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It's an absolute illusion that we can be independent from God in any sense. Even unbelievers unknowingly depend on God for their very life.

" it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not." (Lam 3:22.)

Our emplyment and the ability to work is a gift from God, therefore He really DOES provide our daily bread. To pray "give us this day our daily bread" is a needed reminder of this.

The Bible tells us that " if any would not work, neither should he eat" ( II Th 3:10) Even though our western society stresses independence, sometimes to our spiritual detriment, it also fosters a sense of industry and responsibility that, I believe, is approved of God. This "work ethic" seems to be deteriorating as man, more and more, turns to government for help instead of the Almighty God.

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Q3.Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?  Why do we seek to be independent of God?  Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

a) It's viewed as weakness to ask for help. It's viewed as failure to ask for help. We are taught to make our own way. Life is rough. It's hard to trust. We desire to be self-sufficient, but this can lead to pride in our own ability.

B) We want to be free of moral restraints. We have a "whatever feels good" mentality: We want to do what we want to do, when we want to do it. We don't want to have to answer to anyone. We want to be free, not controlled by God or anyone else.

c) God gives us the ability and strength to make a living. That's why we should ask Him to "give" us our daily bread.


A. Pride causes us to want total independence

B. Pride, ignorance and rebellion; 1st when we don't know God as creator of life and we have not come to the knowledge that all things come for God through His Word Jesus Christ; and all that we are or ever will be and all that we have or ever can have comes from God; even all that we don't want is in His control. 2nd when we refuse instruction and correction, because of pride (not wanting to except that without abiding in Jesus we are really nothing, rather we want to beleive that we are operating in our own strength) and rebellion (not realizing that we are allowing a seducing spirit to take credit for what God is doing in our lives, because of what Jesus did when He went to the cross.

C. We need the blessings; guidance, direction, protection from seen and unseen dangers, grace to overcome temptations all the things that only a all knowing, all seeing, all powerful, all loving, all merciful all, all, all; everything; I AM Father only can give.


1. We may be independent of asking others for help for we feel others may think we are incapable of caring for ourselves.

2. I like alot of people would like to be well off, but that is not Gods' will, and though I forget sometimes to thank the Lord for what I do have, I feel I am blessed for what I have. I do not wish to be independent of God, for I know my life would be a mess

3.Our Heavenly Father is the one in which all good comes from we would not have our job without God, we are incapable of living a life full of Joy and Peace without God


We like for others to think we are in control and don't need any help. To be truthful we all were in need of a Savior because we could not save ourselves. We should always be thankful because God has given us strength to make a living and earn what we have. For this I am very thankful and grateful! We are only stewards over what God has allowed us to have, all we have belong to Him.


We have not because we ask not. We have not because we think we can do it on our own, without any as to where we get our strength from. we do not think of God as being our supplier. it always I did, I got, Iwill, or I'm going to. It is God through his son that we can do our daily activity. without the supplier we can do nothing.


I think for myself I seek to be independent of asking anyone for help because I've tried so hard to be independent. Also if I ask for help it would show weakness in me. Then again, I might be rejected if they don't want to help me.

Sometimes we seek to be independent of God because we are the ones doing the work, forgetting that he gave us the ability to work. Many times we just forget to acknowledge Him.

We should ask God to give us daily bread because He is our source and our supplier, He is the one who gave us the abilities we need to make a living.


Indeed, it is the sin of pride...which so tortures my soul and hinder my walk with the Lord. To be independant of God is to exclude Him from me...yet i worship and ask that He minister unto me. How ironic!

Our God is Creator, Father, Lover, Friend...not meant to be excluded in any aspect of our lives, much less in the very fundamental part of life's provision.

I thank God for forgiving me those times i rely only on myself and take credit for what is rightly His gifts. My Provider is faithful when i stray, loving when i'm not lovable and providing whenever i'm in need.


All my life I have asked for help. We were born dependent on our parents as a child. So all that dependency as a child I don't want to see any more. So, now as an adult, I rather be more independent. Even if it means not asking for help.

I don't know if I have ever been consciously independent of God. But the times that I think I have it was because I wanted to do something I wanted to do and I taught it was best for me.

So that we make it a practice to praise the Lord all the days of our lives and not just when we "need" something. People sometimes say "You only call when you want something." This is probably how God feels. Call Him when you don't need something; when everything is going well.


Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?

PRIDE one of the things that gets us into trouble and in the messes we go through daily. We want to be able to say we are a self made man/woman. We can make it on our own. Which is not true we none of us can make it without the help of God to his leading.

Why do we seek to be independent of God?

Human nature is not good for the most part we want to be something or someone that is able to stand alone and make things happen when in truth we are nothing without God and the sooner we learn this the better our life will be.

Phl 1:21 For to me to live [is] Christ, and to die [is] gain.

Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

We are nothing on our own. Without the Lord to lead and guide us we can do nothing all good things come from the Lord. Without him breathing the breath of life into us we would not have life how can we think we could make it through a day without him. Wise men/women still seek him for all things.

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


I believe that pride stops us for asking for others help. I think that we seek independence from God because we have not come to the realization that God provides for us and that we feel we are totally responsible for everything we receive in life (basically a lack of faith or disbelief). If we ask God for our daily bread we are trusting, believing and relying on God to take care of our needs (having true faith in God).


- We are always reminded to be independant, we want to be self sificient and not need God, which is so wrong.

- Human selfishness.

- Because God wants to provide for us like a Father and wants us to rely on him, need him, like a family need there mom and dad.


Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

I have been a do it myself guy all my life, at times to the point of stupidity and the reason is simple, who cares. Why in this day and age with so many vans, large cars and trucks would there be 1/3 the population in a city that is about to be destroyed by a hurricane left to fend for themselves? The one question that was unasked to those who escaped New Orleans and had "Lost everything" is this, "Did you ask your neighbor if he needed a ride?" Do you think Abraham could find 50, 40, 30, or even 10 who said, "Yes, I was more concerned about my neighbor than my things." This is nothing new, even David asked, "What is in it for me?" before he slew the giant. And Solomon had to get everything before he realized that all is nothing.

Faith and caring are not unrelated, God first provided manna in the desert before he told the nation of Israel to step into the raging waters of the Jordan River just as a mother carries her baby for months before encouraging him to take his first step. I don't know maybe it is because of what we see in others that makes us take our first steps away from God instead of toward God.

The bread that Jesus is speaking of is not the bread made out of wheat because God said everything has been provided for you for life. But at every banquet their are those who take two peices of pie. The bread Jesus is speaking of is the bread that allows a person to give half his pie to the one who has none. Oh, by the way, do you know who your neighbor is?



Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?

Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for


Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help?

Pride. We don't ask for help cause we don't want anyone think less of us. We want everyone to think we are able to provide for our own needs and don't need any help. :(

Why do we seek to be independent of God?

We forget that everything we have is Gods to begin with. We feel since we go out to work that is us that is providing for ourselves. When it was God that helped us to get that job so that our needs through him can be met. :unsure:

Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

Without him we have nothing, can do nothing. He is our provider. All we have is because of him. He wants us to ask for all that we need and to thank him for it. I give him the priase for my daily bread. Thank you Jesus. :rolleyes:


Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

Often we are to proud to admit we need help. We also want to be able to do for ourselves. When things are going good we may tend to forget that God is the reason things are going good and begin to belive our good times are coming from our own ability. We must remember to ask God to "give" us our daily bread because he is our provider and this shows respect. Just because we earn enough to by what we need and want doesn't mean God will let us. He may put a "roadblock" in our way if we become to self-centered.


Mainly because of our up bringing, and various cliche's. Plus no one wants to be beholding to another person. People want to feel as though they're the Captain of their own ship. We hear of self made men who pulled themselves up by their own boot straps (nobody ever gave me nothing) but where did they get the boots with straps?

Mostly because of shame, I know that I'm not living right and feel embarressed to ask a Holy God for His help when I've plainly ignored Him.

It keeps us humble and dependent, we teach our children to be independent and to make decisions on their own, but feel slighted and hurt when they don't ask for our help or advice. According to the ORIGINAL definition of father (mine) it's someone who's always there, because I'll always be in need, and he knows it, and waits loving for my call.



It is important for others to see that we are capable of doing things, handle difficult situations on our own, be all that we can be with out any help from anyone. Many people in general don't want to ask for help because they feel it is a sign of weakness and/or failure. We don't want to be seen in this manner. After all, who wants to be known as a loser. Others think that we are equal to God therefore we don't need anybody else's help. If we can do all that God can do, why should we ask others for help.

In many cases being independent form God is not intentional. We want to care for our families and plan for the future and instead of relying on God to take care of the details we work and build our castles in the sand. We want it all when we should want what God wants for us. It comes down to being patient and waiting for God's will. We think that we know better than He does. In other cases we try to be independent from God because we think that we know more than He does. Boy are we in for a surprise.

"Our daily bread" goes beyond our realm of thinking. It means "that He gives us this day all of the tools that we need to have to make it though the day, or the moment." We can earn a living but it is God that gives us the ability to do the job. He provides for our every need we just have to believe it and have faith that He will do as He says He will.



We are too proud to ask for help, or ashamed and too worried of what man may think of us if we admit to being unable to help ourselves.

We forget that God knows us better than we know ourselves, and can be in denial that we even need help, we are prideful.

To acknowledge God as ruler of our lives, without whom we can do nothing.


God is our provider, although it seems that we can manage, It is God that gives that ability and means to exist. Our Earnings, for instance and all we see before us. God is our source and therefore we ask him to provide for our daily needs, in all ways. Such is what he has directed and confirmed through his son Jesus Christ.


Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

We are called to be dependent only upon the Lord. If we are seeking independence from the Lord we are not a believer - we are deceiving ourselves and defiling the body.

The bread we ask for is the measure of His provision for us. He is our provider. The Word is bread, without constant communication and reflection upon the Lord through His word, we cannot build relationship and therefore have shallow faith.


We are independent of asking anyone for help all because of our pride.We feel somewhat embarassed when we hurt or are in need. We seek to be independent of God when we look at our jobs or spouses as our ultimate source. Our jobs and our spouses can only fulfill our material need and it is God and God alone who meet our every need. It is He who knows what we need even before we ask him.


Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves?

We do not want to ask others for help; as we do not know that God created me or others to help each other and to exist together. Recall the 1st commandments... Love your God...and then..Love your neighrbout as yourself...; these are the key to the God Kingdom, our help and needs are already given by God. The major obstacle is that we do not know where to start and look for. And I had that experience; after I read this commandments; I realise how much we can ask help to each other.

We do not ask God; as we do not know how to grow with God and God is our creator. Our pride and the "earthy" solution always make us forget to ask God. Most of the time we ask/worship the creations and forget the creator.

We need to ask God for our daily bread, is to a sign/request of our dependent to God. We also need to humble ourself and remind ourself daily, that God exist and rule the universe. When we ask God, we love God.



The world constantly tells us to "stand on your own feet, don't rely on others"

Be independant! I personally find it hard to rely on others, i tend to do things without asking others to help. I know that I cannot live without God's help and all I have is because of Him. This part of the bible study was a real challenge to me. I have been asking each day for "my daily bread" because I now realize that all I am and that I have is because of God's love for me.



We (Christians) seek to be independent because we do not understand the way the body of Christ works. The flesh part of that Christian still does not SEE that to NOT ask is taking control of their own lives and keeping themselves an "island"; cut off from the TRUTH and the LIGHT and the STRENGTH of how one believer + another believer = a unity like non other.

Without often times realizing that by not asking for help WE are seeking independence of our Creator. Why? We do it because we want to be in charge and obviously do not yet once again, understand the function of the family of God of which we do belong!

We do not earn anything of ourselves! To presume to THINK one is able is to fail in the long run ....sooner than later those that think they Did it THEIR way, will fall and then (as the LORD designs) that person will come to see that "We can do ALL things thru Christ who strengthens me".


I don't want to ask for help cuz that would be admitting failure and defeat. I can handle this myself-thank you very much! I would do myself a big favor if I'd see myself the way God sees me. He knows the exact proportions of bread I need for the day.

kind regards


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