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Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's.

Both Esther, Daniel and also Nehemiah were in places and positions at critical times for helping the Israelites strategically. All three faced possible death for standing up for God and for their people.

Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government?

God's plans and purposes are carried out in all different areas and He needs people in strategic places who are obedient to Him, who can pray and who can influence others.

What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives?

We need to stand up for God and for what is right regardless of rejection or persecution.

Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

I have not been in a situation where I face life-threatening persecution or anything as serious as that and I admire those that have stood up for Christ where their life was endangered For me it has been more saying things to stand up for unpopular moral issues with coworkers or not agreeing with what they are saying or doing when it is not in agreement with God's principles. I pray for God's wisdom in these situations and that I can speak in love but with boldness too.

  • 4 months later...
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-Serving God often demands that we risk our own Security , just like the two did to save God's people.

-God has also a purpose for the situations in which He places us , we should not complain just let us trust in Him.

-Courage , while often vital, does not replace careful planning .

  • 4 weeks later...

Both Esther and Daniel, as well as Nehemiah were all captive yet had been given close contact and relationships with their respective rulers. Persons in these positions, placed by God, are there to fulfill His purposes which will be revealed as He dictates. The responsibility of these individuals is to obey, no matter what the clear and present danger to themselves may be.

I can't say that I have ever been in a position as these have been in but I would pray according to God's word as it befits the situation.

  • 4 months later...

Q3.1 (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's?

Q3.2 Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government?

Q3.3 What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives?

Q3.4 Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

A3.1 Daniel is in a situation like Esther's, where he can use his position to gain personal favor.

A3.2 God probably has a later mission for this people, like the way He had for Daniel and Esther.

A3.3 Responsibility for our people and God's people. Resposibility in helping or saving them at the expense of our own safety.

A3.4 Yes, with my sister. Unfortunately, even if I asked God to help me, I was still abandoned by my boss, as if my boss does not care about me at all, even if he was/is supposedly religious. I guess God wanted me to be out of my boss system then. But, I really don't understand as I still came back to working with his company.

This is still a mystery and confusion to me. Only God knows.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's.

They both came humbly before their King to intercede for others.

Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government?

God knows what is needed. He puts people where they can do the most good for His Kingdom.

What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives?

Not everyone is going to be receptive to hearing the Word and we might be shunned or ridiculed. We can

  • 1 month later...

:rolleyes: Daniel's situation is a lot like Esther's in that they both risked their positions if not their very lives to make a request of the king to reverse a former decision.

God places his people in strategic places so they will be available to him to use for his purposes and glory.

We have responsiblities to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives such as spreading his word in hostile places, standing against abortion and other sins and standing for what we believe in our workplace or career.

No, I can't say it has ever happened to me. In the mid-eighties I did homeschool my children, taking them out of public school. It was not a very popular decision back then but I can't say I suffered any for it except for some who thought I was being ridiculous (some of whom were christians).

I hope I would pray that God would strenthen me and give me the courage to stand for him no matter what the cost.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nehemiah and Esther were both placed in high positions that put them in contact with the king, and they were both called upon as intercessors for God's people. They were both called upon to speak with courage trusting in God with the outcome. God still places His people today in strategic positions so they are right where they need to be when God needs someone to fill an important purpose at that time and place. May we all be ready, open, and willing to advance His kingdom despite the persecution.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (1:11) In what way does Nehemiah's situation compared to Esther's?

In both cases God had someone strategically placed for His plan, in the case to deliver Israel, to be fulfilled.

Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government?

He places them in strategic positions so that His Will would be done. God works through his people.

What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives?

We have a responsibility to be available for God to use us and work through us. When we are not in place to hear from God we might be heading for danger that could have been avoided.

Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Yes it has and I repented and asked God's forgiveness and to help me to be more in tune with His voice.

  • 5 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Both were in influential positions. God places His people in certain positions so that they may influence crucial decisions. They are sometimes God's mouth piece. Certainly if there are decisions to be made then they can pray and interceed for the right decisions to be made. Our responsibility is to God formost. When opportunity presents itself we must speak the truth and stand for what is right even when it is not popular or not what people in power want to hear. Sometimes it may cost us our jobs or a promotion but more times than not God takes care of us and covers us. In times llike this we pray for wisdom and opportunity. We also pray for divine favor and for favor with man. (bosses)

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Both Daniel and Esther were in court positions close to the Persian King of their day. Daniel - cupbearer for King Artaxerxes and Esther, Queen to King Xerxes.

God places his people in strategic positions throughout society to influence their areas for His purposes.

We have the responsibility to carry out what God has assigned us to do regardless of the impact it has on our jobs and lives. God has placed my ministry in a very racist area of the country. This includes the Christian community. My church and I have been convicted and called to create bridges inter-racially and interdominationly among Christians within our Community. The racial element has rubbed some "so-called Christian" within the anglo community the wrong way. I'll leave it at that. I pray and look to God for his support and protection, over my family and church, as we carry out the will of God. Our Christian community is slowly coming together.

  • 7 months later...

Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Daniel had been promoted to the Kings service and made head of all the magicians, and prophesiers he had authority like Ester and Nehemiah. Nehemiah as cup bearer had the ear of the king if no authority.

We have the responsibility to pray that we serve in the way that God would have us to and that His will can be the power that makes us a success at our jobs. We must speak out when we see wrongs being done and seek to allow God to be known through us. We need to always pray that we are led by the Holy Spirit and that God will lead us in all our actions and decisions.


1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Daniel and Esther were foreigners who had obtained important positions with the kings of their time. They both had a position to influence decisions and save their people.

God places people in strategic positions today so that we can promote salvation for all and so that we can be witness to others needing to find God.

It is our responsibility to stand firm in our faith and stand for God. There are time that this might cause trouble in that others might try to cause you to fall or force you to deny God and what you stand for. It could be simple verbal persecution on to financial and physical destruction for you.

There have been times when it is hard to stand for the truth when you seem to be the only one standing for God and the right. Prayer for strength to stand firm and bold and in God's perfect will always strengthens.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Daniel and Esther were both at the mercy of a leader in a foreign land.

God is in control of everything. He uses nations, and sometimes people to accomplish His goals.

We have a responsibility to be obedient no matter what the outcome. Sometimes people don't like the fact that we are outspoken about our faith in God. Sometimes they feel convicted when they are in our presence, even though we don't say or do anything. They want us to go away. This is happening to me at work. I pray that God will move and minister to the one who is under conviction and wants me fired so that they don't have to deal with me anymore. Divine protection and presence is what I ask for. But always it is God's will and not mine be done. And, as always, confessing my sins and asking forgiveness.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compare to Esther's?

They were both in prime positions close to their Kings, "fOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS", and each needed to find favor to first be asked what they wished...to ask the King without first being invited was to risk death. Both prayed fervently to God for mercy and favor in risking speaking to the King. Both were burdened by God to act on His behalf and for their people.

Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government?

He wants His people to have strategic impact on communities, businesses, the military, the government...at every possible place, He has "His amazing network of people" positioned and ready to move on His marching orders, or to wait for His plan of action. We are to have influence over our sphere's of influence, rather than the other way around.

What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives?

He is always to come first, and if He asks us to say or do something that will put our lives on the line, then we are to put His will above our "survival". Our message of Christ, brings the smell of death to those who are perishing, and it divides. Our testimony may lead to persecution and even martyrdom.

Has this ever happened to you?

My life has never been threatened by people for my faith...Satan tried to take my life a number of times through a car accident, my parents death threats to me, a suicidal spirit, (From which He has delivered me, Praise God), but my Spirit led sharing of the Gospel, has brought division at times. Speaking His Truth in a church where the Pastor became corrupt and where truth was not appreciated, caused us to leave our church family which felt like a death for several years.

How do you pray in situations like this?

I pray that I would pray, "Not my will Lord, but Yours be done".

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

They were both requiring God's mercy through leaders. He places people in strategic position to have His will be done on earth through His people. Yes, I believe this has happened to me...and I pray the way I always pray...I ask Him for a Word and He is faithful to give me His Word...and then I pray that Word...stand on that Word...and Let His Will Be Done...Amen...!

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Both Nehemiah and Ester were in very precarious positions to try to get their kings to change their policy towards the Jews. They could easily have been killed for their requests of the king, or they could have success. Both used prayer, lots of persistent prayer, to engage God's help. Indeed, God placed each of them in strategic positions, but it was up to each of them to 'pick up the ball' and run with it. Both could have had, I imagine, rather nice lives, in the grace of the kings, however, they chose to have the grace of God, that they could 'lay up treasures in heaven' for eternity, rather than live a few years in earthy comforts. God still places persons in positions where they can make a difference to this day. We all can make differences, if not on such a scale as Nehemiah, Ester, or Daniel; we can still affect our community, church, family, or even just one other person.

  • 4 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

The danger of the request Nehemiah's situation was as the situation Esther found herself in many years ago with the Persian King Xerxes who had a high govermental official who plotted to kill all the Jews and Mordecai ask her to go before the king something that was also punishable by death. Pray for our leaders govermental, local, churchwide and local goverment. I have seen Presidential Assinations and heard of many attempts being caught in progress. I am disturbed by our Presidental Canidand today but I also know that God is in charge and can and will work even through the advisary

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Their positions meant that they could have been killed for their beliefs, fasting and petitions. Yet both were in their positions "for such a time as this" because of the |God in whim they believed would bring them through for His glory and purpose for the sufferings of His children. God, likewise, places His people in situations or positions where they are needed, and if the individual believer responds to God's calling, many miracles can be achieved through the release of faith. We are all where we are because God designed this for our lives before we were born, (Psalm 139)

If we are sensitive to God's Holy Spirit, we will be used by God for the purpose He wants to achieve through us. If we neglect His calling, His purpose can be thwarted.

  • 7 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Danel's faith in God was so great he was prepared to risk his life and went into the lion's den. There God got the glory and saved him. Esther risked her life for the Jews and her God, going in before the king without being called. She lived.

We are a light in the darkness "let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven" Matthew 5:18

We need to honour God at all times no matter what the situation. I would call on the Name of Jesus and the Blood, ask the Holy Spirit to guide me and believe that the Lord will deliver me.

  • 1 month later...











  • 4 months later...

Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Daniels situation compare to Esther because they were both placed in strategic positions by God. Esther a Queen in the royal palace pleading to the King to stop the annhilation of the Jews; Daniel a top rung under three governments; never compromising his relationship with God; asking God to help him convince the King to release his people from bondage, without compromising his position in the palace or his life. Also reminding God that their seventy years of bondage had come to an end. They both had a great task before them and fasted and prayed for divine favor from God. God places His people in strategic positions to help the least of them and that glorifies His kingdom.

Our responsibility is to help people in need, spread the word of God and most of all love our brothers. When you are spreading the word to people you dont know you are placed in an harmful position ;Many questions pop into your mind; What will he do? Will he hurt me?. So you pray that no harm will come your way.

One morning while standing at the bus stop; I said this is a beautiful day; the young man said whats so good about it; I said God woke us up this morning; he said so what!; you dont know what I am going through; I prayed to God to hold my tongue and not get into an arguement with this person. I also prayed for him as well.


  • 1 month later...
  On 11/6/2005 at 5:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Both Nehemia and Esther had a request for their king.

Kings were known for killing people for nothing.

God uses us as His hands and feet.

In my country you're not killed for being a christian but often whe are mocked for it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nehemiah's situation compares to Esther's in that the requests they are making could result in their death and they know it !!!

Also there was similar preparation ---fasting and prayer. They both realised that their role was key in doing God's will for his people, that their time of action had arrived.

God places his people in strategic positions so that his will, will be done--his plan for our world will be worked out.

Our responsibility is that we should take our stand for God, which can go from being thought of as a little "odd" to risking

our very lives. I'm sure I am though of as obsessive by some where the Bible is concerned in my search for the truth, but have only suffered gentle ridicule.

I pray that I can pass on my joy in the Lord to others,and pray that God will use me to that end.

  • 4 months later...
  On 11/6/2005 at 5:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this?

Both Daniel and Esther not only lived in the same city (Shushan) they also found favour with the Kings of Persia. They both were in situations where they called upon God thorough fasting and praying. We are strategically placed in positions in our community, business etc..I work in a hospital where people are sick and need help.It is my duty as a Christian to honor and serve God wereever He places me. I pray for the sick to be healed and those who die to be at peace. IT seems to be that God has placed me in this place for his plan and purpose.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (1:11)

In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's.

Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government?

What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives?

Has this ever happened to you?

How do you pray in situations like this?

Both Daniel and Esther are placed strategically by having direct access to their king. Both had to face their king with caution and trepidation; but through prayer God had prepared the way and both had their prayers answered positively. God is in complete control of this universe and in His infinite wisdom knows exactly what He is doing as He directs the course of history. Our responsibility is to seek the Father

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