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  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

Daniel found his encouragement from his study of Scripture, specifically Jeremiah, in which it is said that the exile of the Israelites will last for seventy years. This period of time is almost over. Daniel has enjoyed favor with the Babylonian rulers during the exile, for example, he was able to persuade them to change the food given to him and his fellow Jews, so that it would not go against their teachings. In spite of his being captive by these people who did not share his beliefs in God, he was able to prosper and attain high positions in the government. He also had an active prayer life, and knew that God had not forsaken him, but faithfully answered Daniel's prayers. These things all worked together to build Daniel's faith in God and confidence that his prayers would be answered.

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  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

Daniel read in the scriptures, where according to the Word of God to Jeremiah, the 70 years of exile were at an end. He knew the time has come just like the 400years in Egypt and deliverance happened with the Israelites, so he grabbed the opportunity.

What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

His faith in God and belief in what God had spoken to the prophets before this time. Daniel was a man of prayer and fasting. a devout follower of God, showed in his life and his reading and knowledge of the scriptures of God's written Word. He stood by God until the end and God was with him.

  • 4 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

Daniel believes God promises to return his people so Daniel begins to pray for the forgiveness of their sins and for restoration in Israel. Daniel's faith and intercession to God for his people showed his continued belief and strng faith in God.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

He knew that the time of the exiles of the Israelites was near the end. He wanted God's forgiveness for these people so that they could be restored to Him again.

Daniel was a man of prayer, constantly communing with God, therefore walking close with Him and He wanted to bring reconciliation with the Israelites and God once more.

  • 4 months later...

Daniel knew from the written word of the Lord to Jeremiah that the desolations of Jerusalem would last 70 years and this was about to come to an end.Daniel was a righteous man whom after finding out the written word of the Lord sought God for forgivess and restoration of his people. He knew that the people must come to repentance before God and renew their covenant with him before going back to their homeland.

Daniel's life was fully dedicated to God and He was faithful to all His ways. This was probably the reason why God revealed to Daniel a lot of things that would happen and were happening during that time with his people through visions.

  • 2 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

Daniel was faithful to God and loyal to his own people and he recognised the 70years was nearly over and wanted to see Israel restored.

  • 1 month later...

God shared with me today after I had already answered this question that the prayer of a righteous man availeth much so that tells us prayer does change things and Daniel knew that. God wants us to tell him our desires. He wants us to plead our case.

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?
realizes that this 70 years is just about completed and knowing that The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving.
  • 2 months later...

Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

A key problem that Daniel was praying about, wouldn't end with the 70 years, nor with the 70 weeks of years. He was interceding on behalf of the sinful nature of his people; and pleads for the honor and glory of God; because the people didnot listen to the prophets they were disobedient. You cannot love God and ignore Him. Daniels' trait of humility brought this encouragement to pass.


  • 1 month later...
  On 10/28/2005 at 2:57 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

First, Daniel reads the scriptures to see what Gods will is.

Then he prays according to Gods promise.

  • 2 weeks later...

Daniel had been reading the scriptures and believed the Lord's word through Jeremiah and other prophets, that Israel's shame and the desolation of Jerusalem would last for around 70 years. So reading theword of God encouraged Daniel to ask for forgiveness as he realised that Israel had not kept God's laws and shame and captivity was the result.

Daniel was in the habit of praying to God, 3 times a day, up in his room facing Jerusalem. Prayer brought encouragement.!!!Just the same with us today, reading the word and prayer need to go together for greatest effect.

  • 4 months later...
  On 10/28/2005 at 2:57 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?


Daniel knew the word of God and therefore prayed on behalf of God's people.

Daniel knew that the only way to get closer to God is through prayer and fasting. He beleived God is faithful and he (Daniel) belived and trusted in God.

  • 5 weeks later...

Q1. (9:1-3)

What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland?

What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

Jeremiah had predicted that Israel

  • 1 month later...
  On 10/28/2005 at 2:57 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? As Daniel studied the scriptures, he realised that the 70 years of Jerusalem's desolation would soon come to an end. Daniel knew that the God he served was merciful and forgiving. Therefore he prayed and appealed to God to forgive and restore Israel to its homeland.

What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass? Daniel was a prayerful man and he trusted in the power of prayer. He believed the scriptures. He trusted God wholeheartedly.

  • 2 months later...
  On 10/28/2005 at 2:57 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland?

Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland?

Daniel sees in studying God's Word in the book of Jeremiah that the 70 years prophesied as the time in captivity is nearly up. It was Israel's sin that brought this punishment upon them. Daniel prays a collective prayer for forgiveness --"...We do not make this request of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy." (Daniel 9:18)

What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

Daniel had a great understanding of God. He loved God more than His own life and he loved the nation of Israel who were "covenanted" His especially selected people. Daniel was true to God in a very pagan world.

  • 9 months later...

Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland?

Reading God’s Word encouraged Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland. While he was reading the writings of Jeremiah Daniel reads that the 70 years was about to be fulfilled and that God was going to punish the king of Babylon and his nation.

What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

There are several character traits that I see in Daniel that may have brought this encouragement to pass, but the one that stands out to me is compassion. Daniel exhibited great kindness, concern, and care for his people to bring them before a mighty God who he knew could deliver them completely.

  • 1 year later...
  On 10/28/2005 at 2:57 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

Daniel is encouraged because Jeremiah's prophecy of Jerusalem's desolation was near its end. Jeremiah had prophesied that the Israelites would go into exile for 70 years. Now that the time is almost up, Daniel seeks for God's forgiveness and a return to Israel. He was a great intercessor and through prayer it was revealed to Him that Israel's punishment was about to come to a close. He had been faithful to God and man and God was ready to reward His faithfulness.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (9:1-3) What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland? What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?

Daniel is devoted to His God. Daniel knows of the mercy of God and His intention for His people "Israel." As Daniel believed the writings of the Prophet Jeremiah and knew God's will for His people he prayed for their deliverance and restoration to their land after acknowledging and confessing all their sins. Daniel was upright and righteous in God's sight and found favor with God. God hears the prayers of His intercessors, His righteous people.

  • 2 years later...

What encourages Daniel to seek God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland?


As Daniel studied the scriptures, he realized that the 70 years of Jerusalem's desolation would soon come to an end. Daniel knew that the God he served was merciful and forgiving. Therefore he prayed and appealed to God to forgive and restore Israel to its homeland.

What trait on Daniel's part brings this encouragement to pass?  


For nearly 60 years he served at the top rungs of a pagan government, serving three different kings without compromising his relationship to God. God listens to those who fear Him, who stand in awe of His greatness, goodness and power. God listens to the righteous.

  • 2 months later...

Daniel realized that the 70 yrs of prophecy has almost ended. He has been faithful to God even though his life was in danger. He was always ready to die for his beliefs. Daniel realized that now might be the best time to turn back to God and to pray for forgiveness and how that he could forgive Israelites once again.

  • 1 month later...

Daniel is seeking God for the forgiveness and restoration of Israel to its homeland because he had been reading the scripture that said that they would return in seventy years and that time was about up. The trait on Daniel’s part brings this encouragement to pass is that Daniel included himself in the sins of the people.

  • 4 months later...

Daniel was encouraged when he read (Jermaiah's prophesy) about the 70 years of captivity of Jewish people was about to end. Daniel learned God's truth, he humbled himself worshipped and prayed to God. Daniel interceded for the future of Jewish nation and Jewish captives in Babylon. Daniel has taken the responsibility on himself to confess the sins of the Jewish nation,asking God to forgive His people and for restoration of Jewish nation.

Daniel humbled himself in sack cloth and ashes. Daniel put his heart,mind and soul in prayer to God for the return of Jewish people.

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