april Posted July 25, 2006 Report Posted July 25, 2006 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? Because He wanted them to know that there was more to Christ Love that it never stops and goes on and on and is not the same old same old. Because we will never be able to understand fully His love. But when we do understand it better we are able to love others allowing the Holy Spirit to do it though us. No there is no end to the Love that Christ has for us it says I have loved you with a everlasting Love in Jer. So that settle it... Quote
AngelOnLine Posted January 15, 2007 Report Posted January 15, 2007 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? So their concept of Christ Quote
Patsy Laycoax Posted March 29, 2007 Report Posted March 29, 2007 Paul prays that believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them because he knows it will make a huge difference in the way they live their life. Comprehending this love causes a person to completely trust in the Lord through all kinds of trials and tribulations. No, there is no end of Christ's love for a person. Quote
Commissioned Posted April 7, 2007 Report Posted April 7, 2007 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? Paul prayed that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them that they might fully know Christ's loves them to the nth degree and this love that is in us we also can love each other. How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Comprehending this love causes a person to know that the God they serve loves them beyond measure, regardless of their personality He loves them. Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? No, there is no end to Christ's love for a person. His is the ultimate love. 1 John 4:8 says, "... God is Love." God cannot exist apart from love and demonstrated that love to us. "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 Quote
plethra Posted September 15, 2007 Report Posted September 15, 2007 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? If we can grasp the love that Christ has for us then we can love HIM more and love others also. To know and understand the love of Christ will enable us to seek HIM and to help others. It changes our lives by the fact that we want to share this love with others no matter what obsacles stand in our way. No there is no end to Christ's love for a person. HE loves us with and everlasting love. I am 48 years old and have been a Christian for the most part of my life since I was 16, and every now and then God will whisper in my ear something that makes me stand in awe of how much HE loves me. I realize every day that I actually have no concept of the love that HE has for me. My mind is too small to fully understand it. But HE reveals it to me from time to time and I am so humbled by it. Quote
Craig Posted January 8, 2008 Report Posted January 8, 2008 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? What better prayer can there be for fellow Christians than that they might grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? When a person truly experiences the the love of Jesus Christ, it will change his/her heart for eternity. Thus changing our worldview, how we approach the world and life, and our actions. There is no end to Christ's love for any person. Quote
Rita Futrell Posted January 9, 2008 Report Posted January 9, 2008 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? Q1. For one, we become planted and more secure in who we are, his character and where we stand with him, deepening and developing our relationship with him. (It was also Paul's prayer that he would "know" him and the power of his resurrection.) Thus, when he begins to make his love revelation to us it enables us to view things from his perspective. Q2. Is there is a "spiritual life"? In my mind Christ "is" our life because he lives through us, in all our intended diversity, and we are simply spiritual beings. We go through a maturation process of being changed from "glory to glory" as we "behold him", and that being from the Spirit. (Somewhere in Corinthians.) Q3. He has assured us that nothing can separate us from his love. Quote
Stan Posted August 13, 2008 Report Posted August 13, 2008 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? So that they can come to a better understanding of God's love for them and by doing so could love other as Christ loves them. It makes us more aware of Christ's love for us and as we began to love Him more we will be able to show that love to others and help them become more loving to others. No, Christ said that He is love and that to know Him is to love others as He loves us. Scripture says there is no way to measure to dept and width of His love. Quote
Nina Posted August 26, 2008 Report Posted August 26, 2008 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? As believers we know of God's love. Paul is praying that believers will come to more of a knowledge of the greatness and vastness of God's love. Getting a better grasp or understanding of the greatness of God's love will help us grow in the riches of Christ. Paul is praying for them to have power to grasp, faith to grasp the fullness of Christ's love for us. The fullness of his love surpasses our knowledge. Getting a better understanding of this love changes our spiritual lives by leading us closer to God. It increases our faith and gives us more power to receive, believe, and share with others. We cannot grasp the greatness of God's love. I believe it is like a circle that totally encompasses us with no beginning or end. Quote
iam4-1god Posted September 27, 2008 Report Posted September 27, 2008 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? Paul wanted believers to know the same God that he knew. He wanted them to experience God's love without limitation-without boundaries. Because God's love has no boudaries. That is something else that our minds cannot comprehend, unless The Holy Spirit empowers us to. Once we get a hold of this love, and realize the extent of it, we will truly understand the why of Jesus' sacrifice. I don't think I fully understand the ramifications of The Cross sometimes. I don't fully appreciate all that The Cross entails. This is something that I need to study and work out within myself. There is no end of Christ's love for us. We can't divide it, we can't multiply it, we can't do all the things that geometry or trig would do to it, and be able to figure it out. We just need to accept it and pass it around! Quote
JanMary Posted October 25, 2008 Report Posted October 25, 2008 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? When we are rooted deep in His love and founded securely on His love, we live at peace, and are reassured and unafraid, able to be led by the Spirit, and to worship and praise Him from a heart of love, rather than out of the motives of fear or duty. It's a flowing well of love to us, which enables us to love others. We cannot give what we do not have. How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Understanding His love took me from a life of fear and dread over what He might do to me, to a place of knowing I'm loved unconditionally, accepted in the Beloved, and the fear melted away. I'm learning to run to Him intead of hunkering down inside myself until the storm passes, as I learned in childhood from being abandoned and neglected. I enjoy Him, and delight in Him and in His creation. I no longer see a long bony finger pointing at me in disapproval, but rather arms outstretched to receive me. I see His sense of humor now and appreciate discipline when needed because it's done in love. Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? As Max Lucado put it:"He would rather die than live without me!" His love and mercy is new every single morning on into eternity! God IS love, and since we are in Christ, He is in us....we possess the very essence of Who He is and we will forever and ever! Quote
RickJW Posted November 8, 2008 Report Posted November 8, 2008 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? By understanding Christ's love for us, we can apply that to our love for others, as we try to follow the second great commandment. Knowing that Jesus loves us helps keep us going through difficult times, the times when we need to pray and turn over our problems to the Lord. Christ's love for us will never die, and will increase with out limit as we ask for it. Quote
swordwoman Posted November 17, 2008 Report Posted November 17, 2008 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? When one grasps the fullest extent of Christ's love (look at the cross), you can't help but be changed. Comprehending this love, I have come to realize, is only done by God. We are incapable of understanding and comprehending the magnitude of His love for us without His help. It changes our spiritual life because we then come to God out of love and not fear or obligation. End to Christ's love? I don't think so. God is love. It is His nature. Quote
Daff Posted August 5, 2009 Report Posted August 5, 2009 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? There is no end to Christ's love for anyone. Knowing Christ's love for ourself brings a peace, a satisfaction, a joy unspeakable that fills our inner man. Quote
MAMA Posted January 4, 2010 Report Posted January 4, 2010 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? You cant teach love; You have to live it and feel it. You don Quote
Marloes Posted March 1, 2010 Report Posted March 1, 2010 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? Love is the basics. If you don't understand Christ's love, you don't understand his sacrifice. If you don't love, you're a grumpy person - not a good christian. Understanding His love also makes you realize you're beloved, that somenbody loves you. There's no end. He was even nice to Judas who betrayed Him and the men who killed Him. Paul assures us that nothing on earh and in heaven can seperate us from this love. Quote
patience123 Posted March 10, 2010 Report Posted March 10, 2010 Paul prays for the believers to grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them so that they will obtain the greatest benefit thus being able to pass that love on to those they meet. To comprehend this love evento a lesser degree can change someone's outlook on life completely, they feel that special" inner peace", they can be more loving, understanding and patient. It's like...... if you have a loving family life as a child then you can share that love with others. I think that there is no end for Christ's love for a person---but, I believe a person can put an end to that love by closing the door of their heart to Jesus, shutting out his love and all that he has done and would continue to do. We are born with a free will-- as for me-- I choose to follow Jesus, WHAT A SAVIOUR !!! Quote
trinity Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? Paul prays this way so that people realize that God"s love for us is greater then any one of us can fully understand. Humans do have the ability to love others but this love can not even compare with God's love for us.It can change us spiritually because when we know that God does love us, it brings about peace in our lives and a greater understanding of the word. This love is never ending and He died for us so our sins were paid for ( which was a debt that we could not ever pay). Quote
hanks Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? Paul knows that it is when Jesus has unrestricted access to our hearts that we become rooted and grounded in love. In other words we live a life of kindness, selflessness, and meekness. We read in 1 Cor 13:4-8a, Quote
PATCH Posted October 15, 2010 Report Posted October 15, 2010 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? Our undertanding of God's love is basic, at the very foundation level. Because of our humanity we can never understand the love of Christ. Yet, we have to pray for an understanding which surpasses human comprehension so that we would not continue to live our christian lives as though we are orphans. Once we understand the fullness of His love for us, our walk with God will be very different. It will be a trusting, faith-filled relationship between father and child. Out of his love for us, we will also be able to love others unconditionally. God is love - there is no end to Christ's love for anyone. Quote
Kerneydr Posted November 12, 2010 Report Posted November 12, 2010 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? When we don Quote
Kerneydr Posted January 16, 2011 Report Posted January 16, 2011 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? Understanding and experiencing the love of Christ is what knowing Christ is all about. Christ did what he did out of love, " For God so loved the world..." How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Love is very motivational. If we are compelled by Christ's love in our lives, it is a genuine and long lasting "fuel". True love for Christ also grows and gets strong as we put in into practice day by day. Is there any end to Christ's love for a person?Christ's love for each person is limitless, it does not run out. It is available in a customized way for each person alive on this planet ... more than 4 billion of us. Now wrap your brain around the love of Christ. Awesomely incomprehensible. Quote
Trusting God Posted September 27, 2011 Report Posted September 27, 2011 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? Paul is asking believers to grasp the fullest extent of Christ’s love for them, because it is beyond human reasoning or feelings. He wants us to completely take hold and recognize God’s love for all believers. How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Once a person comprehends the love of God that is immeasurable and without attachments it will change not only their spiritual life but their view of how much God loves us. Once we understand Christ’s love for us we begin to grow. Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? NO!!! There is no end to Christ’s love for a person, because He is always with all believers. Quote
mycin Posted April 27, 2013 Report Posted April 27, 2013 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person? Paul longs for us to know Christ's love beyond what we can even imagine. God's loved does not end. It should change the way we love for ourselves because His love is "wide and deep and long and high." It knows no bounds. Once we understand that in our lives and let it change us, then we can change the way we love each other by loving them for everything that they are. Quote
Onerivertrail Posted May 18, 2013 Report Posted May 18, 2013 Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person?    Paul wants believers to know that there is no end to this love. You will never find the end of it! It is beyond human comprehesion and he wants believers to grasp this. He wants them to know that if they search it out they will find more and more to take them through the trials of life here and carry them through eternity. Gods love is so beautiful and without anyones measures. The beginning of understanding this love puts a steadfastness in a believers heart and walk. This gives the believer confidence now. The believer now has a relationship that is not known like any other on earth. THERE IS NO END TO CHRIST'S LOVE FOR A PERSON! NO END IN THIS WORLD OR THE NEXT!!     Quote
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