Pastor Ralph Posted December 2, 2005 Report Posted December 2, 2005 Q4. (1:18) Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? How do you develop this faith in yourself? How do you pray for it for others? Quote
pickledilly Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 In order to have vital faith in the Lord, I must believe in who He is and what He says. This attribute of immeasurably unsurpassed power is part of who He is! If I do not believe, in the trenches of real life, that God has the incomparable power to save and deliver me, protect and guard me, guide and direct me, strengthen and refresh me, transform my mind and conform me to holiness, or purify and secure me for eternity, then I won't even ask Him to do any of these things for/in me. I'll never be able to say, "I know that I know that I know" God has the power to accomplish anything. I will possess stagnant faith. Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. (Romans 10:17) Even just reading today's passage again stirs up hope and faith in my spirit. It all begins with the Word. And then, I think faith sinks roots, moving from my head into my heart, as I begin to make choices and act on what I've heard. Once what I've heard begins to become what I experience, I really start to know God is true to what He has said, which serves to strengthen and deepen my faith. For me, it is simply the continuing cycle of the two steps of believing and then obeying that have worked together to really nurture my faith. And with each greater degree of faith, more of the unfathomable power of God is released on my behalf. For others, I can pray that they will hear the truth of the Word with spiritual ears, and that God will give greater revelation of understanding and the wisdom to put that knowledge to work in their lives. God will prove Himself faithful, and their faith in Him and what He says will grow! Quote
RonS Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? First we must believe that God has this great power. The Greek word for power is dunamis this is where we get the word dynamite. God does have the power. When Jesus ascended to the Father he said he would give us his power plus some. The key word here for us is believe. Do we really believe. I think this applies to most believers Quote
June Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 We have the same power in us , we just have to give in to that power and let it work through us. By believing , we show more faith and that we trust God. By laying on of hands and praying , then seeing someone healed builds up the faith causing more powerful prayers to go up. Without faith there is no hope. Quote
MannyVelarde Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 Q4. (1:18) Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? How do you develop this faith in yourself? How do you pray for it for others? The Holy Spirit was given to us to cause us to walk in His ways - we have the same power that we can tap into to work in us. Develop faith by obedience to His Word. We can see how great He is, the Word instructs us how to live a Holy life - The Word is God's character - - knowing Him, praying to Him, relying on Him in all things will only increase our faith. I pray that the church and the believers will get back to the truth of His Word. The culture today seems to be moving away from the Bible truths and allowing man's truths to increase. The world is moving into our chuch - because we are not studying the Bible as we should - my prayer is that eyes are opened and the Word of God takes it's rightful place in our lives. Quote
Elder9 Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 We've got to know that a greater than Solomon is here. I've got to know that there is in exsistance a greater that great power to which I've connected myself to capable of awesome miracles and exploits. There's so much of the child in us looking for something to be in awe of, God fills that catagory. Through His immensely demonstarted power in creation and sustaining life. I can certainly say "there's nothing too hard for Him". So I align myself with Him. His statement beside me there is no god, clenched it. By realizing whom I'm connected to, by understanding the nature and revealed power of God. By reseaching His resume, I looked in Job's narative pulled up a chair and listened to Him brag, I left fully convinced. Giving them the same information and guided tour through the Word of God that convinced me, I understand that it takes different things for others. Still it's a start. Praying that their eyes are open to the truth of His person, and that the Holy Spirit would reveal Himself in an AWESOME way, sometimes all it takes is a DEMONSTRATION. Quote
Roberta Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Q4 Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? How do you develop this faith in yourself? How do you pray for others? We have the same power and hope and riches as Christ did if we have Christ living in the through us. We can use this power as we chose. Sometimes fear gets in the way and we don't develop faith like we should. But, when Christ rules our lives we can have faith to believe such power. We develop this faith by reading his word, obeying his wod, and allowing the eyes of our heart to be fill with his love, to share it with others we come in contact with. We can pray for others each day that the eyes of their heart will be open and listen to what we are saying to them. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Q4. (1:18) Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? First you need God to reveal this truth to you. You must pray. We are blinded without it. So pray that you are not blinded to the truth. We all have this like Christ does. How do you develop this faith in yourself? You must live a Christ-like life in order to develop this type of faith. How do you pray for it for others? You must pray that others will see the power of God even within others and will learn through their desires to develop this type of faith. Quote
bowdog Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 I think we recieve this revelation of His incomparible great power, little by little. By our experiences, by reading the word, by our treks thru the wilderness, by our difficulties and by our seeing God move on our behalf in little ways. It is vital to our faith and it is also proportional. We will see God move in His power in proportion to our faith. When he does, our faith grows more and then we see Him move even more powerfully. Without faith it is impossible to please God. We need a deeper and deeper revelation of His power in order to increase our faith. How do we increase our faith? By taking little steps of faith in response to the degree of revelation we have recieved from Him. And we recieve that revelation by spending time with Him, in the word, in obedience and in trusting and leaning on Him, again...little by little. How do we pray it for others?? Something I struggle with and dont know the answer besdes praying scripture over them with faith that God, thru the Holy Spirit will work with in them. Quote
Lorraine Wright Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 Q4. (1:18) Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? How do you develop this faith in yourself? How do you pray for it for others? So that we will believe that we have the same power and that through Him we can do all things. That the Holy SPirit is the very presence of God within us and all believers, helping us live as God wants. Quote
sunilbernard Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 Q4. (1:18) Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? How do you develop this faith in yourself? How do you pray for it for others? We have a God who is all powerful, Omnipotent and Omniscient. His power is beyond anything comparable in this world. Faith is dead without works, James says. To have a working faith in our lives, we need to believe in the author and giver of Faith. Then our faith will be a practical one. Faith which accomplishes God's will and purposes in our lives. If we can blindly believe that we can accomplish greater miracles than Christ did and go to put our foot forward in doing them, then that faith will be working in our lives. That's why its imperative that we believe in that incomparably great power that's available for us and it is at our disposal to be used for His glory. As the physical body develops due to exercising, so also faith develops when we begin to exercise it. As already noted, faith, without works is dead; so we need to exercise faith and start accomplishing God's purposes in our lives. Faith grows as we begin to use it. From depending upon God to feed us daily our daily bread to looking to God to turn around the most wicked terrorist to healing the last stage cancer patient; all these things can be accomplished if we pray according to His will and start believing that this is the will of God. The prayer is same. That the Lord would open the hearts and minds of His children that they may see and experience His power and use it to accomplish His purposes in thier lives. Quote
Alicea Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? How do you develop this faith in yourself? How do you pray for it for others? If we don't have this revelation we feel powerless and our prayers will be lukewarm. We need to pray for this revelation to grip our souls and also for others. Quote
winevine03 Posted December 10, 2005 Report Posted December 10, 2005 Revelation of anything God says in His word is most welcome at this stage in my walk, as I really need it all to fall into place; but revelation of "His incomparably great power for US who believe", means there is no other power like this in the whole world. There is nothing to compare it to, and I am eligible to use it, IF it is revealed to me. Faith that can move mountains, faith that knows its prayers are answered before they are finished being prayed, or even before they are prayed. That is the faith that is available to us who believe, I need that revelation. How do I develop this in myself? By believing and praying. Believing what I read in the bible, and praying for the revelation and praying big prayers. Quote
s8nfighter Posted December 11, 2005 Report Posted December 11, 2005 I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms. A young husband and father of two called yesterday and asked me where the bible speaks about the saving grace of God. Two weeks ago this same young man told me that he admired me very much. This surprised me a little because Marie and I have very litte in terms of worldly wealth. We are not party people nor do we take expensive vacations or have a fancy house, we are just two people who love each other very much and live a very prosperous life on a poverty level income. What in the world would this guy who is having financial problems caused by an addiction to alcohol find so attractive in us? Why would he call on us for help and advice? Twenty years ago I was in the same boat that he is in today. The story of how I lost everything and how God restored it all is a bit too long so I won't go into it but I found the power of God and more important the reason for the power of God through it all. Today most Christians want the power of the Holy Spirit so they can "Say to this mountain MOVE and it will move." I have to admitt that I did the same thing with a small rock on the table, it's still there, same place I put it. It hasn't moved. But what has moved is my reason for living. Every child born has a great desire to be loved by someone. That desire for love and acceptance is what motivates all people to life. We seek a variety of things to reach that acceptance. For some it is drugs or alcohol, for others it is acheivements of either wealth or spotlight and there are some who never find it at all. But the ones who find (ACCEPT) the love of God have a power that is greater than anything the devil can throw their way because it moves the mountain from self center to God center and that is a big mountain. A comic once said, "I have been rich and I have been poor. Rich is better." Paul said the same thing but came to a differant conclusion. He said neither riches nor poverty can stop him from being happy and content. His joy comes from knowing the love of God. Living an abundant life when all is gone has nothing to do with what surrounds us. Marie and I realized that a long time ago. I guess that is what attracts people like Dave to us. When everythring seems to be falling apart we can rely on the unchanging love of God to get us through and if that little rock on the table hasn't moved it's o.k.. "No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."(NIV) Darrell Quote
revking88 Posted December 12, 2005 Report Posted December 12, 2005 It is the same power that Jesus has that is in us. We have to believe it so we can do the will of God. It is faith at its best. You have to believe deep down inside that it is there, that you have "incomparably great power". We have to pray it, believe it and use it, then we can see it. Just as Paul prayed for us to receive this great power, we are to pray for others. REMEMBER, JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON Quote
Helenmm Posted December 13, 2005 Report Posted December 13, 2005 This revelation is vital to our faith because it is the power in which Jesus operated. We are to walk in the works that He (God) has prepared for us to walk in. Those works are the works greater than Jesus did by the power of the Holy Spirit. Unless we are operating in those works we are coming short of the glory of God and misrepresenting Him on the face of this earth! This is actually sacrilege! I am developing this faith in myself by being around pastors who are operating in the miraculous, by submitting to their teaching and learning their ways, as well as studying the Word and building myself up in the knowledge and love of God in prayer and fellowship as He has commanded. I have seen children of pastors walking in their father's annointing, and that is what I want also. We can learn. I pray for it for others by doing it myself and encouraging others in what is possible, encouraging them also to come alongside and into the fellowship of faith. I pray for others by giving them testimony of what I have experienced and seen. I pray in the secret place for them to walk in the works that God has prepared for them to walk in. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted December 14, 2005 Report Posted December 14, 2005 Q4. (1:18) Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? How do you develop this faith in yourself? How do you pray for it for others? Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? Without knowledge of his great power we would have nothing to hold on to. We believe in his great power because we have seen it work in our lives. And it helps our faith to grow stronger each day. How do you develop this faith in yourself? I pray for it and read his word. How do you pray for it for others? For their eyes to be open to look around them to see what he has done for others and will do for them to. Quote
TennLady01 Posted December 14, 2005 Report Posted December 14, 2005 Q4. (1:18) Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? Without this believe we have nothing, we are nothing, and the Holy Spirit can't use us to the fullness of the glory that God has called us to become. The faith that says we serve an omnipotent and omniscient God that his power is beyond anything that this world has to offer. We know that faith without works is dead as we learned in James so we much act on our faith and live to the fullness of what Jesus Christ sent to live inside of us. The Holy Spirit was not sent to only draw us to salvation but to let us become alive in the gifts that Jesus said we will have and use to the fullest. How do you develop this faith in yourself? Read the word and believe what we read. It builds our faith and if we stand upon the word we will also act upon the word. We shall see miracle and wonders as the word of God says will follow the believers. When you see one person healed it lifts your faith and then the next time you do not just watch with wonder but stand in faith knowing it will happen. The more you do for God the stronger your faith will become in him. Step out he does not fail us and when you pray for another do not think God will not heal or move on their behalf. We are told to pray it is up to God to do the work. Our faith grows as we use it. If we let it set and do nothing it will die and become useless and easy for Satan to still from us. Stand on the word and do all it says we can do and watch the things God will get glory for. Thank you Lord for the gift of the Holy Spirit to live and work through and in us. How do you pray for it for others? I pray with faith knowing God is more than able to do the impossible. He has shown over and over again his power not only in the word but also in the life we live. When we step out in faith he will use us to the fullest for his glory and honor. Pray with faith believing it shall be done. Thank you Jesus. Quote
Katzen Posted December 15, 2005 Report Posted December 15, 2005 It gives fuel for our faith. I need to ask God more to open the eye of my own heart, so I can see it clearer and clearer all the time. Ask the Holy Spirit to be in them and show them the way. Quote
linda bass Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 This revelation is essential to our faith because the same power that Jesus had, we also have within us. I develope this faith in myself by spending time in prayer and reading the Bible. Asking the Holy Spirit to give them a revelation of who they are in Christ. Quote
alisicia Posted December 21, 2005 Report Posted December 21, 2005 Ephesians 4 "Exhortation to Unity" Ephesians 4:1 "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called," What is your "vocation"? "Vocation" in the Greek text means, "your calling". That activity that has been selected just for you. Though the world considers vocation something that each individual makes for himself (herself), when you become a Christian, of the Lord Jesus Christ, we become bound, as a prisoner, to do the will of the one that bound us. This refers back to the "secret" given in the third chapter. Paul is saying, because of the great love that God grace me, and my love for Him, I am a prisoner. I am captured, and can only do what God's will directs for my life. Everyone on this earth has a vocation, or God would not have brought them here. God gives gifts to each of us and that is to fulfill our vocation, or "calling", to the job He would have us do. God's gifts are given according to your ability to use them, and according to our faith in Him, to follow up and develop these gifts. When a person uses those gifts for the Lord, then God's gifts allow that person to exceed far beyond what they thought they could do. To some people, they have told themselves they don't have the capacity to do certain things; They have set their own limits, but when Jesus Christ touches them, they spring to life. It is a wonderful then to be captured by the "Love of God". Ephesians 4:2 "With all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love;" We should use our gifts, to the glory of God, in all "lowliness", which is in "humility of mind". The gifts are not ours, for we are prisoners to Jesus Christ, and as such, they belong to Him. We use those gifts in meekness, not in a swaying mind, but as one using his power of authority in boldness. We do all this, bearing with the other saints; working together as a body unit, and all of us being grounded and rooted in the "Love of God" that called us. Ephesians 4:3 "Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." "Endeavoring" in the Greek test, means "to keep studying", and not give up; being joined together through our spirit that is being bonded with God's Spirit, "the Holy Spirit". It is only when this bond takes place that we that we can have true peace of mind. Ephesians 4:4 "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;" As we saw in verse 1:4, we are called to a deeper level of service, and this is because of what happened in the first earth age. However, In Christ, we are all called into a body with many parts to that body. Paul also talks of this unity of one in Romans 12:4-5. We are all part of this one spirit that has the hope within each of us, when we are in Jesus Christ. That "hope" is our salvation, our eternal life, and in that hope comes our responsibility and commitment to use the gifts God gave us, to do that service for Him, in the place or state that He has put us in. Ephesians 4:5 "One Lord, one faith, one baptism," The Church doesn't baptize you, the "Holy Spirit of God " baptizes you. It is the joining of your spirit with God's Holy Spirit. If the only reason you get baptized is to join a Church, then you are baptized for the wrong reason. When you falter as a Christian, then you need to repent of those sins, and you will immediately be back in the fellowship with the Heavenly Father. Our repentance is always given in Jesus Christ's name, for Jesus paid the full price on the cross for the remission of those sins. Then when you are brought back from that sinful condition, you do not need to be re-baptized again. For baptism is necessary only once. However, "repentance" is a daily process, for our sin nature of the flesh body will continually cause us to fall short of God's will. We are baptized into the belief that Jesus was born of a virgin: That He lived a perfect life; that He was crucified; buried, and on the third day came out of that tomb alive. Our baptism is because Jesus Christ overcame death, and that He ascended into Heaven, where He now sits as our defender before the very Throne of God. This is the "gospel of Jesus Christ", it is the "good news" that is our mission to declare, and when your are baptized, you are making a profession of faith, or commitment to both God and man that you agree with this statement. This confession is only done once. Our "faith" then is in God's whole word, and promises. Ephesians 4:6 "One God and Father of all, Who is above all, and through all, and in you all." This is the one thing we should never forget, for God made everything, including you; He controls everything, and nothing happens without God's consent Ephesians 4:7 "But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ." You should never have a problem with another person's gift, for if you have the faith to know we are all of the same body of Christ, then you should take pleasure in the fact that he is using that gift to the glory of God, and to the body you belong to. Envy just doesn't belong here, for it is not of God, nor of the body of Christ. Our prayer and support to that brother is what is needed, on his (her) behalf. When he (she) is using the gift to fulfill that part of the body (of Christ) that Christ has need of. It is possible that you have the same gift; but whatever gifts God gives to you, you are responsible for the way that you use your gifts. When you use that gift, then develop it, and bring it to completion for the glory of God. "The measure of the gift" is the ability you have to use that gift, and they do vary for each person. It is God that determines what we can or cannot handle, but we are to try and give it our best effort. When any man sets a standard or measure of what all must reach, is not of God, but of the devil. It is in, and through God's wonderful grace that we receive these abilities [gifts] and they are placed within each person, because God [in His infinite wisdom] knows the limits of you and I, and each Christian. Be comfortable with what ever gifts you have, and never play "one-ups-man-ship" with God's gifts. All gifts are given for edifying the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:8 "Wherefore He saith, "When He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men." This is a quotation from Psalm 68:18. The psalmist was more complete then that, though. Psalm 68:18; "Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for [among] the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them." Gifts were not given for the individual, but for all men (and women). Ephesians 4:9 "(Now that He ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?" Christ has gone back to the Heavenly Father, but first He descended in humility to those in the grave; to those that were without hope, and brought them out with Him. Ephesians 4:10 "He That descended is the same also That ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things.)" When Jesus Christ descended to help those souls in the grave, then ascended with them to the Father; He "fill all things", or fulfilled all things [prophesied] written by the prophets. When we are "born again", as stated in John's gospel, we are "born from above", as stated in the Greek text. It is our soul that came from above, that entered into the embryo within our mother's womb, and that soul is what is born again. That birth is an eternal birth, with a new life. However, this old flesh body will continue to age and decay, for it's life is limited in time, and is bound to corruption [decay of aging]. The fight and conflict we all have is between the flesh body, and the living soul body, and it is our spirit that controls both of these bodies. When our spirit is led by the Holy Spirit, we are in fellowship with God; However, when our spirit is acting on its own, then this flesh body wins out, and we sin. Once we repent, then our spirit yields to the will of God's spirit, those sins are forgiven, and we are brought back into God's fellowship. What a beautiful plan of God! Ephesians 4:11 "And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;" Each of these gifts are for a specific purpose. The "evangelist" gives a more stirring message to jar the sinner into repentance; while the "pastor" is to nourish the flock, and give strength and guidance for their daily lives. The "teacher" is to present the very application [or meaning] in the terms the Christian can understand. In many cases the pastors are the teachers. The problem today is that many of the pastors-teachers are ignorant of God's Word, and the flock is not fed with the proper nourishment of God's Word; they are starving sheep. Ephesians 4:12 "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:" The goal for each Christian, regardless of where God has placed you, and what the gifts are that He has given you, is that they are all given for the perfecting of the saints, and the edifying of the body [believers] of Christ. Ephesians 4:13 "Till we all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:" The word "perfect" here is referred to in the Greek text as "completeness". It is when one is being fully grown into a mature Christian. You will not be perfect as Christ, but by studying and receiving nourishment from His Word, you will mature as a Christian. When the full body of Christ matures in their knowledge and understanding of God's Word, their faith will bind them into unity. Then acting as a single body [unit], the fullness, or in the Greek, "pleroma" [completeness] of what Jesus Christ's work, and His victory over death, can be given to others. If our purpose of ministry is in anything other than the preaching, and lifting up of Christ, then it is in vain. The Word of God, His knowledge matures us, and without His Word, we stay spiritual babies. Ephesians 4:14 "That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" "Tossed to and fro" means that you listen to to many different teachers, each teaching something different. You get into a state of mind where you don't know what to believe, for their words are not God's Words. They do not come from the Scriptures, nor have the authority of God. Their teachings are man's traditions. Most of the church world today molds their doctrines, and teaching to fit their personal agenda. For some it is money, others it become their fame, or power, and this even grows into vanity for membership growth. They will preach, teach, and even play their games to draw you into the group. Paul is warning you and I to look out for this tribe of fakes, or you will be sucked into them, and deceived. Their churches have become businesses, with a mortgage. An example of this is the church that claims "December" as the worst month of the year for giving. This is a lie, for the tax records prove it is "the best month of the year for giving", as stated by the IRS. This is a form of what Paul is saying, "sleight of men, and cunning craftiness." When a church uses this method, run from them, for if they do this, they also pervert the Word of God. Root yourself in the Word. Ephesians 4:15 "But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, Which is the Head, even Christ:" To "grow up", you "mature", and become as an adult in the Word. You learn to be mature in Christ, in love: and this love can also include correction. For when it is given in the love of Christ, it shows that you really care. If in this loving care for another, they return to Christ in their life, then you have made a difference in the kingdom of God, and you pleased our Heavenly Father. Ephesians 4:16 "From Whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love." When the many membered body [of Christ] fit together in a perfect fit, working together as a unit of one, then each member or person, will do his part in the ministry. To build up, edify, and all other parts of the body of Christ are joined together. The love we have for Christ is reflected in the way and manner of love we give to each other. When this love exists there is no room for strife and envy, jealousy and hatred, but an enthusiastic and energetic body of Christ that is on a mission. Ephesians 4:17 "This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind," Vanity is emptiness, and is without lasting purpose. The heathen have nothing on their minds of eternal importance. It is void of all spiritual matters. this "vanity" caters only to their flesh body, and not the condition of their soul, for their spiritual eyes are blind to spiritual things, and remains in a depraved state. In this state of mind they don't even know how to help themselves spiritually, except for a member of the body of Christ showing them, through the Scriptures. Ephesians 4:18 "Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart:" Many people today are so starved for love and attention that they are destroyed when they don't get it. A Christian, studying the Bible in depth knows that there is no need for this depression to enter their lives. They know of God's love for them, and their duties in the work and the preparation of their minds needed to do the mission God has for them. There is no time to feel sorry for themselves. We know we are in the final generation of this earth age, and we must all strive to be ready to go against all spiritual darts of evil, that Satan [the Antichrist] can throw our way. This also includes prayer and communication with the Lord for not only ourselves, but others. Ephesians 4:19 "Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness." Their hearts are hardened against their own selves. The flesh body is so greedy thinking of itself that it won't provide even one morsel of spiritual food for the inner [soul] man. When the mind is hidden in darkness, there is no hope; but when even one candle, or seed of understanding, comes into that blackened mind, then "hope" springs forth, and the soul will be fed. New life then comes into the inner man and his [her] mind. This is why we plant the seeds of the gospel; so that they will spark into life and grow, and bear fruit for God's kingdom. Ephesians 4:20 "But ye have not so learned Christ; You were not taught this by Christ. Ephesians 4:21 "If so be that ye have heard Him, and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus:" In reality you can see and feel the touch of God in your life. Christ became a living person to you, and not just a force, or thing unassociated to your life. He is part of you, and your decisions that you make every day of your life. Ephesians 4:22 "That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;" "Former conversation" is the old flesh man; and at your conversion the truth of God's Word will change your conversation, because it changes your mind, and everything that is important to you. Ephesians 4:23 "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;" God's Word will change your thought process, thus changing how you look at things and what you do and say. You are what you think about. Feed your spiritual body so that it will control your physical. Ephesians 4:24 "And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." The "new man" that we are to put on, or become is the new nature of our soul and spirit. This "new nature" of our soul is to take control over out whole being, soul and spirit; as well as our physical body. This command by Paul to the Christian, is given after the Christian has repented, and is saved; Thus in the Greek text, "after God is created", should read, "because God was being formed [our new nature] in righteousness and true holiness". We don't become righteous and holy, but imitate that which Jesus Christ is. Our perfection before God is not because of us, but by what Jesus Christ did. Ephesians 4:25 "Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another." We are to speak peace and truth with our neighbor. When we get out of step with the Lord, and wonder what and how we can get back in step with the Lord, Zechariah 8:16 tells us what we are to do. Zechariah 8:16 "These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates:" Let every person know that at your home, and where ever you go, that people know you speak only truth. When we do fall, then we repent for those words. The closer we get to God in His Word, the more we will understand God's ways, and then they become our ways. God's ways and nature are perfect. The biggest problem most people have is in striving to perfect their ways. Ephesians 4:26 "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:" Ephesians 4:27 "Neither give place to the devil." The word "angry" should not be used here; it is referring to "righteous indignation". This is a kin to anger, but Paul is telling us that when we become upset over something do to "righteous indignation", don't let it turn into a sin. There is a danger in that action. When the anger comes, tend to it immediately, in that same day. There is nothing wrong with "righteous indignation", for this is a normal reaction of our "new nature" in Jesus Christ, and the study of the Scriptures. Yet, we are to keep it always under control, for Satan will use it against us, to drag us into sin. Ephesians 4:28 "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth." There is no reason to steal anything. What you gain by stealing does not give you a pride of ownership, because it is not yours. You can rest assured that God will punish you for that act. However there is a wealth to gain by working with your hands. The things that you do have will give you satisfaction and peace of mind. Then as you give to the Lord, your tithe will be an acceptable sacrifice to God. God is saying, if you will work and help yourself, I'll even see to it that you will have enough to help someone else, who is needy. Trust Him for it. Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." When we speak, we should weigh our words and watch what we say. The word "corrupt" in the Greek text is "putrid" words. Our conversation should be to "edify", or build up those around us, so that by our words, and conversation others will be drawn to Jesus Christ. Do others get a lift after being in your presence, and listening to what you say to them? Ephesians 4:30 ""And grieve not the holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." Don't disappoint your Father. The Holy Spirit of God wants to use you, and speak through you, as it is written in Mark 13:11. Remember back in Ephesians 1:13? We were chosen before the foundation of the world, and adopted as God's children for His good pleasure; then "sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise". That sealing by God sets us aside, and is a gift of our inheritance from God to each of His children. All children of God, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, have been sealed unto the day of redemption". That day is coming shortly, for it is the day Jesus Christ returns to earth, and sets up His millennium age kingdom. Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:" There is no excuse for any Christian to practice any of these actions. Each of these; bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor [uproar], and evil speaking cause descent, and are not of the Holy Spirit. These are not acts of "righteous Indignation", which is of God. We should strive to always keep ourselves under control. Ephesians 4:32 "And be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." "Tenderhearted" is showing compassion. We are to show compassion for others in the same manner that Jesus Christ showed unto us in his sacrifice on the cross, which then God extended to you and I through His grace. He forgave you for all you have done, and now you are to forgive your brothers in like manner. Get rid of those signs of stubbornness; for they are all of malice, and from Satan. This chapter was about maturity in Jesus Christ. The mature Christian can over-look things that the man of the world can not. When you become part of Christ's many membered body, God expects us to be different, and act different, and even talk different then that which is accepted by the men of the world. This is part of our armor in these end times. There is one Lord, one faith, one body, and one Spirit: and we are called in one hope of our calling. That calling we will see in the next chapter. The Shepherds Chapel Quote
LisaZ Posted December 22, 2005 Report Posted December 22, 2005 Q4. (1:18) Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? We have to know that God is all-powerful to have a vital and life-changing faith. We have to know that God is able to change circumstances and that He loves us unconditionally and is well able to protect, provide for, teach and change us and others. How do you develop this faith in yourself? In Romans 10:16-18 it states that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. I develop my faith through reading the Bible and meditating on what passages mean and how to apply them. I also develop my faith through prayer and communion with God. How do you pray for it for others? By praying for revelation for others, a deeper walk with God and praying for them to desire and find the time to spend more time with God and in His Word. Quote
godsanointed523 Posted December 22, 2005 Report Posted December 22, 2005 Why is a revelation of his incomparble great power for us who believe essential to the christian faith? Paul's prayers have to involve a God who is all powerful and knows what we need. If we know that God is this kind of a role model in the Bible then it gives us the strength to move foward in our prayers. Paul knew this and prayed for the people to understand that this is what GOd wants,for us to pray in faith in power. How do you develop this faith in yourself? I believe that by reading the Word daily,praying in quiet places of meditation,talking daily with the Lord is how we develop that kind of faith. It is only through the Word does God give us what we need in times of trouble,hapiness,struggles,etc. Others interceding on our behalf gives us that boost of faith like the apostle paul did for the Ephesians believers. How do you pray it for others? Just trust in the Word and have a deep relationship with the Lord at all times cause He knows everything Quote
masika Posted May 24, 2006 Report Posted May 24, 2006 The world fears the power of atom, yet we belong to the God of the universe, who not only created that atomic power but also raised Jesus Christ from the dead .God's incomiparable great power is available to help you . There is nothing too difficult for Him. My PAYER for others to see thi truth and have their faith more in God Quote
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