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The people's choice to make a god of their own is a great crime aganist God. In spite of all the miracles and wonders that God did to bring them out of Egypt (bondage), the red sea experience, spirit food, and so on, one wonders if the people ever believed in God. The choice of another god is against the commandment of God which Moses was about to bring to them.

God is a jealous God. It can be saddening that people can be ungrateful and fail to apprecite all that God did for them. A rejected loving God ought to be angry over this great sin.

God is justified in His sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses, because of their unbelief and stubborness of hearts, afterall, He did it with Noah. Nevertheless, God knows the end from the beginning, He knew that the Israelites are going to mess up, he provided a loving leader, acapable of interceeding for them.

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They turned from God and rebelled against him.

I think they might have been scared, they hadn't seen Moses for 40 days, they had no way of hearing from God personally at that time. they thought they had been abandoned. they might of reached out in fear - for something they could see and touch, something they knew.

I'm not saying they were right, they wasn't. but if you've ever been in a seriously lonely, scarey place, you too might begin to doubt if you made the right choice.

Even in today's world, we still see miracles and God working in peoples lives, but then, when things are still, and we don't or can't hear or see our Lord working, we fear he is not listening to us anymore, maybe we've done something terrible wrong, maybe he's abandoned us. We tend to panic and sometimes turn to the wrong people for advice, instead of going to the source, Jesus Christ.

Aren't we still acting the same way they did, have we not learned anything?

God's anger is not the same as our anger. His is a righteous anger, ours is often self centered and for the wrong reason. He is only trying to protect his children from harm and teach them the right way to go. We as parents are the same way with our children for the same reasons.

Yes, God was justified in wanting to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation, like most things, there are usually two ways to do things, Moses brought up the second way the same will of God could be done. I think God was just waiting for Moses to intercede for the people.


What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

The people worship the golden calf, and made it their idol and made sacrifice to it, as if it is the idol who brought them out of Egypt.

God was angry and disappointed on how sinful the people were, that inspite of His protection and power that He showed them as they flee from the land of Egypt, people were still longing to worship other god other than Him. Face to face - the people committed blasphemy and rebellion against God , which God was so much displeased, - the reason why He told Moises that He will destroy them.

God meant whatever He said, and without the pleading of Moises, maybe God will really destroy them all as He already did during Noah's time and on Sodom and Gomorrah. Whatever God did or will be doing they are justified as He is the Creator and He rules and have all the power over all His creation.

  • 1 month later...

They had rebelled against God by forcing Aaron to make for them a golden image , an idol cast in the shape 0f a calf .They worshiped it , saying that it was their god who brought them out of Egypt.

God hades sin and when we sin as our Loving Father , He as to be angry

  • 3 weeks later...

While I was reading this I thought to myself: Is God human? Well, God isnt a human obviously but he has the good characteristics of human. He can be happy. He cares for us. He lavishes us with Gifts if we have behaved. He gets angry with you do the wrong thing. He was so angry that he threatened to do this and because he is so forgiving, he has given us another chance to do whats right.

He was so angry because the people did not know of him so insted of praying for something else, the people of Isreal automatically assumed that calf was the God that has saved them so they decided to worship it but in my opinion I think they did not know any better because everyone one of them were new believers.

God himself thought they knew better then that. The people of Isreal had automatically broken one of the ten commandments and do do this is not good atall.


The Jews violated a prime commandment by building an idol and reverting back to the very bondage that Yahweh had set them free from. And it is so true. We always strive to return to that which we have been set free from, putting Him to an open shame.

It is that very love that God has for us that causes His great wrath when we go astray. What father would see their child come to great harm and not react, especially when so much has been given to prevent such an occurence? How could our heavenly Father not punish us for our disobedience? Our only hope for completely this long and difficult journey is that Yahweh guides us along the way, encouraging us to do great things when we obey and chastising us when we stray.

Our Righteous Judge cannot be jusified by His creation as we cannot see as He does. Could it have been that Yahweh was trying Moses, to develope him as the leader that he was reluctant to be? By His expressed desire to eliminate a rebellious people He caused Moses to show his love for them, forgiving as the Father expects us to forgive. A hard but enduring lesson.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

The people had rebelled against God. There was no faith, no belief in the God of their fathers. They had slave mentality and refused God's freedom by returning to bondage by worshiping an idol. God's anger was not self-centered. He knew the plans He had for His people and wanted those to come to pass for the kingdom's sake. Justified...I'm not God's judge.

  • 3 weeks later...

Yes God had the right to be angry with his people They were worshiping others Gods in place of the one true

God. They did not trust moses as their leader, and Aaron did not show to be a good leader either. He disobeyed God and pleased the people instead of God. Yes God is a loving God but when people disobey him he will be just and discipline them just the way we do when our kids disobey us. Or they would never learn and love and respect us, the way we need to be with God.

  • 2 weeks later...

- What had the people done that was so bad?

They created an idol to worship instead of putting their faith in God.

- How can a loving God be angry?

If God didn't love His people so much, then He wouldn't have gotten so angry.

- Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

I believe it was. The people knew better, and they broke God's law. The wages of sin is death.

  • 5 weeks later...

God was angry,because the Israelites soon forgot God's work.He sees what they cannot discover,nor is any wickedness of the world hid from him.Moses pleads God's glory.In answer to the prayer of Moses, God showed his purpose of sparing the people,as he had before seemed determined on theit destruction,which change of the outward discovery of his purpose.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

Our God is a sovereign God.He demands our complete obedience to Him. In His sovereignty He gave man set of rules to understand and obey.The first was "you shall have no other gods before me".The isrealites demand for a golden calf is a direct sin against God. God has done alot for the isrealites to make them believe in Him as the only living God by His mighty deliverance from Egypt.Asking Aaron to build a calf to worship was so bad.

God is a Holy God who cannot behold iniquity.His sentence to destroy Isreal and raise up a new nation was justified.Besides, who can query his sovereignty?

  • 2 months later...

The people of Israel had sinned greatly against their God and had rebelled against Him when they had grumbled and complained against His chosen leader, Moses, and had quickly turned to other gods, a molten calf, to worship it and offer their sacrifices to it instead of to their Lord God. There are a number of attributes to God and one is His loving us with His unending anger, but another one is His anger against sin, disobedience and rebellion against Him. Our God is shown to us through His Word to us to be all, a total of His attributes, and even though we can

Guest MRose PD

Yes, God'a anger is justified because the people he He love and saved substituted Him for a golden calf, to which the people attributed their salvation.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

These Israelites remind me of America. We praise and worship him when we are afraid. But as soon as the danger seems to subside, we return to our wicked ways. These people forgot a locing an merciful God who pulled out all stops to bring them out of the land of Egypt. Even though he delivered them, they still had the mentally of Egypt. Sure, God knew this. He knew they were not delivered from the ways of the pass. This was the purpose of Moses being brought up to the mountain. These people needed some guidances and some rules to live by. Before God could complete the work that was to be done in them, they sinned.

A loving God can be so angry because when they left Egypt, they left singing his praises. They witnessed what God would do to save them. They knew that Moses and Aaron were representatives of God. Most of all, God had proven himself to all of them. There were no reasons for the blatant disobedience they were doing. It always amazes me when I read this chapter of the response of Aaron. He knew the will of God. How could he have bowed to the pressure of the people? Why did he not refuse?

Moses response to the Lord's anger is Biblical. He tells us over and over again to put Him in remembrance of his promises. This is what Moses did. By doing so, he cooled the anger of the Lord. Moses did not want recognition. He did not need a new generation of people to come through his loins. He needed the people of God that he had been given authority over to come forth in obedience and in the promises that God had made regarding them. God still had not fulfilled his word regarding these people. To not do so would mean that his word would return to him void!

What had the people done that was so bad?

from lack of patient and the incapability of being able to lead themselves (because were slaves for so long) they created a cafe idol from the gold jewelry they had and started to give in the credit for setting them free. worshipping it

How can a loving God be angry?

i'm not sure but it seems that GOD feeling responsible towards what the human race was up to. especially after all that he had just done for them.they would be lost even still. there was no graditude no thanks. and then to give a non-exisiting god the worship was the last straw. the ones who did this wouldn't go to heaven. what a waste.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

well let's put it this way, moses gave GOD a reason for him to change his mind. something to think about. let's give them direction until them get the drift on thier own. and that's the reason for the 10 commendments.

I find it interesting that the very items that God told Moses to get from the Egytians to give them wealth, was used to destroy their innocence. How many times have you seen people who were blessed to have something they have desired, and the next time you saw them, all they did was complain?

They turned from God and rebelled against him.

I think they might have been scared, they hadn't seen Moses for 40 days, they had no way of hearing from God personally at that time. they thought they had been abandoned. they might of reached out in fear - for something they could see and touch, something they knew.

I'm not saying they were right, they wasn't. but if you've ever been in a seriously lonely, scarey place, you too might begin to doubt if you made the right choice.

Even in today's world, we still see miracles and God working in peoples lives, but then, when things are still, and we don't or can't hear or see our Lord working, we fear he is not listening to us anymore, maybe we've done something terrible wrong, maybe he's abandoned us. We tend to panic and sometimes turn to the wrong people for advice, instead of going to the source, Jesus Christ.

Aren't we still acting the same way they did, have we not learned anything?

God's anger is not the same as our anger. His is a righteous anger, ours is often self centered and for the wrong reason. He is only trying to protect his children from harm and teach them the right way to go. We as parents are the same way with our children for the same reasons.

Yes, God was justified in wanting to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation, like most things, there are usually two ways to do things, Moses brought up the second way the same will of God could be done. I think God was just waiting for Moses to intercede for the people.

Dolly, I have to agree with you. Often, when we do not see an immediate answer, we will go to some great extents to get the answer we are seeking without considering the consequences.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad?

They made a golden calf out of gold and worshiped it as their god.

How can a loving God be angry?

Because they sinned against Him and were disobedient.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

It was God

  • 2 weeks later...

:blink: The thing that the people had done that was so bad is they fashioned a golden calf and began to worship it thereby committing idolatry.

A loving God can be angry because His nature and character is sinless and hurts or offends that perfect nature, much more than we can understand. They knew the true God had led them out of Egypt and yet the first chance they got they were committing idolatry.

Yes, God's sentence to destroy Israel is justified because He was still going to raise a new nation trough Moses thereby keeping His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses was in their line of descendants. Only because of His mercy through Moses prayer, He did not do it.

  • 4 weeks later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

They had made graven idols out of their jewelry because of their impatience. They had worshipped and placed their trust in those idols.

God was angry because of their impatience. He saw them stubborn and hard-headed. He was ready to destroy them.

Justified? Yes. He was still going to fulfill His promise of the descendants, however thanks be that Moses had the compassion and love for the people which God had placed in him to plead their case. God relented.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

1). The people displeased God by worshipping the golden calf as they believed their idols had brought them out of Egypt. Because of their lack of faith, they wanted to worship something they could see and be touched.

2). Our loving God is pure and holy. He can be angry so that we can fear Him ot men and we need to be disciplined between right and wrong so we can keep our intimate relationship with Him only as there is no other god than He alone. If we love God, we must hates sin.

3). Yes, His sentence to destroy Israel and raise up new nations through Moses is justified. God keeps His promises to the Patriachs because Moses was an offsprings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God is a God of justice and He never make mistakes.


Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad?

They fashioned a molten calf and worshipped it.

How can a loving God be angry?

God is angry at sin. His nature is opposed to sin.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

Yes. The Israelites knew that it was a sin against God, the monarch, to worship idols. Destruction was a judgment that they brought upon themselves. God told Moses that he will destroy the nation of Israel, and reconstruct the nation from Moses' own offspring.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

What had the people done that was so bad?

They corrupted themselves v7

Turned aside quickly v8

Made a molten image v4

Worshipped it v5

Sacrificed to it 46

Claim it was the God that led them out of Egypt

Stiffed necked people

How can a loving God be Angry?

Because God is God - thank God He is God cause I would have long time ago destroy them. God is very serious about covenant. He is a covenant God - the people broke the covenant by making a false God and to make it worse they worshiped it.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

Yes. Again, He is God. He did it once with Noah and could have done it again. He wanted a nation that would obey him not a disobedient nation. Disobedience is like witchcraft.

  • 5 months later...

What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

See the way I read it, the people did not request to have idols made. Moses was in the mountains with God for 40 days, and the people lost their faith because they didn't have anything in front of them to see (not unlike us). However, Aaron told them to go and get all their gold and Aaron fashioned an idol for them. Howbeit Aaron may not have thought of it as an idol it became an idol. What the people did that was so bad, was they quit trusting in God. God who had brought them through the red sea, God who had provided manna every day for them. God gave us all short term memory.

God can be angry just as we can be angry, it doesn't mean He isn't loving. I love my children but I do get angry with them.

If God had destroyed Israel would it have been justified? I am nobody to judge whether God would be justified. Would it have made a difference to raise up a new nation? Abraham pled for the "lack of 10", however, after Lot and his family were removed and the city was destroyed, Lots daughters got their father drunk so they might have children.

  • 1 month later...

God was angry with them because they made a golden calf and began to worship it as another god.

God has every right to be angry. The people sinned and God is totally against sin. God is a covenant God and the people broke his covenant.

I believe that God is justified in his anger. He can do whatever He feels is right.

Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?







Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

They engaged in pagan religious practices in worship and immoral revelry. They had committed blasphemy against God by creating an idol, worshipping it, and proclaiming it as the god who brought Israel out of Egypt.

A loving and Holy God can be angry with sin and sinful behavior of people. It is justified if that is God's will. God displayed great mercy toward Israel by responding to Moses' plead to honor the Abrahamic Convenant. Moses was looking out for the dignity, witness, and interests of God. Moses loved God.

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