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We are "married" to God as His bride which is analogous to the relationship, spiritually, as to a man to his wife. When we adhere to false teaching and false gods we are committing spiritual adultery by going out on our husband, the Lord.

The temptation is always present to leave my church that preaches and lives holiness to go to a church that allows sin by teaching false doctrine or ignoring it.

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Q5. Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? (8:24-27) What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today. (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)

It is because it they are against God's law. When we break God's law in full awareness of what we are doing, our hearts become hardened to the sin, and our relationship with God is broken.

This begins with diverting attention from object of devotion to another. The diverting of our affection is the first step in the blinding process that leads into sin.

It also involves a process of deterioration, it is not usually an impulsive decision. This is dangerous because you don not always realize it is happening until it is late.

  • 2 months later...

Spiritual unfaithfulness is looked upon as prostitution or adultery because when we do such things we break at least the first two of the Ten Commandments and must confess this as our sin of unfaithfulness or spiritual adultery to our Lord our God and ask Him for forgiveness and His help in not doing it again. Since we are part of the church as the bride of Christ, when we fall down before other things or people and worship them, then we are breaking our part of God

  • 3 weeks later...
Q3. (Judges 8:24-27) Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today? (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)

Spiritual unfaithfulness is looked at as prostitution or adultery because people who commit to being God


The Bible tells us that we are married unto the Lord. We are the bride of Christ. Anything we put before God would be spiritual adultry. I find myself getting caught up in my busy life, and don't attend church as much as I should. We go camping and attend a lot of bluegrass festivals in the summer. Also, I let work keep me from studying God's word like I should.


God called Israel his betrothed wife. Therefore to follow after other gods was to commit spiritual adultery. In the same way the N.T. Church is called the "Bride of Christ" and should we worship another we also are said to have committed "adultery with that object or god.

We are to serve God and Him alone, with every part of our being and energy and nature this alone becomes our true "worship."

There are many things that are not necessarily bad things that come across our paths today that tempt us to worship them. An example a Pastor or Church may worship numbers and this may lead them to water down the truths of scripture so they do not offend any one, thus getting more in the door... but will they get to heaven if we leave some of the Gospel out? Or we may feel the need to not preach a certain message because it will seem to be aimed at a certain family because there is sin there and "We don't want to lose that family."

Q3. (Judges 8:24-27) Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today? (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)
  • 6 months later...

Q3. (Judges 8:24-27) Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today? (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)

We worship God. He is Holy. As Christians we are the bride of Christ. To set up an idol of anything would be adultery.

I have a lot to think about in this. Is my selfpride a problem, maybe my time, maybe not spending time with the Lord I love, maybe lack of prayer, maybe its just some little thing that I have that I love too much.

May God have mercy on us. He has shown us who He is through His Son. He is to be loved, followed, worshipped, adored and He is Worthy!! HE IS GOD! THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND THE END, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!

God Bless!!


Numbers 6:24-26

WE all have the potential for idolatry in us. Maybe it's our church attendance, or the pride we take that we read His Word. Something that we are not aware of. We are nothing without Him. We need Him to reveal to us what those idols are.

We need to pray for each other!

  • 8 months later...

Q3. (Judges 8:24-27) Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery?

God is our Father, and in Christ, we are His Bride, the Church. To **** after other "gods", (idols), is to forsake our first love for Him, to put our affections elsewhere, as in an adulterous affair.

What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy?

He is our Creator, Father, God, Savior, Provider, our Source, Lover of our souls, Prince of Peace, Husband, our All in All.

What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today?

(This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)

Nothing noteworthy such as idols, but just as harmful: the busyness of the day! When I get caught up in too many things, and start the day without Him, I usually end the day in sadness that I went off on my own to "accomplish much" (like Martha), rather than asking Him to order my steps and then seeking His face throughout the day (like her sister Mary.) I know that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", but the "will" is still there seeking preeminence unless I purposely bring it under subjection to His Lordship every day!

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (Judges 8:24-27) Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today? (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)

Because we give ourselves to other things when we belong to God. Things take the place where God should be in our lives. Because we become the bride, when we accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. Feeding my body more regularly than I feed my spirit.

  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Spiritual unfaithfulness is looked at as prostitution or adultery because we have been committed to Jesus Christ our savior. If we go out looking for another savior like money or gold then we are prostituting ourselves.


3a)If we put other gods before God we are not truly out are faith and belief in the One true God and are spiritually unfaithful.

B)Israel is described as Yahweh’s betrothed wife(or the Church is the bride of Christ)therefore if we worship other gods e.g.money,jobs, we commit spiritual adultery. He is our creator, provider,saviour,prince of peace,source, our All in All

c)Temptations of not putting God first, putting my needs, my hopes, family, as having more weight, than God’s will for me now & doing as he asks.Help me to be more like Mary &less like Martha.

  • 1 year later...

I feel that being unfaithful is akin to adultery towards God as we have, as Christians, vowed to serve Him continuously and steadfastly. So by even the slightest deviance from this stance causes us effectively to be adulterers. The analogy would be that Christians are considered to be The Bride of Christ so that being unfaithful in this context, is certainly tantamount to adultery. As a recent-returned Christian, after many years of wilderness wandering, I am finding Satan active in trying to discourage me in my new and wonderful walk with Jesus. I am so thankful to Him for all the surprising things He has done for and in me, that when tempted, as I have said, I thnk Him for His mercy and love !

  • 1 year later...

In the Old Testament, Israel was God's chosen nation, betrothed to Him by covenant.  In the New Testament, the church is betrothed to Christ.  When we put anything above our relationship with God, we are guilty of spiritual adultery (or unfaithfulness).  Any idols in our lives, whether seen or unseen, are an abomination to Him.  Temptations to spiritual adultery in my life usually center around putting my will and desires above God's will for my life.  It centers around my selfishness, and enthroning my carnal desires above God.

  • 4 years later...

Q3. (Judges 8:24-27)

Q. Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery?

A. Idolatry is pictured as wife turning her love to another man which is sin just like adultery is is sin.

Q. What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy?

A. God is the husband of His children- the Israelites in the old Testament just as Jesus is the husband of the church. Thus turning to idolatry is turning away from the actual husband of the church, Jesus Christ and is prostitution, thus a sin.

Q. What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today? (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)

A. Any thing that take our attention away from God such as spending most or all our time looking for money, watching TV, etc are some of the present day idolatry that affects me too. Lord have mercy and deliver us.


  • 1 year later...
On 2/6/2003 at 9:51 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Judges 8:24-27) Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today? (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)

Because Israel and now the church are the bride of Christ.

Self reliance, not trusting God to care for me. Also, seeking comfort and ease over obedience.

  • 8 months later...

Spiritual unfaithfulness is wrong because it diverts our attention from Yahweh.  This is extremely important; we are a monotheistic people.  Deuteronomy 6:4 sums it perfectly.   Prophet Abraham was called to be a man of God in a land of idolatry.  His family was well acquainted with the various gods and goddesses of the land of Ur.

The ProphetEzekiel had a very rich comprehension of this subject.   I love how he addressed Yahweh as our "Adhonai  Hashem Elohim".  He repeatedly refered to God in this fashion numerous times in his visions and sermons.   Prophet Ezekiel, a mystical prophet indeed, was so full of love for the Lord God Yahweh, Master of the universe.

What underscores this prohibition of idolatry is God's divine love for us..  The Prophet Hosea preached eloquently about this tender love that He for His people.   The Song of Solomon also describes this awesome love of God.

The spiritual adultery that I face and be carefull:   Pride.    Even though Gideon was a great man; he had that prideful way about him.   The way he treated the men who did not feed him and his exhausted army; the murder of Zebah and Zalmunna.  Gideon did not seek the Lord's direction about making an ephod.   Big mistake indeed!   Moses was very carefull in regards to the construction of the Tabernacle; including the ordination of the Levites.   Truly, I am standing on holy ground.   The daily examination of my conscience is so important.

  • 1 year later...

I had an acquaintance who displayed in his home a long, golden scarf which he wrapped around and across a large vase. It's gold had been made into thick threads and then woven into yellow silk. I was surprised at it's heaviness. When I picked it up and put it over my shoulders I felt it pull downward on me, like a backpack! It's possible, then, to weave actual gold into a garment.

Westerners rarely turn to another religion, as was done in Gideon's time, but to secular substitutes for God. This "adultery" is less obvious and deniable than if a golden calf propped in our living room, but no less real. Very few marriages survive adultery -- mine didn't! -- which is why our marriage to God has to be protected from unfaithfulness. Faith, like marriage, can be shattered and destroyed.

Personal temptations? Well, yes. 


  • 10 months later...

Q3. (Judges 8:24-27)

Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery?

What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy?

What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today?

In a spiritual sense God looks after us as His " wife".  So if we then turn to other means of worship then we are unfaithful and not loyal to His love for us and we are living a life of adultery or prostitution.  

In Hosea we find that Hosea was called to marry a prostitute and then this was shown to Israel that as the prostitute was unfaithful to Hosea so Israel had been unfaithful to Yahweh.  

  • 1 year later...

God looked at Israel - and looks at us - as His bride.  We are betrothed to Him.  Worshiping other Gods is, then, adultery - being unfaithful to God.  Anything that comes before God is unfaithfulness... our time, our focus, our adoration.  Practicing sin would also be "adultery."


  • 1 month later...

Spiritual unfaithfulness is looked at as adultery or prostitution because our devotion is meant to be wholly to God, which is why we are thought of as the bride of Christ, and the Israelites were Yahweh's betrothed. Just as we/they desire to lift up an individual in near worship or to place our faith in, likewise, the Israelites were looking for something to worship and place their faith in besides God, or they were looking for something to replace Him. This brings back memories of the golden calf. Whether Gideon meant for this to happen or not, I think it's dangerous to create anything (or anyone) that we could end up misplacing our faith in. Gideon was only the instrument. The Israelites eyes and hope and faith should have been on God, not Gideon or any "symbol" like the ephod. Today, spiritual unfaithfulness is when we put anything or anyone before our commitment and devotion to the Lord, when we place our hopes and desires in anyone or anything but God Himself. It could be something or someone we turn to to provide hope for us, or to fill that emptiness or longing within us, whether that is food, entertainment, money, work, or a leader or loved one. The Lord desires to fill that longing and meet our needs - not just material needs, but spiritual and emotional as well. He wants to be our all and our faith to be in Him alone.

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