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Q5. Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? (8:24-27)

As Christians we are called as a bride to Christ. Paul writes

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The Lord viewed His relationship with His people not as a friendship, a partnership, nor a brotherhood. The Lord viewed His relationship with His people as a marriage. This is the reason why He viewed spiritual unfaithfulness as an adultery. In a marriage, we are expected to be faithful to our partners. To engage in extra-marital relationships is considered as adultery. This is similar with our relationship with the Lord. To engage in other "relationships" other than that with the Lord is to be considered as adultery.

Nowadays, we are still very much tempted to commit this kind of sin with the Lord. We are taught early on the virtue of compromise, especially when it comes to religion. We are taught to be open and accept people's religion as a choice, and there's nothing wrong with that. But with this attitude, we are tempted to also compromise our own faith in the Lord. We are greatly tempted to compromise our faith and our religion with what is widely and popularly accepted in the world. For example, the practice of contacting the dead, belief in faith healers, and our tolerance of wiccan practices put us greatly in danger of compromising our own faith.


Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or ery? (8:24-27) What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual ery do you face today

Spiritual unfaithfulness--I liked the quote from one of you that spoke of giving the gifts and talents God has given us to the world or ourselves instead of to Him. God created us for His pleasure, He delights in seeing us use our gifts to glorify Him. How sad He must be when we use them for the wrong purposes.

God, in both the OT and the New speaks of His people as being "married" to him, as being His bride. Especially as Christians we have willingly entered into a covenant with Him. When we break it it is as serious as a husband or wife being unfaithful.

I face temptations especially in the way I think and in the way I use my time. It is a constant battle in my thought life to keep my mind on honorable things, to not let it wander off into some daydream or critical thought that would be unpleasing to God. I also struggle with wanting just to veg and use my time for relaxation, enjoyment instead of spending the time studying God's word. And with self-control as well, as when I overeat or overindulge in other things. ;)


I have really enjoyed every message that was posted.

I looked in the mirror and relized iI was looking at an adulteress. I had been slipping into idolatry for awhile.

Working hard,speending money, scattered mind. Etc.

But after reading the messages I realiaed I almost lost my first love. But I had to go to the cousellor of marrige Jesus and after reading from the marriage manual The Bible, I must say I am going to do better.

Thanks For your bible study forum It helped me..


  • 1 month later...

Gideon Lesson 5

Question 5

Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? (8:24-27) What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today?

Spiritual unfaithfulness is looked upon as prostitution or adultery. Because in the Bible Israel is spoken of as Yahweh's betrothed wife, in the same way as the Church is pictured as the bride of Christ.

The painful serious, ongoing consequences of unfaithfulness between husband and wife in the natural realm is to help us understand what God is saying here.

The kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery for me to face today are seemingly the same as those given by me in the earlier Lesson 1 Question 2 writings. Anything, including family and loved ones that becomes more important to me than God. Becomes an idol.

Thank God, through Jesus Christ for the new life which the New Covenant gives me. The Gospel of St.John teaches me about how the very life of Jesus has become mine, and my being united with Him just as He was with the Father.


When we look for something other than Christ we commit adultery. when we our eyes on Jesus and we do fall He is quick to forgive if we ask for it. television, doing secular things instead of doing what we should be. books instead of the bible.

  • 3 weeks later...

To me, spiritual unfaithfulness is looked upon as prostitution or adultery because it is "running with the world and the idols of this world." ......God's relationship with us is the depth of his love for us, even when we were yet sinners, His sufficient grace and His tender mercies, new every morning, and the peace and comfort of His Holy Spirit. I see the analogy of unfaithfulness is to adultery/damnation as faithfulness is to God's love/eternal life. lmc

  • 2 weeks later...

Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? (8:24-27) What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today. (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)

It is simply a matter of turning away from the one who has loved us and redeemed us. God is a jealous God, and wants our total devotion. We cannot serve both God and mammon. We have a daily choice as to what is going to get our attention.

My biggest problem is getting so involved in my "projects" that the things that matter most get sidelined.

  • 3 weeks later...
Q5. Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? (8:24-27) What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today. (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.) Exposition

Spiritual unfaithfulness is prostitution or adultery because as Jews/Christians we are joined with God as His bride and to leave Him for another is sin. The concept is that God created us and desires to have a relationship with us, but we all like sheep have gone astray. The spiritual adultery that I have faced in the past is idolizing pastors and other gifted leaders in the church and looking to them for access to God instead of looking to God in my own relationship with Him.

  • 2 weeks later...

The Church, or Body of Christ is often referred to as the Bride and in many cases in the Old Testament Israel was accused of adultery. e.g. the book of Hosea. the meaning of the god Baal is husband also and turning away from God is like turning away from a wife or husband and being unfaithful. Anything which gets in the way of my walk with Christ is a temptation to spiritual adultery.

  • 2 months later...

Spiritual unfaithfulness is considered adultery by God, because God is truly all that we need in every aspect of our lives. When we pursue other things as our fulfillment, we are being unfaithful to God, our lover. He gave His life for those He loves, setting the example for sacrificial servanthood.

  • 4 months later...

The bible, Israel is spoken as if they were betrothed to Yahweh. Just like the N.T. talks about the church as Jesus' bride. By being spiritual unfaithful and bowing down to other gods, they are having spiritual prostitution and/or adultery.

The relationship to God and his people is we are suppose to worship God only and be intimate with him. Any other relationships that come between God and his bride is wrong.

When I don't read the bible, or spend time with God. I feel that I have not taken the time to spend with someone, like I am being rude to someone for not spending time with them.


Spiritual unfaithfulness is looked at as prostitution or adultery because it takes away from God. The concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy is that he demands us to be faithful to Him. Kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery I face today are materialism, commercialism,and things that put a Christian name or face on them, but are actually detrimental to my relationship with the Lord.

  • 3 months later...

Q5. Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? (8:24-27) What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy?

We are the Bride of Christ. If we look upon and worship an idol, it is the same as adultery.

What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today.

I suppose we are all guilty of spiritual adultery to a certain extent. Our focus leaves Jesus and wonders to the things of this world. We read the Bible and find our minds wondering to other things. This has happened to me as I

  • 1 month later...

4. Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? (8:24-27) What is the concept of God's relationship to his people, which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today? (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)

In the bible Israel is spoken of as Gods wife, like the church is pictured as the bride of Christ. When Gods people worship another god this amounts to spiritual adultery. I face many temptations today, to be like the world and buy into the you must stay young looking, the need for money and the need for a job can draw my focus away from god and allow the devil to pull me down. Of course I need a job but I need to stay careful and not let the worry of it cloud my mind and take my focus off God.


God is the one and only object of our worship, as a spouse is the life partner appointed to us. As playng sexual games outside a marriage is adultery, so is changing the one rightful subject of our worship and adoration.

God's relationship with His people involves total commitment, and without that from Him we would not exist, let alone thrive! We can thrive in every way by total devotion to our God, and to deviate breaks that relationship and sets apart from Him so that He cannot protect us, as a husband protects the faithful wife.

I personally need the discipline to spend time daily with God in intimacy, with no rush. I find things wonderful when I'm in obedience to that. I need constantly to give Him the glory, to obey and submit to Him, and not have things intrude on this time. There is no substitute for this. I need to pray without ceasing - my whole life needs to be a prayer. I need to acknowledge Him in conversations, because He is my first love. I need to study to show myself approved, to know how to please my Jesus in little everyday things, as lovers do. I need to be one with His spirit of LOVE for people, because without deep, passionate, active love, nothing has any value or meaning.

  • 3 weeks later...


Spiritual unfaithfuness is looked at as prostitution because our relationship with God is compared to marriage. Spiritual concepts are compared to material ones in order for us to have a better understanding of the spiritual world.

If our relationship with God is compared to marriage, then affairs out of it is compared with adultery and prostitution. Leaving God for other things makes us have relationships out of our "marriage" or relationship with God.

The analogy depicted here is the one of marriage, a contract of respect and love. It is a life contract.

Adultery is any type of thing we have more love or respect than God, it could be a person, a job, even a ministry or even our own selves and what we think of ourselves.

:D Spiritual adultery is not believing what God has for us because we think our own opinion is better than God or because we just doubt God could do something with us. We worship more our opinion than God's own plan I firmly believe that is a type of adultery. One that many of us face today.

Another type of adultery is to put a job or a person in the first place. My time, my work, my thoughts, my best goes toward a person or a job, God receives very little or nothing.

That is another type of spiritual adultery. :)

  • 10 months later...

God had singled out Israel, to be a people, set apart, and holy, dedicated to Him and Him alone. They however had a tendency to go after other gods. Influnenced I guess by the nations around them, and just continusly committed spiritual adultery. God is and always has been a jealous God, and has said, Have no other gods before Me! We as humans, that we are, also fall into this trap as your exposition so aptly

stated, be it money, power, fame, lusts, we follow after things that take our focus off God and onto self gratification. Oh that I become that person so solely fixed on Jesus, that He is all I should ever need! I've met people like that, and what I see in them, I want to be in me! Jesus Jesus Jesus and More of Him.

  • 1 month later...

:blink: Praise The Lord Saints!!!

Spiritual unfaithfulness was looked at as prostitution or adultery is The Body of Christ is refered as "bride" and if you understand that you see why the scripture reads" they played harlot with..."

The concept of God's relationship to his people is similar to a bride to its groom. Personal, Intimate & Faithful. To make an image out of gold in our case things of this present world takes away that personal intimate faithful love and God being a jealous God will "divorce" you out of the relationship.(Punish you- not that you are not HIS child).

Giving More time To Things of this world, for example jobs cars houses etc are just some of the spiritual adultery that we face. Yet, my GOd is so personal intimate and faithful HE IS ALWAYS THERE !!


Q5. Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? (8:24-27) What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today.

Because God likened his realationship to Israel as a marriage, like Christ and the church. Worshipping an idol or placing anything else above Him is like adultery. My biggest trap that I fall into, is trying to finish in the flesh what the spirit has started.

  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...

Q3. (Judges 8:24-27) Why is spiritual unfaithfulness looked at as prostitution or adultery? What is the concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy? What kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery do you face today? (This is not a place to dump on denominations or sects, but to examine your own personal temptations to spiritual adultery.)

Spiritual unfaithfulness is looked upon as prostitution or adultery because Israel's relationship with God is viewed by God as a maritial relationship as is the church today. In fact, Israel was likened to a wife and the church is likened to a bride. So, when Israel, or today a Christian, forsakes God to pursue other gods of any kind, type, or thing, they are likened to a prostitute or a adulterer.

The temptation that I face most often is getting caught up in the world and the affairs of day to day living. I most focus first thing in the morning on Godly spiritual affairs and walk a separate walk from the world. God must come first and my priority must be the priorities of God. I must stay sensitive to the movement of the Holy Spirit and what God is doing in the world.

  • 3 months later...

Spiritual unfaithfulness is like unfaithfulness in a marriage. Rather than staying true to God, worshipping idols is spiritual adultery.

The relationship to God's people that this theory is based upon is we are the bride of Christ. Being unfaithful and worshipping something else is being unfaithful to Christ.

There are different kinds of spiritual temptations to many. I think for me it is the sin of omission, not doing things that would build up the church body rather than actually committing sins. Another area is relying too much on self, rather than on God.

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