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Q1.What had the people done that was so bad?

They utterly rebelled against God by substituting idols for Him, and attributed God's salvation to these idols.

How can a loving God be angry?

He is a loving God, and He is an holy God. He hates sin. God challenges unrighteousness.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

Yes, The Israelites had rebelled against God. During this time, Moses was with God forty days and nights receiving instructions for the people of Israel concerning God's Kingdom.

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God's Holiness and Anger cannot be understood by Human wisdom and understanding. We must first seek his guidance to know why he is angry. I can never argue with his supreme Command. He was angry with people he had delivered from slavery, and had told them that he would not tolerate anyone putting other gods before him. I guess it would be the same anger thats found in father's when you find your children being disobedient to your orders.

God in his holiness cannot not tolerate sin. Sin at that was punishable by death. That is the very reason why he sent his son to die, for our sins. His son took the punishment for our sins.

God owns life, therefore his actions to correct life are totally Justified.


The focus of the people was on the man and not on the Lord.

Even though they had witnessed many great miracles they still had hearts that were hard and far from loving God,they still looked for the man not God.

Aaron the Preist of God was left in charge and he should have lead these people into righteousness.

Instead he compromised and attempted to make a representation of Yaweh.

This form moulded of the gold taken from Egypt showed that the people had religious hearts relying on the former ways to identify with God.

No matter how we can try to represent God using our own resources we will always come up short.No image we could create would ever give God the praise he is due.

This also shows how that years of living in slavery as egyptians were not going to fall away as if by some miracle.


Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

Broke the commandments even before they were given. Of course they were not physically aware of these commandments being given. But for long time they were aware that their God, Yahweh, is a jealous God and does not share His glory with anyone. They should have known better than to ask Aaron to make an idol because they very well knew, Yahweh did not like idolatry in any form.

Anger in God is because of His love for His children. He is angry because He can't see them destroy themselves in and through idolatry. He wants the best for His children. He wants them to have a living God for their worship whereas they are seeking to make a make believe God for thier worship.

God is perfectly justified in his outburst against Israel. When He can create man out of dust and make him a living being, he can easily destroy mankind and create a new strain of human beings. Looking at the past behaviour of Israelites, God must have rued the day He decided to make a nation out of them. They let Him down so badly that God vowed to destroy them and He is perfectly justified because of the callous attitude of the rebellious nation.


What had the people done that was so bad?

from lack of patient and the incapability of being able to lead themselves (because were slaves for so long) they created a cafe idol from the gold jewelry they had and started to give in the credit for setting them free. worshipping it

How can a loving God be angry?

i'm not sure but it seems that GOD feeling responsible towards what the human race was up to. especially after all that he had just done for them.they would be lost even still. there was no graditude no thanks. and then to give a non-exisiting god the worship was the last straw. the ones who did this wouldn't go to heaven. what a waste.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

well let's put it this way, moses gave GOD a reason for him to change his mind. something to think about. let's give them direction until them get the drift on thier own. and that's the reason for the 10 commendments.


What had the people done that was so bad? That is a good question. What had Adam and Eve done that was so bad, or all the people of the earth at the time of Noah? For that matter what has this generation done that is so wicked that we may not have eternal life and live apart from God? Isn't that what we want, to be blessed by God and not be in obediance to Him?

People tend to measure God's presence by His presants, I even heard one minister claim that if he showed up to church driving anything less than a Rolls Royce it would embarrass God. (Made me wonder what He thought of His Son riding a donkey.)

Acts 3:20 Then wonderful times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will send Jesus your Messiah to you again. 21 For he must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago through his prophets. 22 Moses said, 'The Lord your God will raise up a Prophet like me from among your own people. Listen carefully to everything he tells you.' 23 Then Moses said, 'Anyone who will not listen to that Prophet will be cut off from God's people and utterly destroyed.' God's word has not changed one bit. The choice is a little differant but His word is not.

God is the author and finisher of life. The author of a novel will write many pages of words just to throw them in the waste basket when he realizes that what he created was of no good. Can you imagine what the author of a great book would feel like if after he finished it , (Genesis 1:31 Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was excellent in every way. ) it turned bad right before his eyes?



Q1. What had the people done that was so bad?

They got Aaron to make a golden calf idol for them to worship. They had turned their backs on God and made an idol, which He forbade them to do.

How can a loving God be angry?

Because He hates sin. He created us to love Him and obey His commandments. He is angry, but it is the sin that He hates, not the people.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

Yes. He would be justified in raising up a new nation. He had trusted Adam, and Noah. Adam sinned before Him and Noah's offspring did too. God was tired of sin and wanted Moses to stand against the evil that was still in the people of Israel.


The people were guilty of idolatry--a grievous affront to a high and holy (and jealous) God. A God who had shown Himself incredibly strong in the lives of the Israelites. He is always justified for He is perfect--too wise to make a mistake and too just to do wrong.


The First Commandment given to Moses and the First Commandment given by Jesus was the same: Thou shalt love the love the Lord thy God with all thy mind, body, heart, and soul. Thou shalt have no other gods before thee.

The children of Isreal committed spiritual adultry in their idolatry. They committed spiritual fornication by building an altar for the carving, worshipping, praising, singing, and dancing before their false idol. They were spiritual whoremongers when they offered burning offerings, peace offerings, and made merry. This mocked the Lord who had delivered them out of the land of Egypt (enslavement).

Moses interceded on behalf the children just as Jesus intercedes for us today - he stood in their place and asked the Lord to forgive them - much as Aaron asked the same of Moses after Moses returned to the camp.

If the Lord had not forgiven, Moses would have not forgiven. We must repent and ask for forgiveness. But most of all we must forgive others first, or we will not be forgiven - just as it was between the Lord and Moses and Moses and Aaron.


With out Moses being around to keep the people focused, they had bean to doubt God was still leading them, and asked for a God they could see and worship. They began to worship an idol, like they had done in Egypt. I can understand God's anger at the people. His discription of them as stiff-necked is right on...and since Moses was a decendent of Abraham He could still have kept his promise had He destroyed Israel and staterted over with Moses. His anger was justifable.

The point raised in Dr. Ralphs commentary is a very good one. Can prayer change Gods mind. And I believe it can, but thats for another time!!!!!

:huh: God was angry because his people ( like us, too often) decided to make their own god. He was the one who had brought them up out of Egypt, not some god made from their jewelry!! He could be angy about this, just as loving parents can be deservedly angy at their children......Of course, his anger was justified...his children were denying him and his power and protection and love for them.

What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

The isrealites had grown impatient and turned back to idols instead of trusting on God. The had been captives of Egypt for generations and now in just a short period they become impatient with what God has done for them. God can be angry with them because he loves them. If he didn't He wouldn't care what they were doing and wouldn't be angry for them making bad choices. Just as we human parents ge angry with our children when they misbehave. God is justified to say he will make a nation from Moses because he is a decendent of Abraham, whom God promised to make a great nation from. Also, just because God is God. He can decided to do whatever he wants.


They made a golden idol and worshiped it. God is a jealous God and we should but no one before him. that what made him angry. God had brought these people out of bondage into a land of plenty and they began to complain when Moses went in the mountians. they thought that Moseshad deserted them, so they began to nag about in the wildness and left to perish

they had worshiped idol gods back in Egypt now again they needed something they could see. they did not have in the living God. Yes God eas justfied to raise up a new nation because the people had rebelled.


The people had grown impatient, and were willing to accept even a man-made statue to bow down to, instead of waiting on the God who showed them great miracles, and led them out of slavery in Egypt.

How could He not? I can hardly blame Him! What if we were those Israelites, and personally experienced those miracles of God first-hand, would our faith be stronger? I often think so, but I am that Israelite in so many ways, in spite of being a miracle myself.

Anything God wants to do is justified, He need not ask permission. To have a reputation for keeping His word on the other hand, would require patience on his part, and unrelenting forgivness, just as Moses has conveyed in his plea.


The people just that quickly forgot that it was God who had brought them out and not some man made god. god had every right to become angry, they're giving credit to a dead god for what only He could've done.

God can be angry with man's actions as well as his inactivity. The Bible says He's angry with the wicked all day. Many times his righteousness demands His anger because of the actions that humans take. Though His anger is tempered with mercy.

Yes God would be just in all His doings concerning mankind. Because His character is love and He's benevolent etc. all His actions are right (righteous).


The Isrealites had totally disregarded the commandments that God gave them. They had no faith. They immediately started to worship other gods. God is a loving god, these were his chosen people, whom he saved from slavery, and he had every right to be angry with them. What they did was like a slap in the face to God. I don't really know if what he wanted to do with Isreal was justified, maybe he thought he could raise up a new nation, and that they would be different from the Isrealites, maybe they would have faith and obey him.


A. The people have committed an act of spiritual adultery; they have broken the vows they made to God to b3e obedient to His covenant. They have been unfaithful by turning to another god, an idol. They have betrayed God

B. Righteous indignation - God was right to be angry with a people who He has delivered from bondage and yet they not long removed from it , return to the familiar practices of those who enslaved them

C. God would have been fair/just in destroying Israel and fulfilling His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Israel through Moses. The people had been given a detailed warning of the judgments that would befall them if they disobeyed the covenant they agreed to.


What had the people done that was so bad?

Simply put the people if Israel broke the first commandment.

How can a loving God be angry?

God does NOT love disobedience. Where does this idea come from that you can't be loving if you get angry? God is love regardless if we upset him or not.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

It was with Noah. God isn't a respecter of persons, so...


What had the people done that was so bad?How can a loving God be angry?

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

The people had set their affection on idol gods , after witnessing the miracles

that God had performed. IN effect, they demonstrated what was really in their hearts, and were not fully committed to the God of Israel.

Angry is one of God's attributes- E.G. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of THE living God. Our God is a consuming fire. In Chronicles, God says,

"If you forsake me, I will forsake you". Again, God is angry with the wicked



God is justified, in whatever action or purpose He sets forth . Shall the clay

say to the potter, why have you made me so. Who, being God's counsellor

had directed Him.


i think they commited the same sin that separated Adam and Eve from God - they didn't obey God..."they have turned aside quickly"...and when they chose to turn aside it was easier to do many other things that separated them even more from God....worship false gods, believe a lie, forget who God is and what He has done for them...

what mostly amazes me in this story is the argument that moses brings to God....He is a just God so He has to fulfill what He has promised to Abraham, Isaac and jacob...yes God is just to express His anger because He is the Maker, the Ruler but at the same time He has to keep His promise and that's great...

Can a loving God be angry? i see from the Bible that many times He has been angry so i believe that's possibe...the wonderful thing is that his being angry encourages me that he knows what it is to be angry, and i have to learn of the way He handled his feelings...


What had the people done that was so bad?

-While Moses was with God receiving the 10 commandments, the Israelites were already breaking the first one.

How can a loving God be angry?

God is Holy and He has a righteous anger that burns against sin and unholiness. God can still be loving while being angry at unrighteous acts.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

It was justified because the Israelites defied God and were trying to replace the One true God who had just brought them out of Egypt, with something that was made with human hands and give the idol the credit for all the wondrous things God had done! God still would have fulfilled His promise to Abraham, just through another route.


Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad?

How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel

and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

What had the people done that was so bad?

When they got tired of waiting for Moses to return to them they had Arron to make them an idol. Then started worshiping it instead of the one true God. :(

How can a loving God be angry?

He expects us to be obedient to him. When they went to worshiping their idols they forgot all he had done for them. He was right in being angry with them. He knew what it could do to them if they continued going the way they were going. His anger was kindled against them to try and get them to return to him before it was to late for them. :unsure:

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

Yes, it was justified. He couldn't allow their disobedience to continue. He had to do something about it. :unsure:


In Exodus 20:1 God spoke to the children of Israel, saying.

(2) I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

(3) Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

(4) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

(5) Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth gereration of them that hate me;

(6) And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

(7) Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Even before Moses went up on the mount, to the LORD, in Exodus 24:1, he told the people in (3) Moses went and told the people all the LORD's words and laws, they responded with one voice, "Everything the LORD has said we will do."

They couldn't wait for Moses to return, they forgot about the agreement they had made, before he left, there's no doubt that some of the Egyptians, who came with them, had a lot to do with them turning to another god, and making a golden image. With all the miracles that God had shown them, before, during and after comming out of the land of Eygypt, they still ignored what God told them in (Exodus) Chapter 20.

Exodus 32:1, And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. ( It wasn't Moses that brought them out of Eygpt alone. It was (God) who brought them out with the leadership of Moses.)

God knew what they were doing while he was communing with Moses on the mount.

Exodus (7) And the LORD said unto Moses, Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest ou of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves: (8) They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them: they have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. (9) And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiffnecked people: (they are stubborn and now they are in trouble with me.)

God had every right to be angry with them, because, they mumbled and grumbled the whole time they were being led out of bondage. No matter what God did for them, they would have something to complain about.

Moses was of the tribe of Levi. (Exodus 2) Since Christ would be a decendant of the Priest line (the Levitical Priest) He (Christ) would come directly from the seed of Moses. Just like he (christ) would come through the line of Judah, (the King line). Comming through the seed of Moses (Levitical priest) would not have affected the comming of Christ through the Tribe of Levi. Levi was the third son of Jacob and Leah. Aaron was Moses older brother. Aaron was the (Levitical Priest), during this time. They were both of the tribe of Levi. Moses was aware of this too.

That's why he (moses) felt it necessary to bring into God's rememberance, by prayer, the promises he had made. (Exodus 32: (13) Remember Abraham, Issac, and Israel (Jacob),thy servants, to whom thou swarest by thine own self, and saidst unto them, I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your seed, and they shall inherit it for ever.

Genesis 32:28, And he said, (God Speaking) Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

Exodus 32:14, And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.

God is always in control, no matter how many times we fall short. REPENT, be sincere in our prayer, and move on.


The people had forgotten who their savior truly was. They begin to worship and sacrifice to a god mad by man. How easy we are to forget what God has brought us through. A loving God can be angry just as loving parents get angry when their children misbehave or just disobedient. God has told us that sin stink in his nistril and sin do not go unpunish in some form or another. God is the total opposite of sin. God's sentence is justifiable and serious about destruction. There are time he show mercy even tho there might be consequences. There will come a time of judgement when we must all stand before a just and righteous judge (God).


Well to answer the question,the people had set up a golden calf to treplace God. God had gotten angry cause they were dancing and praising this useless idol and Moses was upset but pleaded for mercy for the nations and future generations. God does get angry when we rebel but once we repent then his anger is only for a short time. if we do notor we are naive in our hearts then God's punishment will come on an unrepented heart like whn Mose threw the tablets and the land broke and fire poured out swallowing the unrepentant and disobedient people

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