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Q2. (Judges 8:24-27) What does Gideon ask for his reward? Was Gideon wrong to take a reward? Where did the sin begin?

Gideon asks for one gold earring from each of the fallen enemy. Gideon was not wrong to take the reward. The sin begins when he makes an idol out it.

  • 4 weeks later...
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As a reward, Gideon asked each of them, to give him the earrings that was taken from the midianites. He did not ask for any of the other things that were taken. The sin was, he melted down the gold,and made an Idol of it, and placed it in his home town Ophrah. All the Israelites abandoned god, and went there to worship the Idol.

  • 2 months later...

Gideon asked for a gold earring from each of them for his share of the plunder. They were fine with that and gave him the earrings. He was within his rights to accept the earrings. I do not believe it was not wrong.

His sin began when he melted the earrings and made the ephod that became an object to worship. He not doubt could have stopped the worshipping but allowed it. He created an idol for them and allowed them to worship it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon asked for and received the gold earings and noserings, along with other precious spoils from the victory over the enemy. As the leader it was his right to do so. Gideon made his mistake when he created an ephod from it which turned into an idol.


Q2. What does Gideon ask for his reward? (8:24-27) Was Gideon wrong to take a reward? Where did the sin begin?

Just after nobly refusing to become king (Judg. 8:23), Gideon made the biggest mistake of his career. He asked for earrings taken from the Midianites (called Ishmaelites in verse 24; compare Gen. 37:25, 27, 28), and from this gold he made an "ephod," a priestly shoulder cape or mantle

By making an ephod containing a lot of gold, like the ephod worn by the Israelite high priest (Exod. 28:6-14), Gideon intended to worship the Lord. But it was wrong for him to set up priestly worship functions that the Lord had not authorized, in competition with the sanctuary. Because the Lord was not present with Gideon's ephod, the ephod itself came to represent God and be worshiped (Judges 8:27). Compare 1 Kings 12:25-33, which describes how Jeroboam set up unauthorized golden calves at Bethel and Dan, in competition with the Lord, who had brought the Israelites out of Egypt. But these material representations were, in fact, idols.

  • 2 months later...

Gideon asks for his reward from the spoils of the Midianites enemies God used him to destroy all of them and plunder them for their riches; and the Israelites, holding Gideon in high esteem, gave him a lot of gold

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon asks for the earrings from the Midianites' spoil. It was customary to share what was taken from the enemy. The sin was in the Israelites worshipping this ephod, and the fact that an ephod such as this should have been reserved for a high priest.

  • 2 weeks later...

Gideon asks for an earing from the spoils taken by each soldier in his army. This totaled at least 43 lbs to (19.5 kilograms) and perhaps as much as 75 lbs depending on what metals where represented in the many earings.

No it was probably not wrong of Gideon to receive this reward. It may not have been his "place" to ask for such a reward especially if his intent was to create an item to be worshiped. Recognizing that the victory was God's it would have been (and is) much better for Gideon (and us) to have just went home with his share of the spoils and allowed God to give the increase if there is to be one.

Often we find ourselves in a place to do the "right thing" and we boldly do the right thing then turn around and do a lesser wrong thing to please the flesh and/or those closest to us. ex. Arron in the wilderness while Moses was up on the mountain built a calf to worship God...to lead the people to worship God right but to make an "image" to represent God WRONG. God had also given the Israelites riches as they left Egypt, travel money if you will, BUT He did not allow or give them permission to them to worship them.

If this was premeditated asking for the gift for these purposes was sin. If it was not, then certainly when the ephod was made it became sin. Because either it was made to worship and lead others to worship it and/or to represent himself in some position God had not called him to.

Q2. (Judges 8:24-27) What does Gideon ask for his reward? Was Gideon wrong to take a reward? Where did the sin begin?
  • 1 month later...
Q2. (Judges 8:24-27) What does Gideon ask for his reward? Was Gideon wrong to take a reward? Where did the sin begin?

Gideon ask each one to give him a earing taken from the share of the plunder. There was nothing wrong with Gideon asking a share of the lot. It was the custom of the ancient times to pay the soldiers from the lot of the plunder stripped from the corpses of the opposing army.

The sin begin when the people gave the share of the lot to Gideon as a sign of thanks for Gideon. They were thanking Gideon for the victory and not God.

  • 4 months later...

Q2. (Judges 8:24-27) What does Gideon ask for his reward? Was Gideon wrong to take a reward? Where did the sin begin?

The footnote in my Bible says "His intent was to show himself thankful for this victory by restoring religion, which because it was not according as God had commanded, turned to their destruction."

I find it hard to think that Gideon would refuse the kingship because he knew it belonged to God, to sin in this way. However the Israelites who wanted him king seemed to want to turn anything into an idol and worship it instead of the true God. I wonder if we have learned anything from this. Our propensity for idols in our lives. Very tragic!

God Bless!!


Numbers 6:24-26

  • 3 months later...
Q2. (Judges 8:24-27) What does Gideon ask for his reward? Was Gideon wrong to take a reward? Where did the sin begin?

1. Gideon asks for an earring from the plunder.

2. No, Gideon was not wrong to take a reward, as this was the custom in those days to be paid.

3. The sin came in when Gideon made an idol of the gold. Money is not wrong, but when we love it above God then it becomes an idol in our lives.

  • 2 months later...

What does Gideon ask for his reward? Was Gideon wrong to take a reward?

Gideon asks for earrings as a reward. As we receive money today for completing a job, the asking/receiving of a reward of itself is not wrong, it's just a system of exchange for survival.

Where did the sin begin?

Judg 8:27

27 Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town. All Israel prostituted themselves by worshiping it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family.

(from New International Version)

Since Gideon has just turned down the opportunity to become king, it seems a small possibility that he made the ephod for the express purpose of causing all to sin by worshipping it. Throughout the old testament, monuments/markers are built to God's glory & victory; wells, walls, simple stones are named after God's mighty acts. The ephod could quite possibly have started out as this for everyone. But, it's interesting that the fall of the nation is mentioned first and THEN it became a snare to Gideon. I think the issue comes about when focus is left on what God did yesterday, instead of renewing our faith in what God can do today. Gideon didn't start out worshipping the ephod but as time goes on & he sees others still applauding his efforts, it's easier for him to live off the glory of past achievements & not pursue a relationship with God this minute, and that's when he is "caught."

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (Judges 8:24-27) What does Gideon ask for his reward?

He asked for one earring (gold) from each man's plunder, which amounted to from 40 to 75 pounds of gold.

Was Gideon wrong to take a reward?

No. That was the accepted form of payment for a victorious defeat of the enemy. Plunder was their payment.

Where did the sin begin?

When Gideon used the gold to make an ephod....which only the high priest was qualified to wear and was to be used to seek guidance from God. This symbol of guidance became an object of worship and a snare to Gideon and the people.

Again, reminds me history repeating itself, as when Aaron used the gold earrings of the people who were clamoring for an object to worship when Moses was up on Mt. Sinai, and he made them into a golden calf for them to worship.

  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Q2. (Judges 8:24-27)

What does Gideon ask for his reward?

Each soldier was to give Gideon a gold earring from their plunder.

Was Gideon wrong to take a reward?

No. The soldiers only reward was their plunder. So Gideon was entitled to ask for some payment.

Where did the sin begin?

It began when Gideon made an ephod, an apron like garment from all the gold he had collected. This reminds me of Aaron and the Golden Calf made out of earrings we read about in Exodus 32:2-4.

  • 1 year later...

Gideon asked for a gold earring from each of the men as his reward. Gideon was not wrong to take a reward because that was the custom in that day that the victor take the plunder from the dead bodies. The sin happened when the people began to worship the thing that Gideon made from the plunder.

  • 1 year later...

I think that Gideon should not have asked for any material reward for his part in this story, rather he should have been content to glorify God for his goodness. Apparently he made an image from the gold which the Israelites revered, if not worshipped. So I am surprised indeed, that following this error, the land had rest for forty years until Gideon's death. God kept his side of the covenant until Gideon had died, at which time, the Israelites again entered into a worship wilth the false god, Baal.

  • 1 year later...

Gideon asks for a gold earring from each man's share of the plunder.  A worker is worthy of his wages, so it was not wrong for him to be paid for his service to his countrymen. He had to eat and support a family, too.  Where he went wrong was what he did with the gold.  He made a symbol of worship-an ephod- that seemed to be used by him to serve a priestly function.  He seemed to assume that he was not only a judge for the people appointed by God, but that he was God's representative to the people.  In any case, the ephod became an idol to the people, and Gideon's priestly functions became a snare to him and his family.

  • 4 years later...

Q2. (Judges 8:24-27)

Q. What does Gideon ask for his reward?

A. He asked for golden ear rings

Q. Was Gideon wrong to take a reward?

A. No. It depends on what he did wit it.

Q. Where did the sin begin?

A. When the gold was turned to an ehpod that was worshipped by Israel, a sin against God.

  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...

Gideon requested golden earrings as reward.   No wrong in accepting such gifts.  What he did with the gold was wrong.   I cannot figure why he would do such a thing--make an ephod to be worshipped.  Very bizarre indeed.  Prophet Ezekiel laments how Israel took God's gifts to make idols.  Ezekiel had such a profound understanding of the holiness of God; such idolatry was deemed anathema.   We being in the New Covenant must examine our hearts very carefully lest we be judged.

  • 1 year later...

Gideon said he did not want to be king, yet he asked for tribute just as a king asks for tribute or taxes. He made an ephod, which only a priest was to wear. He named his son Abimelech, which means my father the king. For a person who did not desire the throne, many of these actions seem to harbor a longing for the power of a king, but not the responsibility.

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (Judges 8:24-27)

What does Gideon ask for his reward?

Was Gideon wrong to take a reward?

Where did the sin begin?

Gideon asks for a gold ring from each of his men.  He was not wrong in asking for  a reward It was normal actually.  

The sin began, by what he did with the gold.  

So far he had still given honor to God for the victories.  He did not want to be  the king.  God was the King.

We read that the gold was used to make an ephod which was placed in the town and all prostrated themselves before  it.  That was the sin.


Q2. (Judges 8:24-27)

What does Gideon ask for his reward?

Was Gideon wrong to take a reward?

Where did the sin begin?

Gideon asks for a gold ring from each of his men.  He was not wrong in asking for  a reward It was normal actually.  

The sin began, by what he did with the gold.  

So far he had still given honor to God for the victories.  He did not want to be  the king.  God was the King.

We read that the gold was used to make an ephod which was placed in the town and all prostrated themselves before  it.  That was the sin.

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