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Yes it pleased God. God wants us to approach Him with boldness and humility, not meekly. He wants us to acknowledge that He is all-powerful, awesome, and can answer our prayers. We need to do so in our prayers.

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This is the kind of bargaining that doesn't demean God by cheapening his response into a transaction, but exalts God by magnifying his righteousness, by insisting that his great righteousness requires him to spare the city for even ten righteous persons.

Boldness is exercising the Faith we have in God; and he delights in seeing us exercise this by being bold and declaring his might, holy and righteousness.

Thank you LORD..for this revelation


Q3. Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God? Why or why not?

While I think that God was pleased because it demonstrated Abraham's faith, I feel we are neglectful if we forget to mention, that Abraham's boldness also is indicative that he understood and had a relationship with God. It was the relationship that enabled him to go boldly forward and make the request. While Abraham understood and was mindful of the Diety of God, he was also acknowledged and relished the close relationship they had


God was not displeased. I think this was a test of Abraham faith, God didn't have to reveal to Abraham of his decision to destroy Sodom. Why Or Why Not. God knew that he would interceed on behalf of his Nephew Lot. God was delighted because

Abraham faith made him bold enough to appeal to God's charactor and reminding him that th was a just God.


God was delighted with Abraham already. His hospitality to God and the two angels demonstrated his own delight in God, and the deep relationship between the two of them. Already Abraham had believed God

s promise of a son within a year. Things were already strong and intimate between them. They loved one another, despite the differences in stature. Of all the people on the earth, Abraham delightd God because he was the only one with whom God could be intimate in relationship, who "knew" God. Abraham was well aware of the difference in stature, but also well aware of the nature of their friendship, and that God had told him what He was proposing to do because of that friendship. It was because Abraham was clinging to God by travelling with Him along the road to Sodom, that God, seeing the depth of Abrham's love, opened up to Him about the plan for Sodom. Our dear Father wants interactive relationship with His children, and He had it with Abraham, so He received Abraham's boldness with joy, because the request accorded with God's loving nature anyway. It was as if God wanted to see whether Abraham would remember his nephew in that dire situation, and Abraham passed the test, remembering and looking for his welfare. God is LOVE and loves to see love exhibited. I think Abraham won his heart evenmore!

If I delight to find God as Abraham did, and my priorities welcome God as Abraham's did (because he set aside his whole attention for God on the day He visited), and God can see that I cling tohim as Abraham did (in prayer times and in seeking His presence in every way), then God's promise to me is that He hears my prayers, and whatsoever I ask, I have. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. God wants us to watch out for His chidren and intercede for them as Abraham did for Lot. His mercy is very generous. If our lives, like Abraham's are open to God's presence to the extent that our prayers for each other accord with His will, we too shall receive His grace.


Yes I do because it showed faith on Abrahams part, that He could appeal to God, and not fearfully, because He knew God's nature and His mercy. Also because God told us in Hebrews to Come boldly to the throne of grace knowing that we will find mercy there and grace to Help in time of need, means God wants us to come that way! Knowing we are in His Son and knowing Him to be approachable and willing to listen and to act on our behalf or at our request!!!!In that He takes great delight! Because He is our Father and we are His kids!!!


Q3. Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God?

Yes, I believe that Abraham's boldness did please God.

Why or why not?

Why do I believe Abraham's boldness pleased God is simply that God wanted Abraham (as he does with all his children) to tell him what's in his heart. He wanted Abraham to be a member of his family. In families we try to keep an open line of communication with other members. When you love someone you want to hear their thoughts, know their feelings, share in their life. This is what God wanted from Abraham, he wanted to develop an intimiate relationship with him.

What might cause God to take delight in your prayers to him? God would take delight in our prayers when we demonstrate that we want an intimate relationship with him. If we include him in our decisions and share our lives with him. He very much wants to share his family with us. By doing so we can all demonstrate our love for each other. By keeping an open line of communication we are acknowledging that he is our Father and that we want to share our lives with him, we want to include him in our everyday existance on this earth. By doing this we use prayer as that open line of communication between us and our Father.


Abraham was bold not only in his request but in his questioning of God.

So God just how far will you go?

No man can see God Face to face and live yet here we see Abraham having a face to face with God.

His continued life ,the salvation of lot and the fulfilled promises of God are signs of God's approval, so the anwer is a great big yes.


Q4 In what way does Abraham show persistence?

By lowering the number of righteous people who might be found in Sodom.

Why is persistence necessary in prayer?

Because without persistence, how will God know that we are really serious, or if we are just speaking words to try to please Him?

Have you ever experienced "praying through"?

No, I have returned to the same prayer many times. Perhaps this is what is meant by "persistent". To me persistent means without letting up. Continuous. OR "pray without ceasing"

What was it like?

No answer.


Q3. Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God? Why or why not?

Yes! Abraham approached God from three areas, 1-faith, 2-intercession, 3-respect, love and adoration.

What might cause God to take delight in your prayers to him?

Through this study I am learning to understand the character of God and how we should posture our heart in faith, humility, adoration, love toward our Daddy in haven


Q4. In what way does Abraham show persistence?

Abraham bargains with God from a position of humility and persistence, never giving up until he heard a response from God. Even after God responded, Abraham persistence in regards to intercession for his nephew Lot and for Sodom went on until God gave his final answer.

Why is persistence necessary in prayer?

Life's circumstances can become overwhelming and we have to posture our hearts and worship until we change the atmosphere in our homes. The enemy also contends against us on a continual basis and wants he to keep our heavenly Father from answering our prayers. We must keep pounding on Heaven's door until God responds.

Have you ever experienced "praying through"? What was it like?

My wife and I along with close friends were praying one day about a specific issue. Suddenly I felt as though a weight was upon my shoulders, my wife experienced as though she was giving birth, one of my friends, she felt the weight in her hands and the Holy Spirit gave another friend the interpretation. Suddenly we all responded in awe, because the whole room was filled with the glory of God, it was an awesome experience.


Q4. In what way does Abraham show persistence? Why is persistence necessary in prayer? Have you ever experienced "praying through"? What was it like?

Abraham showed persistence in his bargaining with God to save from 50 righteous people down to l0 . To practice persistence in prayer does more to change our hearts and minds then God's and it helps us to understand and express the intensity of our need and ehlps us recognize God's work.


Q3. Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God? Why or why not?

What might cause God to take delight in your prayers to him?

Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God? Why or why not?

Yes, it did please God. It shows how he had faith in God. And that he had a close relationship with God. He knew God would answer his bold prayers to him and save his family that lived in Sodem. :rolleyes:

What might cause God to take delight in your prayers to him?

When we can show him the same kind of boldness that Abraham yet with humility. I think it shows him we love him and that we trust him to take care of our needs to. :rolleyes:


Q3. Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God? Why or why not?

Yes, because it shows Abraham has great faith that God will allow him to "bargain."

What might cause God to take delight in your prayers to him?

To show faith and God loves you when you pray to him.


In what way does Abraham show persistence? Why is persistence necessary in prayer? Have you ever experienced "praying through"? What was it like?

Abraham shows persistance when he starts out asking for 50 to be saved and goes down to 10. Persistence is necessary in prayer because it shows that we are serious in what we are asking for, that we really care about our petition. I have experienced "praying through". I knew that I had been heard when I literally felt the need to continue praying to lift. This didn't always mean the answer was yes, I have experienced times when I was praying for someone or something when I have sensed that the Lord did not want me to keep on praying about the situation.



Yes I do because with each "bargain" God said "Yes". He was pleased with Abrahams faith.

Our belief and faith in Him that He will answer our prayers. We can be bold in our prayers and be humble in our asking and in our thanksgiving. We can believe that God will answer our prayers and God will be delighted in us.



Persistance in prayer is expresses our need and that is a clear demonstration of our faith. Praying through demonstrates that we are in real need.

Three years ago I had a need to pay my rent which was a month 2 months overdue I prayed through until I was blessed with cheque of K7, 900.00. Praise the Lord, I was than able settle my rent.

Praise God Amen.


God Delights in our persistency in prayer. It shows that we have faith in him and that we really mean business with him.

Praise God for he is holy, awesome, all so powerful and loving.



Yes, I do think that God was pleased with Abraham's personal strength and self confidence. It showed God that Abraham truly loved and respected him.

God would feel the same way about us if we prayed in the same manner. I believe that it gives him great delight when his children lift him up and glorify him.


Yes!! He was pleased that Abraham had the confidence to debate. He was exalting God and boasting on His Righteousness.

Knowing that He is Almighty and I am the child and He is my Father. I lift HIM up and exalt His Holy Name. Knowing now that I can do nothing by myself as God is always involved. Asking Him to lead and guide every aspect of my life..


Q3. Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God? Why or why not?

By confiding in Abraham, God had set up a relationship based on trust and intimacy. God was pleased with Abraham's response and expected his honest feedback.

What might cause God to take delight in your prayers to Him?

His love for us might cause Him to take delight in our prayers to Him. God longs to respond to our prayers. We are His children, and He wants to bless us because of His Son, Jesus.


Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God? Why or why not? What might cause God to take delight in your prayers to him?

1-well he didn't give up when the others did.

2-he did this patiently one step at a time.

3-and continued until he recieved GOD's word that he would do his bidding

i have an example in my own life:

i had been hoping and praying to have my own house since i was about 15 yrs. old

my 4 sisters each had thier own houses. i worked very hard and wasn't reckless with

the money. yet hubby had it in his mind that now wasn't the time. i continued to pray

for this house. when at age 48 i talked to GOD and told him that this house i'd been

praying for was no longer necessary and that i was thankful for what i had. 3 months

later my hubby approaches me and says that we can't afford to continue paying this

type of rent now or later and that we had enough money in our 401K to pay for about

1/2 a house. thankyou GOD you knew that i still wanted a house just that it was more

important than everything.


Yes...because he believed in God so much. God would love me to talk to Him a lot...to praiseHim, to be totally 100% sure that He hears and answers me, to show 100% faith in Him.


Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God?Why or why not?

What might cause God to take delight in your prayers for Him?

1. Yes, it pleased God, because it was not an arrogrant boldness, but

a boldness he had in being so intimately acquainted with God and His

righteous character. Because of grace , we too, are told in Hebrews

to come boldly to the throne of grace that we may find help in our time of


2. God will take delight in our prayers when they are God-centered and not

self-centered- seeking to know God's will and a willingness to walk in obedience to God's will. This of course would be preceded by praise and

thanksgiving for all that God has done and is doing in our lives.

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