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Lesson 3 Q 1

What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare Sodom?

If there are ten righteous people in Sodom then it would be wrong to kill the righteous with the wicked because God is a righteous God.

How does it relate to God's character?

By God is a righteous God and He will treat the righteous justly. God's character is righteous, mercyful, loving and everything that is good. Amen?

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Q1 What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare Sodom? How does this relate to God's character?

God gave a fair test to the men of Sodom. He was not ignorant of all the widked things going on, but is his fairness and long-suffering, gave the people of Sodom one last chance to turn to him. Abraham didn't change God's mind, but God changed Abraham's mind. Abraham knew God must punish sin. But he may have wondered about God's mercy. Abraham seemed to be probing God's mind to see how merciful he realy was. He left his conversation with God convinced that God is both Kind and fair.

God's fairness and long-suffering, gave the people of Sodom one last chance to turn to him. God is still waiting with the hope that all people will turn to him, before his patience wears out. God is a just and fair God. Even the most godly people derve his justice toward us as he did toward Sodom. God showed Abraham that asking for anything is allowed, with the understanding that God's answers come from God's perspective, not ours. Even Godly people deserve his justice. We should be glad that God doesn't direct his justice toward us as he did toward Sodom. God is a just God, and His mercy's endure forever.


Abraham is appealing to God's perfect character by asking him to spare the rightous, not to condem them with the wicked. I think that Abraham was a pretty smart and sly guy, he felt completely comfortable in his relationship with God, so he knew just how to approach him to plead for the rightous.


It would be the easy way out(Lot?) for us to just simply say may your will be done and go on with no more thought to things. Abraham was not lazy, he took the time for the understanding of things of God. He took the time and effort to communicate with God, does not prayer truly deepen our understanding of God, and appeal to his understanding of God's character, God do I have it right??

God revealed his character to Abraham and expected him to act with boldness and trust in this revelation.


Q1. What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare Sodom? How does it relate to God's character?

The rain falls on the just and on the wicked likely speaks to natural blessing more than disaster and of couse in it doing so is not about judgement or grace and I mention it because it comes to mind not because it has been mentioned in the lesson. There is so much of the Protestant work ethic that goes back to the nature of God. Abraham's brother Lot had pitched his tent toward Sodom and some say his position at the gate would be that of Mayor and Abraham had before this gone out to save him and his goods from other invading Kings and had tithed to the King of Salem from what he took back which one would guess was more than just Lot's stuff but also of the King's and all else but he did not keep it. So he had saved his brother and Sodom and returned them to their lives. There was not a call to right though one tends to think that comes from the heart and mind and from the Holy Spirit in such circumstances though having witnessed Rita and Katrina I can say that it does not seem to have come for many who wish to return to debauchery instead of seeing a clean slate where God has given an opportunity to build on the Good and desert the sinful.



Q1. What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare Sodom? How does it relate to God's character?

Abraham feels an obligation to his nephew Lot, so he asks the LORD to spare Sodom if even only ten righteous people live there. God is righteous, and Abraham expects Him to do what is right.


Abraham saw it unfair to punish the righteous for the unrighteous (in our day we say the innocent suffer for the guilty). Abraham agrees that wickedness was all through Sodom, however with God being the God that he is, being judge overall mankind, it is only right (in Abraham's eyes), to spare the lives of the righteous, therefore not treat the wicked and righteous alike. There should be a differentiation and God being a righteous God should know better (so to speak).


God is righteous and Holy, and God is the highest and that there is no other God besides, God the Heavenly who is righteous. Why treat the righteous the same as the sinners. Abraham Appeals to God to spare the City ob behalf of the righteous.

His Appeal is based on the Fact that there are some; who are righteous and should not be destroyed in the same way as the unrighteous.


:D Abraham is saying God shouldn't make the just suffer because of the evil of the unjust. Abraham reall didn't want Lot to

be destroyed. Abraham appealed to God's character by calling him the Judge Of The Earth.


Q1. What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare

Sodom? How does it relate to God's character?

What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare


The basis of his argument was to keep Lot and his family safe and away from Gods wrath. He knew Lot was right with God. And that if he went before God he would show Lot and his family mercy instead of taking them out with the rest. B)

How does it relate to God's character?

It show God is a just God, but also he shows mercy to those that believe in him and call out to him. :rolleyes:


Q1. What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare


To not destroy the righteous with the wicked. That since God is "The Judge of All the Earth" he would have to judge fairly.

How does it relate to God's character?

I think it relates to God's character because He is just by sparing the few.



Abraham's arguement is based on the fact that there may be righteous people in the Sodom and Gommorah. He does not believe that God would destroy the cities if there are even 10 people that are righteous there.

This shows that God is a righteous God, that He is merciful.



What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare Sodom?

How does it relate to God's character?

1.The basis of Abraham's argument is , "will God destroy the wicked with the


2. Abraham REMINDS God of His righteous character in not condemning the righteous- Abraham asks the question, "will not the judge of all the earth

do right!


Q1: What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare Sodom? How does it relate to God's character?

Because Abraham was both the friend of God and the servant of God, he shared God's sercrets. Psalm 25:14, "The secret of the Lord is with those that fear Him, and He will show them His covenant". John 15:15, "No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his Master is doing; but I have called you friends...and James 2:23, And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness".And he was called the friend of God.

Lot had been rescued by Abraham's intervention, now he would be rescued by Abraham's intercession. Abraham prayed for the city on the basis of the justice of God, but God saved Lot on the basis of His mercy and grace. Interceding for the needy saints is a high and holy privilege that we must not neglect.



Lot had settled in Sodom, so Abraham felt obligated to protect his nephew and family. he also wanted the righteous ( if any could be found) to be spared.

God had promised Abraham to become a great & powerful nation and all nations would be blessed through him. But Abraham had to be sure his family and household would follow the Lord and do what was right and just. Lot didn't by settling in Sodom where there was evil and wickedness.


Abraham's basis, is the fact that God is righteous and holy. He calls Him "Judge of all the earth". Abraham's arguement is based on fact...true characteristics of God.


Abraham prayed to God asking God to spare Sodom,If there be any righteous among the wicked,knowing Gods"s love for his people.Abraham new God is a righteous and holy God,and can be trusted to do what is right.Abraham knows Gods character will treat the righteous justly.


Well what i think it means is that Abraham wanted for his family that included Lot to be savede. Abraham was afarid that God would kill righteous people in the city of Sodom and gammorah. What does letting Lot escape with his family meant is that God still had mercy and loved Abraham for being so bold and not afarid to ask God anything. As it says in the book of Hebrews that God will never leave us nor forsake us



A braham appeals to God's justice that he would not sweep away the righteous with the wicked. God is just and God could not act as an unrighteous judge. "shall not the judge of all the earth do right"


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