fran Posted November 6, 2005 Report Posted November 6, 2005 This is meant to encourage me by increasing my understanding of who God is---why God would choose to love sinful creatures. Young mothers and fathers are in a special place to learn more of the love and care of God. Quote
farmboy Posted November 6, 2005 Report Posted November 6, 2005 1. That we are God's creation from the moment of conception. God doesn't make mistakes, so that makes each of us special. We have no place judging ourselves as harshly as we tend to. 2. No matter the circumstances each child is a creation of God, not to be taken lightly. Although it isn't an easy task the woman is something special to be given care of God's creation. 3. There is nothing more incredible than a newborn and the awsome responsibilities that go with it. 4. The complexity of the body and the birth process is incredible. Something that complex has to be of God. Being involved in the livestock industry and working outside, it only takes a look around to make it obvious God is there. Helping with the delivery of newborn calves on occassion and watching them is awsome. Fot the mother to know how to care for her baby, for the baby to know what to do is incredible. The complexity of the process of conception alone is awsome. To take it from that to a living breathing baby can only be God. I don't worry about tree rights, whale rights, animal rights; what about the rights of the unborn baby. Quote
obnubilate Posted November 7, 2005 Report Posted November 7, 2005 personally, i think of God's purpose for my life. He is not mere Creator who abandons us once out of the production...but gently sees us through with longsuffering, especially when we sin and doubt. i think of still-born babies or those born into adverse circumstances. Without experiencing God personally, it is easy to dismiss such occurences as hopeless situations; birth as a fluke of nature or purely man's desire. They all belong to God and to Him all will return....just hold the faith and love each other as we love Him Quote
linda bass Posted November 14, 2005 Report Posted November 14, 2005 It makes me feel good to know that God has been with me from the very moment my life begin. Not only was He there, but He had a hand in my creation. He choose my hair color, My eye color, how tall I would be, etc. It is just too awesome to think about. I think such knowledge is overwhelming to us, because it's hard for us to comprehend, that God who created an entire universe, could also be involved in the creation of a tiny human embryo. Quote
DEIRDRE INAMDAR Posted November 16, 2005 Report Posted November 16, 2005 Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? I stand in awe of my God.Thinking of His involvement in my life from conception makes me feel so secure.I know I have a purpose and am excited about that.Life is full of meaning and I look forward to Eternity with my Lord. I know exactly what it means .When I was pregnant with my daughter,about four doctors told me that my pregnancy was not going well and that if I carried on with it my child would be severly deformed I was distressed and went to God and the word He gave me was "Those who trust in the Lord will not be put to shame" My daughter was born normal,today praise God she is healthy, brilliant and a firm believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.She is an excellent speaker, pianist,and was last week chosen to be the Head Girl of her school.She is my constant reminder of God's faithfulness and power to those who believe and trust in Him and I hope what I say right now will minister to someone. Gods love for man and His involvement with us amazes me.At times I find it so overwhelming it moves me to tears.I just Love Him. Quote
karnold Posted November 23, 2005 Report Posted November 23, 2005 No one can look at an ultrasound of their child or grandchild and not be reminded of this passage, especially the 3D images that are available now where you can see the little one's face--fearfully and wonderfully made. I especially was struck by the word raqam: "variegate, weave with variegated threads, also with threads of gold and silver, suggesting the complex patterns and colors of the weaver or embroiderer." When my son was born and the sack he lived in those nine months was delivered, it looked like multicolored yarns! Life in all its splendor--creation at its most beautiful! That is what David is describing. Karen Quote
grace Posted November 29, 2005 Report Posted November 29, 2005 How does an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? l. God says in His Word, "I knew you before you were in your mother's womb and all my members were written when as yet there were none of them." In fact God knew me before the foundation of the earth. I am encouraged by the fact that I was purposely planned, for the glory and to bless God with my life, with the gifts He has bestowed in me. 2. The knowledge of my prenatal development is overwhelming to me because it goes beyond my ability to understand eg. that He breathed into my nostrils the breath of life and I became a living soul. Also there is something inside of me that constantly makes me aware that I am a SPIRIT made after the image of God (beyond human comprehension). Quote
Linda Stanley Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 Gods character goes into the creation of every person.God knows you in the mothers womb,and out of the mothers womb.God knows us before we were ever born.Such knowledge is overwhelming to us because we really were born into this world for Gods purpose.We are a miracle!!.I myself,have know other way to express or say God is the Creator of everything.Gods work is ~AMAZING~,when you think about it."Plant a tree,it grows.Plant a flower,or put a seed in the ground,it grows.Look at the stars,can you count them?Put your hand over your heart and feel the beat.God Is ~AWESOME~. Quote
LisaZ Posted December 19, 2005 Report Posted December 19, 2005 Q3. (139:13-16) How does an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? I have always found it very precious and amazing to know that God knew me from the very beginning, before I was ever born and before anyone else knew me. He was involved in every aspect of my formation and he knows me far more intimately than anyone else. What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Having just had my first child in August, I can say from my personal experience that it was so reassuring to know that God was forming my baby and that He knew all about Samuel, who he is and who he is to become. These were some of the Scriptures we spoke over our baby before he was born. Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? It is overwhelming to us because we cannot really understand it because it is beyond us. But even the measure we do understand is so precious and priceless. Quote
kalineshen Posted December 21, 2005 Report Posted December 21, 2005 Thanks a lot for my Lord, for he choose me as his child. I know I am sinner, but our Lord don't abandon me. Quote
Barbara1 Posted December 23, 2005 Report Posted December 23, 2005 Knowing God's involvement encourages me because I now know that I wasn't an accident and that he has a wonderful plan for my life if I will stop long enough to find out what it is. If all woman were taught this message before they got pregnant there would be no need for aborsion clinics. They would look at the life inside as a gift and not a burden. It's overwhelming I guess because in growing up no one is taught how special they are in God's eyes and that they have a hope of heaven. Quote
Dolly Posted March 3, 2006 Report Posted March 3, 2006 God loves us so much, he chose us, he planned for us, he created us, for his purposes, He put alot of time and thought into us. How much more important do we need to feel than this. He wanted' us for HIS purpose, for fellowship with' him, it's not about us, it's about him. It's not that he needs' us, but he wants us, he cares for us and he loves us so much that he sent his only Son to die for us. We are his children, He is our Father, Our Father is a King, a Priest, the creator of ALL creation and US. Young parents should feel very special to be carrying a child that the God of heaven created, and chose them to care for, and teach them about their heavenly Father. Our thoughts are not His thoughts, His are so much higher than ours, we are indeed children, who cannot think the thoughts of our parents yet because we haven't the ability or knowledge to know what's ahead. Quote
masika Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 This should encourange me to seek and know God more and more for He is wonderful and needs more Praises than anything else in this world. I should also Fear God because He knows me more than I know myself. For a young woman carrying a child , she should know that she is carrying a very important being who is known by God .She should take great care of that creature in fear of God. This knowledge is overwhelming to us in that we can not even be able to desicribe How great is our Lord. Quote
JustJeff Posted May 23, 2006 Report Posted May 23, 2006 How wonderful it is to know that I was fashioned by God! He made me as He wanted me to be and no man can take that from me. As God's creation I strive to grow in Him, to be like Him as His son knowing that my Father is the God of all creation. I would think that a young woman, with this knowledge would be extremely careful of the gift within her and that he father would likewise care for the mother of his child. Why is this too wonderful for us? Who can understand the ways or thoughts of Yahweh. Who can see the love which He gives to create each of us. Who can see His plan for us. There would be no abortions if this were at all possible. Quote
april Posted June 21, 2006 Report Posted June 21, 2006 Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? Knowing that God knows all about me, and that He has a plan for my life. This brings purpose for being here, and living my life for Him. I can't understand all of this, but I have learned to trust God. The women with a baby can have hope to know that God is in control of what ever happens and that her baby is called also to do great things for God, just like all of us are called to do. Quote
anthony s. rapaglia Posted July 26, 2006 Report Posted July 26, 2006 (Psalms 139:14)"Thank You for making me so wonderfullycomplex! Your workmanship is marvelous-and how well I know it." We are God's "workmanship" means that we unique and beautifl masterpieces works of divine poetry. Beauty and value are designed into the very fiber of our being by virture of our Creator. Quote
oblay Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? Ans to 1stQ: It should encourage me to think and consider very seriously that I am a child of God, even by physical conception and birth. That He was always there from the time even before I was conceived, to the time of my conception in my mother's womb until birth and so on. Thus, I am special and should offer myself to the works of God. Ans to 2nd Q: The young woman carrying the child should consider her child as sacred from the start, just like her. That even if physically, the child was conceived through the sperm of her husband and her egg, still, God did something more to make the child inside her as sacred according to God. God, after all, is the magic creator and molder ever since. Thus, she should take care of the child very well, according to God's standards. Ans to 3rdQ: The father should also think and act the way a mother thinks. Ans to 4thQ: It is overwhelming because its seems to go with a great and awesome responsibility. But if it is God's will, nothing can stop us from acknowledging and performing his will. Nothing is impossible with Him - is the best consolation and assurance we have. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted January 5, 2007 Report Posted January 5, 2007 Q3. (139:13-16) How does an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? God knew who I was going to be before I was conceived. I was not an accident - I was meant to be. What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child. A young father-to-be? It Quote
Jesse Liles Posted February 13, 2007 Report Posted February 13, 2007 Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? This thought helps me to see that I am not an accident - I was created for God's creative purpose. God's providential care worked through the human element of my mother and father to create me with the strengths and weaknesses that I have. A young woman carrying a child (and a father to be) can take hope in the providential nature of God that He has something great planned for their child. They can praise God that God is creating someone made in His own image. The thought is overwhelming because God's providence uses human's choices and behaviors to accomplish His will. Quote
Patsy Laycoax Posted February 21, 2007 Report Posted February 21, 2007 Being aware of God's involvement in my prenatal development encourages me to realize just how much God truly does love me! To a young woman carrying a child this could mean choosing to give birth instead of abortion. To a father to be it would or should cause him to realize the awesome responsibility God has given him to raise this child for God. Such knowledge is overwhelming to us because we have such limited understanding and have never known such love! Quote
Commissioned Posted March 12, 2007 Report Posted March 12, 2007 Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? God's involvement in my prenatal development encourages me in that I know God is intimately aware of all of my bodily parts and when I pray for healing He knows, better than I do or the doctors can ever know, what miracle need to take place to bring me to prosperous health. What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? For a young woman carrying a child she can be at rest knowing that her child is in the hands of the master creator. As a father-to-be the young man can pray and give praises to God for the gift and wellbeing of his wife and child. Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? We cannot immagine how this is all possible, even with all the advances of science; the miracle of birth, formation of the body and all the intricacies of life we will never fathom. Quote
nancychua Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? 1). It is encouraging because God has ordained me to be here on earth as He has great plan and purpose for my future. He mold me in His perfect image. 2)., It is a life in the womb of a mother that God has planned for. The mother could trust God to influence her in good way and prepare her for motherhood. 3). A new life will be given in his family to raise, love and train up in a godly perspective way. 4). Such knowledge overewhelming us that eventhough I was borned out from my mother`s womb, I`m still loved by my Heavenly Father. therefore I must appreciate His love and His presence in my life. I thank the Lord for the victory thru Jesus Christ who strengthen me everyday of my life with joy, peace and love. Quote
plethra Posted August 19, 2007 Report Posted August 19, 2007 Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? If God was concerned about me before I was ever born then surely HE is concerned about me now! To know that He was there and formed every detail of my being. He knew the color of my hair, my eyes, my skin. He knew my personality strengths and weaknesses - before I was born while I was still in my mothers womb How wonderful to the mother to know that GOD himself is forming and detailing this child within her body! This can also Bring peace to her to know that God is in control and that there is nothing to fear. He is with her and the child he is forming inside of her. How awesome to know that HE care that much! For the Father of the child - again I would have to say peace in knowing that GOD knows what HE is doing. Our minds can not grasp the kind of love and care that GOD has for us! Words cannot express The fine detail of our lives that HE as an artist carves into us before we are ever born AWESOME and MIGHTY is HE!! Quote
Craig Posted December 8, 2007 Report Posted December 8, 2007 Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? God's involvement in my prenatal development tells me that He has been personally involved in not only my spiritual development, but my physical development as well. It tells me that He is my creator and that He is interested in me. To a young woman carrying a child this might mean to her that is God is intimately involved in the development of that baby and that God is in control. The baby will be as God has planned. The same thought would apply to the father. The idea that God is seemingly involved in so much detail at all levels and with so many is overwhelming to a human-being. Quote
Stan Posted July 7, 2008 Report Posted July 7, 2008 Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? It tells you that even before you were born that God was there watching over you and careing for you right down to watching the developing embryo. He loved you before your mom or dad even knew you. It should remind her that God in all His wisdom is watching over her and her child and she is in the best of hands. A young father should realize that God is in control He has made the new life he is about to call son or daughter and He is the real Father after whom we all should follow and seek to obey. It leaves us in awe, we can't truly understand the life that God places in our care.Doctors can now copy life but only God can add His Spirit that make Him or Her a child of God and we need to remember that and not follow the world and it view that life is not that important any more. Quote
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