Pastor Ralph Posted September 6, 2005 Report Posted September 6, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Quote
IngaRae Posted September 10, 2005 Report Posted September 10, 2005 We must continue to ask forgiveness because we continue to sin. God's Word says we will receive equal measure of what we give, so if we are unable to give forgiveness, we will be unable to receive it. Forgiveness is hard to manage in this culture, where we are taught to only look out for ourselves. The irony is that by forgiving our brothers, we open ourselves up to forgiveness from Our Father. Quote
Katzen Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 No matter how "good" we try to be we still sin, so we need to continually ask for forgiveness. If we can't forgive others, then we aren't forgiven...kind of like conditional forgiveness. Just as we're judged by the measurement of judgement we use, we're forgiven by the same measurement we use in forgiving others. Quote
SpiritedVine Posted September 11, 2005 Report Posted September 11, 2005 I feel we should DAILY ask for forgiveness because no matter what we are human! Humans are made of sin ( human blood) and God can not see sin - so by always asking for forgiveness we are letting God know that WE KNOW we aren't really worthy of Him and secondly that we want to TRY to be worthy of all he has to offer. We "block" God's blessings by just the words in the Prayer...forgive us as we forgive others! Straight and to the point. To answer the 3'rd question -'s almost like making a covenant with God - I will give you what you give me - we SAY forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. To me, the "AS WE FORGIVE" are the keys words here in. Quote
MannyVelarde Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? We live in this sinful flesh - and will continue to sin. Repenting and acknowledging our sin is the step to changing us. If we are sinning - then we can't have fellowship with God or witht he body of Christ. If we refuse to forgive someone, there is a block horizontally and verticaly in our relationships. Unforgiveness makes the person we aren't forgiving - a god, taking the true God's place. This doesn't mean we have something to do with God forgiving us, He does so unconditionally - - but we must be truly repentent for the forgiveness to cover us - - walking towards the light! Quote
dcn11 Posted September 12, 2005 Report Posted September 12, 2005 We should ask for forgiveness because we are sinners. It is our nature. We need to continually ask for forgiveness because of our nature to turn toward sin. By being unforgiving we harbor that sin in ourselves and by doing such, we cannot receive God's grace. We must forgive so as not to harbor such things. Quote
RonS Posted September 13, 2005 Report Posted September 13, 2005 forgiveness vs unforgiveness Spirit vs flesh The human flesh does not want to forgive it wants to get even. The Spirit want forgiveness it wants to be free and have joy in the fellowship with the Father. This is why Paul says "Die to flesh daily" Paul also says "take up you cross" What does that mean? The cross is a exicution device. It kills the flesh. If the flesh is out of the way then the Spirit can operate. Forgiving and asking for forgivness is part of putting the flesh down. Try daily to keep your flesh down so your Spirit can shine. If your Spirit is shinning you are a reflection of Christ. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 We should continually ask for forgiveness because we are sinners.We sin everyday.Sometimes we realize we have sinned,( I really know)what is right and what is wrong),but why do I do the wrong? It's just this sinful nature I deal with everyday of my life,but I know God will put know more on me than what I can stand.Temptation is a challenge(fight the good fight)!!God keep me from evil. Sin seperates us from God,so how can we receive His blessings in our life?Unforgiveness will block God's forgiveness,because God said,"If we do not forgive others ,He will not forgive us.It is easy to ask God for forgiveness for ouself.It is hard to forgive someone we just had an argument with.God help us to have a forgiving heart. Quote
sunilbernard Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Because we are born in sin as the Bible says, ' in sin did my mother concieve me'. God doesn't tolerate sin. Even though we are born again believers, we still sin because of our inherent system. Therefore, it is necessary that we keep on asking God for forgiveness, everytime we come to His throne of mercy. That is the second aspect of the model prayer. ACTS - Confession. If we don't forgive people who hurt us, God's love doesn't abide in us. Even though Jesus was subjected to the highest form of torture and cruel death, He still could say Father, forgive them.... that is divine love. We may not be capable of going to that extent, but it is in our capacity to forgive those who have hurt us and caused us harm. By being Godly and forgiving in nature, inherits the blessings that God gives His children. When we forgive and follow the pattern set by Jesus, God also would forgive us and give us His blessings. If we don't do it, we forgo all the positive effects that come with forgiveness. Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Because, in spite of "good intentions" we continually sin and must ask His forgiveness again. In the Lord's prayer, we pray, "forgive us our transgressions AS we forgive those who transgress against us!" If we do not forgive others, we are asking God to not forgive us! Also, when we are unforgiving to others, we are not in the right relationship (love) with others, so we are out of the will of God. He said we must love one another AS MUCH as we love ourselves, and few find that easy. So, if we do not obey Him in this, we are out of the Will of God. Only those who are right with God and man--or attempting to make things right--can receive God's forgiveness. Quote
maggiemuggins Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Q4 Why should we continually ask forgiveness? Because we are continually living in a human environment where we get hurt by a silly comment, or a silly action by someone near to us, and we retaliate in a human nature, which is sinful. How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? Unforgiveness of others can block God's blessing to us because our heart is not free from hurt and God wants us to forgive. How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Unforgiveness can block God's forgiveness because we only receive as much forgiveness as we are willing to give. Quote
lindaparadise Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Why should we continually ask forgiveness? 1st we sin everyday, not intentionaly but there it is. if we ask forgiveness as we relize that we've sinned then we can keep our souls clean and show GOD that we are truly sorry for our sins How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? you want to be forgiven yet you are not willing to forgive. sounds pretty selfish to me a one way street. that's not the way it works. give and you shall recieve that goes for forgiveness as well. How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Jesus said in John: that we should love each other as i have loved you. if you can't forgive them then we're not loving them. also during the last supper Jesus forgave Judas for what he was about to do. aren't we suppose to follow in his footstepts. i'm sure nothing we've been through can compare to what Jesus went through and he forgave. anyway if you can't forgive then you're not a true disciple of Jesus and won't be forgiven for your sins. Quote
HeatherJean Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 We should continue to ask for foregivness because we sin everyday and there not one day that goes by that I deon't need to ask foregivness. Unforegivness can block God's blessings because it's a sin to not forgive and we must be quick to forgive. Anytime we sin unless we repent we miss out on God's blessings. He still blesses us but blesses us the more we obey Him. Unforgivness can block God's forgivness because if we don't forgive others for their sins and what they do to us, God won't forgive us for our sins either. Quote
farmboy Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Initial reactionary thoughts: 1.I do believe that God forgives unconditionally. Asking forgiveness reminds me that I am not God and need His forgiveness. Asking forgiveness makes me aware of my sin and reminds that I am not perfect and can't go on doing what I feel like. 2.I cheat myself by unforgiveness. A peacefull heart comes to mind as well as other things that aren't there when clouded by unforgiveness. 3. In part see aboove. By not forgiving are we playing God and passing judgement on someone?? Quote
June Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Because we sin daily we must ask forgiveness daily. We must forgive to be forgiven by the Father. Forgiveness is the pathway to living a sin-less life and shows love for our fellow man. b..... If we don't forgive , God cannot bless us. We are holding a grudge and calling judgement on our lives. c.....You must have a pure heart when asking for God's forgiveness. If you don't forgive then why ask God to forgive you!! We earn freedom from bondage by forgiveness. Quote
class1fox Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 We should continue to ask for forgiveness because we are a people prone to sin. We sin knowingly and unknowingly, therefore, we must continue to ask Yahweh to forgive our sins. When we seek not to forgive those who have mistreated us or miguided us, when we seek not forgiveness for what we do to others, we block our blessings from Yahweh. When we endeavor to hold on to unforgiveness we block forgiveness from Yahweh. He has life so fashion that, what you do to me, He does to you Yahweh is of love. If you say that you love Yahweh whom you have never seen, and hated your brother whom you see , then you are a hyprocrite. There are checks and balances in the world, There is forgiveness in the spiritual realm. Quote
Marilyn Rivington Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 I really appreciate what Pastor Ralph wrote that George Herbert said, "He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for every one has need to be forgiven." It is a wonderful image of what an unforgiving spirit looks like - a bridge broken and we cannnot pass over. Heaven is the dwelling place of the forgiven and if we desire to go there then we must forgive. Quote
farmboy Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Are we not also to forgive ourselves?? Sometimes (many) I don't understand why, I try to do things just because God says. If this is off base please correct me false thinking. The Bible is not a set of rules and regulations. I have found that God's word is laid down as a benefit to me, not just a way to control me. If I remember to follow His word I am much better off and experience the joy of belonging to him. What helps me to put this in perspective is an acronym I heard. Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. This tends to be overly simplistic If our hands are overflowing with sin we don't have room for God to hand us his blessing. I truly wish I could just empty my hands completely and accept what God has to give me. Quote
frank phido Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 The bridge we need to travel to receive forgiveness is the same brige others we ought to give forgiveness will travel if we burn those bridges by refusing to offer forgiveness then we ourselves can not receive forgiveness Quote
retired Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Pastor Ralph: Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? 1. We need to continually ask for forgiveness because we are sinners. Even though He forgives us, we go right out and sin again. Christians try to learn to sin less all the time but the fact remains that we are and will continue to be, sinners in need of forgiveness. And we will not receive this forgiveness without asking. 2. Unforgiveness on our part is sin. We were commanded to forgive our brothers. Matthew 18:21,22 (21) Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive m brother when he sins againse me? Up to seven times? (22) Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." Therefore, when we do not forgive, we are going directly against Jesus' teaching. Not a really good idea if you want to be a good Christian. 3. Unforgiveness blocks forgiveness because we will not be forgiven while we are still unrepentent. And while we are unforgiving we still have "stiff necks" as they used to say in the Bible. We are exhibiting pride and not letting God take care of the situation. And we have already learned in this lesson that we are to rely on God for everything. We are to trust in Him and not in ourselves. When we do not forgive we are holding onto the old ways. God wants us to accept His new ways and trust Him, not do things as usual. Quote
Lorraine Wright Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? We need to continually ask for forgiveness so that we may have a right relationship with God. We are sinners and just can't seem to get it right but God is a merciful and forgiving God and having received forgiveness, we will want to pass it on to other. Those who are unwilling to forgive have not become one with Christ who was willing to forgive even those who crucified him. Holding a grudge against someone is sin. It is easy to ask God for forgiveness but difficult to grant it to others. If we refuse to forgive others, God will also refuse to forgive us. Quote
Sue Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Lesson1 Q 4 Why should we continually ask forgiveness? Because we are humans and we sin everyday, therefore we need God's forgiveness. How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? When we are unforgiving we are in bondage to sin and hate, therefore God will not bless us in those situations. We have to seek His forgiveness first and allow Him to help us to forgive others that have hurt us, then we will receive something better. How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? We have to be willing to forgive others in order for God to forgive us. If we cannot forgive others, how can we come to God for forgiveness. I believe Pride comes in here. We need to be broken vessels, let pride go, forgive, then we will be ready to come to God for forgiveness. Quote
edredd Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 The attitude of our heart is what our Lord sees..and it is always recognized in our loving petitions..our ideal to do unto others as we would have them our daily privilege to become a reflection of His way, and His words..and we are given this assurance as we do... this be-attitude becomes very personal as we "do" His will...and seems to multiply as we allow Him His way in our lives..and multiplies reflections with others...on the way ed Quote
newborn Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? First, it Quote
Mary Jane Posted September 14, 2005 Report Posted September 14, 2005 From Genesis to Revelation there are so many references to forgiveness. Why should we forgive? How can we NOT? If Jesus forgave the criminal on the cross and the people who crucified him and we are hoping to learn to walk in His footsteps it is not a is a command. Quote
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