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In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith?

We must have faith to believe that God will do what he says he will do in his Word. It is only by his mercy we are pardoned, this only happens because of His grace

What is that faith based on?

In believing what the Word of God says, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who speaks truth to us.

How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

By studying the life of Jesus and seeing the confidence he had in the Father.


Praying for pardon requires faith that you can actually be truly forgiven and restored. It requires a confidence in the heart and word of the person you asking pardon from. That faith is based on knowing the character of the one you have sinned against. David knew without question that God is merciful and waiting to offer pardon. Gaining the faith to confidently pray such a prayer comes through having a real relationship with God in which you get to know Him and in seeing that He is reliable and true to His word. Every little experience you have with Him builds greater confidence and faith. Remember what you've already seen Him do!


When one gets to know who the Lord is.. where He comes from and what He has done..and will do..then the assurance of His forgiveness, cleansing, and preparation comes...that's the solid realization..and the comforting...rock-solid truth that provides a place of comfort

in a very shaky world! aren't you glad?


Q1. In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith?

Faith being the substances of things hoped for the evanesce of things not seen according to the bible. Faith is what we base our relationship with God on. We do not see him yet we know he is here. Without Faith you could not believe God exist but with that faith you can know in your heart he is there and willing to pardon all sins. With faith all things are possible that opens the door for God to be real and able to pardon. Without faith we have nothing.

What is that faith based on?

Knowing in your heart that something or someone is real even though you cannot see them you can feel in your heart. Faith is when you know in your heart that someone will do something that you go on and just without checking believe because they said it that it will be accomplished. But we must remember also that faith without works is dead. So we do not want to have blind faith. But it is to know that you know that you know because in your heart it is there.

How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

For children that is something so easy they have blind faith. We start off that way yet as we grow and start to walk with the Lord we read his word believe his word and know that he is faithful and just to forgive. Reading the word builds faith, hearing a testimony builds our faith. The more you trust in God by what you see come to pass as you pray the more confidence you will have that God will do things and that he is powerful enough to do all things. Nothing is impossible with God. Praise his Holy Name. :wub:


To pray for pardon, we need to believe that God is capable of forgiveness. This requires faith.

Faith is based on beliefs and things we know about God and His character.

Reading and sutdying the scripture gets us to know God. In knowing Him, we can have the faith to pray this prayer.


Q1. In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith?

If we didn't believe that God could, and would, pardon us, then there would be no sense in prayer at all.

What is that faith based on?

That God created us, that He loves us, that we can come to Him for forgiveness when He shows us that we have sinned. That we can come to Him as soon as we realize ourselves that we have committed, or are committing a sin. Knowing that He loves us unconditionally.

How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

By accepting what Jesus did for us on the Cross. By believing that He gave His life for us. By living in the Holy Spirit. By being in His word. By starting out in little prayers and growing into bigger prayers, and into confidence prayers. It is totally the work of God, our Father.


Q1. In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith? What is that faith based on? How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

You have to belive that God is our compassionate and gracious God. He is a merciful and loving God and he forgives those who repent and call on him for forgiveness. We gain our faith by reading and knowing His Word. By belieiveing and having a close relationship with him. Knowing that God's love is one promise we can always count on. We can rely on God's love, patience, forgiveness and mercy.


While faith in God's word is taken for granted it is sometimes difficult to apply faith to our own life and remain in God's will. Take David's action before he slew the giant Goliath. He trusted God to be with him simply because God had promised to deliver the Philistines over to them. But before David went out to meet the giant he first asked "What is in it for me if I slay the giant."There was the beginning of seperation from God's will. Though it does require some faith to go from point A to point B it requires great faith to go from point A when point B is not in sight. A pardon from God should also mean a change of lifestyle, not just more of the same selfish sinful life.

Our faith should be based on the whole word of God not just bits and peices that we can apply to make us feel confident living a life we have chosen. Faith based living is not a "What's in it for me." way of life, it is a 'What do you want Lord"way of life.

Jesus said, "You are permitted to understand the secret about the Kingdom of God. But I am using these stories to conceal everything about it from outsiders, 12 so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled: 'They see what I do, but they don't perceive its meaning. They hear my words, but they don't understand. So they will not turn from their sins and be forgiven."

I took notice of David's plea to God, "Do not keep your Holy Spirit from me", Jesus said the reason He must return to the Fathers side is for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within us. He also said the first thing the Holy Spirit will do is convict (point out) us of our sins, then guide us and then protect us. How do we gain the faith that Jesus spoke of when he said by faith you can move mountains? Simple, first we must turn around because it is hard for the Holy Spirit to lead in a direction opposite of God,s path.



Lesson 4 Q 1

In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith?

We have to believe God can and will "Blot out", "wash away" and "cleanse" our sins to pray a prayer for pardon. We have to have faith in God to forgive us of our sins. We have to know who God is.

What is that faith based on?

I believe it is based on our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is based on knowing God's merciful nature, through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

By admitting we are sinners and we need to be restored to fellowship with our God. We do this by studying His Word and gaining a closer relationship with Him everyday in our everyday lives.


Q1. In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith? What is that faith based on? How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

First of all, I just want to say I thank God for David. He is a great example of how one can love God but still sin. Although, we are admonished to be perfect like our heavenly Father is perfect, Matthew 5:48, (perfect in love) and by looking at the life of David we see that this perfection is a goal and is only truly realized in and because of our identification with Jesus Christ now and by our glorification in eternity. I am not what I used to be because of Christ and I will be what God wants me to be because of Christ. Looking unto to Jesus the author and finisher of faith. Hebrews 12:2. :D

1. A prayer of pardon requires faith in that the person being asked for this pardon has the authority and willingness to pardon. David knew God's character and he had faith to believe God would and could pardon him. God had shown Himself in the past to be merciful and willing to pardon His peoples transgressions. examples: all the great heroes of the Israelites received pardons for something such as Abraham, Moses, Jacob so David had prior knowledge of God's willingness to pardon sin.

2. This faith is based on God's revealed character and actions in history.

3. One gains the faith to pray this prayer in confidence in knowing the love and mercy of God which is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord and we find this revelation in God's Word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Just my thoughts!



Q1. In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith?

One would need to believe in the Lord, know one is a sinner, and desire a restored relationship with God to feel the need for a prayer of pardon.

What is that faith based on?

Romans 10:17 - "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

Through Christ Jesus our Lord in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by our faith in Him. (Ephesians 3:11-12)


It would be possible for one to pray a Prayer of Confession without faith, but a Prayer for Pardon requires faith in God's promise that if we ask for forgiveness that God will grant that request.

A person gains faith to pray this prayer in confidence because of God's promise to forgive our sins when we pray with repentence. Our confidence increases through the years because of God's history in answering our prayers according to His will.


Q1. In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith? What is that faith based on? How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

We have to admit that we have sinned--no question about it! Then we must know God intimately enough to know His compassion and His mercy. :o

If we are just a pew-sitting Christian, we don't really know Him well enough to be certain that He will forgive us. So, if we don't know Him this well, we cannot truly have faith that He will forgive us! Many people feel they have to earn their pardon. Not so. As Paul said, our pardon is not due to our works--so no one can boast in their "Goodness"--it is totally God's mercy!

We gain this faith only by drawing near to God, asking Him into our hearts, and studying His word so that we come to truly KNOW Him! Only when we know Him, can we dare pray this prayer with confidence. :rolleyes:


No ritual or formula or program will ever be able to deliver or release us from our sin.The 1st cammand is to love God with all our heart,strength and understanding. This is a total and absolute requirement to be in relationship with him.

So faith is not in letter or word ,Our Confidence is in the nature and character of God who does not lie and will do what he say's he will.

It can only be by the power of his Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth and convicts us of our sin, that we will hear the word of God and receive the faith we need.

Even faith is a gift from his love toward us and is developed out of an intimate relationship with him.


We pray in faith, that God will forgive us and pardon us. The faith is based on the love that God shows us, everyday. We gain this confidence by our own belief in God that as we are forgiven, God is the forgiver. He is the God of second chances!! :D


The Patter for a prayer for Confession is;

1. Pleading for mercy from a rigtheous God; Whether he forgives you or not requires faith. We rely on faith that he forgives us because he love us and causes us to repent so that he will forgive.

It was harder in the time of David to repent; as it required a strict procedure. whereas in our times all we have to do is say that you are sorry in Jesus Name and you shall be pardoned.


Q1. In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith?


What is that faith based on?


How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?



Q1. In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith? What is that faith based on? How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

It requires faith that you will be granted pardon when you pray for it. It is an aspect for the future and future is uncertain. So unless one is sure that pardon will be granted at all costs, one cannot pray in faith. So there we have, our God of promises, who says him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out John 6:37. He who approaches the Lord for forgiveness, will be suitably rewarded by forgiveness. Basic idea is to have faith that we will recieve forgiveness when we ask for it.

That faith is based on the word of God. The promises of God are forever aye. They are never forgotten by God and He is the one who delivers. Our faith is on an infallible God who delivers what He promises. Call on me in the day of trouble and I will save you says the Lord. Like that there are so many promises which are true and dependable.

Gaining this kind of faith is not a one time action nor a days practice. It is not fast food stuff. We have to grow into friendship with God and enemity with the world. When our companionship and fellowship with God grows day by day, then the fellowship will automatically drive us to experience faith that will be reciprocated. We will develop a sense of belonging that says we will not be denied anything when we ask anything. That is the kind of faith that we should develop on our Lord Jesus.


In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith?

first in praying you are showing that you believe in GODknowing he will forgive. which means you know you've done wrong and are truly sorry. also knowing the only way to rectify this is by asking for forgiveness. there's no way forgiveness will be granted if you don't believe. there's no better way than in prayer to the lord for this or anything for that matter.

What is that faith based on? How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

your history of truly believing in jesus and having these prayers answered.


In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith? What is that faith based on? How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

If we don't believe in God or His willingness to forgive us we won't bother to pray and ask for forgiveness. That faith is based on God's mercy. We gain this faith by knowing God and being familiar with His character, which we do be reading and studying His word.


Q1. In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith? What is that faith based on? How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence?

A prayer of pardon requires faith - knowing that we approach God in reverence and knowing that He will forgive when our hearts are truly repentive. The faith is based on the knowledge of God and who He is and that He is just and righteous. And that He is a God of Mercy!

Gain faith - we grow in faith - we must spend time with HIm, reading, studying, praying, seeing Him in every essence of our lives - our faith increases as we rely on Him more and spend more time with Him.


1. It is a pure confidence in the Word of Christ before seeing the promise worked out.

2. Believing Christs' promises

3. By understanding Christ power, Faith comes by hearing the Word of God which explains Christs' character and His Power. By being persistent, will not stop trusting Christs ability and willingness to help.


1. We don't pray for pardon just in case it might work, we are not hedging our bets. We either believe God's word or we don't. We must have faith that God is God and there is no "if" to Him. God is not an unapproachable master, that we need to clean up for, so we can talk to him. Come as we are and ask forgiveness, for we can not clean up enough on our own. Trust (part of scripture's definition of love) that God is who He is and does what he says.

2. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Faith is based on God's word in scripture and the many forms He uses to impart scripture to us.

3. By loving God and spending time with Him. The more time we spend with God the more of His character we see and experience.

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