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Q1. (Judges 8:22-23) Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel?

Gideon refused to be king over Israel because he wanted to point the people to the one who had given them the victory, the Lord God. The people were attributing the victory to Gideon, but Gideon knew that the real champion here is God.

In what sense would becoming king be treason?

For the Israelites, God is their Ruler; He has always been with them, in fact a covenant was made at Mt. Sinai, the people agreeing to the rule of God and His sovereignty over them. For Gideon to now step forward as their ruler would be treason.

Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

With this understanding of God as the nation's sovereign, it would be treason to bestow kingship on anyone.

  • 8 months later...
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Q1. (Judges 8:22-23) Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

Gideon refuses to be king over Israel because he acknowledges that it is the Lord who will rule over Israel. For Gideon to accept being king would be treason in that God had made a convenant, much like the suzerain-vassal treaty model used in the ancient neat east, whereby God was the king and would provide for, protect, and bless Israel as the vassal as long as they were loyal and obedient to Him.

The Israelites didn't see bestowing kingship as treason because they were blinded by Gideon's success and didn't acknowledge God as the one responsible for Israel's victory. In reality, they were out of touch with God. They weren't interested in the Mosiaic Convenant or they never would have been worshipping Baal and other gods and the Midianites would not have been an issue.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Gideon refused the offer to become king and his sons and heirs to follow in a dynasty. He told them the Lord would rule over them. If he had of accepted the kingship it would have been like betraying the Lord who called him to lead the Israelites.

The Israelites had put their trust and faith in Gideon and did not give God the credit for rescueing them from the Midianites. They felt comfortable asking Gideon to be king so they could be like other nations.

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon recognizes that God is King and to accept His title would be treason against Him. The Israelies are still worshipping idols and feel no such restraints.


Q1. Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? (8:22-23) In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

Gideon understood the importance of putting God first

  • 2 months later...

Gideon refuses to be the king over Israel because it would go against the rule of their God over the whole nation as their sovereign King, and God

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon refuses to be king over Israel because he says the Lord should rule the nation. The Isrealites had promised to follow the covenant God made with Moses. God was to be the sovereign ruler. It seems that the Israelites continue to forget Gpd. The Isrealites saw the victory as Gideon's, not God's.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Judges 8:22-23) Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

Gideon refuses to be king over Israel because he understands that God is Israel

  • 2 weeks later...

God had never intended for Israel to have a king but that he would be there Sovereign. Gideon recognized this Truth and would not be "made" king not his grand son. He God would lead and protect and supply for them all and any benefit a King would and even more because he loved them as a "treasured possession." Ex. 19:4-6

Their hearts were hardened by sin and they failed to see that God had won the battle for them. When we see ourselves as sufficient for the day there is great danger of putting ourselves on the "Throne" of our heart instead of the Lord.

Also, I am sure all of the peoples around them had Kings and they felt if they had one they would not have gotten into this mess in the first place. They did not recognize that sin was the very root of their problem all along, separating them from God and his blessings.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Judges 8:22-23) Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?
  • 6 months later...

Q1. (Judges 8:22-23) Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

Gideon recognizes God as the King and himself as God's servant.

This would be arrogance on his part and usurping God's rightful place as their only King.

The Israelites had repeatedly strayed from God to serve idols. They were far from God in their hearts and didn't even consider Him. When they wanted Gideon as king they were rejecting God as their King.

God Bless


Numbers 6:24-26

  • 3 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Judges 8:22-23) Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

1. Gideon refuses to be king over Israel because God was their King.

2. The Israelites would be rejecting the Sovereign King who is God, and Gideon would become King over Israel in place of God.

3. The Israelites did not follow God and His laws. They broke their covenant or relationship with God their King.

  • 5 months later...

Q1. (Judges 8:22-23) Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel?

Gideon recognized that God was their deliverer...he was only the vessel.

In what sense would becoming king be treason?

God was their King....according to the covenant delivered at Mt. Sinia after Moses was used to deliver the people from Exodus.

Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

The had turned away from God to worship Baal, breaking the covenant. They no longer believed that God was their King and deliverer.

Ignorance or unbelief or apathy...maybe all three. Human nature always seems to go for the "instant gratification" and the "visible", such as their homemade, lifeless idols.

This reminds me of when Jesus fed the multitudes and they clamored for Him to be their King as a human physical ruler, ignorant of the fact that He is THE King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Gideon refused to be king over Israel because God is supposed to be their king. And since God is suppose to be king it would be treasonous for Gideon to want that position. I think that the reason that the Israelites didn’t see bestowing Gideon as the king as being treasonous because they didn’t have their faith in God. They had their faith in Gideon.

  • 1 year later...

Gideon rightly refused to become a King over Israel because after all that had happened in recent times, he was fully aware now of God's sovereignty, whereas before this adventure with God, his faith was minimal, to say the least. He would have realised indeed from God's various orders, that God alone had been responsible for the victory over the Midianites and in so believing, he would have ascribed all the praise and resultant glory to the all-powerful Lord, Although his faith up to the time of his calling was weak, he would have had knowledge of the covenant that God had made with the children of Israel upon leaving the wilderness. To place himself in any way as a ruler or hallowed representative of the people, would heve been treason indeed. The people of Israel had had a recent history of mixed loyalties to God and false gods, i.e.Baal, and in the comparative quiet of the aftermath of the battles, seemed to be pulled back to this shallow knowledge and trust in God's original promises. So calling for Gideon to become their King, did not seem to them any great apostasy at that time.

  • 1 year later...

Gideon refuses to become king because God is Israel's King.  Gideon would be guilty of treason if he became king because the people of Israel entered into a covenant with God (like a superior feudal lord) before they even entered the Promised Land.  Gideon knew better than to take God's position of Authority.  The Israelites, however, already had dethroned God in their hearts, and so they didn't see any  problem with setting up a human king like the other nations.

  • 3 years later...
  On 2/7/2003 at 3:47 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Judges 8:22-23) Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?


Gideon refuses to be king over Israel because he wants God to be their king.  God is the true king and Gideon wants the Israelites to acknowledge that.   It would be treason because God is the sovereign king of Israel and Gideon doesn’t want to commit treason him or his son.  They felt like it was Gideon who delivered them from the Midianites, but it was the work of the Lord.

  • 9 months later...

Q1.  (Judges 8:22-23)

Q. Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel?

A. He rightly told his people that it was God that should be their King and Ruler over them. This was why he refused to accept their offer.

 Q. In what sense would becoming king be treason?

A. The covenant terms expected to have only one king, the Lord God Almighty, thus any other mortal that takes the position does that in rebellion and treason which attracts sanctions.

Q. Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

A. I think they could only see Gideon and his physical acts of planning and executing the successful battle against the Medianites and thus could not see anything wrong making him king against the Divine covenant prohibition.

  • 1 year later...
  On 2/7/2003 at 3:47 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Judges 8:22-23) Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?


He understands that God is Israel's King.

He would be acting against God and God's people.

Their hearts are far from God. And they are very forgetful.

  • 8 months later...

Gideon had such a grasp of the greatness of God.  He couldn't accept any kingship.  The prophet Ezekiel had a number of visions that underscored the kingship of God.     In such a challenging time, Gideon. did not want to incur the wrath of God.   It would be treason if he accepted kingship;  he knew what God revealed to Moses

The Israelites lacked proper Bible knowledge concerning kingship.  For many years,  while under the Midianites,  their Bible knowledge must have been  negible.  No wonder they viewed Gideon as a King and Saviour.  I wonder where was the High Priest at this time.   Now we have the Holy Spirit here on earth.  What a consolation!   While so many churches in doctrinal disarray, we have the Comferter and Advocate to assist us to study the Holy Scriptures.  




  • 1 year later...

God rules. God saves. We are His instruments which occasionally He chooses to use.

It's sin to elevate ourselves to the point where we think God must work through human intermediaries for He can, and often does, work outside humanity to accomplish His will. 

Gideon had heard God's voice. He had been elevated, by God, as an instrument of divine purposes. He had been doing what God told him to do. When offered political power (Does this remind you of Jesus in the desert being tempted by Satan?) he declined it because it was not something God had told him to do. So far, the battles, political murders and victories were God-directed -- being crowned as king, however, would NOT have been God directed.

Gideon had the humility, then, to decline kingship as he awaited God's next commands.

I wonder if this was a test of Gideon's obedience and humility. 

  • 2 months later...

Gideon refuses the request of being their king because he knows that he was not responsible for their deliverance from their enemies. God was, is. Gideon knows he was a coward and only succeeded because of God. It was God's strength and power, he was just the vessel. The Israelites are refusing God because they want to worship a god they can see like the surrounding countries do. This is a new generation after the death of Joshua and the people have forgotten the God of their ancestors. This invisible God who delivered them from Egypt.

  • 7 months later...

Q1.  (Judges 8:22-23)

Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel?

In what sense would becoming king be treason?

Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

God was Israel's King. At Mt Sinai the nation of Israel had entered into Covenant relationship with God as their King, when they received the law and accepted His protection over them.  

God was their sovereign and suzerain. As such He promised to be with them as they enter the Promised Land.  He had proved to be with them at many different times and here again in defeating the Midianites, He again had assisted them. Gideon saw it as such and refused to take the glory for himself.

Becoming king would be treason, for God already held that position and in no way was Gideon going to usurp it.  

The Israelites were blinded by what the surrounding nations had and wanted to be like them.  


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