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What had the people done that was so bad?

Just as Moses turns his back to go seek God for instruction the people got restless and began to remember Egypt. They began to return to the worshiping of idols. They forgot just that quick that The Almighty God of Israel had not to long deliver them.

How can a loving God be angry?

Just as our loving God gives love, he also can become angry with his people. Just like I'm a parents so is God. We love our child but have no problems wanting to put a handle on bad behavior. Just as loving God he is so is the opportunity that he will give his wrath. He has no problems dealing with things that turn against him.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

Looking at scripture God well in his right to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses because Moses was his servant and mouth piece to the people. God would have used him anyway because he chooses Moses for such a work. The people forgot that the God of Israel not to long delivered them and they were down there worshipping a golden calf forgetting the might acts the Lord, God has shown.

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Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

After God had promised to deliver them, they failed to have patience, and decided to prepare and worship false idols again.

Because God loves us, he gets angry. For one, he is a selfish God. We are HIS people and he wants us to worship only him. He also wants the best for us, and wants us to do what is right. The things God asks us to do, are not bad or mean things, they are for the good of our families, and his people. Just like a parent gets angry when a child disobeys, but yet, we still love them.

I belive his decision to destroy Israel was justified. They had betrayed him, after everything he had promised to bring them through.

  • 2 months later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

I not sure what they did is as bad as the mind that they had. Even after seeing all the wonders that God had done for them, the people still wanted to go back to Egypt. I mean this both physically and mentally in tha they never left idol worshiping and false gods but instead thought nothing of creating a god from their own hands?

This cause God to which had brought them out of israel to entertain the thought of wiping them out.

Was God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?, Funny! Ha Ha! if I say no then I am questing God, if I say yest them I assuming I know God desires.

It is what it is.

  • 2 weeks later...

The people of Israel made themselves and idol cast and bow down and worship. They totally disrespected GOD. He love us. We shall not bow down to NO one but the Almighty GOD. HE is the first and the last,He is GOD.

  • 4 weeks later...

They violated the first two commandments of God that they had just heard.

God is not just a loving God, He is Holy, Righteous, Merciful, Gracious, Long Suffering, Compassionate, Jealous, Incorruptible, Upright, and True. God hates sin, and His anger directed towards sin is just.

It is difficult for us to justify any action of God, particularly in these days of political correctness, when we find it so hard to criticize of condemn anyone for anything. We make excuses for sin, and try to whisk it away with some modern phobia or pass the blame game. God calls sin, sin. He is perfect in His will and Justified in whatever He does. We would do well to remind ourselves that when it comes to sin, there are black and whites. Everything is not a shade of grey to be justified by mans whim.


What had the people done that was so bad?

Instead of worshiping and praising God, while they waited on Moses to return, they wanted something to see to worship. In other words the people had slap God in the face and said that they could handle it from now on, they and their hand made gods didn't need the true and living God. Because of Isael living in a country for years where they had hand made god that they could see, they could not handle not being able to see, or feel God.

How can a loving God be angry?

I would like to know how could God not be angry! After all that he had done for them even before they left out of Egpty. How can anyone say that they love something and not be moved with an emotion. For example when you have done something for someone and they constanly take and never show their gratitude, after a while any one would say I'm not doing this or that again to help them, if they are just going to take from me and go and tell someone else thank you. Even though God is not like man with his emotions, we have a since of that emotion, that we can relate to.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

In God's word he said that he is a jeolous God and that he would not share HIS glory with nothing or no one (my paraphraze). Because God is God, he is very justified to have destroyed Israel. But like the 2nd question above states "loving God" he looked for a way around destroying Israel. When God destroyed the world in the 1st flood, it was an emotional thing for him to witness the death of the people so, that he promised that he would not destroy the world like that again.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

Q.1a) What had the people done that was so bad? They had made themselves an idol to which they offered sacrifices to and bowed down to worship their god, they had broken the first and second commandments of God. "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.'You shall have no other gods before Me.' 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth, for I the Lord your God is jealous God, Exodus 20:1-6

Q.1b) How can a loving God be angry? How can a loving God not be angry? He heard his people

  • 1 month later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

What had the people done that was so bad?

God's first commandments [Exodus 20:1-5] says, " Thou shalt have no other God(s) before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth, beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them for the Lord your God am a jealous God" The people built a graven image and credited it with their deliverance from Egypt. Verse 4c says, " Then they said, These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt." Then they bowed down and worshipped them and had a feast in honor of them.

How can a loving God be angry?

We as parents often get upset with our children, when we in love teach them right from wrong and they choose to do wrong in spite of our teachings. God is our Father, and as a loving father may become angry at our unrepentant disobedience, but that does not diminish his love for us.

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified.

The people of Israel had complained from the time Moses lead them out of Egypt. God had been patient, loving and kind, seeing that their wants and needs were met, yet they were not satisfied. God called them a stiff-necked people. I believe that God had had enough, even though he is a loving God, The people were repeatedly disobedient, willful and determined to keep the ways of the Egyptians that were the direct opposite of God's commandments. God's sentence was justified in that there is always consequences to sin. God may forgive the sinner if he/she repents, but sin always carries consequences.


Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

They took the glory that belong to the true God and gave it to an idol, a calf of gold. They turned from the true God because they could not see Him to something that they could see. They for got the power and might of the God of Isreal that he showed when He brought them out of Egypt and turned to an object that could do nothing for them but sit on the alter that they had to build.

Yes, He is creator of all things, He is the one and only God and maker of all things including them and what a creator makes He has a right to judge and destroy. A loving God can be angry just like any Father that has a child that rebels and refuse to obey what they theach them. God is Holy and can't be in the presence of sin and when we sin He has the right to judge us and destrou us as He sees fit but thanks be to God He gave His one and only Son Jesus to make us justified in His site the only way we a sinful people can be saved.


The people of Israel disobeyed God's command not to have any gods before Him and not to make idols. Their disobedience and rebellion angered God.

A loving God that is righteous and holy despises sin. God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation is justified because God's desire was to raise up His holy people and he made it clear that when laws were broken that the transgressions must be dealt with harshly in order to " get rid of the evil among you" (Deuteronomy 21: 21; 22:21; 22:24) God's commands have always been in the best interest of His people--yet they continued to rebel.


The people had grown tired of waiting on Moses to come down from the mountain. They wanted something to worship that they could see. They gave their gold earrings to Aaron who formed them into a golden calf. He could not dissuade them from worshipping the gold idol. They set up an idol instead of worshipping God. That caused God's anger.

God has every reason to be angry with sin. As parents, we are angry when our children or others do wrong. Anger shows our displeasure at what has been done. Many times anger comes out of love knowing the results and consequences that sin brings.

God's intent to destroy the wicked people and raise up a new nation through Moses is justified. Moses himself was a descendant of Abraham. It would have fulfilled his promises to Abraham. Moses' prayer changed that. Prayer changes things.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

They had made an idol and worshipped it

He was angry because Hewas justified to be so. and since he is a just God He cannot afford to

overlook sin .

Yes his sentence was justified but He overlooked it because of moses's prayer of intersession and

being a loving God he is, He overlooked their sin and forgave the israelites

  • 1 month later...

The people were fickle. While Moses was on the mountain with God, they got tired of waiting, made an idol, and worshiped it. God commands us not to have and worship other gods. He is angry when people disobey. We don't get it that when we worship Him we will be most happy. God's sentence is justified - He created people and He can do what He choses when they disobey.


Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

After God had provided everything that they needed to survive the trip, The Israelites, who couldn't see Moses, decided that they needed a god they could see-a leader. So they made an image of a calf made from gold.

The Bible says that God is a jealous God-He loves us that much. After everything He had done for these people, they turn to a golden calf and worship and sacrifice to it.

Yes, God is justified in being angry and wanting to raise up a new nation through Moses. It's kind of like me-if I was told that I'm a bad parent, even though I feed, clothe, and shelter my children. I give them everything they need to survive-love, education-everything. Suddenly they come to me and tell me that I didn't do enough and they want new parents. Oh yea, I would be very angry! I would tell them to go and get new parents! But when I cooled off and had time to think about it, I would be hurt, and I would forgive them, and try to find out what their problem is. God is way higher than me, and we have to be careful. God won't play games. We're either His or we're not.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad?

They had rebelled against God, demanding that Aaron make them a visible god from their earrings, and then worshipped the golden calf he fashioned for them. They lavished the love, devotion and worship due their Creator, on a lifeless copy of something He created for them to eat!

How can a loving God be angry?

God's holiness cannot be separated from His anger over sin and rebellion. He is not a passive God who tolerates sin and rebellion....that's why I'm so thankful that Jesus saved my sinful stiff neck!

Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

Yes, it was. His people had turned their backs and hearts against Him in favor of an idol to worship, even turning it into an orgy, in just a matter of days! Since Moses was from the Messianic line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God's promise to Israel would have been fulfilled. He'd already started over once with Noah when the sin of the world was intolerable to Him. This would have been an acceptable new beginning.

In reading Isaiah this morning I was reminded of God's ultimate wrath against the sinful rebellion of His creation: "Behold the day of the Lord is coming! Fierce, with wrath and raging anger...to make the land and the whole earth a desolation and to destroy out of it its sinners. And I, the Lord, will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their guilt and iniquity; I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible and the boasting of the violent and ruthless. I will make man more rare than fine gold, and mankind scarcer than the pure gold of Ophir. Therefore I will make the heavens tremble; and the earth shall be shaken out if its place at the wrath of the Lord of hosts in the day of His fierce anger. Isaiah 13:9,11-13

It's His creation and His patience will come to an end and finally a new beginning without the sinful rebellion of those who refuse His loving kindness and salvation.

Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

What the people had done was had Aaron erect "another god" (because they were impatient) and began to worship and idol, which made God angry at them. A loving God can be angry, because He is also holy, and His holiness requires a response to rebellion...which would be anger. God's sentence is justified, I believe, because He is God, and quite simply, He can do whatever He pleases. Even in our own humanness, we will "start over" when it becomes too much of a "mess." Praise God that Jesus is our remedy for "new beginnings"...and it is the redemption of God in Christ that gives us all a new start and an opportunity to repent before a Holy God.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

What had the people done that was so bad: While Moses was up on Mount Sinai, the people grew impatient, maybe thinking that Moses had deserted them. They persuaded Aaron to make them a god to worship, in direct disobedience to the second commandment.

How can a loving God be so angry? As Israel has done time and time again, they had fallen into sin, with their golden calf. Love can at times be expressed as anger, though it does need to be a controlled anger. A father may become angry at an unruly child, who is behaving in a way that could be dangerous to himself of others around him. It is out of love that he may take the child aside and punish him. Of course, we pray that the father observes limits and does not over do this punishment.

Is God's sentence to destroy israel and raise up a new nation justified? No, and I think God recognized this partly on His own, and partly because of Moses power of prayerful persuasion.

Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

The people had created gods that they could see-idols-a calf, gold at that, and they were worshiping the calf. I can be loving all the time but if you say something about my mom derogatorily I will get angry. The same with God or more he created us just to love him and due to our selfish need of instant gradatude we create idols because we have trust issues. That's enough to anger God and he wants to stew in it for a while. I think Mrs. God (not funny I know) sent Moses to re-center his thoughts for like us it isn't good to stew in your anger. I think if most of the world was living with idolaty then he certainly had the justified to raise up a new nation.


The children of Israel pressurized Aron to make a fake god for them to represent the Almighty God. They are impatient with God. They were in bondage for over 400years and now that they are free they are in a hurry to do what? I wonder. This is a lesson for us his children, God's time is the best. wait for the tablet of your commandment to arrive, don't make any fake slate or ask anybody to make a representation anything that God has in stalk for you. His own choice is always the best and would be for His own.

Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

R1. The people of Israel disobeyed God's commandment not to have other gods except Him and not to kneel and worship idols or images. To God the essence of faith at that time was perfect obedience.

God first loved Israel and longs for the Hebrews to love back, instead they disobeyed, worshipped and praised a man made idol. He was angry at what they did. He still loved the Israelites, His chosen people. Moses must have misinterpreted Yahweh's remarks.

Our Almighty, Just, Righteous, Loving, and All-knowing God never have to justify His Words and actions. He is our Lord and King, what He says, goes.

  • 3 weeks later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

The people persuaded Aaron to build idols so they could worship them instead of worshipping God. I think they had become impatient, and wanted to worship something tangible. They forgot how God had been guiding them during the desert wanderings and how He had spoken to them through Moses and Aaron and hoe He had provided for them in regards to food, shelter and clothing. Worshipping anything or anyone other than God is blasphemy.

God was righteously angry but He didn't sin. The same thing He tells us, "..don't let the sun go down on your anger." In other words, it's ok to be angry but it is a sin to not forgive someone or refuse to ask forgiveness.

I think if God wanted to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses, He was justified, simply because He is God and whatever He chooses to do cannot be questioned by man. Yet, that is not what He intended in the long run because it took Moses' prayer to change God's mind.

  • 6 months later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

The Israelites had got Aaron to build a golden calf that became a "god" or "idol" to them in the place of God, and made sacrifices and danced and worshipped before it.

God is a righteous and a jealous God and will not accept any idol to be put in placae of Him. The Israilites were choosing to turn their backs on God and follow their own desires. Here we see the people rebelling against God who has delivered them from slavery and wants to bring them into the promised land. He has emotions. He was hurt and angry at their rejection and sin. They were denying Him who had brought them out of darkness into Light.

In view of the fact that God originally wanted to bring His kingdom to earth "as it is in heaven" I believe He was justified. As in the days of Noah, the flood wiped out mankind to give a fresh start so to speak, so God was probably thinking of wiping out all who were sinning and raising up a new generation that would follow Him and bring His kingdom to earth.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. The people committed idolotry, they chose to worship an image instead of the true and living God. God's sentence would be justified in that he gave his

commandments thou shall have no other God before me. God is souverign so he do as he pleases.

  • 1 month later...
Q1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified?

They have quickly turned aside from the way that I commanded them


Being a devoted Christian I learn something new everyday with our father "Abba" I love having conversations with God and I don't always understanding everything. But this question hit home with me because prayer for me is everything. Knowing that he is our God and he listens but not always does he agree with what we ask. Now I know that God is without sin so if we ask without sin to turn something around for our own good what we think may not be what God thinks is for our own good. Our human emotions and feelings are important to God but we don't always want to see the truth because of the sin. We just want it to be our way and hope that that person or thing changes for the good. But only God knows which way its going to turn and if he wants to turn it for its own good. We don't know what other people are thinking or wanting to do but God does and it may not be to his liking and he may have other plans for those people or things. A lot of people are mad because they feel that God doesn't answer there prayers and they get mad I did. Until they if they want to "free will" really understand. We have to read the word over and over to understand Gods words. We have to ask God for more understanding and it is always granted to us. Being stubborn and stiff necked as God put it is not unconditional love. I have now unconditional love for my father in heaven because he has that for me. Not for me to be spoiled or have to have my way but to point me and lead me in the right direction even if it doesn't feel good I always no now that it is for the good and to wait for the victory. Patient. Moses had a very good reason to ask God to look the other way because God asks that of us turn the other cheek. God is all about love. So if he destroyed the people how can we look at this as an example. Moses went to the mountain to talk to God for the good of all of it. This story brings me to my knees because God is a wonderful God. He saw the reasoning behind it. And yes Moses said he can destroy he did before so he asked for God to forgive them and bring them out of Egypt that these are his people. Show them let them truly see so they can be free like he promised. To justify God's plan is to say thank you God for loving all the people and that you are our true God. I love you Father. :D

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