Sue Posted October 14, 2005 Report Posted October 14, 2005 Lesson5 Q 4 Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that person's attitude towards praise? If we cannot give willingly and with geninue hearts then we will not be able to praise our Lord and Savior with sincere and geninue hearts. Why does an attitude of possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way of worship? If we do not give freely from the heart to God, then we may be thinking that we have earned what we have in our own power and strength, therefore we will not give God all the glory and praise and thankfulness that He deserves. Every good and perfect gift is from above, James tells us. Amen! In what sense do all your possessions belong to God? In the sense that it all comes and belong to God. "It comes from your hand and all of it belongs to you." (29:16) What then should be your relationship to your possessions? Our relationship should be temporary. In your lesson, it states: David is only a temporary steward of God's abundance. We are all like David. How will these truths reenergize your giving? Your Praise? The more I come to know the truth the more I will want to give. Not only 10% but more, for it all belongs to God. Whatever we give, we will be only giving what is God's anyway. We have nothing without Him! My Praise should be and will be more geninue if I give knowing that it all belongs to God, giving willingly and freely. Quote
sunilbernard Posted October 15, 2005 Report Posted October 15, 2005 Q4. Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that person's attitude towards praise? Why does an attitude of possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way of worship? In what sense do all your possessions belong to God? What then should be your relationship to your possessions? How will these truths re-energize your giving? Your praise? Giving is a sign of thanksgiving. A sign of a contented heart. When my heart is contented and thankful, I give praise to God naturally. So when God gives me in abundance, then my heart is filled with gratitude and I give praises to God along with my tithes and offerings. Possessiveness is a selfish attitude. It goes against the principle of giving. When someone doesn't want to give, naturally his heart is filled with worldly and selfish thoughts. There is no place in his mind about worship and thanksgiving as all the time his thoughts are on his possessions. Jesus said, where your money is, there will your mind be. So, his preoccupation with acquiring and holding possessions doesn't leave him with time to worship and praise. God is the giver of all gifts. He gives us strength to earn our daily bread and also our wealth. When we become conscious of this fact, then we will be in a position to realise that everything belongs to God as He is the source of all the good gifts. When we realise that all things belong to God, we won't go back to give him our all. Our relationship to our possessions will drastically alter. We won't go back to offer our possessions for the sake of the gospel as well as our worship and praise. Our mind is occupied by Jesus and we would definitely want to please Him and honor Him with everything that we have. Quote
godsanointed523 Posted October 15, 2005 Report Posted October 15, 2005 Why is a person's attitude with giving related to the attitude towards praise? Well when we give and w esee the glory of God in our lives then we praise God for the good and the bad. It is a way to give thanks to God for all that He is doing and will continue to do. Being possesive is showing that we are selfish and want to be greedy and it gets in the way of our worship and God blessing us all the time. All that we have and are belongs to God and our attitude should be of humbleness to God for He has given us all that we have and attain. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted October 15, 2005 Report Posted October 15, 2005 I believe having the attitude with the regard to giving ,is related to our praises to God.When you give ,you give into Gods work.In order for things to be done it takes money.We should feed the poor.Give to the homeless..When we give,we bless Gods people.God loves the people of the world.When we have that right attitude,and I believe it comes from the heart,we are truly giving in praise and worship.We build Gods Church by giving.We may not have wealth,but we can have the willingness to give.It is not what we have that counts with God ,but the willingness to give it.We are generous because we are thankful.When we are thankful,we are praising God.Our attitude can inspire others.If you dont have monies ,you can also give of yourself.Clean your church.If you know of a place where they are feeding the homeless,you can help.Take an old person who cant drive to the doctors office, or to the grocery store.You will be blessed. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted October 16, 2005 Report Posted October 16, 2005 Q4. Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to That person's attitude towards praise? Why does an attitude of Possessiveness with regard to giving get in the way of worship? In what sense do all your possessions belong to God? What then Should be your relationship to your possessions? How will these truths re-energize your giving? Your praise? Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that person's attitude towards praise? We should offer everything we have up to him who gave it to us. We should do this with willing and thankful heart. Same way with our praises. We should lift them up to him with a thankful heart telling him how much we love him. Why does an attitude of possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way of worship? Because we are a selfish people. We forget it all came from him and we should give it back to him for him to use for his glory. We can't worship with a selfish attitude at the same time. In what sense do all your possessions belong to God? It all came from him to begin with. What then should be your relationship to your possessions? We should always remember they are not ours. They came from him. We have them to use, but not to possess us. How will these truths re-energize your giving? We should be willing to give him as much as we can knowing that he will bless us 10 fold. We should be willing to give all and more than he ask for because he gave his all for us when he went to the cross for our sins. Your praise? There should always be praise on our lips for the ones that has done so much for us. And the more we praise him the closer to him we can get. And he is so worthy of all our praises. Let all praise him with our whole hearts. Quote
winevine03 Posted October 16, 2005 Report Posted October 16, 2005 If we feel we have earned all we have, our generousity may be hampered. Not that it's an "easy come, easy go" mentality; but sort of. I mean, God has given us everything, we should in reality, have no problems giving it back, right? Easier said than done, I know, I am so guilty of forgetting God come payday; and then on Sunday I am like, Oh man, how could I do that again? I think the whole money and possessiveness thing keeps us from being as close to our Father as He would like us to be, and really, truth be known, we need to be. Who is going to come first, money or God? Everything belongs to God, I should certainly not be getting so attached to material stuff, and be stingy towards God. These truths need to be part of my daily prayer to God, not to become conformed to the world and its ways., but to be daily renewed by the transforming of my mind; to live from a biblical world view, to keep Him as the first thing first, asking Him always to help me to do so. Quote
ajtmaestro71 Posted October 17, 2005 Report Posted October 17, 2005 Q4. Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that person's attitude towards praise? Why does an attitude of possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way of worship? In what sense do all your possessions belong to God? What then should be your relationship to your possessions? How will these truths re-energize your giving? Your praise? If a person is apprehensive to give in one area of his/her life, then he/she is likely to be apprehensive elsewhere. Holding tightly to things can unleash a spirit of unwillingness, making it very difficult to surrender. I don't think God can work with a person's heart when this type of attitude is prevalent. We must remember that "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof..." Everything in the earth, on the earth, above the earth, and under the earth belong to God. Whatever we give Him belongs to Him anyway. We should give of our possessions willingly and not hold to them so tightly that we can't render to God what already belongs to Him. When we come to this realization, we can begin to freely worship God through our praise as well as our through our giving of our time, money or whatever is needed. Quote
The Real Truth Posted October 17, 2005 Report Posted October 17, 2005 Q4. Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that person's attitude towards praise? Why does an attitude of possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way of worship? In what sense do all your possessions belong to God? What then should be your relationship to your possessions? How will these truths re-energize your giving? Your praise? God loves a cheeful giver. It not hard to assume that God loves a cheeful praiser. Where you money is therein lies one's heart. Giving is a sgin of worship. God made everything. I own my possessions; my possessions do not own me. I will contiune to be humbe and have faith that my giving and praise will be noticed. Quote
Jen Posted October 18, 2005 Report Posted October 18, 2005 Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that persons attitude towards praise?Why does an attitude fo possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way ofworship? In what sense so all your possessions belong toGod? What then should be your relationshhip to all possessions? How will these truths reenergize yur giving? Your praise? When I get stingy with my giving I find I get stingy with my praise. It seems to become all about me and not God which in turn gets in the way of worship. When I focus on my possessions I loose my joy because the Lord is (or should be) my joy and not on anything material. I should enjoy the things He has provided and thank Him but not make them the focus of my attention. In my heart I know this but in this world it's sometimes easy for the mind to forget and we need to be reminded. Also as one having lost her possessions twice I know that to put your hope in them is foolish. I praise you Father for the many truths you have blessed me with in your Word about You and for sending your Son for me so that I may enjoy heaven and my Hope who is in heaven for all eternity. Forgive me for my stinginess and selfishness and help me to become more giving and forgiving. Help me to become more like Jesus who came to earth to be a servant so that we might live with you. Amen God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
revking88 Posted October 19, 2005 Report Posted October 19, 2005 God loves a cheerful giver. If we give begrudgingly it means nothing to God. We are tempted to withhold our blessing to God and we can get into trouble with God. It blocks us from God's blessing. We must remember that all things are from God, not ourselves. He gives us the ability to produce weath (which comes in many different forms.) It was God who gave me the ability to do the things that I can do and have the things that I have. If God gave it to me, it still belongs to Him. We praise Him and bless Him and lift up the possessions to Him and give Him thanks. We are only stewards of what God has given us. To know the we are only temporary stewards of the things that God has given to us. God can take away what we have been given so we must remember to give what He asks of us and be cheerful about it. We also must remember that God will not give us anything more than we can handle. That does not just imply trials and tribulations. Well, it reminds me that I need to be a cheerful giver and that I need to work on my praise and pray moments. I have become lax in this. As a preacher, I should set the example of proper giving. Not only will this re-energize me but it will re-energize my congregation as well. God owns everything and when I receive something from Him I must give thanks, glory honor and praise to Him. I must light a fire under my butt. TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART! Quote
Elder9 Posted October 26, 2005 Report Posted October 26, 2005 You can only give what you are willing to relinqish completely. Praise belongs to GOD and is not ours to hold. It's not until we learn to let His thing go that we are able to be free. (Possessions, hold us in bondage i.e. Howard Hughes) Praise becomes difficult because we don't want to give it, when we're ready to give proper praise it opens us up to giving more (possessions). We tend to hold back, as if not wanting to give everything, but able to take something back with us. (After all, its ours isn't it?). The Earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the World and they that dwell therein. Job, said naked I came into the world, and naked I'll go out. Since I wasn't born with pockets, whatever I've gotten since being here came from someone/somebody meaning GOD. The more I give the more GOD gives me to give, Praise will open that window of blessing, its up to me to determine how wide it'll be opened. Quote
DEIRDRE INAMDAR Posted October 29, 2005 Report Posted October 29, 2005 Q4. Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that person's attitude towards praise? Why does an attitude of possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way of worship? In what sense do all your possessions belong to God? What then should be your relationship to your possessions? How will these truths re-energize your giving? Your praise? All that we have comes from God we can boast of nothing.I have a personal testimony I in my wildest dreams could not have dreamt of earning the amount I am giving to God's work today and this is pure grace and I give Him all the praise for trusting me. When we are possessive of what we have we tend to forget that it is not ours in the first place .All that we have belongs to God and we are but stewards. Our possessions become our idols and this comes in the way of our worship. Everything we have belongs to God.We have been bought with a price so we are not our own ,our children are not our own our wealth has been given to us by God as He gives us the power to get the wealth.It is all His. We need to hold on to our possessions very lightly,and use them wisely asking God for guidance being good stewards When we become aware of these truths I believe it is a load off us.We will be secure with the fact that God will continue to provide for us, we will be wise and cheerful givers knowing that God is committed to make us rich in every way so that we can be generous on every occassion,and it will result in praise and thaksgiving to our God. DONT WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD? Quote
Sonshine777 Posted October 30, 2005 Report Posted October 30, 2005 Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that person's attitude towards praise? If we are clinging to resentment and filling our minds with negative thoughts about ourselves or our relaitonships and other people - what does that say about the condition of our hearts?? The saying 'you cannot love others unless you love yourself' has merit. Thank You Lord for loving us first and teaching us how to love. Why does an attitude of possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way of worship? God expects us to be responsible stewards of our money and possessions but if we are not willing to share with others - how does that glorify God?? When we worship God, it can be in many many ways. Everything we do can be done with an attitude of praise. But if we horde food at home, pens and pencils at work, etc....we are not trusting God to give us what we need when we need it AND God may not be able to use you to bless someone else. In what sense do all your possessions belong to God? Everything comes from God! He created us and He has given us the knowlege and ability to manipulate our environment. He has provided EVERYTHING we use. What then should be your relationship to your possessions? My possessions are borrowed from God! I can hold on to them loosely because God will provide new/more apporpriate ones for me later on. How will these truths re-energize your giving? Your praise? I have FREEDOM to give thru my trust in God! And I have FREEDOM to open my heart completely to Him when I praise and worship Him. He WILL take care of us! Although we must guard our hearts with unsafe people, we are FREE to put ALL our trust and hope in Him. Thank God we have God! Quote
farmboy Posted October 30, 2005 Report Posted October 30, 2005 1. To receive it we have to give it first no matter what it is. What does it say about our praise if we become so self centered that we don't give of what we are only a temporary steward. Strength, possesions, earnings, needs, experiences, and on and on are gifts from God. God, to whom all belongs, has given from his to us. Our praise becomes hollow and phony if we don't do likewise. 2. God created and gave all. 3. Our possesions are not to be worshiped. Our focus is on God and not else where. True joy is an obedient heart. Quote
Gwen Bryant Posted November 1, 2005 Report Posted November 1, 2005 A. when we have a cheerful heart about giving we show that we recognize that we have to give, only because God has given to us and in appreciation it gives us great pleasure to give back to our giver and to to bless us as we've been blessed. B. Possessiveness is selfcenteredness not God-centeredness. C. All that we have or ever will have comes from God. D. My possessions belong to God, He has made me the stewart over them and I must be thankful and giving of them E. These truths has given me an even keener awareness of what God has provided for me and how I owe Him everything and want Him to have all that is within me to do and to give. Quote
grace Posted November 4, 2005 Report Posted November 4, 2005 Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that person's attitude toward praise?Why does an attitute of possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way of worship?In what sense do all your possessions belong to God?What then should be your relationships to your possessions?How will these truths re-energize your giving? your praise? 1. If there is a poor attitude of giving, there will be a poor effort to praise. A good attitude in giving will release one in a good attitude of praise. 2. An attitude of possessiveness gets in the way of worship because there is a failure in the worhipers' life to see that ALL belongs to God in the first place. 3.All our possessions belong to God because the scripture says , "the earth is the Lord's and all the fullness thereof". Furthermore, when you give your life to God, He then has rightful ownership of all that you have. 4. Our relationships to our possessions should be a temporal thing knowing that all these things will someday pass away. 5. These truths should energize our giving in that it should be our pleasure to please the Father, and to show Him that He has first place in our lives. 6. Our praise to the Father should be a lifestyle , knowing that we are not of this world , but we look for a better world whose builder and maker is God Quote
fran Posted November 7, 2005 Report Posted November 7, 2005 Possessing is opposite of giving. Putting possessiveness into the mix destroys. When I possess I have pride of possession, even when I think, "My, I certainly possess a giving, praiseful spirit today!" Quote
fran Posted November 7, 2005 Report Posted November 7, 2005 Thanks to you all for this study and forum. Quote
linda bass Posted November 9, 2005 Report Posted November 9, 2005 A person's attitude with regard to giving is related to his attitude toward praise because if he withholds his giving, he will also withold his praise. Likewise one who gives liberally, will also be generous with his praise. An attitude of possessiveness gets in the way of worship because there's a tendency to forget that all belongs to God. Since God is the creator of everything, in a sense everything belongs to Him, even our possessions. Our relationship to our possessions should be as a steward rather than an owner. When we realize that all our moneys and possessions belong to God, and we are merely stewards of it, then we can freely give with no regrets. Quote
LisaZ Posted December 1, 2005 Report Posted December 1, 2005 Q4. Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that person's attitude towards praise? Why does an attitude of possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way of worship? In what sense do all your possessions belong to God? What then should be your relationship to your possessions? How will these truths re-energize your giving? Your praise? Giving and praising are related. You have to "give" praise to God. It is very difficult to do so if you are holding onto things selfishly. By not giving or not giving willingly, you show an attitude that you believe those things belong to you when in essence they all belong to God and He has allowed you to have those things as a steward. God blesses us with things but He also expects us to bless others. It is impossible to truly be free to praise and worship God if you do not have a giving attitude. When your belongings do not have a hold on you, you are free and you are in a position to truly praise and trust God. Quote
Barbara1 Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 When a person is willing and able to give to the Lord his spirit is greatful and able to give praise for who the Lord is and what He has done through His love and mercy. When a person is possessive of what He has he forgets who those possessions really belong to and who gave them to that person. When this happens they are not able to worship the giver. Our possessions belong to God because He made it possible for us to have them by giving them to us. Quote
Dolly Posted February 3, 2006 Report Posted February 3, 2006 If you have a selfish attitude with your 'things', thing you will be selfish in all you do and you cannot give away 'praise' to someone else, if you think you are the one who is deserving of the praise instead. Worshipping is giving of yourself. If you are selfish with your money and property, then you will be selfish with giving any' part of yourself away also. God made everything, before we got here, he made us, It is God who gives us the strength and wisdom and ability to achieve and acquire the things we get and have. We are only passsing through, we are on a mission here as aliens and strangers in a foriegn land. Everything is on loan. We brought nothing into this world with us, and we will take nothing home with us when we leave. You should not get possesive of your possessions, be ready to let go of them at any given moment. If you have something someone else needs for survival, let it go. It was a gift to you, pass it along. I hope these truths will engerize my giving and my praise abundantly. We can never give, or praise God enough for what he has done for us, and given for us. But we can sure try! Quote
masika Posted April 5, 2006 Report Posted April 5, 2006 In this world everything including human beings all belong to Almighty God .When giving to the Lord , we should give the best as a sign of appriciation . Also when giving Praise we should do so to God and ourselves. In this world everything including human beings all belong to Almighty God .When giving to the Lord , we should give the best as a sign of appriciation . Also when giving Praise we should do so to God and not ourselves. Quote
JustJeff Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 The name of your ministry; "Joyful Heart", should be the attitude that we bring to the table when we praise Him and it is the way we should feel when we give. If we give by necessity, as well as praise, then our efforts are empty, vain. Should we reflect any possessiveness in our worship we are not in Yahweh's will, as all of our thoughts should be of giving to others what we have freely received. Our possessions are not our own. We are stewards and Adonai expects us to be just, to give as we can, to those who have not. This only serves to fortify what I do, as my life is hid with Christ. Everything that I have, especially myself, is His. Whatever I hold, I will give if He so intructs me. Quote
april Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 Q4. Why is a person's attitude with regard to giving related to that person's attitude towards praise? Why does an attitude of possessiveness with regards to giving get in the way of worship? In what sense do all your possessions belong to God? What then should be your relationship to your possessions? How will these truths re-energize your giving? Your praise? Because Praise comes out of giving the praise that is due God and only God alone. Worship is about God not us. We worship Him because we love Him, and want to serve Him only, and all that He has given us is from Him. And we are to use it to gloified Him, we are only stewards of what He has given us. Quote
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