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Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this?

Yes, I believe it is possible, through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ whereby we become a new creation in Christ Jesus. God gives us a new heart of flesh instead of a heart of stone. Our part is to walk in our new life in love and in fellowship with God and to repent when we sin.

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blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God. Yes we can have a pure heart.

Create in me a clean heart. God is the only one who can clean the heart of a man.

He that searches the heart knows what is the mind of the spirit The Holy spirit has a very real part in the regeneration of our hearts,he convicts of sin and our part is to repent.

We also are told to protect our hearts for it is the well spring of life.

Rejoice in the Lord always and be careful for nothing, but put everything in prayer and supplication and the peace of God will keep your hearts and mind.


I think my heart cannot be pure without the constant petitioning to God for Him to change the heart I currently have, which is not pure. I may be wrong, but to me, even after accepting the blood of Christ to cover my past, present, and future sins, I still need to actively confess daily my transgressions committed by my unpure heart. My heart is not so clean that I do not still commit daily acts of sin against it and God. But, with daily acknowledgement of the unpureness of my heart, and the willingness, and desire for Him to purify my unclean heart I think He is faithful, and it is His will to do so.

I think God brings about a pure heart through His Holy Spirit revealing, or uncovering sinful attutudes and actions that don't align with His will for our lives, so that we may acknowledge and confess these and ask for forgiveness, and like David, petition God for Him to cleanse and purify our hearts.

Our part in this is to be open, available, listening, evaluating our own behavior, listening to the Spirit, being humble, and wanting to be right with God.


Is anything impossible with God? So it is possible to have a pure heart (in the instant) and even to maintain a pure, childlike heart.

God gives us His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to be our consellor and teacher. Our growing love for Him will increasingly hate to offend His Pure and Holy Spirit of Truth, and be unable to stand the separation that comes with sin.

Our part in this is to grow our love for God by spending time with Him daily, seeking Him constantly, asking for all that we need including wisdom, understanding, prophecy and spiritual gifts, feeding on His Word, praying without ceasing, worshipping and adoring Him, thanking Him for the Blood, appreciating everything He has provided for us, obeying everything He shows un in scripture, personally etc, jumping at opportunities to serve as He shows them, laughing with joy and sharing our faith at every chance we get. Above all we are to love one another and set ourselves up as each others servants, in obedience to His commandment.


Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart?

What is our part in this?

1. First, I did not think so. However, Matt. chapt. 5, says, "Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God". I know that the mind is hostile to God

but I believe that when we receive salvation, then we have been purified by the blood of Jesus. The bible says that we are CLEAN THROUGH THE WORD, or washed in the Word. For our hearts to remain pure, we must be daily walking , meditating, and seeking God in His Word. David said, "Create within me a clean heart", even though he was a friend of God. He must have

considered the possibility of his heart becoming impure. I believe we can have impure hearts if we go contrary to God's word.

2. God will bring about a pure heart by being with us every step of the way,

admonishing, discipling, forgiving, and bringing healing to us when we veer

of the path that He has chosen for us to walk in.

3. Our part is TRUST AND OBEY.


A pure heart that's what I long for

a heart that follows hard after thee,

A pure heart that's what I long for

a heart that follows hard after thee,

A heart that hides your Word

So that sin cannot come in

A heart that's undivided, one you rule and reign

A heart that beats compassion,

that pleases you my Lord,

A sweet aroma of worship that rises to your throne

N.B. Learn this song and sing it to yourself in prayer


Yes it is possible! When we put it all on the table, lay it all out before God! And ask Him to cleanse us, restore us again to the joy of our salvation!! We have to be willing, we have to confess, repent and turn away from our sin...everytime we sin, because we will, but but who is faithful will when we confess, forgive!!! Praise the Lord!


Is it possible to have a pure heart?

Yes although here on this earth we still have a sin nature to guard against.

How does God bring about a pure heart? Through the shed blood of Jesus, more precious than silver or gold.

What is our part in this?

To truly be sorry for our sin and repent and turn from our sin and accept God's offer of forgiveness when we confess. I believe our confessions come because we have a heart that has been made pure.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this?

Yes it is possible to have a pure heart. God's can cleanse me if all of my sins; not only actions but the sins if my heart. Our part is to simply ask and believe in God's Lovingkindess.


Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this?

When we receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior God gives us a new heart, but we, like David have a need to acknowledge sin in our lives.


is it possible to have a pure heart,well it is kind of hard. We can let things of the world influence our heart and mind. Can God give us a pure heart i think it is possible cause if we truly seek Him then it can be possible. As long as our foucus is on God and not the flesh or powers of this world then it is possible for he will never leave us nor forsake us. Our part is to pray and to keep seeking the Lord with all our heart and prepare to put on the spirtual gear.


Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart?

YES! A Resounding (((yes))), (((yes))), (((yes)))!!! PTL!

How does God bring about a pure heart?

God brings this about through the cleansing blood of Christ.

What is our part in this?

Like David, we are to call out to Him in a prayer of repentance.

It's as simple as

A ccept Jesus as your Savior.

B elieve in Christ for your salvation.

C onfess your sins.


Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this?

Through Jesus Christ sacrifice our heart and spirit can be pure. Our flesh, however will still be sinful. Therefore we must come to God continually and ask for forgiveness and help.


Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about

a pure heart? What is our part in this?

Is it possible to have a pure heart?

Yes it is. By repenting of our sins. And letting him warsh us clean again. :rolleyes:

How does God bring about a pure heart?

By covering us in the blood of Jesus :rolleyes:

What is our part in this?

To know when we have done wrong and turn from it. Being truly sorry and repentant.


Yes, I do believe that it is possible to have a pure heart. But it will not be an easy thing to accomplish. You have to walk in all his ways, obeying him at all times. And that is how God brings about a pure heart in you.


Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about

a pure heart? What is our part in this?

I believe it is possible to have a pure heart as long as a person earnestly seeks God and confesses his sins daily. God creates a pure heart in us by instilling His very character in us (placing a seed into our hears, so to speak). We must cultivate that seed by guarding our thoughts, our minds, our ears, and our eyes, focusing only on godly things.


Yes,it is possible to have a pure heart.God will forgive us of our sins if we are truly sorry.God bring about a pure heart because God gave his son,Jesus Christ,whom shed his blood for our sins.Know matter what we have done God desires to forgive us.God loves us and wants know one's acts lead them to eternal death.We serve a loving and forgiving God.Amen



Yes it is possible to have a pure heart. A pure heart is NOT acheived by cleaning up our hearts but by God creating a new heart within us. It requires us to turn away from the sinful desires of our old heart and recieve a new heart from God. It is interesting to not that God called David "A man after my own heart".




Yes, but I believe that it is an onging prayer. Because by nature or by willingness we are sinners and we need to ask God to create in us a clean/pure heart to help us to not sin again.

We have to believe that God hears our prayer and will forgive us and give us a pure heart and renewal of our spirit so we can get up and fight the good fight.



Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this?

It is possible to have a pure heart only thru the Blood of Jesus. Jesus will take the blame for us so God can cleanse our hearts. Our part in it is confessing the sin, asking for cleansing, and then repenting from the sin. We should try with all our heart, mind and soul to please our Lord.

Thank You God for your Forgiveness and Love. :wub:


;) Q3. Is it possible to have a pure heart? How does God bring about a pure heart? What is our part in this?

Yes it is possible to have a pure heart.

In order for God to bring about a pure heart in us , we must first recognise that our hearts are not pure.We should then be desperate to have a pure heart,only then will we go to God and earnestly seek the cleansing that only He can provide.If we are sincere then God will create in us a pure heart.

I do believe it is a process,the attitude of our heart reveals itself in our walking in the flesh.our part is to be open to the Holy Spirit and recognise our sin confess it and then we need to put off the old man and out on the new. I do believe God wants us to cooperate with Him,as He creates in us a pure heart. ;)


A. Yes

B. When we receive as our saviour we become a new creation and He creates within us a pure heart that is moldable.

C.Repent, receive His forgiveness and believe that God can do what He said.


Yes it is possible to have a pure heart, in so much as we as Paul regularly confessed his sins daily to be considered perfect. In Christ we find our pure heart towards GOD because of His finished works. I'm looking at pure heart as right standing and not as not guilty or sinless.

GOD's method of bringing about a pure heart is found in "heart transplant" through JESUS CHRIST, He said He would give us a new heart. It provides us with confidence to approach a Holy God, and as He looks at our heart He see's the heart of His Son.

Our part is to surrender and comply. When the Prophet Nathan confronted King David about his sin, he surrendred (admitted & complied) with GOD's prescribed punishment, death of the child. Thereby providing King David with a pure heart to approach GOD. His sin had been dealt with.


Is it possible to have a pure heart?

Yes, but only by accepting Christ as our Savior.

How does God bring about a pure heart?

By faith

What is our part in this?

Confessing our sins


It must be possible to have a pure heart but it must have something to do with the coming Kingdom?

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