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They had sinned sexually and made a golden calf ( idol) to worship.

God had said " have no other god's before me".

Yes, I think He was justified. After all He is the creator of all and was very angry with their actions. They were given commandments to go by and didn't follow them. That is why He is God and we are not.....

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Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad?

How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel

and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

The Isrealites had quickly forgotten that it was God, not a golden calf, who had brought them out of Egypt. I feel God had every right to be angry with the Isrealites because they had acted so foolishly. In spite of all that they had endured under the hands of Pharoah and the Egyptians for so long, in spite of all they had witnessed God do before their exodus from Egypt, they still would not give God praise for what He was doing for them. Though He would've been completely justified in doing so, I'm glad He did not destroy them right away. How many times have I displeased God or forgotten how much He has done for me and given me? But, in spite of my selfishness, God still shows me how merciful and loving He is. He would have been completely justified in destroying Israel because He could have indeed raised up a new nation through Moses and therefore would have kept His covenant with Abraham.


Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad?

How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel

and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

The people that God saved, turn away and worshipping other God. This is a big sin.

A loving God can be angry; God know what is good for his people, and also what is best to put them responsible to their action. God know who is faitgful to HIM and who do not. Our God is HOLY and we can not compare our God with others.

The love that God show to his people are justified with his action to accept Moses plea. Moses aware with what his people done wrong to God; but Moses also love his people - by praying to God, Moses ask for mercy and God given this to Moses. The justification is symbol of God love through Moses.


GOD is a jealous god, he is angry at these ungrateful, defiant people. Any parent that loves their child knows that love does not stop the anger that comes with repeated defiance and disappointment from efforts to lead children as they should go., we have no call to judge GOD. He is justified in everything he does.


For God is a jealous God, whom became angry when He sees the ones He has freed, the ones in has given live turn from Him and worship a golden calf and give this calf all the honor and glory. Yes I can see His anger and do understand it , for He expects obedience, as Our Father we are His children, He loves us and wants the best for us.

If He decides we need to be taken out He will. He made a promise and was going to keep that promise one way or the other. Why would He want to take a sinful, disobedient people to a new land.



The primary consideration in this passage must be the Holiness of God. The people had turned away from God and worshipped idols. Claiming that the idol had saved them out Egypt. How could a loving God not be angry? God's love offers us care and protection to reject God means we reject God's love his care and protection. God was justified in destroying a people who had rejected Him and the covenant that God had made with Abraham.



To answer these questions, one must conform to God's way thru the renewal of one's mind. Then having submitted to the Sovereignty and holiness of God, we can see that God's ways are good and just, ours are evil. Therefore, He can be angry and destructive towards us and be utterly justified.

This becomes all the more clear when we see God as the Almighty Creator who knows every sinews in our bodies and the number of hairs on my heads. Then there is also the loving God who loves with a jealous passion and isn't indifferent to our sins and idolatry.



God is a just God and he does get angry.

What had the people done that was so bad?

They made idol gods and began to worship them, even Moses' brother Aaron.

God is justified in anything that he want to do, he is the great I AM and everything is his.

I am so greatful he directed me to this study.


Yes of course God was very justified to be very angry. These were the people whom he lead out of bondage, protected by cloud and fire and provided food for every evening and morning with manna and quail. Then the minute he was out of sight how quickly they forgot all he had done, became impatient and selfish and created another God that they thought would supply all they WANTED. They gave into their sinful ways, turned away from the promises they made to God. This all souds very ughy..but in all truth we are not unlike these people at all. How quickly when we do not receive what it is that we think we NEED, we then try to accomplish it or get it by ourselves. We are also stiffnecked people trying to direct our own path rather than to go in the direction that God is telling us to go. We do not build Gods out of gold but every day we make gods of our relationships, jobs and money. Everytime we place something in a place of more importance than God, we are telling God that this is more important than HE. I can only thank Jesus that he is there to intercede for me when God gets fed up with me and all my mistakes. Praise God that he has mercy on us and can see what is in my heart, for my actions are not always a good reflection af what is in my heart. My aim is to glorify God. I just do not always do a good job at it.


Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

God had just delivered the people of Israel from slavery and was bringing them to the promised land.They had tasted the goodness of God,and God had revealed Himself to them as their protector and their provider.Inspite of all this they did not remember the goodness of God ,they were impatient and rebelled against God and committed spiritual adultery and sinned against God.

God is a loving God that is true however He is also a Just and a Holy God and when the children of Israel rebelled against Him,He was angry and rightly so,for God is never wrong.

Yes it was justified.Israel had sinned against God.They had chosen to create idols and worship themThey were not giving Almighty God who had brought them out of bondage and was going to make them His people a thought.I believe God is a Righteous God and His sentence to destroy Israel and raise a new nation through Moses was justified.


These answers to these questions seem so obvious for apeoples far away, in another time and so very obstinate. Cuz it's very easy for me to be righteously indignant about the Israelites and I can equate my human characteristics to God. But God is God and beyond my humanness.

apologies for the stream of consciousness


Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad?

God had given them the Ten Commandments and the number one commandmant was not to have another God before them. They told Aaron to make us gods that will go before us. They created an image similiar to the gods of their neighbors. He had delivered them out of bondage and now they wanted other gods to go before them. How quicky we forget.


How can a loving God be angry? He had done so much for them, brought them out of bondage they had forgotten the goodness of God and were impatient about God directing them to the promised land. they wanted to take matters into their own hands and this angered God.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified? Yes, He have them clear directions and was at this moment giving Moses directions for the tabernacle. He wa still making provision for their future and they were going against the very things He had told them not to do.


The people had begun partaking in idolatry.

A loving God can be angry because He is a just God as well. His doctrine was not being followed therefore He was righteous in His anger.

Once again, God is just and righteous, therefore what ever the sentence was to be was right and just.

God bless you. :D


What had the people done so bad? They went against God at every point. Even God's second in command disobeyed. No wonder God was frustrated--they attempted to thwart His plans and rejected His love.

I believe God's angry reaction is fed by frustration--that His people just didn't get it! I know how upset feelings of frustration can lead to angry reactions in me, and I am created in His image, so the whole situation for God had to be frustrating. He is doing so much to help, loving them so and they are so ungrateful. Just like he must feel at me sometimes.

God is certainly justified in anything He choses to do, yet he is swayed by Moses to give them yet another chance--that speaks to God's forgiving nature too. This scripture gives me hope in that forgiveness.



The Israelites became impatient, as what was so often happens to me. I can see myself clearly in their position so many times when my heart is full of doubt because of my lack of faith in my God. I understand now that the Holiness of God can not stand my sins, and the same was true with what happened during that times when they ascribed their deliverance and worship to a golden calf. It is but proper for Him to get angry. Of course God


The people had rejected God. Their impatience and distrust, lack of faith caused them to question God and why they were having to wait on Moses and possibly there would be jealousy there too. Aaron, could be Jealous of Moses why else would he react the way he did. Aaron should have encouraged the people to wait, tried to strengthen their faith, instead of secumbing to their whims. People forget very easily what God does for them.

God had every right to be angry. I believe he would be sad too, disappointed, have a feeling of being let down, the people he loved had treated Him so shabbily. How do we react when a loved one treats us shabbily. We want to relatiate. Is this a characteristic of God since we are made in God's image?

Not only is God a God of love but He is a God of justice. Should the people truly repent He will forgive them


What had the people done that was so bad?

They had utterly rebelled against God by substituting idols and contributing God's salvation to them.

They had demanded that Aaron make them a golden calf, then they sacifaced to it and claimed it brought them out of Egypt. :angry:

How can a loving God be angry?

It's true He is a God of love, but He is also a holy God who can't tolerate sin.

It is possible to love someone, yet be angry at the wrong things they do. :angry:

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses


I believe God would have been completely justified in destroying Israel.

He freed them from slavery, brought them out of Egypt, miraculously parted the Red Sea so they could escape Pharoah's army, guided them with a cloud by day and a fire by night.

So what to they do? They become impatient and can't wait for Moses' return,

so they forget about God and demand an idol that they can worship be made for them.

This wouldn't be the first time, that God would have destoyed a nation because of sin.

He destroyed all of mankind except Noah and his family by flood.

He destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah during Abraham's time because of their wicked sins. :angry:


:o (1) In their own present generation of Isralites, God has done many miracles, which they have seen with their eyes and enjoyed the fruits thereof. Because of the delay in Moses returning from the Mount Sinai, they have lost faith in the almighty God and went after a visible item to worship. This is considered by God, a very great sin, moreso as He was their constant companion in their jouney out of Egypt.

(2) Because God loved them so much, HE was angry with them for their grivious sin of totally replacing Him in their hearts. It is a righteous anger of the most holy God. His Righteousness and sin have no compeimise.

(3) Here we clearly see the righteous judge and a loving God. God is fully justified unto himself for the

decision to detroy them.


God's justice demands obedience. For God to destroy a sinful nation nation seems almost rational to me. Much less obvious is His promise to rebuild a nation through Moses, especially after identifying that same nation as Moses' people.

  • 3 weeks later...

1) While Moses is with God, the people on the sands below have become impatient. They demand that Aaron make visible gods like they're used to and the people worship the golden calf idol, sacrifice to it, and claim that the idol brought them out of Egypt -- utter blasphemy.

2)Lord are angry at sin can't be understood apart from his own holiness, his separateness from sin, his nature utterly opposed to injustice, sin, and human degradation.

3)Yes, Lord's word is true and justified.


While Moses is on Mt. Sinai for forty days and nights receiving God's laws for the people they became anxious and asked Aaron to make a statue of a god that they could worship. Aaron collected the gold jewelry that the people had taken from the Egyptians, melted it down, and made an idol in the shape of a bull. The people worshiped this idol with dancing and sacrifices. Because of their blatant disobedience against Him, God's anger burned against them and He, in His anger threatened to destroy the whole lot of them. God loves the sinner but hates the sin. The people had just been set free, saw the parting of the Red Sea and walked across to the other side on dry land and their enemies drowned and they were still grumbling and complaining. Moses realized that God was serious because He'd destroyed mankind once and it looked like He was going to do it again.


What the people did that was so bad was they made an image and worshiped it as their god.

Easy, He had created this beautful world for them amd they gave the credit to a golden calf.

God is justified in everything He does.

  • 3 weeks later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

The people of Isreal didin't wait on the Lord for one thing, and they also turned and saught validation and put there ttust in a false god. They turned there back on the Lord out of selfish needs. God did love them, very much, but God has a purpose for everyone and if you don't want to be apart of it and to further the kingdom of God we WILL find someone else. Was it justified? I believe that what ever God does has purpose and a reason. for the fufillment of the kingdom.


Q1. The people worshipped other gods and sinned against the one and only God. A loving God can be angry if his people do not worship and obey him. If they sin against him. God's sentence is justified because whatever he says goes and he made us.

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