Lisa Rupert Posted September 13, 2005 Report Posted September 13, 2005 Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Most would like to believe that they are in control of their lives their situations, and the events that surrounds their exisitance. They didn't have to humble themselves to ask anything of anyone. Why do we seek to be independent of God? Mostly because we don't want to feel that we've had to rely on anyone for anything because we are in control of providing for ourselves and our families. We like the prize at the end of the day knowing we were self sufficiant in providing our needs. These are the folks that disregard humility. Why should we ask God to "give" us this day our dail bread so long as we can earn a longivig for ourselves? By requesting that God "give" us this...our daily bread we can guarantee that he is in control of our lives and he directs us on the correct paths. Quote
Marilyn Rivington Posted September 13, 2005 Report Posted September 13, 2005 By asking God we show humility and our complete dependance on Him. It is not only physical bread that we ask for but spiritual bread as well. Jesus said, "I am the bread of life." (John 6:35) "Give us today our daily bread"- bread on the table, yes - but also "the bread of life." A daily provision of spiritual bread as well. Quote
Sadie Stromberg Posted September 13, 2005 Report Posted September 13, 2005 Many of us are raised by parents who are independent and did not want to ask others for help. It is hard to break the pattern. This independence can carry on in our relationship with God, especially as long as everything is going well for us. When things aren't going so well for us, we tend to ask God for help. Our first action should be to ask God for our daily needs Everything we have comes from God. Our every breath comes from God. We should realize our dependence on God and our need for his provisions for us on a daily basis. He wants to hear us ask him for what we need. Quote
HeatherJean Posted September 13, 2005 Report Posted September 13, 2005 I think people get independant from people and God because they forget that we need God for everything . People like to think they can do it all themself but they can't. Then when things go wrong they ask why did God do this to me? I think it's important to ask God for our daily bread because everything we have is from God and is on loan from God. As fast as God gives us something He can very easily take it away. It's not our job or money that our main provision, it's God. Without God we wouldn't have anything. I need God for everything. Apart from Him I'm nothing. Quote
Jen Posted September 13, 2005 Report Posted September 13, 2005 Why do we seek to be independant of asking for help? Different reasons for different people. I like the verse in 1 Thessalonians that says Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands so as not to be dependant on anyone. But that does not mean we are totally independant and sometimes we need help. I am always grateful when I ask someone for help and it is given with a thank you for asking me. Why should we ask God to give us our daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? We are totally dependant on God for everything. There is nothing we have or do that he has not given us or enabled us to work for. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
newborn Posted September 13, 2005 Report Posted September 13, 2005 -Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? It is humbling to say I have a need. We think it brings us down a notch. We have to decend from our throne. Asking for help strips away what is false and shows us as we are, in need. We desire that everyone look at our strengths, not our weaknesses. Pride! -Why do we seek to be independent of God? We seek to be independent of God because we don't know Him intimately. -Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? The main reason we ask God to "give" us daily bread is because it's an act of obedience, and He is our Enabler, and He is our Provider. There would be no living to earn without Him. Quote
sandieh Posted September 13, 2005 Report Posted September 13, 2005 I can't speak for everyone but only for myself. I would rather be able to do for myself, because I want to. It is in us I think as humans to want to be self sufficent. Maybe that is part of the sin nature...interesting thought. We seek to be independent of God, because, surely He doesn't want to be bothered by us! He is much to busy doing God things, than to help me....But of course the truth is God does want us to ask, doesn't matter how trivial. If it's important to us then it's important to Him! We are to daily depend on God! Thank God we can earn a living for ourselves! So many can't even do that! There are handicapped people, and just plain poor people, everywhere in the world who can't "earn their living!" We ask God because it is His grace, mercy and goodness, that enables us...I ask because I am dependant on Him! Without Him where would I be? What would I have? I shudder to think of my life without Him! I know I lived without Him once, and it wasn't pretty!!! Quote
Guest BonBon Posted September 13, 2005 Report Posted September 13, 2005 Give us this day our daily bread-- We don't like to ask for help because we don't want to feel "beholden" to anyone or anything--it is a form of admitting we failed--we could not control the circumstances because we were weak. We'd rather ride around going miles out of our way than stop and ask for directions thus admitting we were lost. Why do we seek to be independent from God? It is mostly from being human and living in this world and being constantly influenced by the humanistic view that we should strive to live for ourselves--it's all about ME--we're told to look for strength "within". This prayer reminds us in this one small petition--give us this day our daily bread--that we need to look to God for everything- to humble ourselves and understand that all we own, wear or eat was given to us by Our Father. Our very existance was His creation. When we finally "get" this concept it can remove a tremendous burden from us. He wants to support and carry us. My question is "why?" It is a mystery to me why He would want to help our poor sorry selves-- Quote
June Posted September 13, 2005 Report Posted September 13, 2005 We like to be self sufficient. We don't like to ask or depend on anyone, let alone Our God, for our next meal. Our pride takes hold. b.....We like to think that we do things on our own but without God to give us the strength and ability, we can do nothing. This confirms His Covenant to our forefathers, thawt He would never leave us. c......He is the giver of health, wealth and happiness. He is interested in all aspects of our lives. God gives us the ability to do, and is the great Provider. Quote
grace Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Why do we seek to be independant of asking anyone for help? Whydo we seek to be independant of God?Why do we ask God to give us our daily bread if we can earn a living for ourselves? 1. We seek to be independant of asking others for help ,maybe, because we don't want them to see us as lesser than they are, and also pride gets in the way, in that , we don't want them to see our weaknesses. 2. We seek to be independant of God because we operate in the flesh and want to take the credit for anything we do. It is also difficult to place everything we have into God's hands and trust Him to take care of us. 3. We ask God to give us our daily bread, because we have come to realize that God is the One who provides for us and gives us the strenght to earn our living. For in Him, we live, and move , and have our being. Quote
D.W. Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? I would say we seek independence, and self reliance on ourselves and not God because of a lack of trust in God. Other than that there are the normal human concerns, like not wanting to expose ourselves for fear of being hurt, not trusting others, etc. We need God for our daily spiritual nourishment and growth, and it is different than earing a living. "Earning a living" is merely working for your paycheck, but someone once said there is a verse in the Bible "Work everyday as though you are working for God" to mean give your employment that respect and effort you would give to your heavenly Father. But the Father is who gives the "bread" to ones life. Quote
Yared Etselam Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Because of pride in our life that is perceived from the world. Why do we seek to be independent of God? I think it is because of our soul. Our soul is usually in fight against the idea of being dependent on God. For us to be dependant on God the habit of relying upon the Father -- for everything should sank in our soul. Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? Since it is God who gives us the ability to earn a living, then in a real sense, it is he who "gives" us our daily bread. He strengthens us, and provides through us. So often, when we have our health, we take this ability for granted. Jesus is teaching us to look to the Father for every provision. Quote
farmboy Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 After seeing the Katrina disaster on the news it really makes me think about the difference between needs and wants or desires. How much do we forget about our spiritual needs. How often do we cast away God's gift when he supplies what is needed to meet that need. Is there a tendancy in us to think that we have to earn God's grace, love and what he does for us? Do we become afraid to speak of certain things with God because we aren't spiritually correct enough to approach his throne? Some might react by becoming independent and trying to do for themselves. Ride your own bronc sonny, nobody else can do it for you. It doesn't take long to get way out of line with this one. We become too indendent when we forget what God through us. It isn't what that darn pride says we did all by ourselves. Quote
Alicea Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? Our desire to be independenat of God and others goes back to the same problem that was in the garden of eden, when satan used the temptation with eve, that you shall be as gods. A god has rule and dominion. we want rule and dominion in our lives. We should ask God for our daily bread even if we earn a living because our ability and availablity of being able to earn that living can be taken away in a heartbeat. We must acknowledge our dependency on God for all things in our life. Quote
stsandy Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Independance can be given another name self reliance. a most dangerous aliance with our own strenths and abilities. Praying for daily bread is not only essential as it allows God's provision in our lives. It is an attitude which recognises that God alone has what we need to be sustained. Even though we may gather through the works of our own hands it is out of partnership An interdependance with him who provides in order for us to gather. Every day we need to submit our ego, our pride and God given abilities to acknowledge that he is El Shaddi,Jehovah Jireh,our daddy who loves and provides. Quote
ireneabraham Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 The Bible goes to say without God's help we can do nothing. It also goes to say that God provides all our needs in Christ Jesus. He has given us the required health, education, job, pay to earn our daily bread. Which means we need to ask every good thing (including our daily bread) from him since when we receive from his hands it Quote
Linda Stanley Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 When I seek to be independent of asking others for help,I believe its just being human.I sometimes feel better by asking someone else for help because I also receive sympathy and comfort from the person I ask.I usually end up asking that person to pray with me about what I need help in..I don't feel I am being independent of God,but we really should go to God first,because God is in controll, not man,so we must learn not to seperate ouselves from God and be(quote) independent.When we ask God to "give"us daily bread,we really acknowledging that God is our provider.We don't provide our needs.Yes,we work and make a living,"but"if it was not for God which gave us our job,just how could you make a living?We do not provide for our needs ourselves,it all comes from God.We must trust God daily," depend on God only. Quote
Adetomi Popoola Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 1) We do not want to ask others for help because of pride, shyness or we just do not know how to go about it or we think they might feel we are always asking. 2)We seek to be independent of God because we think we can do it by ourselves especially when things are going on well for us and we think we know it all. 3) In as much as earn a living, we still need to ask God for daily bread because the Bible says Without God, we can do nothing. It is the Lord that gives us ideas how to move on in life. It is not by our own power or strength. We need to acknowledge God in everything we do even in our successes/failures. Let God be No. 1 in our lives. Quote
pickledilly Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 We want to be self-sufficient, self-provisional. I think it's rooted in pride. ("Nobody will look out for me like I will. No one can do better at this than me." etc.) And that attitude is heavily influenced by lack of trust. (How many times have we depended on someone else only to be disappointed at the outcome?) In America, we take great pride in being a "self-made man". That seeps right into the relationship with God. It requires an attitude of humility to ask for help. Because of pride, we don't really want to be humble - before others or before the Lord. We don't want to end up owing somebody back. It requires the openness of trust to ask for help. Because of pride, we don't want to feel or appear weak and dependant. It requires vulnerability to the love of God to ask Him for help. But because of the prideful skewed sense of self, we don't understand or believe in the purity and completeness of His love; we don't know how much He really cares.. Every good gift comes from heaven, from the hand of God. The ability and opportunity to earn a living at all is given by Him. Getting out of the bed every morning is a gift! So every provision that results from that is, in essence, given to us by Him. And how precious is the assurance in His Word that He cares about every detail! Quote
Raal Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Our primary reason for not asking anyone for help is our pride Quote
BarbaraB Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? Why do we seek to be independent of God? Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? Apart from our pride which gets in the way, I believe our society teaches us that independence is what is required to be successful, especially for women. God never intended us to be independent. He created Adam and Eve to be TOGETHER, not separate. We seek to be independent of God because of our lack of trust and faith that He will do what is necessary to see us through whatever circumstances we are facing. By asking for our "daily bread" is more than asking for our daily provision of food. I believe it is more of us asking for our "daily dose of Jesus" to help us through the day with His wisdom, strength, and guidance. He is our Bread of LIfe. So whether we can supply the physical things that we need daily, it is the spiritual that we need to be reminded to ask Him for on a daily basis. Barbara Blessed is she who has believed what the Lord has said will be accomplished. Quote
frank phido Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 We must be independent of people because God is more than able to supply all our needs. The requirement for daily bread is similar to the way God gives us a fresh dose of His mercies every day. God requires our attention even more than on a daily basis Quote
farmboy Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 A thought just recently hit me that shook me to my knees. I seek independence because I want the glory, riches, and reverence that belongs only to God. Later I will share how that came about. farmboy Quote
kcartis Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 We seek to be independent from anyone because of PRIDE. Our pride tells us that we are self-sufficent and we don't need anyone or anything. Pride is the root of the sin nature. Being dependent upon God takes our independence away and most people, because of pride are not "willing" to turn over there dependence. Asking God for daily bread acknowledges to Him the reverence He is due. It is saying to Him, I totaly trust you to provide my every need in every situation. Quote
LisaZ Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Q3. Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? I think pride is mainly at the root of this, although sometimes there might be a fear of rejection or hurt if you do ask someone for help and they treat you like a bother or say that they aren't able to help you. Why do we seek to be independent of God? I think in these days there is such an emphasis on being independent and doing things yourself. Sometimes it is unintentional and we just get wrapped up in doing our own thing without involving God. He longs to be included in every part of our lives but we go on selfishly and full of pride sometimes. Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? It is important to recognize that God is ultimately our Source for everything. He is the One that implanted our giftings and abilities and who has helped us directly or indirectly in being able to earn a living. Quote
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