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5 Q1. Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? (8:22-23)

Because by that time there had never been a King over Israel and the only sovereign was God. For him to accept sovereignty over Israel would be to usurp God


1 a. Gideon told them that God was the ruler over them.

Then gave Gideon praise - not God.

1 b. God inhabits the Tabernacle. He's invisible but he is

king, so it would be treason for Gideon to accept.

1 c. Because of their monotheistic faith.


Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? (8:22-23) In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

Gideon refuses because he knows it would be just plain wrong for him to accept the Kingship. He seems to have a knowledge of Israel's covenant with God that makes God their king.

Since God was supposed to be king, for a man to become king without God's approval would be usurping God's rightful place.

The Israelites either forgot or were ignoring the covenant. They wanted to be like other nations with a powerful ruler. They saw Gideon as someone who could give them victory over their enemies and respect in the eyes of the other nations.

Like others have said, there is a danger in becoming enamored with someone's leadership/teaching, even a Christian leader, if it takes our eyes off of God's true place of kingship in our lives.


Gideon knew that only the Lord could really be King and that only the Lord could really deliver them from their enemies. If he placed himself as king over the Israelites, all the glory would go to him instead of to the Lord. Gideon knew that to become the king would only cause the Israelites more harm than good. The Israelites are looking for a king that they could see physically because they have conditioned by that way of thinking. During their time, almost all if not every other group around them have some sort of a "King" that they look up to and fear. They got the idea that they will earn the respect of the people around them only if they have someone that their enemies will fear and respect. Which is why they too wanted to see someone who will physically lead them to victory.


Gideon refuses to be king because he recognizes that God is their king, therefore he would be usurping the throne if he accepted it.

The Israelites did not see that bestowing kingship on Gideon would be treason, because they didn't see God as their king. Just as we do today, they had lost sight of God because He is invisible. He was and is someone to turn to in times of trouble, but is easily missed during times of blessing, even though He is the source of all blessing.

They had some excuse, because they couldn't receive guidance from God without going through an intermediary; they were used to intermediaries and wanted Gideon to be a ruler to whom they could go for guidance and direction. We have no excuse, because we can communicate with God directly; as our relationship is one-to-one, there is no excuse for forgetting His presence!

  • 4 weeks later...

Gideon Lesson 5

Question 1

Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? (Judges 8:22-23) In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

The Israelites believed Gideon saved them out of the hand of the Midianites and saw Gideon as the savior.

This was a deception we all are in danger of. Believing that great men and women are what we need. When they are given us to point the way to Him.

However, Gideon refuses to be king over Israel because Gideon knew it was the Lord who had saved them and he saw the Lord as savior, and to his credit, humbly points them to God, though he will act as judge and kind of interim leader throughout his lifetime.

To understand why Gideon demurs, we need to understand the nature of the Kingdom of God.

When Moses was leading the Israelites in the wilderness and the people of Israel gathered at the base of Mt. Sinai to receive the law, they were actually entering into covenant or relationship with God as their King.

God was Israel's king and it would be treason, sacrilege, for Gideon to allow himself to be named king. Centuries later when the people clamor, 'Give us a king to lead us,' God says to Samuel, 'It is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king' (1 Samuel 8:6-7).

People are no different today. We all want to be loved and accepted by those around us. The other nations all had a king so the Israelites wanted a king.

The Israelites didn't see bestowing kingship as treason because they saw Gideon as the savior. They had seemingly forsaken the covenant given them through Moses with God as their King.

They wanted to worship man instead of God. Even after their forefathers had been given, "You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites." (Exodus 19:4-6)

And this precious Word is given us so we may learn from their mistakes how easy it is for all of us to want a leader that we can see.

Our God is invisible, unseen . . . yet He is King of Kings. And we who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.

We, who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

We are are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that we may proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9-10)

  • 2 weeks later...

Gideon Said that the Lord is the only king. By accepting the kingship would be going against the Lord. Israel was attracted by the Baals of Canaan instead of the kingship of the Lord.

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon refuses to be king of Israel because he knows that God must rule over the people Israel. Gideon's kingship would be like treason in that the people would worship him, not God. The Israelites probably did not see bestowing kingship to Gideon as treason because of their understanding of a Suzerain-vassal arrangement, a superior feudal lord over the people to lead, protect and care for by the terms of covenant. lmc

  • 2 weeks later...

Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? (8:22-23) In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

Gideon was totally aware that while he was being perceived as a "savior" of his people, he was not worthy to be placed in a kingly position. Only God himself was to be the "savior" and leader of the nation.

Undoubtedly, they felt something of an obligation to reward Gideon for his valiant work of delivering them from their enemies. He was their "hero", so why not make him a king?


Gideon said that the Lord would rule over the Israelites, not him, for the reason they were asking him was because they saw him as their deliverer. However, it was God not Gideon who delivered them.

God had called Israel to be His treasured possession, a kingdom of priests, a holy nation when He gave them the law. He was their king. So if Gideon chose to be king, he would be taking God

  • 4 weeks later...
Q1. Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? (8:22-23) In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason? Exposition

Gideon refuses to be king over Israel because the Lord will rule over Israel. Becoming a king would be treason because it would be exaulting himself over others and instead of the Lord as the rightful ruler. The Israelites didn't see it as treason because they didn't recognize any other ruler over them except for the Midianites and they had been vanquished at the hand of Gideon. This in their mind set Gideon as their ruler, not the Lord who was the real ruler. How blind they were.

  • 2 weeks later...

Gideon recognised that God was the King over Israel. It was a theocracy and we have an example in how Samuel reacted when the people asked for a king - that they might be as other nations! Replacing the Lord God as king would be a treasonable act. Cleqrly the Israelites had forgotten their God and King. To them the position was vacant.

  • 7 months later...

Gideon refuses to be king because he didn't want to make God jealous. Israel's heart was wrong when they asked for a king.

When the Israelites asked Gideon to be king, they didn't trust God as their king.

Israel didn't know any better when they saw they needed a king instead of God.


Gideon refuses to be king over Israel because God is already the head over Israel. Becoming king would be treason in the sense it would be "overthrowing" God from the throne. The Israelites did not see bestowing kingship as treason because they did not acknowledge the invisible living God as their king and wanted a physical eathly king to rule over them.

  • 3 months later...

Q1. Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? (8:22-23)

Because they were given Gideon the glory for the victory instead of God. Only God can rule over Israel.

In what sense would becoming king be treason?

It would be claiming a victory that belonged to God.

Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

They needed to worship and honor God, their only King. :rolleyes:

  • 1 month later...

1. Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? (8:22-23) In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

The people wanted to make Gideon their king but Gideon refused as he said that the Lord was to rule over them. The Israelites said that Gideon had saved them but Gideon put them back on the right track. The people had made God their king at the base of Mt. Sinai and it would be treason for anyone else to take over. However the Israelites had forgotten this and wanted a great man as their leader


Gideon refuses to be king because that would be in denial of the kingship of God, established through the covenant. God would be their king.

To usurp the position of a king is treason. To usurp the position of God is treason, when He is king.

The Israelites don't see this because they are already developing the idea that they want a king they can see, like all the other nations around them. The general population don't conceive of God any more as their king. The desert and the specifics of the covenant made with God therein are forgotten. In the main they follow leaders they can physically relate to, wherever that leader may take them. In other words, peer pressure is what they are use to, and how they relate their lives.

  • 3 weeks later...

A judge is someone who lets God be the king. Gideon knew what was his purpose, a judge and not a king. Israel's king was God and not Gideon and it was Gideon who reminded the Israelites who was the king of Israel. :)

Becoming the king of Israel is treason because it's to try to steal God's ruling over the people of Israel. Only if God had approved of a king then it wouldn't be treason. It is lack of obedience toward God more than anything else. :)

The people of Israel wanted to have a king because they had forgotten all about God and his will over them. They needed to come back, to remember about obedience. :)

  • 6 months later...

Gideon refuses to rule over the people because he knows that is the Lord,s job not his.

Gideon in becoming king would be performing an act of treason because he would be taking the Lord's place.

Israel did not see bestowing kingship as treason because they did not worship the One True King, God. After Gideon dies they go right back to worhipping false gods or idols.

  • 3 months later...

Gideon refused to become King because he knew that the Lord was God and it was to Him they owed the victory and only God should rule over them. The others though were barely pass the

time of worshipping the ashtoreth pole, and had yet to fully grasp the concept of following the Lord God. Especially, one their eyes could not see.

  • 1 month later...

:o Gideon did not want to be ruler over the Isrealites because not only will that be treason,but that is trying to steal glory from GOD and that's worse than treason. :ph34r:

It would have been like committing treason because you are betraying Our Lord & Savior by saying "I Did This & That ,giving credit to your self ¬ GOD.

To their ignorance, they felt it was the norm to appoint him because he led them physically through battle, but IT WAS GOD ALL THE TIME .....PRAISE THE LORD!!


Q1. Why does Gideon refuse to be king over Israel? (8:22-23) In what sense would becoming king be treason? Why didn't the Israelites see bestowing kingship as treason?

Gideon refuses to be king because he understands that is God's position in Israel. He made a covenant with Israel while in the wilderness that He would deliver them a land and that He was to be their King, setting someone else up to be king would be treason. The Israelites didn't see it that way because all the other countries around them had kings and they wanted to be the same; also their hearts were not right with God. They had become "wordly" and forgotten who brought them to where they were and the convenant that had been established.

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