Precious Posted September 4, 2008 Report Posted September 4, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? Yes I think ..... but for me well it will get to people's head and the world would think the person is really crazy, mad, honest the world would think the person is sick. i mean absolute pure heart here God has given us pure heart if you are born again and you are santified and you are living a holy life Quote
swordwoman Posted September 7, 2008 Report Posted September 7, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? Yes, I believe it is possible to have a pure heart. God does it by cleansing us with the blood of Jesus. Our part is to confess and repent of our sins on a daily basis...the peace of God is our governor and the Holy Spirit is faithful to point out where we need to "come clean" before God. Quote
csreeves Posted September 7, 2008 Report Posted September 7, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? Yes a pure heart is possible, but first we must accept and repent that he isn't God and we need forgiveness for a lifetime of sins. God brings us to a pure heart through first approaching us which starts a process where we work with God in creating a heart created by and after the Lord. My part is to continually work on my relationship with Jesus and ask for forgiveness when necessary. Quote
Jose B. Cruz Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? R3. By ourselves, impossible! By God's grace and mercy it is very possible. First we are forgiven when we acknowledge our sin/s and repent, God then cleanses us "whiter than snow" as David. From all these comes apure heart. We must pray as David did for a a pure heart. Quote
Tina Posted September 30, 2008 Report Posted September 30, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? We can have a pure heart as God can wash away all the sins and create something new, so that we have a cleans sheet before us as He has separated our sins as far as the east is from the west and He doesn't remember them anymore, provided we confess our sins before Him. God God brings about a pure heart through the shed blood of His Son. We need to come boldly before God, name our sins, take responsibility for them and ask for forgiveness. Quote
Daff Posted March 19, 2009 Report Posted March 19, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? Yes A pure heart comes when we accept Jesus into our lives and ask forgiveness for all our sins. This is the beginning of Him creating a clean heart or spirit in us. Our part is to acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God and the shed blood. Then we meditate on the word and know that when we ask anything , believing , in the name of Jesus our prayers shall be heard and answered. Quote
MAMA Posted November 4, 2009 Report Posted November 4, 2009 Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? Yes is possible to have pure heart because of the shed blood of Jesus. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice so we can come bodly to the Throne of Grace; except him as our savior; and repent while Jesus intercede to father on our behalf. My part in this is to get in a posture of repenting daily; praying with a sincere heart; applying His Word to my everyday life will deepen my personal relationship with the father. Patricia Quote
Marloes Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 We don't have a pure hart. We can have it if He cleans it first. Then we first have to confess and be sorry. Quote
patience123 Posted December 29, 2009 Report Posted December 29, 2009 When we truly repent and accept Jesus as our saviour from sin and death we are given a pure heart. It has been cleansed through his precious blood. However we need to constantly pray for a steadfast spirit for without God we are open to corruption. We need to stay close to the Good Shepherd who loves us. What a comfort and a joy that is. Quote
Chaz Posted January 2, 2010 Report Posted January 2, 2010 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? I think that once we understand that we actually have two types of hearts, yes. Once we understand this simple truth, we can really learn to use our "Inner Heart" instead of the heart that beats in our chests. We must realize that once our hearts are open to Jesus, that he can see our "true" heart, this is where he resides. We open our hearts to Him, we welcome our hearts to Him, but what kind of place is it? What is it really like there? our true feelings and belief systems stem from this place. Obtaining a pure heart is possible. We however cannot do it alone. Once we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He takes His rightful place in our heart, our control center. Once He is situated, He goes to work! He brings to the surface issues that were never resolved, wrong thinking, bad or immoral thoughts, etc... He understands that it is a painful process, that is why He stays, He never leaves. He gives us His strength and power to challenge and deal with these feelings or belief systems that have been bred into us from birth. Either from up bringing or our society. His love for us is so great, that all we do, regardless of what it is, He is there to help us...all we need to do is ask... and allow Him to help us. Quote
hanks Posted June 23, 2010 Report Posted June 23, 2010 Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? Yes, most definitely. God creates in us a new heart the moment we gives our lives to Jesus, Quote
PATCH Posted September 8, 2010 Report Posted September 8, 2010 On 9/26/2005 at 1:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? It is only possible to have a pure heart but first like David, we must acknowledge our sinful ways and ask God to do a heart surgery on us. But we must be willing to be corrected and disciplined which is a necessary step in creating the pure heart. We must also recognised that we cannot create a pure heart on our own. Only God can help us. Quote
Kerneydr Posted September 21, 2010 Report Posted September 21, 2010 On 9/26/2005 at 1:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? Is it possible to have a pure heart? Yes! Yes! Why? Just because God promises that He would purify us. We must remember that David was already a believer. He needed a clean heart in order to live a life that would glorify God. Yes God gives us a new heart at the new birth, but we need a clean heart that is not controlled by the sin nature but by the Holy Spirit. How does God bring about a pure heart? He makes our hearts holy first of all through the sacrifice of Jesus and maintain us holy in Jesus through the Word of God (Jn 17.17). Dare we doubt God Quote
noksidam Posted March 12, 2011 Report Posted March 12, 2011 Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? Yes it is possible to have a pure heart. Jesus died for our sins and the Holy Spirit works in us to purify us. When we believe in Christ we become a new creation. What is our part in this? We must put our faith in Jesus as our savior. We have to truly repent and humble ourselves. We ought to meditate on the Word of God to give us knowledge and strength to defeat temptations through Jesus Christ. We have to acknowledge that without God we are nothing. Quote
SoiKosum Posted July 20, 2011 Report Posted July 20, 2011 On 9/26/2005 at 1:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? Yes, it is possible to have a pure heart. God cleanses us by the blood of Jesus - "How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!" (Hebrews 9:14). Our part is to have a repentant and yielding heart and a spirit that longs to serve God, a heart that is inclined to him. Quote
Trusting God Posted August 8, 2011 Report Posted August 8, 2011 Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? Yes, it is possible to have a pure heart. us "He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith" (Acts 15:9) How does God bring about a pure heart? God brings about a pure heart by renewing those who desire and want a pure heart. "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." (51:10) What is our part in this? When we want a pure heart it is our part to confess and ask for pardon and forgiveness. Quote
mycin Posted February 27, 2013 Report Posted February 27, 2013 On 9/26/2005 at 1:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? It is possible to have a pure heart. We can pray for it and God will give it to us. He is in the business of purifying hearts through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. We must ask for it and be truly willing to change. "Create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me, O Lord." Quote
Onerivertrail Posted March 17, 2013 Report Posted March 17, 2013 Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? It is possible to have a pure heart after a true oonfession of sins. We must ask God to create this within us and to renew our spirit. We must want to change. Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted April 23, 2013 Report Posted April 23, 2013 Yes. we can have a pure hart. I can not make my hart pure or keep it pure. I must ask God to purify my hart and to give me the strength to remain pure, to resist or avoid sin. I have to confess and repent my sin. Then i anve to avoid sin by being obedient. Asking for.God's will. Yet all the time I must k.ow it is not what I do but God's grace. God gives us a pure hart through forgiveness of sin and sanctiification Quote
JoanG Posted May 25, 2015 Report Posted May 25, 2015 I feel that with the help of God we can obtain a pure heart. God will have to wash it clean with his grace, love and light. We must pray fervently for this to occur. We must start to change our life to be as pure as possible. We need to love God and our fellow man without any reservations. We must live as holy as possible to have a pure heart. We must avoid all temptations. Quote
Old Jerry Posted July 22, 2015 Report Posted July 22, 2015 The only way that we can have a pure heart is through Jesus Christ. We need to ask God for the forgiveness of our sins and sin no more. Quote
Konki Posted December 17, 2015 Report Posted December 17, 2015 Yes. We can attain purity of heart by regularly meditating into the word of God. God's word is God's word shows the black spots of our souls and guides to walk in truth,and to keep our hearts clean. One needs to pray fora clean heart because only God can bring a clean thing out of an unclean heart. Out of an impure heart God can produce grace. We should fervently pray for purity of heart. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted February 9, 2020 Report Posted February 9, 2020 David, though he had sinned will come before God. He desired to walk into his destiny. He desired to walk right, in the light and truth of God. Nothing to hide. He always desired to walk close to God again. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted February 13, 2020 Report Posted February 13, 2020 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Quote
Dek Posted May 12, 2020 Report Posted May 12, 2020 On 9/26/2005 at 1:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this? Expand Yes it is possible to have a pure heart. God forgives or sin and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. We put on the Righteous of Christ. Our part in this is to repent of all sin and draw close to God. Quote
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