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Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

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God is interested in the smallest details of our lives, and desires a close relationship with us. By daily asking God for our needs, we begin to develop the kind of relationship He longs for and we need.


Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?

Most often, i think it is cause we feel it a sign of weakness to ask for help from others. We want so badly to rely on ourselves and show the world just how strong we are and in control of our own lives.

Why do we seek to be independent of God?

I don't think that we so much seek to be independent of God. I think that it is more that when things are going good in our lives we become complacent and forget that we are still in need of his provisions on a daily basis. We are so quick to take credit for things and start thinking we can do all things for ourselves. Oh but, when things are going bad we run so quick to Him and want know why, why, why?

Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

So that we can keep earning a living for ourselves. Without daily bread from God we might not be able to carry one. I need daily bread from God to give me the strength, courage, patience, etc ... to make it thourgh each and every day.


I think that sometimes we feel that if we ask people for help, they'll think we're weak. We want to do everything ourselves. But the truth is, if we try to live our lives not needing anyone, then we are living independent of God, and it never works! Without God in our lives, we can do nothing, with him we can do anything!.


We don't like appearing to others as though we are weak...we're full of pride.

I don't think we consciously seek to be independent of God, but our pride is still there.

We should ask God to give us our daily bread, so we can always remember that it is He who gives us the health, strenth, and ability to work to receive our bread. Utlimately, it is God who provides our bread.


3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

We like to think that we are the center of the universe - we are the important one - we are the smart one. We are knowledgeable - our decisous are good - we like to feel independant. I have a job - I make money - I bought this house - this food - I am the provider. We are the selfish "I" We have all these self sufficient things because God allowed us to have them - he gave them to us. We are completely reliant on God for our daily needs - it is through his kindness and grace that we are permitted to have what we have. When Solomon asked for Wisdom God not only granted him his wish but also made him very rich. We need to rely on God not just for our "daily bread" but for all aspects of our lives.


It feels good to think we are in control of our circumstances and our environment. And I think that is partly encouraged by the fact that we cant expect to always rely on someone else for help. People get sick, they break, they bite off more than they can chew or they are just plain lazy - or whatever. So why bother to ask someone else for help? Also, Jesus Himself admitted that he did not trust humans (in the Bible), and there are plenty of examples of how His deciples could not always keep their promises to Him.

Plus,western culture is getting further and further away from the days when folks were community-minded and neighbors could rely on each other for all kinds of things. Praise God for the church family. I think its how some folks react to money. Folks who have money to spend have the option of either relying on God *or* on products or labor purchased. The Serpent in the Garden of Eden tempted Eve with the concept how we would be like God and know both good and evil if she ate the apple. Before the apple incident, we relied on God alone. I guess that was all we knew how to do was rely on Him. Can you imagine that?!

I am a firm believer that the money I make is not mine at all. It belongs to God. I have peace of mind that if I lose my salary, God will provide help in other ways. And asking God to "give" us our daily bread is nurturing to our relationship with Him anyway! It is certainly a way to keep the door open for Him to lead us.


Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?

Why do we seek to be independent of God?

I think the answer to the these questions is the same. We are taught from the time we are little that we must be strong and independent. Get up, get to work ,get job and don't relay on anyone, be independent. This changes us for life, we have a hard time asking anyone for help in cluding God.

Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

Earning a living by work is also a gift from God. All good thing are a gift from God.

We need to talk to the Father daily, so daily ask for what we need for that day.


Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?

Why do we seek to be independent of God?

Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

We don't ask others or God for help because it implies maybe weakness. I think it also reflects on how our parents treated us. If we had a standoffish relationship growing up then it is hard at times to approach the Father for things, we get used to doing them ourselves.

Our daily bread means many things. God wants us to work, to eat, to have the things necessary for life. He wants us to rely on Him for everything, He will provide. He doesn't want us to be a burden on anyone - - employment/working has been a condition since creation in the Garden - Adam was to work it and take care of it. On this earth we are to do the same, all for the glory of God.


1. I think we have a fear of being let down by those of whom we ask help. We feel emotionally safer if we can take care of everything ourselves. In Australia we have traditionally learned independence from early days, and it's a hard habit to break. However, scripture teaches us to take care of one another. Other cultures do this to a much greater degree. A Greek friend of mine said his uncle would be enraged if he werenot asked to help with the building of a new shed. He would feel leftout of family affairs. I love this idea of family among Christians and long to see it operating - or rather I get excited when I do see it operating. We were never intended to live separate lives, but to love one another, and to be loved.

2. Seeking independence of God is partly a cultural thing and largely rebellion and witchcraft. Father is our creator and sustainer, and has given us the ability prosper within His creation. Independence of Him is a ridiculously impossible thought. Rather let us embrace the relationshp He longs to have with us, His creation, through the saving blood of His Son, Yeshua. He calls us "friend" as He called Abraham. Oh yes Lord, I never want to be separated from You, neither do I have to be. I never have to be alone or without resources (for everything is Father's). I praise and worship You from the bottom of my heart, and cry out for your love. Your love satisfies the longings of my tender heart.

3.Yes, Father has given us all the resourcefulness we need to prosper and satisfy our needs and the needs of less fortunate people (who are included in the "us"). He has a much larger vision of life than we tend to have, but we can reach up to Him and gain a greater vision of our function in life. Life is not all about "me". It is about "us". Yes, we are individuals and have personal needs, which our Father is able to meet. And then there is everybody else who is also part of me, especially within the household of faith, whose needs are every bit as important as mine. Let me not be selfish, but think in terms of the great "us", and get my mind operating in a greater sphere, more like the Father's.

As Donnakds said, Solomon asked for wisdom. He needed it to take care of the whole Jewish nation. His request complied wonderfully with the instruction to ask God "Give US this day our daily bread". No wonder God loved him! All th blessings he poured out on Solomon blessed the whole Jewish nation, because Solomon was an "us" thinker!


Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

Pride keeps us from asking any one for help even when we are lost in a jungle. We always want to try it on our own. The basic nature of man to be self dependant. The rebellious frame of mind which says why should I need someone when I can do things myself? That's the basic structure of our mind which dictates what we chose to do. The rebellious attitude inherent in each one of us makes us run away from God and do things our way. B)

God is a loving Father. He delights in His children and loves being close to them. When we love someone, we always try to please them. So in this case, when we are in love with the Father and want Him to control our lives, it is better if we let Him give what He wants to give us. In the best interest of His children, our loving Father will always give the best to us. Whether our needs are physical or mental or spiritual or economic, its always the best for His children. Why do we have to strain and struggle all our lives for the 2nd best things, when our Father is prepared to give to top of the line stuff for us.


Q3 Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?

We are too proud to ask anyone for help. We keep forgetting Prov. 16:18. Our human pride makes us haughty.

Why do we seek to be independent of God?

Because we always seem to come out on top, we ignore the fact that God is our ultimate provider.

Why should we ask God to "give us" our daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

Because everything that we are, everything that we do, everything we earn, (career) everything we can ever hope to be, is a gift from the Father.


My thoughts/responses are taken from a personal perspective and I interchange we/I often.

1. We are taught from the beginning to be able to do for ourselves, think about what is going and just get it done. If you can't do it yourself you are a failure. Don't bother someone they have enough of their own to take of. We will be ridiculed by our helper for not being able to take of it or figure the problem out and fix it whether we have the right equipment or not. Too often the line gets blurred as to what we can do and what we need help with: tie our own shoes or needing someone to help. (PRIDE)

2. See above (PRIDE)

3. We must recognize that our abilities and what we have is a gift from God. It all comes from Him. Our understanding of the things of God is a gift from Him. I don't quite understand in my own thought but, Jesus said "I am the bread of life". Satan's fall came because of pride, and that pride made him think he is the equal of God. oops!!

We can't fall in the trap of thinking (getting lazy) that it will come to us anyway, we deserve it and have it coming. What we deserve is eternal damnation.

Take to remember God it all comes from Him and is all His anyway.


Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

I think it is a natural human reaction to have a "take charge" attitude. We want to be independant and have control over our own lives. It is also natural for us to be anxious when difficult times are upon us and it is hard just sit back and wait for God (or someone else) to provide. We are a stubborn and impatient breed and submission does not easy. God wants us to look to Him for every provision.


Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?

We dont want to rely on anyone, thinking we can do it on our own.

Why do we seek to be independent of God?

Some think that God is not interested in what they do. They can do things without him they dont need God.

Why should we ask God to"give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

We need to rely on God to supply all of our needs as the psalmist says. God is still on His throne and is interested in all we do and how we take care of our bodies.


1. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?

We seek to be independent of asking anyone for help because we feel as though we are sufficient to ourselves.

2. Why do we seek to be independent of God?

We seek to be independent of Yahweh because we really don't know who He is or how He really exist. We have been taught through ignorance that God is a "sky" God, therefore we worship who we don't know. Subsequently, because of ignorance we learn to be self-sufficient.

3. Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

We should reverence Yahweh and ask for our daily bread because "He" and He along can grant our petition. Yahweh has many vehicles by which He bring this to pass, and one is through our working for it. Yahweh is not limited as to how He provides for His children. It is through our ignorance that we think and feel as though we are doing it for ourselves. I am reminded that , " It is through Yahshua The Messiah, that we can do all things, through Yahweh who strenghten us."



Lesson 1 Q 3

Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?

Because of pride. It hurts our pride when we have to ask someone for something.

Why do we seek to be independent of God?

Because most of us are living within our means and think we do not have to rely upon God. It's only when things change for the worst that we realize that we do need Him.

Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

Because without Him we can do nothing. We need God to give us health and strength to make a living. We need Him for every aspect of our daily lives, from putting our feet to the floor in the morning to putting them to bed at night, we need Him. Amen!


Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

a. The pride of "self" draws us to be self-confident, self-sufficient, and self-righteous.

b. Again, pride, we want to feel "in control" of our lives.

c. We should ask God to "give" us daily bread because it is only through God that we have the strength, power and knowledge to produce a "living".

We so often get caught up in what we "do" that we forget to just "be" in the moment, the here and now, not focusing on the future but enjoying God's provision for the NOW.


In the world, we are taught to be self-reliant, independent, self-made; successful. We believe it a weakness to need help or ask for help. This goes against what God wants, for He wants us to obey Him and be dependent on Him and His means; therefore, His light shines, and we run. God has already given provision to all of us before He created us; with His help we will find daily provision. God is the bread that gives life to the soul, and Christ is the bread that comes down from Heaven. We want God to be a daily part of our lives to nourish and feed our souls, fill our spirits, and establish His Kingdom. Without Him, we are nothing.

Pastor Ralph: Why do we sek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give"  us this day our dail bread so long as we can earn a longivig for ourselves?

We, as Americans, are taught from childhood to stand on our own two feet. We are taught to do "it" ourselves. It becomes second nature for us. Therefore we do not want to depend on anyone else. We want to be independent of God for a couple of reasons. First, becausewe as Americans are self-sufficient, we don't want to rely on anyone, including God. Second we wish to be independent because of sin.When things are going the way God intended for them to go, we lean on him as the Children of Israel did in the desert as they wandered there for 40 years after the Exodus. God taught them obedience and to trust him. This is the third reason we do not ask God for help. We do not trust anyone, including God. If we trust no one and lean on no one we are not going to get hurt. Or so the thinking goes, but it couldn't be more wrong.

Why should we ask God to give us this day our daily bread when we can earn a living for ourselves. Well, first and foremost, because He wants us to ask Him. That is reason enough right there. Do we really think we would be earning a living if God did not allow it? Do you remember the story in the Bible about the rich fool. He had so much wealth and so big a harvest that he was going to build a bigger barn. But, God said, you fool, this very night your very life will be taken from you. No, of course not. All our wealth and strength could be gone tomorrow. We need to learn to lean on God today so that when the trials come tomorrow we are able to handle them because we know from whence our strength comes. Our source for everything is God and we are to petition Him for everything. Additionally, we are to thank Him for everything. Because it all comes from Him! :rolleyes:


What a question to be asked right after Katrina. Everyone is either being helped or helping. Here in Texas it's the focus of the entire community.

Pride is a part of the reason we do not ask for help. Beyond that we make ourselves vulnerable to others when we ask for help. They can now hurt us both materially and emotionally.

We also believe that they might judge what we do with what they give us. We don't want to be judged in the future with what we do with what we are given and we don't want the past to be judged for what we did or didn't do that got us to this point. Not by people and not by God.

When they do help us we become indebted to them. If they need help later on we will be obligated to help them. We don't want to be in that position. It might be inconvenient. We might want to keep what we have... both are greed. What a thought, not asking for what we need because we are selfish!

All of this complicates our lives and we prefer to be left alone. It's so easy to be miserable and needy. We are victims and not responsible for our mess.

But if we ask God to meet our needs and He does....then a response is required. We can't stay where we are. We have to go on. That might be a bit scary. Moving out of the comfort zone of where we are. It's a bad place but it's our place.

My second thought related to asking for today's needs. This corresponds to the scripture, "lay not up for yourselves treasure on earth." If we ask for more than we need now then we are busy taking care of it for tomorrow instead of doing God's work today.


It's hard to depend on someone other than yourself for things you are capable of taking care of. To depend on someone else means you owe that person and that's not a comfortable position to be in. This becomes the first stumbling block for most people to become Christian because it's so hard to admit that you are at some point incapable of providing something so simple as our daily bread. When you resist and are finally brought to the place where you must ask for your daily portion it is so sweet to receive it and understand there really is a God who hears and who will provide for your every need no matter how small. From this position God can make you anything he chooses because you are totally aware of his great goodness and kindness and might.


1) In Western society, we are so proud and independent. We want to do it ourselves. The idea that, "I did it myself and no one helped me." For us, it is a sign of weakness. 2) I don't know if we really "seek" to be independent of God. I think that when things are going good, we get complacent and forget about God. It's in times of trouble that we really remember who our provider is. 3) For one, it is good to remember that God is our provider and we should ask him daily to provide the things for that day. It is a good reminder to get us out of our complacency and remember where our true source is; not by our hand but by God's. We should also thank him for the jobs and income that he has given us.

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