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1. We need to be in control and independant. We need to think we did it. There is too much focus on me. We have an incrdible desire to look good to whoever is watching, including God and would rather not have some things about us known, because it might destroy the image we want projected. Being refined is not the classic experience of joy and wonder. It is difficult, painfull, and requires effort. Some of us may have to start over from square one. We have a tendancy to think God is caring a score card, and we know full well what that score card is going to reveal when the exam is over.

2-3. About two years ago I realized that I had known Jesus as my savior for a long time. The Spirit made it clear to me that I had yet to know Jesus as Lord. I prayed intensly for that to change. The trials and tribulations, and constant falling on my face are still difficult to deal with.

4. Not a chance. Jesus was the ultimate example of surrender to God. What makes think we are so special that we don't have to go through it also. After God said 'this is my son and with him I am well pleased' Jesus was sent out for 40 days of temptation and trial. Why do we think we should escape.


We have learned not to trust but to be independent, especially in Western society. This independence (read "control") is deeply ingrained, especially in men who must show the macho front. Many experiences have taught this to us and imbedded it into our psyche. It is hard to imagine that someone out there is totally trustworthy. Also it means that control of our lives is not in our hands and we fear that situation. Then there is always, what will the "neighbours" (whoever they might be in our lives) think? In our society we are brought up in generation-distinct pockets (child care, school, teenage peer/commercial pressure, the elderly shut away, that in general we do not understand those of a different age bracket, let alone God. We come from impoverished relationships and have lilttle conception of what God has in store for us. All this has to be broken through for a new sense of trust to rule our hearts. Yet Jesus can do it!

I took this step in 1959 under Billy Graham.

The result was that God showed me His great light which is love, and that life can be lived by thepower of love. Great and deep joy flooded my soul and I was "in love" with Jesus, never to be the same old Helen again. I had a vision for life and the vision compelled me to some major degree, even in the years when I forgot about Jesus. I always knew that "people matter more than things". Of course the end result was that, although I forgot Him, He never forgot me, and He brought me home again like the prodigal daughter about 12 years ago, and has been teaching me "wonderful things that I do not know" ever since. How worthy is He of all praise and adoration!

Can a child become a musician without submitting himself to his teacher? But submitting to Jesus is the incomparable experience that reinvents you, shows you the heavenly life and teaches you the music of Heaven! The more we submit the more amazing our lifestyle, and the more the mind of God is opened up to us! We can fly like eagles instead of scrabbling about the earth llike chickens! We can live in the presence of Jesus and find out that "eye hath not seen, nor eard heard, neither has entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those that love Him!"


I think the prayer of surrender is a difficult one to pray because we don't like losing control. We don't like the idea of submitting control of our life to God much less anyone else.

I think I first prayed this prayer when I accepted Jesus as a young child.

I have prayed the prayer of surrender in the past when things weren't working out in my life either because I was backslidden or I had un confessed sin or I was being rebellious,etc.

Once I had surrendered, I had a feeling of peace and contentment in knowing that fellowship with God had been restored.

I believe it is impossible to be a true disciple of Christ without praying the prayer of surrender. Jesus surrendered to God. Can we do no less?


Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

The prayer of surrender is difficult to pray in the beginning.You feel you are giving up control,You also feel vulnerable as you have to expose something you have tried to hide.It churns up a riot of emotions and then one has to deal with it set it right and only then does one experience peace.So all in all it is a difficult prayer to pray at first.

Many years ago .It was difficult, but I developed a holy hatred for sin and benifited greatly from pouring my heart out to God who could see me through and through any ways.It helped me grow closer to God, equiped me to be an overcomer and now being open to God and seeking His righteousness is my way of life.

I would say no for then the relationship lacks intimacy.

  • 2 weeks later...

Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray?

1. This prayer is difficult to pray because we are asking God to "test" or

refine us, which means that God will bring into our lives TRIALS which may

be difficult for us to go through.

2.I have prayed this prayer to God many years ago, but understand this

prayer to have purifying conditions today. Luke 14:28 tells us "which of you intending to build a tower (your life) sitteth not down first , and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it. I believe when you ask God to

search and test (try) you, then you better be ready to count the cost.

3.Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

I believe a person can be a christian, but not a genuine disciple, for a disciple is one who not only follows Jesus Christ, but one who desires to be completely obedient to Christ.


When we pray a prayer like this,we are asking God to search us,and point out our sins and help cleanse our mind, heart and soul.You never know what might surface out of a prayer like this.I believe you find out things you dont even know is you.God has shown me some things about myself I did not like,and I did not realize I was doing these things.Don't you have thoughts you dont even know where they came from?I do.I believe I must pray this kind of prayer.How else would I really know who I am.How else would I get rid of the stuff in my life that is just know good to anybody.I dont know how genuine you can be,with stuff you need to get rid of before you could help someone else.I am speaking for myself.Yes,I feel God has to look me over at times,and show me the right way..I know God loves me,and God will show me who I am.When I pray for God to lead ,guide and direct me,that is what He is going to do.I surender myself. Amen

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray?

This prayer of surrender is hard to pray because we are selfish and like to be in control of what happens to us (or at least THINK we are in control!)

When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result?

I prayed this prayer a number of years ago and the result was a number of challenges that helped develop my character and which in retrospect I can appreciate but at the time after a while I almost regretted my prayer! And the process still continues to this day!

Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

I don't believe you can be a genuine disciple without praying this type of prayer. I believe you have to genuinely surrender yourself.

  • 4 weeks later...

This prayer of surrender is difficult to prayer because I'm afraid I won't be able to measure up to what is expected of me and because I'll find out just how sinful I really am.

The first time I prayed this kind of prayer was tonight.

I don't know the result yet, but I feel a whole lot better then I did before and I'm finally able to get back to my studies . Thank you Lord God.

  • 1 month later...

To pray a prayer like this is scary, because you know it might be painful, it might be a rough road to travel.

You have to know if you pray a prayer like this, and you know that God hears your prayer, that he WILL do what you ask of him. He won't hold back, and that could mean alot of discomfort for you. Pain, embarassment, digging things of the past up that you would rather stay buried, heartache, frustration, alot of different feelings and emotions stirring within you. And then you have to be willing to hear what God has to say on his findings and be willing to correct them according to His will for your life. That's not always easy to do.

Seems like I'm always praying this prayer because I don't want to be left out, I want to be with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for eternity.

That's probably why it seems like God is always giving me new things to learn, testing me, it's not easy but if that's what it takes, and I need it to fulfill his will for my life, then that's the way it has to be.

I think that a true disciple would want to pray this kind of prayer. We should want what is best for us, and God knows what that is.

  • 1 month later...

This pray of surrender to God is so difficult to pray because we never surrender Totally to God, there are many Sins we hide thinking that God will not Know it , but we are wrong .God knows everything we do in our secret places.

To be sincere I have never prayed this kind of prayer.

If we want to genuine disciple of Christ we need to Pray this kind of prayer.

  • 4 weeks later...

It may be difficult to pray the prayer of surrender when you really don't want to give it all up to begin with. We all want to cling to some fleshly, worldly desires. Some special **** or a secret sin. When it comes time to toe the line we pull the reigns on complete surrender. It's when we cross over, then and only then are we His, completely.

The first time I prayed this type of prayer was when I discovered Psalm 19:12-13. I asked Adonai to reveal my secret sins and my presumptuous sins. The result? Ugly. He's been doing it to me forever (it seems) and it really is a gut check, especially when I am judgemental of others.

I don't think that you can be any kind of disciple at all without surrendering all, period.

  • 2 months later...

As the Lord knows us thoroughly, and we are strangers to ourselves, we should earnestly desire and pray to be shearched and proved by his word and Spirit.if there be any wicked way in us,let us see it;and do root it out of us.The way of godliness is pleasing to God,and profitablt to us;andwill end in everlasting life.

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

Ans to 1stQ: Quite difficult if we are not that serious and committed. I takes a strong will to surrender to God totally.

Ans to 2ndQ & 3rdQ: Just recently. And yet, I still failed to live up to my prayer. I'm like being double standard, wanting this and yet doing that which goes against the goal I want.

Ans to 4thQ: I guess so. But without surrendering to God and being dependent on Him, at least partly, doesn't make sense in trying to be a genuine disciple of God. For me, being a genuine disciple of God means, "eating, digesting and breathing" Him practically in my daily life. Integrating Him in me and being one in Him so to say, in order to be a genuine and effective disciple of God.

  • 2 months later...

The prayer of surrender to God is so difficult to pray with sincerity because we fear and don't completely trust God. We want to be in control and are afraid that if we allow God to take hold of our lives we would not like the result. I know trust in the providence of God is a requirement for apostleship. But to completely trust God to be able to pray with utter surrender is a grace. I have never prayed this kind of prayer. But for the moment I am asking that God give me the grace to be able to completely and without fear entrust my life to Him.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

This prayer may be difficult to pray because we don't like being open and vulnerable because we aren't certain of God's forgiveness and grace. We have lived too long thinking that we are better than we are so to pray this prayer and have God reveal reality to us may be devasting to us. I think we want to believe that we are better than we really are. I think we feel that being stripped bare before the Lord is too vulnerable for us. We may not feel we know what to do with our guilt/shame.

I often pray this prayer and have become aware of God's grace. It can lead to a constant need/dependence upon God for our greatest need: forgiveness and justification.

Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer? He certainly will be a proud person and self sufficient person and thus won't be trusting in God's provision of grace.


The prayer of surrender to God is very difficult because we do not know what God may ask of us. We have a tendency to think we have control over our lives and we do not want to relinquish it.

The first time I prayed this kind of prayer was when I received Jesus Christ as my Saviour.

The result was God cleansed me of all my sin and came into my heart and has been my strength and my guide ever since!

No a person cannot be a genuine disciple without praying a prayer of surrender. We have to be willing for God to cleanse us of our sin.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray?

It is differcult to pray because it leaves you completly bare, surrendered to God. You've now asked God to bring before you all the dark and evil ways in you that you need to repent of. That which you have held on to and now must release so that all would be well with you and God.

When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result?

At conversion. I came face to face with the part of my life that I knew I must repent of and turn away from. With God's help I am still walking this new life and trusting Him.

Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

A person cannot be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer. It is a prayer of repentance and one cannot give himself to Christ without first confessing sins and asking His forgiveness.

  • 5 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

First of all it is against human nature to give control to God or anyone else in our live. We are a prideful people that want to do things our own way. We are also afraid of what we will find when God reveals to us what is hidden in our hearts. We don't always like what we find when we go probing into the depths of our souls and then it challenges us to change.

The first time I prayed a pray of surrender was actually the prayer of salvation. I have prayed the prayer of surrender many many times and find myself needing to pray it again now.

When praying for God to do anything - even to reveal that hidden part of my heart - I expect HIM to do just that. I also know that God is loving and patient and HE will not shatter my life but will be with me every step of the way guiding me and protecting me as GOD brings about a change in my life!

Understanding that being a christian - born again - and being a genuine disciple are two differnt things - I believe a genuine disciple MUST pray this prayer.

  • 3 months later...

Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

This prayer of surrender can be difficult because it means becoming vulerable before God. Casting aside any self-deceit and admitting sin in my life. Admitting and coming face to face with my life -- the good, bad, and the ugly.

However, the result will liberating. Freedom from the limited and often fantasy world of the self. The result is a vigorous connection between God and I.

A person cannot be a genuine disciple without praying this kind prayer. Without this kind of prayer there is no genuine fellowship between God and the disciple.

  • 7 months later...

Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

Because we must give ourselves and lives totally to God and submit to what His plans is for us and we have a problem when it comes to submitting. When we descided to follow Christ should have been the first time we prayed a prayer of surrender but we should alway be praying that prayer especially when we find ourselves falling short. Giving your all to Christ can be joyful, but at the same time frightening as we see ourselves steping out in areas of our life that we once kept hidden from others. I think that Paul said yes in Corinthians when he was speaking of our works being tried by fire but I believe that all thing should be given over to God even our most inward thoughts and desires.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

As frail humans, we want to have our own way. Praying for God to search and cleanse is is difficult to pray. It is hard to be willing to give up, clean up. and follow God's way. We have to reach a point we are willing to give all to God. We have to surrender our hearts and souls.

I accepted God into my heart when I was a child and have always been thankful I can go to Him for every need, problem and celebration.

A person will find it very hard and even questionable to be a genuine disciple of God without praying a prayer of surrender.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

It's difficult to pray because we don't want to give up control, first of all, and second, because we fear punishment. I asked God to search my heart and clean out all impurities some years ago when I was first saved and received Jesus into my heart. Jesus came in and showed me what my sins were. I knew what I was being forgiven for. I know now that I can never go back and live that life again. I don't want to. I love my life with Jesus.

I don't think that we can be genuine disciples without this kind of prayer. God can't be in the presence of sin. So, before we say anything else, we need to be cleansed of sin, and that includes what is in the heart. Then God can hear us and help us, as He wants to. He'll know that we are sincere.

  • 3 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer?

Last little bits of "self" trying to control...flesh...pure flesh still trying to die to self.

Years ago, I prayed: Lord, show me who I am...and then prayed the verses in Psalm 51 asking for Him to create in me a clean heart, renew a right spirit within me...restore to me the joy of my salvation...and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me...also the verses where surely You desire truth in the inward parts and wisdom in the inmost places.

Believe me, it has been a real journey getting to where I am today...but oh so worth every moment. I am free...and clean...walking in the righteousness of Christ.

I believe to be a true disciple you would need to pray this type of prayer to bring yourself into total surrender. The only way to be...totally surrendered...true freedom.

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