jhines Posted September 15, 2005 Report Posted September 15, 2005 We should continually ask God for forgiveness due to sins we commit daily and ackowledge our faults and repent. Unforgiveness blocks blessing because God has forgiven us for so much wrong and if he can forgive us and love us we are expected to do the same. Joyce Quote
lee trainor Posted September 16, 2005 Report Posted September 16, 2005 The reason we should be continually asking to be forgiven for our sins is because we are far from perfect. We all sin. But if we do not practice the action of forgiving others, we will not be forgiven for our transgressions. Quote
TennLady01 Posted September 16, 2005 Report Posted September 16, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? Paul who wrote most of the New Testament our guide and way of life said he died daily. He knew he was human and made mistakes so he had to ask forgiveness and we also are human and make mistakes so we need to ask Jesus to forgive us also. How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? Luk 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: This says it much better than I can. We have to forgive if we are to be forgiven. It is not always going to be easy or quick to do so but still we strive for profection in Christ Jesus so we must forgive for him to bless us. How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Luk 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: Just as the word tells us it is up to us to not condemn and not hold unforgiveness in our hearts for if we do we shall not be forgiven by God. We must learn to live and let go of things that have hurt us and it is not always easy but we know it was not easy for Christ Jesus to go to the cross for our sins. None of us go that far to forgive so we need to follow his example and do what is right in the eyes of God. Forgive and his promises will stand true for all of us. Luk 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. We have many promises from God and they all come down to if we forgive he forgives us when we ask him. Quote
Julie Ann Posted September 16, 2005 Report Posted September 16, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? We need to continually ask for forgiveness becuase we continually sin. If we are unable to forgive someine who has "wronged" us, then we should pray and ask God to help us forgive otherwise, God won't do much for us if we won't go say "I'm sorry" when his son died for us. Quote
s8nfighter Posted September 17, 2005 Report Posted September 17, 2005 We all should struggle with sin every day because we are not perfect. To claim that we are sinless according to James makes us out a liar and Paul says that all have fallen short of the glory of God. Asking forgiveness is not a means to get blessings from God, simply because He has blessed us with everything. Think about it, the world; He left to our disposal. So if it is not a means to get what we want then what is forgiveness? It is to get what God wants. Sin has separated us from God. He tried everything to get us to come back to Him, He even started over once and will again. Guilt and shame is the mighty tool of the devil but forgiveness through the Son is the ALL MIGHTY tool of God. Forgiveness will never change God's love for us but it should change the love we have for God so much so that we begin to live a better life. Darrell Quote
Sonya A Miller Posted September 17, 2005 Report Posted September 17, 2005 Quote undefined Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness?a) Because we are imperfect sinners, and Jesus tells us to ask forgiveness. By putting a curse of unforgiveness upon ourselves. c) Because if we don't forgive others, God cannot forgive us. Quote
Elder9 Posted September 17, 2005 Report Posted September 17, 2005 Most times I'm always doing something that needs forgiving. Try as I might there's always something that I've missed, for me its a great "cover" it keeps the lines of communication open. I want to know that in a pinch I can ask, without having to replay the day or week looking for something I missed. Forgiving even as we have been forgiven is tight, but right. If I can't forgive the plumber for over charging me how do I expect God to forgive me if I miss paying my Tithe. Then when I ask for God to perform that financial miracle for me He's saying "yeah right". Quote
Happy Feet Posted September 18, 2005 Report Posted September 18, 2005 Christian Quotation of the Day September 18, 2005 Meditation: Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. -- Matthew 6:11,12 (KJV) _______________________________________________________________ Quotation: Consider what two petitions Christ couples together in His prayer: when my body, which every day is hungry, can live without God's giving it daily bread, then and no sooner shall I believe that my soul, which daily sinneth, can spiritually live without God's forgiving it its trespasses. ... Thomas Fuller (1608-1661) _______________________________________________________________ Quiet time reflection: Too often, I neglect asking forgiveness for my sins. Lord, grant more attentiveness to Your holiness and my sin. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Join the conversation on the CQOD Blog at http://cqod.blogspot.com/ See Believer's Desktop Companion 2004 http://www.cqod.com/cqoddtcb.html Quote
revking88 Posted September 18, 2005 Report Posted September 18, 2005 We need continually ask for forgiveness because we are continually sinning whether we know it or not. If you think otherwise you need to ask for forgiveness. Jesus is the only man to walk this earth that was sinless. Sin is in our nature. A bad word, a bad thought, all of these things we should ask for forgiveness. We, many times don't even realize that we have sinned. When we pray we should ask God, "Lord, please forgive me of my sins, both knowingly and unknowingly committed." We can't remember each and everyone of them so this kind of covers all of the bases. Why should God give us His blessing if we don't forgive those who have done wrong to us? Do we deserve His blessing, have we earned His blessing? You can't "forgive and forget". That is impossible, but we can forgive and let it go. God doesn't say that we have to continue to hang around the person that has wronged us but He makes it very clear that we are to forgive them and move on with our lives. If we do not forgive the wrongs that have been done to us, why should God forgive us for the things that we have done. "Forgive our trespasses AS we forgive...". No exceptions to this. It goes along with the "Judge not, lest ye be judged." If we don't forgive, we are judging that the person's worthiness of forgiveness. God will measure us up in the same way. If we choose not to forgive then God has no obligation to forgive us. TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL OF YOU HEART Quote
winevine03 Posted September 18, 2005 Report Posted September 18, 2005 Because we can be holding out without even knowing it. God wants us to be free-we have to give to get. If we can't forgive others, why should we expect to be forgiven, I don't think God believes in double standards. Quote
ekila Posted September 18, 2005 Report Posted September 18, 2005 We continue to ask for Gods Forgiveness to cleanse us from all the sins we commit in our thoughts, in our words, in our actions, whatever we mau have said and done that is not of God. We repent to set ourselves right with God to allow his blessings to flow through our lives. Amen Quote
chenista Posted September 19, 2005 Report Posted September 19, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Reference Matthew 7 Jam 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth [it] not, to him it is sin. Rom 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because [he eateth] not of faith: for whatsoever [is] not of faith is sin. We should ask for forgiveness whether we think we have sinned or not because if we say we have no sin, we lie - for anything not done in faith is sin. This means if we do one thing out of flesh and not out of faith, we have sinned. We have to be humble and admit we know nothing really of the purity of our works and the mind and heart of God - we must ask for forgiveness and forgive others as they also know not what they do! Just as Christ forgave. Quote
Theo Kho Posted September 21, 2005 Report Posted September 21, 2005 Seeking God forgiveness is very important and it is in our daily life; as when we admit our sin and ask forgiveness - we will receive God grace. We need God grace all the times. God grace is the start if blessing. We do not earn grace with our effort; our humility and repentance bring God grace towards us. We don't forgive =we don't receive grace=we don't receive blessing! We can not cheat or rob God; by asking we need to give. In giving forgiveness we receive forgiveness. Only in giving we are receiving. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted September 21, 2005 Report Posted September 21, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Why should we continually ask forgiveness? As long as we are human we will sin. We have to ask daily to be forgiven. To keep our relationship with him. How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? When we hold unforgiveness in our hearts, it gives God no room to give us a blessing. Once we learn to let go of the unforgiveness and forgivethe wrong the doors of his blessing will be open again. How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? When we can't forgive we become bitter. If we can't forgive others, he can't forgive us. We need to work on having a spirit the forgives, so we to can be forgiven Quote
fran Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 i seriously don't understand this one.. isn't it a finished work on the cross? i absolutely understand that i continue to sin. haven't i been reconciled? Quote
jeffg Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 Hi We need to continually ask for forgiveness because we are continually sinful. Christ death on the croos dealt with the power of sin but we need continually be cleansed of our sin. If we hold unforgiveness in our hearts towards others then according to Matthew 6:14-15 God will not forgive our sins. When we are able to fogive others we have the attitude of Christ and God will bless us. Quote
ajtmaestro71 Posted September 24, 2005 Report Posted September 24, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? We should continually ask forgiveness because we are constantly sinning, whether willfully or unintentionally. Not only is Christ's return incentive for us seek forgiveness, but our relationship with our Father makes it necessary. Since God cannot abide sin, it makes maintaining a relationship with Him rather difficult if we don't deal with it on a regular basis. I personally cannot enjoy praise and worship knowing that there is some type of sin in my life that hasn't been confessed. Jesus taught that when we don't forgive others who may wrong us, we can't get forgiveness from our Father. One of the greatest blessings we could ever have is peace. We cannot have peace if there is sin in our lives that hasn't been dealt with. To obtain that peace, we must forgive our fellow man when we are wronged so that when we need forgiveness, we can confess our sins freely, receive forgiveness and rest knowing that we have put in right standing with God. Quote
victoriag Posted September 24, 2005 Report Posted September 24, 2005 We do NOT need to continually ask forgiveness! First off when one reads any scripture one must rightly divide scripture; the word of truth. The LORD's prayer was BEFORE the cross. This prayer is a prayer which Jesus taught his diciples BEFORE he died for all our sins, once and for ALL who come to receive this FORGIVENESS of the debt He paid and He alone could pay in full. If scripture comes out of anything other than Paul's Epitstles it is meant for Isreal, under the Law, (back before the cross) or for the future after the Body of Christ is complete and removed and God has taken up the Nation of Israel, so it does not apply to us. Unfortunately many Christians do not understand what it is, so ignorance will breed untruth. Paul's teaching is the exact opposite, "BE YE KIND, TENDERHEARTED, FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER EVEN AS GOD FOR CHRIST'S SAKE HATH FORGIVEN YOU!!!" You must understand text and context whenever you read the WORD. You who are a Christian, born again of the spirit of God and has the Holy Spirit inside your heart do not have to ask for forgiveness, because the point of Pauls's gospel of the grace of God is "God has reconciled us to Himself by the death of His Son." If you ask for what you already have, that is unbelief!!! But you must accept it for it to be yours. There is a big difference between asking for something and accepting something that is offered. But asking God to fogive your sins after He has declared you debt was paid in full by the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, is not just absurd, it is harmful! It demeans His sacrifice and makes it no better than the blodd of goats and and bulls, which could never take away sin. Either God dealt with sin ONCE for ALL, or He didn't . Either He told the truth when he died once and said "It is finished" or it was not finished. God is not now dealing with sin! Ours or anybody elses. everything He did, could do, or would do, about the sin problem was completely done over 2,000 years ago. We as believers have no choice but to forgive cause He already FORGAVE you and me,If He already forgave it all, who are we to NOT forgive! Quote
fran Posted September 27, 2005 Report Posted September 27, 2005 Well put Victoriag! Pshew! I can rest in the fact of forgiveness with Christ. i hope you keep posting, sister Quote
sheenabrown Posted September 27, 2005 Report Posted September 27, 2005 Unforgiveness stops us from growing. Growing in love for one another, growing in love with God. Growing full stop. Unforgiveness fills us with bitterness and blocks everythingelse out. It is hard to forgive but it is so worthwhile. It is something we must really work at if we want to get on with our lives. It comes back to the earlier question why must we depend on God on a daily basis? When we do that and talk to God daily it helps with the process of healing Quote
DEIRDRE INAMDAR Posted September 28, 2005 Report Posted September 28, 2005 Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? We should ask God to forgive us our sins.Once we are Born Again we are a new creation however we have a sin nature and we need to have an ongoing scantification.1John1-9says it all "If we claim to be without sin,we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.If we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.If we claim we have not sinned we make Him out to be a liar and His word has no place in our lives. Unforgiveness is sin and all sin is an offence against God and our sin can be a block to our blessing. Gods word is clear when He says that He will forgive us our sin as we forgive others their sin against us. Quote
Donna5 Posted September 28, 2005 Report Posted September 28, 2005 When I pray to God to forgive me for my sins, I know that he has already forgiven me for them. But it is a way of bringing attention to them, telling God that I am sorry for failing Him over and over again and asking Him for stregnth to not repeat them. It is a way of making me accountable for what I do, and facing up to the consequences. Thank God that He has already paid the price for me. As a parent of 3 teenagers that quite often make bad choices and mistakes, I am able to forgive them for what they have done even b4 they know that I know what they have done. But it is nice to see them step up and admit their mistakes-even though they have allready been forgiven. I think God too wants us to recognize our mistakes and admit them to Him and even say we are sorry-even if we have already been forgiven. Life would not be very good if we all continued to do whatever we wanted because we have already been forgiven. I am absolutely sure that is not what he intended. we still need to Go to Him and face Him with the mistakes we make. Quote
othatdavid Posted September 28, 2005 Report Posted September 28, 2005 Continually asking forgiveness helps us to develop the attitude of understanding that God is in control and only He can grant us the forgiveness we need. Asking forgiveness also helps us develop humility - an attribute God desires us to have. We continually sin and others continually sin against us therefore, we must petition the Lord daily. When we cling to sin we can't accept God's greater gifts for us. C.S. Lewis said, "God gives His gifts where He finds the vessel empty enough to receive them." Quote
sheenabrown Posted September 28, 2005 Report Posted September 28, 2005 To continually ask forgiveness means that we must be in continual contact with God. Seeking his guidance, understanding, and direction for our lives. It would also remind us that we are to forgive those who 'sin' against us. Quote
student Posted September 30, 2005 Report Posted September 30, 2005 Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? The Bible says, not one of us is good. we all sin and to ask God 's forgivness will keep the channel of blessings open. When we harbor unforgivness it blocks the blessings of God because He cannot forgive our sins when we will not forgive those who have hurt us. We are not to only forgive others, we must forgive ourselves. Unforgivenss stops up the well Quote
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