Pastor Ralph Posted December 2, 2005 Report Posted December 2, 2005 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? Quote
pickledilly Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 This should encourage me to pray just as big I can imagine, because that won't even come close to God's powerful ability! I need to learn to pray in line with the truth that this power of God that is "quite beyond all measure" is present in me - ready to be put to use for His glory and my good. The limiting factor is never Him. It is always me - with my lack of understanding, vision, and faith. Our own inability to comprehend God causes us to box Him in, to draw human parameters around Him. We don't naturally expect great things. And so our faith is limited, which limits His freedom to release greater power in answering prayers, making provision, bringing deliverance, or meeting our needs. In other words, we miss out on a LOT! To get past this failing, it would be wise to continually ask for a spirit of wisdom, revelation in the knowledge of God, and greater insight into our hope and inheritance and His power and love. Study His Word! Some truths are profoundly simple, but we need to give the Holy Spirit enough quiet time to take us deeper and teach the higher, greater "hidden" truths. (Some of the questions in this study have been doozies, but they've been great for forcing me to sit and wait on the Spirit to show me what He has wanted me to learn.) Then speak His Word back to Him, and praise Him constantly for who He is and what He can do. Realize that we don't have to fully comprehend the Lord in order to know and live like He can do anything! Keeping the focus on Him will help keep our focus off of our puny little selves! Quote
June Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 We should always pray big prayers and be thankful with the answer. God has the knowledge to know what we need and can handle. We should not put God in a box and think that He can't get accomplished what we can't. God can do anything, anytime, anywhere He choses. God can change any situation according to His Will for us. We just need to trust God for the impossible. THINK BIG, PRAY BIG PRAYERS AND ASK GOD FOR WHAT WE THINK IS IMPOSSIBLE, THEN WATCH GOD ACCOMPLISH IT FOR US. HE IS ALWAYS AT WORK IN OUR LIVES. Quote
RonS Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us...." (3:20) He God can do more then we can even imagine. Amazing. Just meditate on that. What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? We don Quote
Elder9 Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 I guess if we start with "now unto Him who's able", praying to an entity (source of self sustaining life) capable of unimaginable feats or displays of power. And realizing that this life form (totally alien to me, and beings like me) has called me into fellowship with Him. And has asked me to call on Him and to talk to Him and to ask Him anything according to His will, and get and answer, its beyond cool. I once talked with an IRS agent who said that "ignorance of the law is no excuse". Just because we don't know, still does not excuse one from knowing because the information is available. God can truly say to us when we suffer needlessly "it's not My fault". We suffer needlessly being too pious or afraid to ask thinking that suffering is godly. God's given us "Carte Blanche" in asking, He said "you have not, because you ask not". If I need food and don't ask, its my fault, not God's. I'm limiting what He wants to do in my life to demonstrate to a world gone wrong what His love can accomplish. I'm setting a bad example to the unbelieving world. So that they may see my (His) good works among men, and Glorify God which is in heaven, so He can draw men by His goodness to me. Start by asking little things from God that bring Him Glory, then as our Faith grows, so will our compassion and ability to ask for others to see God work in their lives increasing my Faith. If I ask food for the neighbor down the street, and see God perform a miracle (even if I'm the instrument) Its working. I then move from food to clothing to housing to transportation etc. I'm growing and God is blessing. He meets my needs that I can meet others. Even if I start asking for myself, I'm growing. If I have Volkswagon faith but ask with a Lexus mind God will honor the "ask" and increase my faith through it. I don't want to get to heaven and pass the room called "missed blessings" and find my stuff in it. (smile). Quote
MannyVelarde Posted December 12, 2005 Report Posted December 12, 2005 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? 20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, God is able - because He is God - we take comfort in nowing that fact that He can do it. do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine - isn't that an awesome statement - he can do more than we can imagine - there is no limiting our God. It doesn't mean we go to him for "things" but that it sure assure us that he will meet our needs in abundance. When we try to mold God into our understanding - then we could potentiallyl miss blessings and incur greater consequences. We can get past the failing by praying hard; by getting to know Him better - by study of His Word! We can experience His grace - by praying and persevering Quote
revking88 Posted December 12, 2005 Report Posted December 12, 2005 It is exciting, full of anticipation of answered prayer. Knowing that God can do so much more than we ask for. We can pray big because He is a big God, wanting us to come to Him with all of our prayers, big or small. It is letting God know that you believe that He will do what He says He will do and even more. Knowing that there are no boundaries to his goodness opens the door to endless possibilities. When we limit God by our own ablilty to comprehend we block all of the goodness that God has for us. We don't allow Him to answer our prayers. We have to be willing to give it up and know that He is God. Know that nothing is greater or mightier than He is. I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW HE IS ABLE. Speak it out all of the time and soon you will believe it. REMEMBER, JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! Quote
Lorraine Wright Posted December 15, 2005 Report Posted December 15, 2005 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? Our prayers should be big and powerful - pack a punch. Knowing that our God is infinite in all his attributes allows us to draw on his resources - that we have the same power at work in us. Quote
Helenmm Posted December 15, 2005 Report Posted December 15, 2005 This doxology expands our vision of God beyond imagination. We cannot, by being very wealthy and travelling everywhere, experience the half of the delights of this physical world God has created for us to explore and enjoy. We cannot manage to begin to understand fully our wife or husband (who is always showing us a different side we never anticipated!) let alone the wonder of every person that God has created as a unique gift to the world. Then there is every animal, every plant, every place including space to explore and enjoy. If we could do all that, yet we would not have begun to comprehend the great Love that put it all in place and maintains the fine balances necessary to maintain it. How could we ever realise who He is? Yet through Jesus He has made Himself known on the earth and we can begin to know Him in person in all His limitless glory. He has done - and is able to do- beyond our wildest imaginations. His love has no boundaries. He wants us to explore his limitlessness! Nothing is more wonderful onthe faceof this earth! In prayer we can know Him and explore this mighty power, living in His presence. We even have directions as to how to do it! (The Bible). We even have His Holy Spirit moving on the face of the earth to encourage us and show us how. Praise God for HIs gift to us of Jesus Christ, and the Blood which buys us out of our ignorance into His great glory. How should this doxology energise our prayers? Once we see our prayers answered and realise that this great and mighty God actually listens to them and responds, we can begin to enjoy this limitless relationship, not only for ourselves but for others also, asking God for the possible for them! All things are possible in Christ Jesus! Hallelujeh! Time to do my own doxology and glorify the wonderful Name of the most high God and Father of us all who includes us in his limitlessness and expends His mighty power on us his beloved children. I worship you Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. I thank you. I pray that all your children might so live as to exhibit your glory by doing the works that you have prepared for us to walk in. When we llimit God to our comprehension we get a wooden god, with a wooden heart, unable to move. In other words it is not Jehovah, but a mere, "vain imagining". The only way to get past this feeling is to spend time worshipping Him every day, reading the Word, doigng what it says and so letting our minds be made over until they are like the mind of Christ. Then maybe, we'll soar with the eagles insted of running with the bunnies. Actually, I'll correct myself. The only way to get beyond this feeling is to start asking and receiving the answers! Quote
ekila Posted December 15, 2005 Report Posted December 15, 2005 The lessons tells us that God is a big and owner of all things. Our requests to him must be orderly but without limitations. God moves and acts upon the level of Faith. Therefore we must think big and move in faith beyond our imaginations. Quote
linda bass Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 Verse 3:20 of the doxology should energize our prayers by giving us a revelation of the limitless power of God. When we limit God by our own ability to comprehend we limit His power within us. We can get past this failing by having faith and believing God's Word. Quote
Katzen Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 I can ask for much greater things than I do. We limit His answers. Keep praying!!! Quote
sunilbernard Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? We pray impoverished prayers saying 'Thy will be done'. Yes, its true, His will should be the ultimate criteria. But when we know for sure it is the will of God, it gives us confidence and boldness to demand from the Lord and expect miracles and show of strength. We have a God on our side who does things amazing and powerful, beyond our expectations. That is the energy we get when we fully realise the potential that we have within us to submit our prayers to a God who can do all things. Phil 4:13 goes well with this. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? It should excite us that nothing is to big for our God. That no matter what we ask him we know he can do it. What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? When we have to understand everything it holds him back. He won't be able to answer it the way he wants to. How can we get past this failing? By trusting him enough to give it to him. Knowing he will answer our prayers better than we can think if we just leave it to him and not try to think it out. Quote
Alicea Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? It should energize our prayers because it means He is able to give us what we need even when we don't know what that is, His answer is not limited to our human minds and imaginations. When we limit God by our abilityl to comprehend we introduce doubt and our faith weakens. We can get past this failing by asking God to do it for us and in us, we are unable to do it on our own. We also get past this by getting to know God better which we do by study and reading His word, by fellowship and communion with other believers and by time spent in prayer and worship. Quote
s8nfighter Posted December 19, 2005 Report Posted December 19, 2005 I know only one thing from study, it ain't much but it is of some importance. You cannot change God by what you do. He will always be God. To think that God is either limited by or expanded by our prayers is somewhat silly. That in itself is putting God in a box to be let out whenever we choose. That is not the God of the bible I have been reading. I wonder where the Isrealites would have been today if that were the case at the Jordan river. God says he has a plan for us and that plan does not change him, it changes us. Oh, I am not saying that we cannot mess up the plans that God has by not being obediant in prayer. Prayer should be a conversation with God. If we only speak then how do we know what plans God has for us. He gave us two ears and one mouth, so why do we onlly listen half as much as we speak? We cannot speak anything into being, God can and did and the last time i checked I did not fit His description. There is and never will be any limits to God nor will there be an equal to God. Satan tried to put himself on that level and look what happened. That ain't working out so well either for him or for us. No I do not begin to think that I can limit God by what I do or say. All I can try to do is be obediant to His word and praise Him for His plans because I know when it all comes together we will be made perfect in all ways. Darrell Quote
TennLady01 Posted December 21, 2005 Report Posted December 21, 2005 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? Knowing that is and was and always will be is awesome to me. Knowing he loved me and cared enough to want to be a companion with me to talk to me walk with me and let me be his friend. That is almost to awesome to comprehend. Knowing he is able and willing to do abundantly and exceedingly above all we ask lets my prayers have no limit because there is no limit with God. How wonderful to know how much he loves and cares for us. We who are not perfect can talk with the perfect Christ and he will hear and answer our prayers. Totally awesome. What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? When he is limited it is by us for there is not limit for him. But if we chose to but a limit on him then we have set boundaries for our faith in him. We should have the faith to know he is willing to do more and able to do all. Please Lord Jesus forgive our unbelief and help us to understand that you are all powerful. How can we get past this failing? Yes the more you put your faith to the test the stronger it will grow. Try God he said to try him and see he is good. What better why to know him then to stand on his word and expect him to do more than we have ever through or dreamed of. God is glorious and wonderful just makes you want to break into the song Awesome God. So much love and so must faith for he is all we need and more. Quote
alisicia Posted December 21, 2005 Report Posted December 21, 2005 REVELATION Chapter 2 "Revelation to the Seven Churches" Most churches of today don't realize that at the sounding of the seventh trumpet and Jesus Christ's return, all of the churches will still be right here on earth. This was pointed out in the first chapter. The churches John saw, the "seven candlesticks", were right here on earth on the "Day of the Lord". On that "Day of the Lord" the entire tribulation is over, finished, and the churches [candlesticks] are still on the earth. Friend, if your looking for a "Rapture", for someone to fly you out of here before Satan comes to earth in his role as the Antichrist, as many churches teach; it means you will have already worshipped the Antichrist at the time this vision of John. It means that you have taken Satan's name, and that you have also taken his number; it means you have been deceived. This is why it is important that you should study all of God's Word, and not listen to the traditions of men that go against the Word of God. It will save you great deal of embarrassment when you stand before your Heavenly Father on "The Day of the Lord". Don't be ignorant of God's Word. Revelation 2:1 "Unto the angel of the church of Eph'-e-sus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;" This letter is written to the church of Ephesus. Here, the promises of blessings are not given to the church itself; but only to those few overcomers that are within it. These stars are the angels over each of these churches, and the "golden candlesticks" are the seven churches. This was established in the first chapter. Jesus told John to write to the church at Ephesus first. The message is to Christians in all churches of these end times, and now especially to those who have doctrines and works that match that of the Ephesus Church. Revelation 2:2 "I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars [false]." Christ continues speaking to the Church of Ephesus, and all churches with like doctrine and works. Jesus recognizes the good traits of this church and it's people, including the fact that this church even tests their members according to their fruits of their works and words. This church even has pinpointed the liars, or hypocrites that live and worship amongst them. Revelation 2:3 "And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted." This sounds like a pretty good church. They are trying; they have patience, they can't stand evil around them, and they are strong of the Lord. Revelation 2:4 "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." Now what is the "first love"? If you love and are a follower of Almighty God, that isn't to difficult to understand. The first covenant is God, and Christ is "the living Word". There are many who have left Christ, and have gone to forms of godliness, but in doing so, they deny the power thereof [of God]. Remember, these are the seven types of Churches in the world that exist on "the Day of the Lord", or the Lord's day. That day is the day the seventh trumpet sounds, and our Lord Jesus Christ returns. Does your church preach and believe in the "Virgin birth of Christ"? How about the death, and resurrection, and the ascension into heaven of Jesus Christ? Does your church believe that the only way to the Heavenly Father is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ? How about all those stories and parables in the Bible; how is your church teaching them? This is what tell you if your church has left it's first love. To deny Jesus' virgin birth, His death and resurrection, and ascension into heaven, is to deny that Jesus Christ is our Savior. Many ministers today simply do not believe that the Bible is anything but a storybook. Their sermons are about everything sweet and lovely, but not of God's love and justice. Many of these pastors are locked into the traditions of their denominations that they learned in their seminary, and to sway from that could mean loss of job, and more important to many of these preachers, their pensions or livelihood. But for whatever their reason, the truths of God's holy Word has taken the back seat to their systems traditions. Revelation 2:5 "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." There are many churches that never study from the Old Testament. They leave their members in total ignorance and open to the deceptions that are coming upon us, that are increasing by the day. Jesus is warning this Church of Ephesus to repent, and get back into all of God's Word. Christ is the center of the entire Word of God, and He is the first love of all your study. God is threatening that if you do not get back to your first love, He will tare your church up. If that candlestick representation your church and it will be gone. What again was this church doing that was so wrong? They strayed from Christ and His teachings, and in their believing in the Word of God. The focus of their worship was not Christ, but worldly matters. If you have strayed, repent and get back on track. Revelation 2:6 "But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nic-o-la-i'-tanes, which I also hate." There are no written records of the Nicolaitanes, however this type are appearing in churches now, at the end of this earth age. They are hateful and disruptive people towards God. In Strong's Greek dictionary, their number is #3531, "Kebarah", and here we are referred to #3527. When we go there we see these people are called, "Kabar; to accumulate in large number, an abundance; to multiply." The church at Pergamos also practiced this. The Dixon Bible Dictionary said of the "Nicolaitanes", "They had become established in the Churches of Ephesus and Pergamos; and taught that it was the right and liberty of Christians to eat meat offered to idols, and indulge in other forms of heathenism." In modern day churches, most are taking in heathen forms of religious practices in their worship, and accepting heathen traditions as being from God. Doctrine and deeds which are contrary to God's Word are allowed and even promoted. This should cause you to draw attention to Romans 11:7, where Paul said, "Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded." This is speaking to the time of our generation, and that obtainable thing that is the wisdom and knowledge within all of God's Word. Included are all prophecies, and the understanding that the Antichrist comes first. This one world system spreading now over the earth will drag all religious orders to it, including Christian churches. The Nicolaitanes will try to convience the churches of the type of Ephesus and Pergamos to join them. And they will accept the heathen customs and traditions that fit into this godless "one world system", that has already been formed. Revelation 2:7 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God." The "Tree of Life" is Jesus Christ, and if you are an overcomer against these godless practices and doctrines, you will partake in Christ's Millennium Kingdom. This is discussed fully in chapter twenty two. You will either be in this "paradise of God" as an overcomer, or after judgment you will be sent to the lake of fire. Your church system could lead you there. Revelation 2:8 "And unto the angel of the church in Smyr'-na write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive [lived again];" Here is the second church Jesus told John to write about. It is the church of Smyrna, and all those churches of today which are like it. This is one of the churches God is very pleased with. If your church is not like Smyrna, then you could be in trouble. The key to the church of Smyrna's form of worship is that they took and understood the entire Word of God. Remember from the first chapter; "He that is first [first earth age], and the last [eternal] is our Lord Jesus Christ". "The Alpha and Omega" is one of the names for Jesus Christ, and it is He that is speaking to John. "Which was dead, and is alive;" is another description of Jesus. Jesus Christ's flesh body was crucified and dead, and in three days Jesus came alive to conquer death. Jesus is the Messiah. Revelation 2:9 "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, [but thou art rich] and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." This tribulation is the tribulation of the Antichrist. Remember, John is in the Spirit, and on the "day of the Lord", or "the Lord's Day", which is the last day of this earth age. The seventh trumpet is about to sound. We are living in that generation and this writing is to you and I in our generation. Smyrna was poor in earthly standards, but rich in knowledge and understanding. This Smyrna church knew God's Word, and stood upon their understanding of it. The Church of Smyrna had strength through the Word of God. The Smyrna Church knew the blasphemy of certain people that crept into Smyrna's congregation. These blasphemous people claimed to be of the tribe of Judah, or of the land of Judah, referring to their commitment to God. However, they are "Kenites", and imposters, and are of "the synagogues of Satan". To the Christian, our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit of God. The synagogues were, and still are the subsitute for doing it God's way. It became the, "instead of the temple of God", when they came to worship. Those of the synagogues of Satan were the cause for the changes made in worship in Jesus day, and they are the same ones who are causing many churches to worship and follow other ways today. Do you know who these Kenites are? Do you know what they do, or where they came from? The Smyrna Church did. Jesus is saying here, if the ability to identify and know these people of Satan is not taught in your church, He is not happy with you. Jesus said your rich if you understand the seed line of Satan. That understanding of the Kenites is the "Key of David", the truth. In Mark 13, Jesus makes it very clear, there is a tribulation coming; and that tribulation is a deception of the truth. While some Christians will be very ashamed, others that are not ashamed will be delivered up before these synagogues of Satan, and then the Holy Spirit will speak through them, as He did on the Pentecost Day. We read of this in Acts 2. Peter identified this in Acts 2:14-21, as that spoken of by Joel the prophet. [Joel 2:28-32]; This was a sample of how it will be in these end times. Friend, we are living in the end times. This "synagogue of Satan" is very active today, and putting up quite a deception before the churches of today, to draw them into their godless, "one world system", which is preparing the way for their father Satan's arrival as the Antichrist. The Church of Smyrna and those churches of like doctrine, know who these Kenites are, and God will bless them for this knowledge. Revelation 2:10 "Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.." When you know exactly what the deceptions of these Kenites are and from the rest of Revelation, you how these Kenites are working. The purpose is how to identify them, and then you will have nothing to fear from them. God will protect you, for the entire tribulation is nothing but smoke and mirrors. It's deceptions, tricks, and all sorts of supernatural wonders given by God to Satan [the Antichrist]. The Antichrist and his children, the Kenites, will use those powers to deceive you into worshipping Satan in ignorance as the true Christ. When you know who Satan is, and that he comes to the earth before Jesus Christ comes, you simply can not be tricked by Satan or his children. These Kenites are Satan's children through the womb of Eve. The child born from that sexual union was "Cain", and all the offspring of Cain, to this generation are called the "Kenites". Though you are unaware of this, rest assured that the Kenites know all about themselves. This race of Kenites have copied and mimic what ever group they happen to enter. I Chronicles 2:55 "And the families of the scribes which dwelt in Jabez [Jerusalem], the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, the Suchathites. These are the Kenites that came of Hemath, the father of the house of Rechab." These scribes were the Sopherites that set out to write the "Textual Criticism" called the "Sopherim". Their purpose was to rewrite the Word of God, and teach is as their traditions, to replace the teaching of the Massorah of the Levitical priesthood. This is why they sought to kill Jesus from the day of the start of his ministry, Jesus knew the difference. Notice also that they are of the house of Rechab, of the lineage of Cain, not of the house of Israel, they came from the land of Hemath, of the location of the Kenites. I Chronicles 2:55 gives us the time that the Kenites took over the duties of the scribes, or keeping safe the true meaning of God's Word, and because of this we have a Massorah Text. Whereby if anything is added to, or taken away from God's Word, it would stand out. These Kenites dominated the priestly duties of the Levites also, when the Jews came out of Babylon. This is quite obvious by Ezra's writing, in Ezra 2:43-65. It is this band of Kenites that sat in the seat of Moses, that Jesus referred to constantly through His ministry in the Gospels. The nature of the Kenites is exactly as their father Satan is, thus when you understand how Satan infiltrates, and uses and twists the Word of God to deceive and confuse, you can see how these people will infiltrate your church, and lead you into their father's camp. We are told in Mark 13:11 that when you go against them, they will cause you to give an answer why you will not follow them. There is a reason you are not to think ahead at this time of what you will say, but to let the Holy Spirit to speak through you. That is because these people are wordsmiths, they know how to take words you say and twist meanings to accommodate themselves. Satan and his kids know the Word of God, and be assured that they have been in a position to distort it for thousands of years. Don't make plans to fight the Antichrist, for you will lose. Instead, study to prepare yourself to know about him, and what he will do. He will do exactly what God will give him authority to do, and nothing more. When we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ and know we will not see Him in this flesh body each of us have, then the hardest step is out of the way. For whoever claims to be Christ, simply cannot be, for you will see Him in your flesh body. We see also in Mark 13:11, the total time of tribulation for the saints and faithful is for ten [10] days. To those who hold fast to the Lord for those ten days, God's reward to His elect [those that know the truth and remain true to Christ] is "the crown of Life", that is eternal life. This earth age is about over, and our minds should be set, and looking to the day of our Lord's return. The only two that are assured of losing their lives in the Antichrist's tribulation are the two witnesses. Their death marks the last three and an half days of this earth age. Then Christ will return. This is recorded in Revelation 11 and we will study it in detail. Remember that the Church at Smyrna is still on earth when all this takes place. No so-called "rapture" has occurred; However, all those who are looking for the rapture will have already served the Antichrist, and taken his name and his number. Revelation 2:11 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death." Here we see that beautiful saying again. Those in the church of Ephesus, except for the overcomers, are going to have their church [candlestick] smashed; However, those in the Church of Smyrna are getting ready to receive the "crown of life", eternal life. Those who receive this reward will not see the second death, the death of the soul. Revelation 2:12 "And to the angel of the church in Per'-ga-mos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;" "Per'-ga-mos" is the type of another church existing in these latter days; compare it now to your Church. The reference to the "sharp sword with two edges", is because Jesus Christ is preparing to do some cutting on some dead wood. A pruning is going to take place. He is going to discipline the Pergamos church. Revelation 2:13 "I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Sa'-tan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein An'-ti-pas was my faithful martyr [my witness, my faithful one], who was slain among you where Sa'-tan dwelleth." The Pergamos Church is a very high-minded church. This church had a special high authoritative person they called "savior" [not Christ], and this church believed that you had to go through him, and please him to be saved and approach the Heavenly Father. The symbol of this "savior" was the serpent. This is because of his identification being related back to Ancient Babylonian worship. He was a follower of the serpent [satan], even though the things he did and said appeared to be good. Pergamos still carries the true name of Christ, with a strong faith. The time is fixed for us when this church claims to be Christ, but takes an identification with the "seat of Satan". "Antipas" in the Greek, is "Anti-father", or "Antichrist" in the spiritual sense. We are observing this Church of Pergamos in John's vision that takes place "on the Lord's day". This is looking back on the final days of this earth age. As we will see in Revelation 12:7, Satan is now in heaven as our accuser, until the time when Michael casts him, and his fallen angels to the earth. The actual time of "Antipas" or Satan's coming is set in Revelation 9:1, when the fifth angel sounds the fifth trumpet. These events will be covered in detail in those chapters. Satan is God's servant, just as Nebuchadnezzar was God's servant in Ancient Babylon. The seat of Satan will be in Jerusalem, and that is where he will dwell. Satan, the Antichrist, will dwell and live in Jerusalem, just as you expect the True Christ to come and reign. That is why we are told in Matthew 24, and Mark 13, that when you see him there, you had better get out of Judea [the nation of Israel today]. Revelation 2:14 "But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the dactrine of Ba'-laam, who taught Ba'-lic to cast a stumbling block before the children of Is'-ra-el, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication." God has something against this Church at Pergamos, and all the churches like it. What is "Balaam", and just what is the "fornication" that they are involved with? We are talking about religious activities, and spiritual matters here. This "fornication" is a spiritual act. "Balaam" was a teacher who taught for money. He was so stupid that he couldn't hear when God talked directly to him. In fact he didn't even realize the difference when the *** he was riding spoke to him. This old boy still can't catch on, because all he can think of is preaching, and collecting his money for that teaching. Where and how does money come into your church with respect to the Word of God? Is their a constant plea for money? When sermons are built around money, and programs are created for the purpose of generating, then ultimately they are building your spiritual relationship to what you give [they get]. Then your church is comparable to the Church at Pergamos. Your preacher becomes a spiritual beggar at the pulpit. The tithe is the Lord's, but the purpose of the church, and it's pastor, is to teach the Word of God. A pledge is not a tithe, because the tithe is a tenth of what God has placed in your hands that belongs to Him. When your pastor takes your full tenth, are you getting the full Word of God, or just spiritual crumbs from him?. Scraps from the table of the Lord does not prepare anyone to stand against the "wiles of the devil". Revelation 2:15 "So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nic-o-la-i'-tanes, which thing I hate [in like manner]." If you can't understand the importance of knowing the Kenites, you will worship Baal, and be subject to their salesmanship, as they peddle their distortions of God's Word. These Nicolaitanes are the same ones that plagued the church of Ephesus. There are very few churches today who teach as the Church at Smyrna taught. Revelation 2:16 "Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth." If you have money as the center of your life, and place it over the study of God's Word; Jesus is telling you to repent. Revelation 2:17 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden man'-na, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knowth saving he that receiveth it." "Manna" is angel food for the spiritual body, it is what God fed the children of Israel while they were in the wilderness. The "manna" of today is the spiritual truth within the Word of God that feeds your spiritual body and mind. The "white stone" is a stone of victory, it is given to God's elect who are the overcomers. They overcame the deceit of the Antichrist, and the Kenites. If you have an ear to hear, you will understand what the spirit is trying to teach you. This instruction is given for us by Jesus, with John doing the writing. Christ spoke in parables while on earth, so that many, including the Kenites, would not understand. Then Jesus gave the keys to understanding them to His disciples so His teaching would not be a mystery to them. After Jesus spoke in parables, His disciples asked him why He spoke in parables. Matthew 13:11 "He answered and said unto them, "Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given." Matthew 13:12 "For whosoever hath, to him shall it be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath." Matthew 13:13 "Therefore speak I to them in parable: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand." Their is a reason for their not understanding, God did not want them to understand for a purpose. These Kenite people are the negative part of the entire plan of God, and it was for their own protection. Matthew 13:14 "And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Exaias, which saith, `By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:" Matthew 13:15 "For this people's heart [mind] is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them." Just as the Key was the understanding that Satan had sexual relations with Eve, and bore the son Cain [not of Adam]. Cain's offspring [children] have plagued God's children throughout this entire earth age. They are not Jews, or for the tribe of Judah, but have taken over, and assumed the duties of the priests and the scribes. These are the hidden ones who do the dirty work, killed the prophets and Christ, and they will call themselves by whatever name suits their mission. They lie, deceive and confuse wherever they are. When the Jews came out of Babylon over half of all those returning to Jerusalem to build the temple and reestablish worship, over half of their number were the Nethinims [those given to service], but not of the Levitical priesthood. Ezra 8:15 "And I gathered them together to the river that runneth to Ahava; and there abode we in tents three days: and I viewed the People, and the priests, and found there none of the sons of Levi." Here over four hundred years before Christ, and the Levitical priesthood had been taken over by these Kenite Nethinims, for Ezra found not one of the sons of Levi were present with them returning to Jerusalem. Today these Kenites control the four hidden dynasties [will be discussed later], and those dynasties are education, economy [commerce, trade and banking], religion, and politics. These people are the final authority in the "New World Order", [the United Nations], with it's 10 major world controlling agencies. Our national leaders have sold you and America to them, so you see we are now into the fourth seal and most Christians don't even know it. This will be discussed later in this book in detail. The sons of Satan through Cain, are identified in Strong's Greek Dictionary, #7014, "Qayin, kah'-yin; Kajin, the name of the first child, also a place in Palestine, and of an oriental tribe, Cain, Kenite." Today these Kenites are setting up the one world system, changing doctrine within churches, confusing the truth of God's Word through their well placed "higher critics", and laying the platform for your acceptance of their father, Satan, to be your God. When a Kenite comes to the saving knowledge of Christ and repents, they are no longer a Kenite, but a son of the Living God, Jesus Christ. The word "stone" in verse 17 is #5586 In Strong's Greek dictionary. It means; "a pebble worn smooth in counting." This is also part of Revelation 13, where we are told "to count the number of the beast." That number of the beast is the number of man. The word "count" is not like counting numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on; but comes from an outdated Greek word "Stigma". In the Greek, Strong's #5585, "Psephizo, psay-fid-zo; from 5586; to use pebbles in enumeration, to compute, to count". Strong's #5586, "Psephos, psay'-fos; a pebble [as worn smooth in handling],i.e., to use as a counter or ballot, a verdict of acquittal or ticket of admission; by vote-stone". The Kenites use their skills in controlling the majority, in determining right or wrong, who is in power, and the bases of their world system through the United Nations. This is exactly how we are going to lose national sovereignty, and be brought under control of this satanic system, at the ballot box, by the polls, and through the Demotrcratic process of the numbering of the people. In the "Song of Moses" , in Deuteronomy 32:30-31 it is clear that Satan is presented as a "rock", or stone. To the overcomers that are aware that; "this rock is not like our Rock", where most Christians do not know the difference between the two rocks. The Church of Pergamos did not know the difference. Though in the English the words "stone", and "count" are far apart, however in the Greek they were not. They have the same prime root meaning. So by giving the number 666, that number has the same root meaning as counting and identifying stones, or rocks. The whole idea of taking a number, like the branding on ones body of a tattoo and have it commit you to Satan is out-right ignorance. For by force, anyone can be branded, and as such, not one child of God loses his or salvation. This will be discussed in detail in a later chapter. Jesus is telling John that the Key to being acceptable to Him, is when you are able to know the difference between the two rocks; the true Rock being Christ, and the fake rock is the Antichrist. We are to be able to count those pebbles [666], and know those fakes [the Kenites]. The Kenites will deceive you if you lack the "hidden manna", the truths in God's Word. Revelation 2:18 "And unto the angel of the church in Thy-a-ti'-ra write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine [burnished] brass;" Jesus is introducing John now to the "Church in "Thy-a-ti'-ra". Revelation 2:19 "I know thy works, and charity [love], and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works, and the last to be more than the first." This sounds like a good group of people, only their works are a lot stronger then their charity. God is commending them for their works. The problem here is also that at Thyatira is ignorant of who the Kenites are. Their works do not cover up their lack of knowledge of God's Word. Revelation 2:20 "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jez'-e-bel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols." This is not the "Jezebel" of the Old Testament, but it is the one taking hold of most churches today. This "Jezebel" is the Harlot of Revelation 17. It is the people, churches and system that will whore after the Antichrist. This Jezebel church, "calleth herself a prophetess" [not a harlot], and tries to answer all your spiritual problems, as she drags you into her whoredoms. Friend, the Church of Thyatira will teach you all sorts of things that sound good, and just like a whore, she will work over your emotions. She will seduce you into all forms of heathen customs and religious practices and acts of fornication and idolatry. This fits many churches in America and around the world today. With their works of love, charity, service, patience, and faith; they are totally unprotected against the spiritual war Satan is placing upon them. They are allowing themselves to be herded into Satan's camp. The true bride of Christ in no way will allow herself to be compromised as this Church of Thyatira and these kinds of churches are. The bride of Christ knows her husband [Christ] and looks forward to His return. Revelation 2:21 "And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not." Thyatira doesn't repent because she has sold herself to emotion, and false doctrine. The "Kenites" have convinced her that she is going to fly away before the destruction comes. Revelation 2:22 "Behold, I will cast her into bed, and them that commit adultery with her unto great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds." This is the tribulation of the Antichrist. The tribulation of the Antichrist is the only subject of Matthew 24, Mark, 13, and Luke 21. They are the most detailed prophecies concerning the time prior to the return of Christ, and our gathering back to Him. You, as an individual can be an overcomer, regardless of what your local church body does. This great falling away that will happen just prior to our Lord's return is called the great "Apostacy". This is because when the Antichrist arrives on earth, many Christians will believe that the Antichrist is the true Christ, and will follow and worship the Antichrist in ignorance. At that moment, they have been "seduced" by him. Revelation 2:23 "And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works." Once you have bound yourself over to the Antichrist, God's grace by faith is not extended to you. Matthew 24:19 and Mark 13:17 gives us this warning; "But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days." "Suck" is a term used here, "to give your works". This is to nurture along the works of the Antichrist. Once you have done that, your in trouble with our Heavenly Father. Revelation 2:24 "But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thy-a-ti'-ra, as many as have not this doctrine [teaching], and which have not known the depths [deep things] of Sa'-tan, as they speak, I will put upon you none other burden." This is addressed to those who have not taken part in the Antichrist's deception. It is to those who are within the Church of Thyatira, or one like it, but have not joined in her Jezebel practice. These saints are not, and will not be judged with the others, nor held accountable for the actions of them. Jesus Christ will see that you are protected against all fiery darts of deception in Satan's spiritual warfare, if you only arm yourself with the spiritual armor. This is an individual thing, because the Church simply can not save anyone, for through Jesus Christ we are cleansed of our sins. Revelation 2:25 "But that which ye have already hold fast till I come." Revelation 2:26 "And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power [authority] over the nations:" Notice here that it does NOT say, keep my faith to the end. It says, "Keep my works to the end". It is quite common to hear, "All you need is to have faith". Friend, that will not be sufficient in these latter days, while Satan is on earth ruling as the Antichrist. "Faith" is of value to us in this end generation, for by faith we generate our actions into studying God's Word, and gain understanding and wisdom from the Scriptures, which in turn builds our confidence in Jesus Christ. The more wisdom we have from the Scriptures, the more passion we have to work and serve God. You simply cannot have faith, without a commitment to serve Jesus Christ. Revelation 2:27 "And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father." The word "rule" is better translated in the Greek, "Shepherd". The Shepherd looks out for his sheep, and the "rod of Iron" is a scepter of iron. If your Church is similar to this Church of Thyatira, consider it as " a bowl made of potter", with Christ taking His rod of iron and smashing it to pieces. It won't have a chance on the "the day of the Lord", at His return. All the instructions that Jesus Christ carries out on that day comes directly from the Heavenly Father. All judgments of God are given in love. Our Heavenly Father doesn't like it when these shepherds prophecy that God said something, when it isn't written in his book. Their false words are lies, and they are Jezebel liar prophets. He hates it, see verse 15. Revelation 2:28 "And I will give him the morning star." There are two morning stars, and the first star to come in these end days will be the Antichrist. Isaiah 14:12; "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lu-ci-fer [day star], Thy son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" How many teachers have been tricked into believing this is Christ? Once God has sealed His "elect" and the 144,000 in their minds, the rest of mankind will be given over to Satan, the morning star. see Revelation 9:1-5. Revelation 2:29 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." Do you have an ear to hear what Christ is saying to the Churches? Where does your church stand for and teach? The Shepherds Chapel Quote
LisaZ Posted December 22, 2005 Report Posted December 22, 2005 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? It should encourage us and strengthen our faith and allow us to be able to pray "bigger" prayers with expectation, knowing we serve a big and mighty God. It has certainly encouraged me today and made me realize my prayers have been getting a lot smaller lately so I better meditate on this verse and get into the Bible! What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? We end up praying only for what we are able to see or imagine instead of using God's vision to pray for the things that are in His heart to fulfill. How can we get past this failing? We can pray for God to help us see things with His eyes and His heart, and ask for revelation. We can also read the Bible and remember all the mighty things God has done, things beyond our comprehension. Quote
masika Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 I should have to pray prayers of praise to God . I also should not limit God , because when I know Him more I will have His fullness and I will do more in His Name. Quote
JustJeff Posted June 28, 2006 Report Posted June 28, 2006 By knowing that there is no limit to what God can do is good stuff. By knowing that by the Holy Spirit in us we can simply call upon Him at anytime to deal with every circumstance is awesome. We have the power at our disposal and my prayers will henceforth be geared toward the Lord, through His Spirit, to teach all believers how to call upon that power when in need. If we should limit God by our own doubts we are short changing ourselves, depriving ourselves of all of His riches and the precious promises which He has given us. To get through this we have to pray our way through, study the word and exercise our faith. Without faith we are dead in the water. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted January 15, 2007 Report Posted January 15, 2007 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? God can do more than we have to ability to imagine. We should be praying for the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our lives. What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? We are limited by our finite minds and cannot comprehend what God can do. We don Quote
Patsy Laycoax Posted March 30, 2007 Report Posted March 30, 2007 Verse 3:20 of the doxology should energize my prayers by trusting that God is able to do more than I can imagine and ask Him to help me have faith for even bigger things. What happens when we limit God because of our own ability to comprehend is we lose out on what God could do! We can get past this failing by asking God to increase our faith. Quote
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