masika Posted May 21, 2006 Report Posted May 21, 2006 Paul prayed for the believers to know God better and this is done only by having God's wisdom. True wisdom or discernment requires the believers to be guided by the Holy Spirit .If the chosen one to not pray , new beilever may not get the Holy Spirit and that satan may deceive them very easly. Yes God would work in them but they are still young spiritually who need to breastfed . This kind of prayer is important to strenght the weak or young believers Quote
JustJeff Posted June 18, 2006 Report Posted June 18, 2006 By Paul's prayer to the Ephesians I have learned that we are bound to pray to the Father for our brothers and sisters of the faith, that we would all be blessed with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding necessary for each of us to grow into the full stature of what the Lord would have us to be. I believe that God depends upon us to offer the prayers that Paul has prayed, not only for us to exercise our own faith, but to show Him our love and concern for others. By doing this our faith is genuine and our Lord knows that we are trying to bring true Christians to fullness before Him. I don't believe that people would learn of Yahweh at all should we be faithless in this arena. We can only grow by truth and He expects that from us in prayer. No truth in prayer means no response from the Father, so no, He will not work in people as He could. Thus, this prayer is of great importance. Quote
april Posted July 11, 2006 Report Posted July 11, 2006 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? That we should always be praying for others, and be thankful for them. Yes I believe people would come to know God on their own, but with prayer it helps get them there faster. This prayer is really important because it teaches us how to interceed for one another. and take ourselves out of the picture so we are not always praying about our things we are focused on others that they are more important. Quote
Patsy Laycoax Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 We learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers that we must pray for fellow believers enlightment and guidance from the Holy Spirit. No, I don't think people would come on their own if christians stopped praying for them to receive a revelation of God. No, I don't think God would work in them at all. This kind of prayer is very important because that is how God has chosen to work; through the prayers of his people. Quote
Commissioned Posted March 31, 2007 Report Posted March 31, 2007 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? The Apostle Paul was very concerned for his fellow believers and yearned to see them grow in the faith and in the knowledge of God the Father. We too, ought to have the love and compassion for fellow believers and pray for the in like manner. If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? God has given to every man a God-conscience that they may seek Him. If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, some people would come to know God on their own, but there are those who God has placed in our path to pray for. Would God work in them at all? God works in anyone who believes in His Son Jesus Christ and avails themself to be used by Him. How important is this kind of prayer? Jesus told us to love each other and as our brother's keeper it is very important that we display this love in prayer for them. We pray for them that they be strenghten in their walk with Christ and that they have an abundant life. Also, this kind of prayer petitions the Holy Spirit to help the person know God better. Quote
nancychua Posted July 30, 2007 Report Posted July 30, 2007 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? 1). From Paul's manner of prayer, we learn to pray without ceasing, giving thanks to all believers who comes to know the Lord. We need to show love and compassion for fellow believers by praying continually in full commitment and deep involvement for them. 2). People would not know God on their own. It is through someone or an incident that lead them to know the Lord. It`s the move of the Holy Spirit , our prayers, being a witness, showing our passion and desperate love to bring them to the Kingdom of God. 3). It is God`s desire that no one shall perish. Scriptures say that nobody comes to God unless the Holy Spirit draws them. 4). Prayer is important to enlighten and uplift their Spirit to walk in the truth and pathway of righteousness. Quote
plethra Posted September 15, 2007 Report Posted September 15, 2007 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? To pray from the heart for fellow Christians, to pray with a vision of great things for others, pray in love and for all to receive the spirit of wisdom and knowledge, and to have a revelation of who Christ is. I believe some people would come to know Christ, but I believe that with and through our prayers, many will come to know Him. I believe God Himself would ***** their hearts and call them forth without us but our prayers help to expidite things and cause greater results. This prayer is very important first of all because God calls us to pray for one another and for our enemies. Our prayers help to strengthen others and send help in a time of need. Quote
Stan Posted August 4, 2008 Report Posted August 4, 2008 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? We learn that our prayers for believers should be continious, from the heart, and with love for them to come to know God and be filled with His Spirit. I believe that even if we fail to pray God would find a way to touch those He has chosen in His own time, scripture says even if a man is not taught He has no excuse to not know God because God reveals Himself in other ways Psalms 19. I think that He works in and through those He choses and that His Spirit can use anyone to bring others to Him and when we chose to be used then that is just an extra blessing God has chosen to give us. Prayer for all believers is very important we all need to come to a better revelation of God and we all need His Spirit to help us deal with our struggles with living a christian life while living in these worldly times. Quote
Nina Posted August 21, 2008 Report Posted August 21, 2008 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? Paul prayed that the people would know God better. He prayed emphasizing four characteristics: wisdom, comprehension, strength and love. His prayer was his ministry. Even when he was in prison, he could see the results of his ministry. He didn't ask one time but kept them in prayer. Some people might come to know God on their own but it is not too likely. Other situations might draw them to God but the prayers Christians pray for other Christians and sinners enable and enhance the work of God in their lives. This prayer by Christians for others is extremely important. We are guilty of underestimating the power of prayer. We are also guilty of the lack of prayer. Quote
iam4-1god Posted September 27, 2008 Report Posted September 27, 2008 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? I think this manner of prayer is important because it is about brothers and sisters in Christ, and helping them receive what God has for them. We can receive on our own, but on the other hand, how much better it is when we pray for others in the faith? We affirm to God that we are concerned for others, and we want them to have the same knowledge and strength that we have, and even more! It is about family, and the love that the members of this family have for each other. It's a love thang! Quote
swordwoman Posted October 19, 2008 Report Posted October 19, 2008 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? Some time ago, while in prayer, I heard the Lord say: If My people would be about the business of praise and worship, and edifying, believing prayer for their brothers and sisters, the Church of Jesus Christ would be strongest force on the face of the earth. This stirred in my spirit for days and then I asked the Lord to show me the edifying, believing prayers -- and the Holy Spirit took me on "tour" -- this prayer of Paul's to the Ephesians was the first stop. ...and it is one that I have prayed not only for myself, but for others as well...both believers and unbelievers... I do believe people can come to God "on their own" -- however, I believe God uses His children to prayer for those He places in our path. People come into our lives for a reason, often it may be reasons beyond what we actually think. ...and it could be that prayer is the only reason. Keep on prayin'...This kind of prayer is very important. I liken it to "the bait that catches the fish"....! Quote
JanMary Posted October 19, 2008 Report Posted October 19, 2008 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? Paul had God's heart for these saints. He earnestly loved them and wanted them to become all that they could be in Christ, and to know Him in His fullness as Paul did...intimately and powerfully. This was his work...he prayed as if their very faith rested on his prayers. If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Scripture teaches that no one comes to Christ unless His Father draws them. The Holy Spirit teaches and leads us into all truth. I believe what our prayers do is intensify the Spirit's work in each life...perhaps by doing spiritual warfare to keep the evil one from snatching away what has already been planted in them. The Father knocked Paul off of his beast, and his training ground was 14 years in the Arabian desert alone with Christ. He was so earnest in his prayers, this must have been by revelation that we are to pray this way for others, to stir them up. Would God work in them at all? Of course He would...once one is a believer in Christ, He promises to never leave nor forsake that one. And His Holy Spirit is always at work in each life. How important is this kind of prayer? I think it's very important, or Paul wouldn't have exhorted us to pray this way. Quote
RickJW Posted October 27, 2008 Report Posted October 27, 2008 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? Paul prays to give thanks for the Ephesians, for them being believers in Christ, he gives thanks that God has given them faith and therefore saving grace. Paul asks that God further reveal himself to them, to strengthen their faith. With or without this kind of prayer, people could, and would, still come to know God, however, this kind of prayer will help to strengthen them in their faith. This kind of prayer is very important because the people prayed for may get revelations beyond those they would otherwise experience. Quote
csreeves Posted November 22, 2008 Report Posted November 22, 2008 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? The means by which prayer is to be answered is "the Spirit of wisdom and revelation." We pray to the Spirit as God who revealed himself to Moses on Mt. Siani in fire and smoke--The Shekinah glory of God is great inexpressible light. The purpose of prayer is to know him better or come to know him how you ask does a person really get to know God better? For a person to "get it" requires the work of the Holy Spirit which is prayer. If Christians didn't pray for others to receive a revelation then God wouldn't work in the lives of the unsaved at all. Quote
Daff Posted August 5, 2009 Report Posted August 5, 2009 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? To pray for one another continually to receive greater revelation and wisdom and to know kingdom purpose, power and authority. Yes, people would still accept salvation and God can still work in them, but there is power in prayer that strengthens us and helps us to know god better and protects us from advertsity. Quote
MAMA Posted December 29, 2009 Report Posted December 29, 2009 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? I have learned that Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers •Prayer for a “spirit of wisdom and of revelation” (verse 17) •Prayer that the “eyes of their heart may be enlightened” (verse 18). •Prayer that the Ephesian saints may come to grasp in the hope of His calling; the glory of His inheritance in the saints; the surpassing greatness of His power I hope that we never stop praying for christians and unbelievers to recieve a revelation from God. However, if it should happen I think it would be felt in their soul. And this would draw them closer to God to find out where they stand with the Almighty. God is working in them through the Holy Spirit, by letting them know something just isn't right in thier soul. This kind of prayer is important because Paul pray fervently and continually for each members of the congregation. Patricia Quote
Marloes Posted February 21, 2010 Report Posted February 21, 2010 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? We should pray that other people get to know God. People don't come to know God on their own. Many headen people have the idea there is a God. However, they don't know Him personally. God only works in you if you ask His spirit to enter. I feel so sorry for Brasilian indians who never come to know Him. Quote
patience123 Posted March 3, 2010 Report Posted March 3, 2010 Paul prays for the Ephesian believers continually and mentions them by name, thanking God for them. We should be more consistant in our prayers for others. If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation from God-- it would show a selfish uncaring spirit and would not be following the teaching of Jesus who said we should Hallow God's name, and pray that His will be done and for His Kingdom to come on Earth. How can that be unless all people come to know God? IF we did not pray about it---I feel sure that God would continue to work his will out to fulfill the promises made to Abraham, that all nations of the earth will be blessed through his descendants ie Jesus. Only God knows who will enter His Kingdom, from a remnant upwards, our hope surely would be---as many as possible. Quote
trinity Posted July 18, 2010 Report Posted July 18, 2010 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? Paul manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers are for us to learn how to pray for each other, we must pray without ceasing. We must also give thanks upon God the father before we start praying for each other. I'm often are sadden by people we come to God in pray just asking, asking, and asking for help but do not give thanks. We ought to 1st- give thanks unto God the father/Jesus Christ. 2nd- We are to ask God for the Holy Spirit to give us/each other wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Yes, I believe people will come to know God of their own. After all, read the Bible and see how many people God called to Him without our help. In the Bible God said, He would have mercy on who He (God) wants to have mercy on. And He (God) would call or bring those He chosen to come to Him. Often we must pray for the lost and unsaved. But God knows who He has call or chosen for His kingdom. Quote
hanks Posted August 20, 2010 Report Posted August 20, 2010 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? I note that Paul persistently prayers for fellow believers, with a thankful heart, and aware of their specific needs. Being believers we know they have already received the Holy Spirit, but we ask that He reveals more of the things of God, and that this specific knowledge will be used more wisely. That in all this they will draw closer to God and get to know Him better. Quote
PATCH Posted October 12, 2010 Report Posted October 12, 2010 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? When we pray (for ourselves and for others), we do not only pray for our needs and/or the request we need God to answer. We should not only know about God ie have head knowledge. Even unbelievers know about God. But we as believers should pray spiritual growth which is to have a deeper understanding and greater revelation of who God is, and intimacy with God. Only then can we say we have a relationship with God and our walk will be fulfilling and exciting, as well. If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? Yes, they will come to know God on their own if they prayed for themselves. God is merciful. Even when nobody prayed, God has revealed Himself to many people who were deperate and at the brink of giving up. Afterall Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us so surely God will work in all of us. How important is this kind of prayer? Very very important. If we do not pray this prayer, then we become either bored, stiff, lost or dead christians (if we can even be called christians). God appears to be unreachable and Christianity becomes a once a week event. Quote
Kerneydr Posted November 11, 2010 Report Posted November 11, 2010 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? Paul gives us an beautiful example why we need to pray for one another. We all lack wisdom, personal knowledge of God and power to live like Jesus lived. Prayer is our link to God. We need to obey and followed God as His disciples then we shall receive many benefits through prayer relationship. Quote
Kerneydr Posted December 30, 2010 Report Posted December 30, 2010 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? Paul was a master at prayer and we can learn so much from him. Paul prayed for them continually. He prayed for them with thanksgiving, recognizing what God had already done and what he was going to do. Paul was very specific in his prayers for the Ephesians. If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Maybe the Holy Spirit of God would work through a different person or through circumstances, but God has chosen to work in peoples lives according to our prayers. Would God work in them at all? I think so. God is so perfect. We are weak and undependable. His love is so great for people. How important is this kind of prayer? This is SO important. God has chosen this method for working in people's lives. Quote
mary58 Posted July 4, 2011 Report Posted July 4, 2011 Q1. (1:17-18). What do you learn from Paul's manner of prayer for the Ephesian believers? If Christians stopped praying for people to receive a revelation of God, would people come to know God on their own? Would God work in them at all? How important is this kind of prayer? As something worthy to pray about -- that a person will "get it" -- this is by far the most important. Not only is it is a more important result than any health or family concern; but its fulfillment puts people in the place to act wisely in His counsel. But certainly God can and does work in people even if no one prays for them. And, certainly, it is God's will that all should come to know Him, so this question -- like others in the series -- comes around to the same "why pray if he knows everything and will do everything if it is His will, and not if it is not". Yet, we are instructed to pray, and so it is an act of obedience. And we know from experience that it improves our own relationship with our God. Quote
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