Shelly1728 Posted April 5, 2007 Report Posted April 5, 2007 Wow, I am amazed at how I read the plain words of God and am encouraged by my brothers and sisters in Christ, how faith and excitement are welling up in me! God CAN do more amazing things than we ask or think and He's waiting for us to ask! I have seen God work in mighty ways in the past, and I am expecting Him to do even mightier things in the future as my faith increases. As we stay in the Word, in prayer, and in fellowship with other believers, and as we seek the Lord with all our heart, He will begin to reveal to us ways in which we can trust Him to show His power that we've never thought of before. LORD, INCREASE OUR FAITH! Quote
Commissioned Posted April 7, 2007 Report Posted April 7, 2007 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? Ephesians 3:20 of the doxology should energize our prayers because we pray to a God whose power is limitless. We can be assured that our request to our Powerful God will be answered according to His riches. What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? When we limit God by our own ability to comprehend we end up living below our means in Christ. This can lead to weaken faith. How can we get past this failing? We can get past this failing by realizing the extent of God's power within us and operating in that knowledge. When we pray, we ought to believe He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him and we will receive the answers to our petitions. Quote
plethra Posted September 15, 2007 Report Posted September 15, 2007 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? our prayers should be energized when we reallize that it is the Fathers good pleasure to give good gifts to those who believe. To know that He is able and willing to do all that we ask and imagine and then some. To know that our minds are not capable of understanding the greatness of HIS power should help us to pray with more faith and dertermination. To come to the throne room of God boldly - believing that HE can and will do that which is pleasing according to HIS will. When we limit God to our own ability we are actually faithless. We must learn to reach out beyond what we understand and beyond our thinking and step out in faith believing that with God all things are possible! Quote
Craig Posted January 12, 2008 Report Posted January 12, 2008 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? God can do wonderous and awesome things in our lives if we permit Him. Things that go way beyond our imaginations. Our prayers should be energized by this fact and our expectations should be that God is going to do great things with us. We should expect it. We have a role and part of building the Kingdom of God on this planet. When we limit God by our inability to comprehend, we lose out and slow our spiritual growth. We stiffle experiencing the fullness of God and progress toward spiritual maturity. We must permit God to be our God in every way. We can get pass this failing by abandoning ourselves to God. By letting go of our hangups and submitting our will to the will of God and go for it. Quote
Stan Posted August 17, 2008 Report Posted August 17, 2008 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us...." (3:20) It tells me that I am the limit of my prayers not God,He can and will do more than I can expect. We need to see God for who He is Creator of all things and the Father of all and not try and put Him into our small box mine and think He is limited or won't do what we asd. As we pray for others and seek God's will for our lives He will lead us to understand that we are His child and He will always be there for us and give us all our needs. Quote
Nina Posted September 9, 2008 Report Posted September 9, 2008 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? The verse should energize our prayers because it tells us that we ourselves are what limits what God will do for us. God is all powerful and we are the reason things do not happen. There is no limit to what God can do for us except the limits we set ourselves. We limit God by the power that is working in us. When we limit God by our ability to understand, we cannot expect great things. There is a lot that we don't understand. We don't have to understand everything, we just have to believe and accept the blessings given to us. We can improve and get past limiting God and our ability to comprehend by studying God's word and applying it to our own lives. We can learn of the faith of others in the Bible and pray for faith like theirs. The limits may not be instantly broken but will gradually come as we pray and draw near to God. Prayer and studying God's work increases our faith and breaks the binds that we have that limit God. Quote
iam4-1god Posted September 27, 2008 Report Posted September 27, 2008 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? When I recognize that God is bigger and more powerful than I can even imagine, then when I pray, I believe that He is able and that is what I tell others. Our prayers are not answered a lot of times because we do not believe that He can or will help us. I am guilty of this myself, to my shame. But, if I study the verses that pertain to His power and His love for us, and how He wants to bless us, then I can get excited to know that He is Who He says, and that I can rely on Him to keep His Word! Gottsa go shout! bye!!! Quote
JanMary Posted October 29, 2008 Report Posted October 29, 2008 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? By remembering that He is Almighty, All Powerful, no limits to Him or to His Power. I can ask for big and great things, because of HIS immense power to work in and through me and throughout the Universe. What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? We limit Him, because He acts according to our faith! How can we get past this failing? It helps me to start my prayers of supplication with praise, reminding myself that He created the entire Universe by speaking it all into existence by simply speaking a Word, and it appeared...from nothing! That encourages me that He is able to handle my puny by comparison requests! Reading and learning His Word helps because that's His revelation of Himself to us (That and His creation). He says to me to remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" As a new Christian on a prayer chain at church, I received a prayer request to pray for a young guy who had fallen from a tree trying to retrieve a kite for some kids. The request was to pray for his healing. When I prayed with my understanding, I felt troubled. Then I prayed in my prayer language, and the Holy Spirit said "Don't pray for him, He's with me. Pray for his family", which I did. For several days I received updates on his condition with the same request to pray for his healing, and when I tried to pray with my understanding the same thing happened until I prayed in the spirit, praying for his family's comfort. On the last day, the request came: "We're so sorry. We were ill informed. He died the first day in the hospital but has been on machine support while recipients for his organs were found. Please pray for his family". I learned a great deal through that experience, and to not trust my "understanding". Quote
RickJW Posted November 8, 2008 Report Posted November 8, 2008 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? We should realize from this verse, that whatever we have need of, it is already within us, just waiting for us to ask for it to be released. We also need not be afraid to ask God for anything, if we limit God, we make Him a liar, and become worthy of His wrath. By letting His spirit fill us, we can get past this failing, and continue our growth in Christianity. Quote
swordwoman Posted November 17, 2008 Report Posted November 17, 2008 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? Recognizing He is the Almighty...High and Holy One...the Lord of Lords, King of Kings...Forever Faithful One... I have come to believe that praying in the spirit is the way to pray. We really don't know how to pray and sometimes we get bungled up trying to bring human understanding into a situation we don't know enough about. God is God. We are not. I just pray that God's will be done...and release the situation and people to Him...asking Him to show me how to pray and relying on Him to bring me understanding if He so desires, otherwise, I trust Him that He's using my prayers with others to accomplish His will...not mine...because I realize I don't know much...but I do know that He loves me...and He is good. Quote
Daff Posted August 5, 2009 Report Posted August 5, 2009 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? Praying such prayers should cause faith to arise, knowing and believing that God is able to do far more for us than we ofgten give Him credit for. The level of our faith can affect results. Positive thinking and quoting the scriptures until they become revelation and faith rises. Quote
MAMA Posted January 5, 2010 Report Posted January 5, 2010 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? The doxology will energize my prayers because I know and understand the abundance of Gods glory. I stand in amazement and awe and wonder at what he has brought into my experience and my life -- beyond all that you can ask or think. That is the nature of the God; that power is at work in us right now. We must study the word of God verse by verse if needed; when we dont spend time in the word we wont understand the plan of God in our lives. If you put your case in the hands of this mighty God, by obeying his laws; praying and developing a personal relationship with God; praying and interceding for others you will discover that, though he might take you in ways you don't understand at first; seem to be almost tragic in their nature, nevertheless, out of them he will bring you to the place where you need to be. Patricia Quote
patience123 Posted March 26, 2010 Report Posted March 26, 2010 Ephesians 3:20 should energize our prayers by making us realise how enormous and beyond measure is God's power. The very thought of it working within us and around us should give us the confidence to ask for more, see the bigger picture, so that our lives will be enriched and the lives of those we come into contact with. When we limit God by our own inability to comprehend then we are not complete, we can become small minded, over critical of others, not filled with his love and compassion. To get past this failing I'm sure it would help to read these passages from Ephesians more often, to ask and expect to receive more energy from our prayer life and to put that energy to use by our actions of giving and loving. First and foremost we need to make a special time in our day for prayer, not leaving it until last when we are too tired. Quote
trinity Posted July 29, 2010 Report Posted July 29, 2010 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? God is able to do all things, abundantly above all the we ask or think. This is amazing. God the father who created us, the world, and all that is in it. If we just stop and think for a moment how precious and wonderful God is, then we will stop limiting Him. If we limit God, we are missing the important part of God (His Power). We would not be able to have the power to do things that God has given us in Christ. We can past this failing by remembering how powerful God is, what He can do and always remember His word. We can do all things in Christ who stenghten us! Ask and it should be given unto you! Quote
hanks Posted August 26, 2010 Report Posted August 26, 2010 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? Knowing that God is able to do more than we can ever ask or think for, is a most comforting thought. It really is soul-inspiring. The only trouble is we tend to limit God to our own capabilities, forgetting that He has unlimited powers. With Him anything is possible. It is only by drawing closer to Him and getting to truly know God that we can get an inkling of His greatness. We know that the more we yield to Him, the greater will the Holy Spirit be effective in our lives, and the more we will conform to the likeness of His Son. Quote
PATCH Posted October 15, 2010 Report Posted October 15, 2010 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? I will go to God for anything and everything. I wont have to worry if I had enough faith, if I am good enough or the person whom I am praying for is obedient enough. It's his power that is in me and he is more than able. So if I make God out to be tiny, his power in me will be tiny and he will only answer tiny prayers but I must come to the realization of who He is and then I will experience the fullness of his power in my life. What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? In layman's terms - we lose out. We settle for crumbs when we have a whole feast waiting for us at the banquest table and all because we are limited by our own mindsets. When we are faced with mountains and giants, we become overwhelmed and retreat in fear. How can we get past this failing? We really have to internalise the doxology. We have to be bold and be unstoppable. Quote
Kerneydr Posted November 15, 2010 Report Posted November 15, 2010 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? Ephesians 3:20, has been one of my favorite prayer promises. Often I have used it to encourage myself to keep on praying, even if I don Quote
Trusting God Posted September 27, 2011 Report Posted September 27, 2011 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? The doxology in Ephesians 3:20 should energize our prayers, because God has promised us that “He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” God wants us to be aware of His limitless power that is available to us whenever we ask for it, or need it. What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? When we limit God by our own ability to comprehend His ability and power we hinder our prayers, because we are not trusting and believing in the immeasurable power of God that is at work in us. How can we get past this failing? We can get past this failing of limiting God by changing our thinking. Recognizing that we serve a God who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine. Believe and know that God is limitless. Quote
Onerivertrail Posted May 23, 2013 Report Posted May 23, 2013 In verse 3:20 its stimulates my faith and expectation of God doing so much more than what I can even imagine to ask for in prayer for myself and others. The power that is within me is full of gifts and healing and direction and HIS LOVE. When I try to comprehend this I limit God to working within my own understanding. My understanding lacks much information. I can get past this by just letting go and believing God. I am filled with a fullness and reenergized everyday to know and expect all good things beyond my expectations are happening. He works beyond what I can even dream of. Quote
Old Jerry Posted September 16, 2015 Report Posted September 16, 2015 Verse 3:20 should energize us because we know that we are asking for God’s power to help us and His power is unlimited. When we limit God by our own ability to comprehend then we are saying that He can’t do more then what we could on our own. We can get past this failing by asking and trusting in God and all his power. Quote
Konki Posted February 14, 2016 Report Posted February 14, 2016 God is not just able to do beyond what we ask, He is able to do far more abundantly what we ask. We need to pray big prayers in faith in a mighty God asking to do far more beyond all that we can ask or think. We believe in a living God,whose powers can be seen in creation,delivering the children of Israel from bondage, changing the lives of the most hard hearted people. Knowing all the wonderous works of God,we should be encouraged and energized in our prayers. When we limit God by our own ability to comprehend His ability,either we doubt in our prayers or in the ability/unlimited power of God. We can get through this failing by increasing in faith and believing "with God nothing is impossible". Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted April 16, 2020 Report Posted April 16, 2020 This is a characteristic prayer of praise to God. Paul described the timeless role of the church. He explains how church members should live in order to bring about the unity God wants. As Paul first lays a doctrinal foundation and then makes practical applications of the truths he has presented. Pauline compound superlative meaning, "exceeding, abundantly more according to the power that works within us," This is a reference to the indwelling Christ through the Spirit.This permanent indwelling Spirit is the difference between the Old Covenant and the New. Be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus" Here is the exalted place of Jesus' Bride and Body, the Church, His blood-bought to Spirit-filled people. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted May 8, 2023 Report Posted May 8, 2023 Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing? Limiting God is never a good thing!!! His POWER is incredible. Amazing. MORE than we can ask OR IMAGINE. How can that be in a box? How can we doubt? If we take Paul's words at face value in Ephesians 3:20, we KNOW God can do ANYTHING. Prayers are energized when we anchor on this eternal hope. Quote
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