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Q2. (22:42) Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him? According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it? What did this mean? Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

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I don't believe Jesus was resisting the Father's will. I believe He was asking if the will of the Father could be accomplished any other way but the cross. The full realization of the agony, on every level, that He faced there was crushing. The unavoidable separation from the Father that was coming, as He became our sin, was torturous. He understood what the Father had revealed to Him from Isaiah's writings. How could He NOT desire another means by which God's will would be done? Who would welcome such a horrific experience? What sane person would rejoice in such traumatic suffering?

Without Gethsemane, there would have been no Calvary. If you think about it, the agonizing and wrestling with accepting God's will causes far more pain and suffering than actually doing His will. That's really our point of true struggle. I appreciate that Jesus showed us how to live in real life. The Son of Man had to work through a process of fully accepting what God desired to do by whatever means God sovereignly chose to do it - because that would be the right thing, the righteous thing. By the third time He pleaded for this cup to pass, He accepted that this cup could not pass. This way was the only way - the right way, and He released the struggle against it. He chose to look through the suffering to the joy and glory beyond. The decision had been made, and He never looked back. What a lesson for us.

  • 2 weeks later...

Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him?

He knows what was going to happen the next day and in his humanity he wanted not part of the beating and the crucifixion. In his divinity he also know what it would be like to take on the sins of all the people of the world.

According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it?

Put your self in the place of Jesus and what would you do if you know that you were going to have to endure the beating and the cross. Try watching the movie The Passion of Christ and put your self in the place of Jesus. What would your prayer be like the day before you were to endure all of the pain?

Please Father isn


Q2. (22:42) Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him?


According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times.

Why was he so intense about it? What did this mean?


Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?



Jesus, was just as much man as he was God. I believe that the human part of Him was reluctant, scared, and uncertain....He was praying for confirmation of the Fathers will. And I imagine as much as the disciples didn't want Him to leave them, He didn't want to leave them either. Their bond of friendship and love was strong. This passage of scripture speaks to me so strongly, of Jesus humanity, and His willingness, even in the face of His own reluctance, to preservere in Gods will. Makes me love Him even more! Because He so loved us!!!!


Q2. (22:42) Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him? According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it? What did this mean? Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

Because He was a human being and the impending suffering would cause any person to naturally seek to avoid the pain and suffering. But because He was the Son of God and His mission was to suffer and die for the sins of mankind, He knew He had to endure the ignominy of death on a cruel cross. From a human point of view, He went to His Father to seek if there was an alternative plan within His will, if it was possible. The impending disaster was so heavily weighing on His mind that He went to His Father again and again, 3 times to find if there was a way out.

If you went to a doctor for treatment and he instructs the nurse to give you an injection; as you watch the nurse prepare the syringe and is about to poke you, your muscles become taut and your BP rises. Just thinking of a small needle poking our body causes so much discomfort to us, think of Jesus, very well knowing about the next days program. Hours of torture at the soldiers hands and then followed by some more hours of excruciating pain on the cross. Just to think of it causes goosebumps on our bodies. What might have been the condition of Jesus, in a human form, at the precise moment. That was the reason why He went to His Father 3 times to know if there was any alternative way within His will. He was never, at any time, resisting His Father's will. He always wanted to do what His Father wanted. But the time of separation from His Father acccompanied by physical pain was too great for Him even to think of. But in the midst of all this, He was always eager to do His Father's will. So He time and again said, not my will, but thine be done.


Q2. (22:42) Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him? According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it? What did this mean? Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

Jesus expressed his true feeling and dread of the coming events, not only for himself but also for his Father. He knew of the terrible agony that he would soon endure through the crucifixion but also he knew that he would be totally separated from God in order to die for the world's sins.



Not to be a smart aleck but gosh, I'm sure that Jesus didn't want to die in this manner. He was destined to do this but He still asked that if at all possible don't make me do this.

Jesus was in agony at the thought of what was to come. He was praying for the strength. I think that each time Jesus prayed it gave Him the strength and resolve that He was going to need and that is why when the soldiers came for Him He was calm and able to tell His disciples that everything would be ok and that soon they would understand.

He wanted the Lord's will to be done.

I don't think that Jesus was resisting the Father. He knows who He is and what He is supposed to do but I don't think it hurt to ask, "Hey Daddy, did you find another way to this?"



Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him? According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it? What did this mean? Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

He had a good idea of what was waiting for Him, the sins of the WHOLE WORLD waiting to crush Him. The utter suffering that awaited Him physical pain - the beatings - the crucifiction, the emotional pain- Judas' betrayal, Peter's denial and the spiritual - forsaken by God on the cross. He wasn't resisting the Father's will, I think he was dreading what awaited him and w maybe, the human part of him wasn't 100% sure that he would be able to bear it.


Q2. (22:42) Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him? According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it? What did this mean? Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

Jesus' humanity was showing at this point. To say that He didn't look forward to the last hours of His life would be an understatement. He sweated drops of blood, which shows just how intense His prayer was and how much anguish He suffered as He wrestled with doing God's will. I think He was intense about it much as we would be in an unpleasant situation that we don't want to face. I don't think Jesus was resisting the Father's will. I believe that in each of the three times He asked for the cup to be taken from Him, He wanted to see if there were any other way possible to save humanity from God's punishment. Alas, there was none.


Jesus did not consider himself equal to God in stature. Only if God is willing does He want it removed. Not by His own will but if God so desired. He (Jesus)did not even think He could do the things of God. Jesus knew that it was possible but wanted to know that the Father really desired it so.

He only wanted what Father God wanted because he made himself nothing , came to serve, and was in the likeness of man and took what we deserved upon himself for our sake. He wanted to be sure that this is what God's Will was for Him.


Jesus was not resisting God's will waht I believe he was asking if there's another way for this to be accomplished.

In other words if you do this any other way, but if not let your will be done not mines.


Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him?

he's of human flesh and knew what was to come.

According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it? What did this mean?

he was humanly hoping of another way to accomplish GOD's will

Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

he wasn't resisting it just hoping for another way.


Q2. (22:42) Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him?

He was human as we are human and we pray many times for God to help us to get through things or even to help us to get out of them.

According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it?

He knew the pain to come he knew that our sins would be upon him and he would be separated from God the Father for the first time ever he would not be watching over him and helping him he would be alone. None of us want to be alone. God himself saw that Adam did not need to be alone and made Eve. Being alone is not a good thing but Jesus was while he took our sins upon him.

What did this mean?

This means that he was willing to do the will of the Father no matter how much pain and hurt he would under go he wanted only the will of God the Father to be done. He that had known no sin became sin for us.

Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

No he did not resist the will of the Father. He prayed not my will but the will of the Father to be done. He was willing to give all so we can have life with him and he is our way to the Father and he does make intercession for us to this moment and will until his return. Thank you Jesus for such love that you died for me. :wub


It was the human part of Jesus that resisted, the human fear of what was to come, death. The fact that he petitioned the Father 3 times comes to show he was truly human as well.

Praise the Lord. Amen.

Praise the Lord for the human weakness as well



Q2. (22:42) Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him? According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it? What did this mean? Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

Yes, I believe that He was looking for another way and I think this is important. There is no point is teaching us that Jesus became man, if during some time, he did not demonstrate that humanity. If I were kneeling in that Garden, and looking at such a horrible demise, I'd be praying while high tailing it as far away as possible !! And yes, most of have been there. The difference is that Jesus was obedient and I think always intended to be. Even in the worst of circumstances, Jesus knew; he had faith, that God would take care of Him and not abandon him.


Just the anticipation of the immensity of the sin to be poured out on Him, the intense seperation from His Father, the fact that His humanity was showing, I think are among the reasons He prays for the cup to be taken, it is only human to do so, which Jesus was while here.

I can only guess that He was starting to lose it.

I don't think He was resisting His Father's will, I just think He was showing his humanity in the garden. I think it is awesome and beautiful that this is recorded for our benefit, to know our Saviour was human just like us, and we can study His agony like this. It so reminds me of Abraham and Isaac, only God spared them both.


Q2 Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him? According to Mark and Mathew, Jesus repeat this prayer three time. What was he so intense about it? What did this mean? Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

The cup was the suffering and seperation. The cup he spoke of means the terrible agony he knew he would endure- not only the horror of the circufixion but, enve worse, the total seperation from God he would have to experiece in order to dir for the world's sins.

While praying, Jesus was aware of what doing the Falther's will cost him. He understood the suffering he was about to encounter and he did not want to have to endure the horrible experience. But Christ prayed "I want you will, not mine." He was showing his humanity in the garden. Anything worth having cost something. Be wuilling to pay the praice to have something worthwhile in the end.


I can only imagine the weight that was upon Jesus shoulders, the fear of being separated from His father. My reaction would be to lay down my burden instead of separation from my father. Ultimately, Jesus knew that the will of God was to save mankind, to redeem them. Wow! Billions upon billions of people, the weight of their sin upon His shoulders, this is unthinkable. We pray Lord we have a need, worry, and fear probably once. There is something to be said about pounding on heavens door until God hears and answers. Jesus knew what he had to do, and the cup the Father had given him to drink. I would ask my father, are you sure you want me to do this? Even though I knew the answer to my own question.


Q2. (22:42) Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him? According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it? What did this mean? Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him?

He knew the pain that drinking this cup would put him through.

According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it?

He knew what it would all mean. It meant he this Father would turn his back on him, because of all our sins. He did not want to feel like he was all alone. Had to be a very hard time for him.

What did this mean?

He was willing to do go through this for us. To renew the fellowship between him and his Father and us. :rolleyes:

Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

No, he was not resisting, only asking. He was willing to do the will of the Father.

To think he would go through this just for us. Is just to wonderful. His love for us is so amazing. Thank you Jesus for dying for us that we might have eternal life with you. :rolleyes:


Jesus's prayer was that "if there is another way" this cup which represents the wrath of God had to drunk. Had He not drank it we would not be able. Now, I can do all things through christ which strengthens me. Jesus desired to escape such a dreadful future, but wanted to do His will, He simply asked the father to remove the cup, as a request not a demand or condition of His obedience.

I truly believe He didn't want to endure the out pouring of God's wrath, because of what it produced (seperation from the Father for the first time, it was unthinkable, but necessary). Knowing God as only He could, God wouldn't change His mind, but maybe there was another way. It was that intense/important.

It meant that Jesus was focused on the will of God, and at the same time human feelings about not the pain to be suffered, but the pain of separation was filtering into His mind. I believe that this was a new experience for Christ and at the same necessary as being our High Priest, touched with the feelings of our infirmaties.

I don't believe that Jesus was resisting, I believe it was more of "lets go over the plan again, is there another way". When the determinate council in Heaven decreed these plans, it was settled. There's a phrase we use a lot "it looks good on paper", sometimes we have to make accomidations for unforseen things. There was nothing unforseen except I believe, the pain of separation.


Jesus was human as well as being God. He knew the scriptures and the meaning of the cup He was about to drink - the cup of God's wrath against the unrepented sin of humanity. He had witnessed crucifixions and been more sensitive than any man to the suffering of the crucified. By this stage of His human life He had great knowledge of the wrath of God and what was at stake. If only there could be another solution. but even as he prayed for release He knew there was no other solution. Ist was all written in Scripture that He must suffer........ He must complete the divine plan. It just took this time for Him to submit his humanity to it, to overcome in the words of Revelation. From the foundation of the earth He must drink the cup for mankind. This is God's great battle with himself for the power of HIs LOVE to over-ride His wrath. But He IS love! He OVERCAME and gives a reward to those who also overcome (being created for this, in His own image) For we also drink the blood of Jesus (sthe cup of God's wrath) and eat HIs body, for they are Life to us.

Hence Jesus' intensity. So much at stake here. His vision overcame. So with us, our vision must overcome human inconvenience!

This was the most intense moment in all history. Pilate recognised it ("What I have written, I have written"). The centurion recognised it, ("Surely, this was the Son of God"). Creation recognised it (darkness covered the earth), and it was recognised in the spiritual realms, ( the veil of the temple was ripped from top to bottom). This is the moment of the price of PEACE on earth. This was the victory of the second Adam.

I don't think Jesus was resisting the Father's will because His whole being cried out to fulfil everything that He was begotten for. The one thing He could not tolerate was disunity between Himself and His Father (John 17 : 20,21). His LOVE was the overcoming force. Yet, in HIs love, he bore that disunity for us, because only His holiness could not be defeated by death. He is Life unblemished, and death has no power over Him. I think this may be why God gave Him the resurrection after four days of Lazarus, because His humanity needed to know the almighty and unblemished power of resurrection that was His.


I do not believe that God was resisting the will of God cause he walked on the earth knowing what will happen. I believe he prayed those three times cause he needed to really know that this was God's way of reaffriming his purpose. He knew that the cup was of wrath and also of comfort from the Father.I feel that Jesus was at a moment of despair and suffering cause he knew that he was going to die.


Q2. (22:42) Why did Jesus pray that the Father take the cup from him? According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus repeated this prayer three times. Why was he so intense about it? What did this mean? Why was Jesus resisting the Father's will? Or was he?

The agony that Jesus went through is inexplicable,the weight of the sin of all humanity ,the very thought could kill can one imagine going through with it,besides I believe the seperation from the Father was agony,for One so pure and holy as Our Lord.

The very fact that Jesus prayed so often shows us what He went through I dont think we can even feel an iota of the pain He went through I dont know if eternity will reveal it to us.It only makes me cry with gratitude to my God for what he has done for me and for humanity in general.

Jesus was not resisting the will of God.The Word says that He had come to do the Will of Him who sent Him.I am sure that the Triune God were in this together.I think that this prayer of Jesus was a prayer for help to the only One who could help Him.The agony that He experienced His sweat was like drops of blood who could He call out to at a time like this.When we look at His sacrifice as we see it today in His own words'It is Finished' Oh how we must love Jesus.


Jesus asked for the cup to be taken from Him because to drink it was to consume the wrath of God.

He would be taking upon Himself, sin's punishment for all humanity.

Jesus repeated this prayer three times because I think He wanted to make sure it was His Father's will He suffer the cross.

Jesus was so intense about this prayer because He was coming to a turning point.

I don't believe He was resisting God's will.

He knew He had to die in order to free man from sin.

He just probably wished there was some other way to do it than suffering on the cross.

Jesus is divine,but He is also human.

I think none of us would want to go thru what Jesus had to go thru if given a choice.

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