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Abraham showed his humility by the words "May the Lord not be angry-" which shows he knows his place. Then with a humble heart he asks the Lord to save the righteous.

We come boldly to the throne of grace but we cannot demand of God, but should be humble.

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Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Abraham acknowledged who he was and who God was. Dust and ashes standing before the Creator of the Universe. Boldness must be tempered with humility so that pride and arrogance don't enter into play. So that we don't forget who we are and who God is.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God?

Abraham humbly acknowledged God as his Soveriegn Lord and himself as dust and ashes, no doubt referring to God's creation of man from dust. Abraham was acknowledging who he is in relation to who God is.

Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Boldness in and of itself may be interpreted as boastfulness if not tempered with humility. God does not want to share His glory as His first commandment states. All glory and honor belongs to God. If boldness is not tempered with humility, God does not hear our prayers and supplications, in other words he turns a deaf ear.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God?

Abraham humbly acknowledged God as his Soveriegn Lord and himself as dust and ashes, no doubt referring to God's creation of man from dust. Abraham was acknowledging who he is in relation to who God is.

Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Boldness in and of itself may be interpreted as boastfulness if not tempered with humility. God does not want to share His glory as His first commandment states. All glory and honor belongs to God. If boldness is not tempered with humility, God does not hear our prayers and supplications, in other words he turns a deaf ear.


Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

By lowering himself before God admitting that he was nothing in thepresence of the almighty,creator of heaven and earth.

We need to always remind ourselves of who we are in the presence of God, His children yes with the right to approach Him and seek out His help but always acknowledge that without Him we are like Abraham, mere dust of the earth.


Abraham sets the example for us all by praying bold, persistent prayers but with humility and respect toward the "judge of all the earth. " Jesus speaks of this persistence and boldness when he tell the parable of the friend that asks for bread in the middle of the night- that the friend does not rise because he is a friend- but because of the boldness-"ASK and you will receive, SEARCH and you will find. KNOCK and the door will be opened." (Luke 11: 5-13)

Abraham constantly yielded to God and approached God as an obedient child to his loving Father. He let God know that He knew his place as "dust and ashes" and that God has the final authority and power. Boldness must be tempered with humility in order that we assume our proper role as "followers" of Christ. His strength is perfected in our weakness- God can only work in our lives if we give Him authority over our lives.


Abraham showed his humility before God by expressing that he was nothing but dust and ashes. He acknowledged who he was in relation to God.

Abraham was bold in his approach to God but was also filled with humility. He asked that God would not be angry with him but consider a lesser number of righteous to not destroy Sodom with each petition. He showed his boldness by being persistent in going back and asking again.

Again Abraham is a model for us. We must learn to show our humility but also be bold within God's will and choice to anwer our prayers.

  • 1 month later...

Abraham demonstrated his humility by begging and pleading and not by threatening and demanding. He acknowledged that God is Lord. BOldness must be tempered with humility because God is in charge of all things and all decisions are His. He gives grace to the humble.


Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Abraham acknowledged the fact that he was not worthy of any consideration on God's part by referring to himself the way he did-referring to himself as dust and ashes.

We must remember that, were it not for Jesus' sacrificial death, we all would be as Sodom and Gomorah-doomed for destruction! But, because Jesus was obedient to God, and suffered death on the cross, we now have direct access to God through Jesus. We are what we are because of Jesus. We should never forget that fact.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God?

Though he was bold in continuing to stand before the Lord as the 2 angels departed for Sodom, He spoke respectfully, acknowledging his status before God: 'I who am but dust and ashes....Oh let not the Lord be angry"....Abraham was letting God know that he recognized God's power and authority as his creator. He "reasoned and pled" rather than ordering God to do his bidding. He stayed in the boundaries of intercessor.

Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Boldness without humility is disrespectful and arrogant, and shows ignorance in the knowledge of Who God is....It places the praying one above God in a demanding attitude, hinting at"superiority", rather than as a child dependant upon a Soverign Father.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

He recognized that he was but dust and ashes...in other words, Abraham knew God was God and he was a mere man. We can be bold before the Lord from our place of position (in Christ) before Him, tempered with humility because we know that we are nothing without Christ and certainly nothing on our own before a holy God. The boldness comes into play when we obey God's Word wherein it states to come boldly and confidently before the throne of Grace...this boldness comes when we remind God of His promises and declare His Word as Truth...not in arrogance, but in humility knowing that God will do whatever He has said...when He acts, no one can reverse it.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Abraham asked God several times if He would save Sodom from destruction if there were certain numbers of righteous persons living there. Each time he begs permission from God: "Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the LORD, though I am nothing but dust and ashes..." Abraham here recognizes that he is being bold, and humbles himself as but dust and ashes. Each time Abraham ratchets down the number of righteous, he reinforces his humility, alternating between confessing his boldness and pleading that the Lord not be angered with him.

God delights in our prayers, if they are according to his will. He wants us to petition Him for our wants and needs, and to be specific as to what those are. If we are going to be bold in our requests, we must be humble in our attitude before Him. Abraham's prayer demonstrates perfect balance between the bold requests, and expressions of humility.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Abraham shows his respect and reverence to God by coming humbly before God both in spirit of mind which God already knew fully and by the way he approached God, If I may................. Abraham already had a history with God whom he had shown that Abram was mere man with a broken and contrite spirit yet comes to God showing total respect due to his love. If our boldness isn't tempered with humility then there can never be any contrite spirit. God must break us to make us his.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Abraham reverences God in his heart and God knows this. Abraham is righteous and he loves God. If you love even someone who is your boss you would not want to do a thing to wreck their administration. You don't want to ask for a thing that you know would let the person down you can now imagine God's situation as revelled to Abraham. Abraham knows his place, this is a very good example to us born again christians we should not take pple for a ride. Our pastors, elders and fellow xtians must not be taken for a ride. We should not chance pple. We should deal with pple with respect. Our God is awesome and He is humble and good but we must deal with God with all respect. He can do all things. He is fearful in praises.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

R2. Abraham contuoslly reminded himself by telling God that he was only dust and ashes while the One he is bargaining with is the Judge of all the Earth. He also apologized again and again for his boldness for which he was afraid God might be angered.

In God's presence and in prayer we are told to be bold and unafraid at the same time be humble. Humulity reminds us that everything good that comes to us is by His grace alone and not because we are worthy to receive. Boldness without humulity can lead to disrespect and irreverence.

  • 3 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Abraham never forgot the awesomeness and holiness of God. He never forgot the supremacy of God and he never forgot his humility when he approached God to spare Sodom. He knew that God's great love and mercy would stand in stead when he came boldly, repeatedly before God. He learned that God honours those who pray with perseverance.

  • 5 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

He asked the Lord not to be angry but to listen to what he had so say.

We are told to come boldly before the throne of God, but at the same time we need to honour and give glory and respect to the Creator Himself. There needs to be an understanding of the power of God and humble ourselves before Him

  • 2 months later...

(A) Abraham constantly made reference to his frailtyand acknowledged that he was nothing before God.He also made constant reference to God's attributes.

(B) Boldness & Humility goes hand in hand because shows that we understand the character of God and also the power and authority of God.

  • 1 month later...

I feel when we answer all these questions it is through Jesus Christ who gives all our answers. When we become well read from the Gospel the word we as humans realize that we are bought and we are owned by God. So now after reading the word as God would say can you hear, see and if you can not he has made ways to make us understand God. God is always with us through his grace. How wonderful is that. I've come to realize that what ever I say or have been lead to do is because Jesus is always with me. Boldness is saying anything to our God with humility. It's okay to ask it's okay to say may I to our God. He is our God. We have to ask our father and we need to make sure we are not hurting him in anyway. He's our father. We are to humble ourselves to look up to the Lord and be comfortable with our comfort just knowing he is there. Abrahams always asked not demanded always asked through the grace of the Lord. I love my Lord and my ancestors, deciples, prophets, angels. I love the stories of the bible and I love hearing that we are loved by God so much. If I had only one wish I would wish from God I would wish that all man kind be saved by the Holy Spirit and there would be no more evil and everyone would love one another. All broken mariages are back to normal, all rebellious children are restored, all be forgiven. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ please Abba come to change our world soon.

  mygardengates said:
I feel when we answer all these questions it is through Jesus Christ who gives all our answers. When we become well read from the Gospel the word we as humans realize that we are bought and we are owned by God. So now after reading the word as God would say can you hear, see and if you can not he has made ways to make us understand God. God is always with us through his grace. How wonderful is that. I've come to realize that what ever I say or have been lead to do is because Jesus is always with me. Boldness is saying anything to our God with humility. It's okay to ask it's okay to say may I to our God. He is our God. We have to ask our father and we need to make sure we are not hurting him in anyway. He's our father. We are to humble ourselves to look up to the Lord and be comfortable with our comfort just knowing he is there. Abrahams always asked not demanded always asked through the grace of the Lord. I love my Lord and my ancestors, deciples, prophets, angels. I love the stories of the bible and I love hearing that we are loved by God so much. If I had only one wish I would wish from God I would wish that all man kind be saved by the Holy Spirit and there would be no more evil and everyone would love one another. All broken mariages are back to normal, all rebellious children are restored, all be forgiven. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ please Abba come to change our world soon.
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Abraham , is dust and ashes before God again his faith is obvious an he knows that God is merciful and loving, that is why he boldly goes before him - not in a fit of rage, but in the manner a good servant goes to his Master. Humility is an act of worship and praise to GOD. Abraham looked forward to GOD and go with this knowledge in his heart. <_<

  • 2 months later...

Q2. How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? Why must boldness be tempered with humility?

Abraham demonstrated his humility by asking permission to speak to the Almighty on behalf of the righteous.

Boldness must be tempered with humility, because we are not worthy of His honor, we must remmember to addresss Him with the upmost respect.In others words know our place. God loves us and wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him, so that when we come bodly before the throne of grace He will hear us.


  • 1 month later...

Abraham says that he is dust 'n bones (vs 27).

He asks God not to become angry because of his boldness(vs 30).

God wants us to trust Him so much that we approach Him.

Even though, we have to know our place.

That's why we have to start our prayers with adressing Him properly (the A from ACTS model).

  • 4 weeks later...

Abraham was almost apologizing for being so bold and emphasised his position by describing himself as " nothing but dust and ashes" but still he asked to be heard.

We must be humble before God when we begin to understand even a little of his greatness, his love and grace given to us! We can only try to be bold in prayer bacause we know that we are loved by him and he wants us to say what is in our hearts, even

if he already knows it. He speaks to us through his Word in the Bible and wants us to talk to him.

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