, 2009 Report Posted August 27, 2009 When we ask God for His Kingdom to come, we are "asking God to manifest the power and glory of His kingdom in us, and throughout the world". We are asking for God's will to be done here on earth so our prayers will be "in tune and guided by God's Will". When we pray according to God's Will we are no longer praying for ourselves, we are praying that whatever God wants, it will happen. We will stop praying only when we need something and start praying when we want God's Will to happen in the world and in our lives and in others. We will no longer be selfish, but be focusing on God and others. Quote
MAMA Posted October 12, 2009 Report Posted October 12, 2009 Q2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? How should this prayer affect our living? The coming of God's Kingdom is in the Father's hand. For when it should come we must be prepared by living holy. We must pray and seek His wills and ways in our everyday lives here on earth. Each time we pray this prayer God expect us to grow not only in wisdom but in knowledge. This prayer affect my living; by forgiving and loving those who has trepass against me. God has given us one of the greatest prayer ever!!!!!! Patricia Quote
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