Pastor Ralph Posted December 2, 2005 Report Posted December 2, 2005 Q9. (3:21) How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? How can you help this happen? Quote
pickledilly Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 First, God receives more glory when His people are" rooted and established in love" (3:17). We're called to love Him with all our hearts, and minds, and souls, and strength. He has revealed a lot about how much He values unity and love among His children. And He expects us to show love to the lost. I think love is probably the platform from which everything else we offer must come in order to truly bring Him glory. God is glorified when His people trust Him, obey His word, and faithfully serve Him, as we worship Him in spirit and truth and offer praise as the fruit of our lips no matter what the circumstances are. I truly agree that praise and gratitude for who He is and all He's done are foundational. (I know I keep saying that over and over, but the Spirit has really impressed the importance of this to me.) I can help this happen by becoming a more determined, focused, and trained prayer intercessor. We have gained so many helpful insights, models, and tools through this Bible study. Now we need to put them to work. God wants to transform lives and congregations with magnificent power Quote
June Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 By our praise and worship. By evangelizing to the world around us. By us showing more love to others. Inviting others to come. By getting rid of self and letting God do His work in us and through us. By doing all of the above.... ALL PRAISE, HONOR AND GLORY TO GOD THE FATHER. Praise His Holy Name! Quote
RonS Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? When the Church is made up of true disciples of Christ ( not just people wanting to be entertained) . Then the worship and lives of these disciples will bring glory to the Father. Christ brought glory to the Father by saying it was not about him it was all about the Father. We cane bring Glory to the Father when we learn it is not about us but about the Father Quote
Elder9 Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 When we as a people (singular & plural) realize that God inhabits our praise, He actually becomes present in our praising Him. We then Glorify God by "forgeting about ourself and concentrating on Him". When He becomes our focus regardless of what life has tossed in our path, Lifting Him higher. I believe that the higher we lift Him up, the higher He lifts us. I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Its not inportant who's at the Church, whether the choir is singing or the organist is playing its our hearts devotion to the Infinite God of our salvation that requires our focaled praise. God gets Glory when we see Him for who He is, healer, deliverer, advocate et al. I can be an initiator, by not waiting for someone else to praise. Enter into His gates & courts with praise & Thanksgiving. If there's no fire, I'll strike the match. Quote
MannyVelarde Posted December 12, 2005 Report Posted December 12, 2005 Q9. (3:21) How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? How can you help this happen? By restoring God to being first. OUr congregations today have begun putting on a program of man's intrapments to draw people to come. Some congregations are even allowing secular music into the service because "that is what the people" want. We have brought the level of the church down to the world's way instead of bringing the world up to God's way. Jesus must be the center of our worship, our service, our music, etc. By being an example - by standing firm for the truth - by being humble and obedient to God's word. To love more and give more and make my life as true to God's will - to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to enable me to be the voice He needs in my church. Quote
s8nfighter Posted December 15, 2005 Report Posted December 15, 2005 A good way to begin to give more glory to God through the church is to set aside all self acknowlegement. I used to watch some of the bands on television in the '60s and the truly greatful lead singers would step aside and point to the band when the audiance began to applaud. That is the way we should be, we should step aside and point to God. Another way to begin to give God more glory is to share more of ourselves with others and with God. A long time ago a highschool coach of mine told me, "Don't get upset with me if you are hurting and don't tell me about it. I cannot help you if I don't know." Though God knows you are hurting He still wants to hear about it. Too often in the church we sit in pain and sorrow because we either think that no-one cares or we are afraid to show any kind of weakness. And that often goes with sharing our blessings, that old saying of "Charity is a sign of weakness" has no place in the church. And with that in mind I am asking all of you to begin to pray for our little church here in Clarkston Washington. Clarkston Assembly of God. Please pray that our congregation gets not a little more bold but pray that we get BOLD about sharing Gods word. And we do thank you LORD for all the blessings you have given us. Darrell Quote
ekila Posted December 15, 2005 Report Posted December 15, 2005 God must be praised often; and praised beyond the ordinary. Congregations must be encouraged to lift their level of praise and God only knows the amount of Glory he gets from our efforts. God deserves more glory; we must seek his strength and the holy spirit fire be upon to discharge the praises to God. David danced liked mad praising; we should also praise God in the same spirit. Quote
linda bass Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 God can receive more glory in the local congregation by making prayer a priority. Also by making him the focus point of our worship. Quote
Lorraine Wright Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 Q9. (3:21) How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? How can you help this happen? God promises his love and power to his family, the church. We should knock down and rid ourselves of the barriers that can divide us. Believers are one in body, spirit, hope, faith, Baptism and God. The cross should be the focus of our unity. Quote
Katzen Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 With more praise and worship. Forget ourselves and concentrate on God. By not waiting for others to initiate things. Work harder at letting others see Christ in me. Pray...Pray...Pray! Personal note...thank all of you who have e-mailed me regarding some of my first comments during this forum, and offering your prayers. I had said that in turning to God and getting my life back on track and doing what I knew was right, I was losing everything. God works in mysterious and wonderful ways. During the remainder of this forum, I have found a church with wonderful brother and sisters who have taken me in their hearts. One of the main things I was losing by following God, was the man I love very much. Praise God! We're now married, he's going to church with me, and owns his very first Bible! Again...thank you for your prayers. God bless you all! Quote
sunilbernard Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 Q9. (3:21) How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? How can you help this happen? Love is the central theme of God because the Bible says, God is love. When we, as the church, believe that God dwells in us and in our church, LOVE overflows. Agape love, love that transcends all meaning. When that kind of love is prevalent in our church, the God of love is glorified. Love conquers everything, covers everything and accomplishes everything. Do we need more? When we love God and God loves us, then everything that brings glory to God is done in His church. I can help this to happen by being more loving towards my fellow believers and tolerant towards non believers. The love of God in me would accomplish his purposes fully and bring glory and honor to HIM. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 Q9. (3:21) How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? How can you help this happen? How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? When we can all come together as one in worship the Father. Leaving the world and its problems outside. He will receive more glory from us than if we have our minds filled with other things. How can you help this happen? By praying and releasing anything that shouldn't be there. By opening our hearts to only him. Giving him first place in our lives. And praising him and worshiping him with all we have. Quote
Alicea Posted December 16, 2005 Report Posted December 16, 2005 How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? How can you help this happen? God could receive more glory in our church in both ways, by more service and love to our fellow man and it more praise and adoration during our service. I can help make this happen by being more purposeful in prayer for the service and the service leader. I need to be more purposeful in prayer and fastings for the move of God to be present amoung us. Quote
Helenmm Posted December 17, 2005 Report Posted December 17, 2005 Thank you all for sharing answers on this forum. Most times I add my own answer before reading all of yours, but this time I had to read what you said before adding my answer. This is the crux question. We all want to see God's glory in our churches. I feel the answer may be that we are all responsible for taking a lead (or alternatively, taking initiative) in worship, in prayer, in "dancing like David danced', in study and in intercession, in service (seeing that faith without works is dead). Particularly we need to rebuild what modern society has lost, namely community, sensitivity to the other persons(s) and putting their needs before our own. We need to become family in a very real sense, and to really throw ourselves into this. We need to strangulate the power of the media to tell us how to live and seek the good of each other before God. We need to seek God in the secret place and live as if this day were our last. Yes, we have been given the tools, the weapons of our warfare, and we are to practice with them daily. How can I help this happen? New Year is a great opportunity to review everything and plan the new patterns for the new year. For me, I work in children's church and we are losing our leader this year. This ministry is crucial so I'm seeking God over this. Next year will obviously be very different and an opportunity for a new thing. I've been reading George Barna's incredible books on 'Boiling Point' and "Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions'. He speaks clearly of the changing values of Society, the ones we have lost and the ones that have replaced them. We need to be so clear about the values our children are absorbing. George makes a clear point that by far the greatest number of people who live as Christians became Christians as children. Therefore this is the most productive of the fields to work in. My prayer for the churches is that the hearts of the fathers will return to the children (which is to be a last days phenomenon). One of the major reasons Abraham was selected by God was that he would teach his children faithfully. We all need to be involved with the next generation. Let's crucify generation gaps in the church community and stop isolating them from each other. In normal society they are getting to the point where communication between them is almost impossible. We do have to reverse that trend. The other part of this is that, whereas feminism (women) has pulled the rug out from under the feet of men in our society, our job now is to support men in retrieving their real God-appointed role. This alone will cause a turn around in the church communities. Enough for now. May Jesus be glorified in your Christmas celebrations, and peace and goodwill reign. Quote
revking88 Posted December 19, 2005 Report Posted December 19, 2005 My congregation, being very small can still raise the roof in its glory and praise to God. Feeling His presense is awesome. Give all the glory to God, by the way we live and love, by the way preach, our obedience and most certainly by our praise and worship. We need to keep the faith and keep Jesus alive in our hearts, alive in our church, alive in all that we do. Jesus deserves all the glory and honor and praise that we have to give. We must go out into all the world and preach the gospel as Jesus commanded. By reaching out to others you can bring glory to God. To God be the glory in all that you do. I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe Happy New Year. Remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season! Quote
TennLady01 Posted December 21, 2005 Report Posted December 21, 2005 Q9. (3:21) How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? He can receive more glory when we really worship and praise him in unity. He is a God of love and his love should flow through us his chosen children. He left us the commandment to love one another as he loves us. We must love and show love one to another that is how we show God we truly love him. Worship and Praise is what we are put here for. God is wonderful and glorious and is worthy of all praise honor and glory. Praise your Holy Name Jesus. How can you help this happen? By obeying the Holy Spirit in your. Do what the pastor ask you to do. Your fair share of the work. Be who God has called you to be. Read the word, study to show yourself approved unto God. Then praise him in song in word and in all your deeds. God is awesome and to talk to him and walk with him is an awesome feeling but we do not go on feelings we go on the word of God the truth that he has left for us. We are a blessed people. Psa 62:8 Trust in him at all times; [ye] people, pour out your heart before him: God [is] a refuge for us. Selah. Psa 117:1O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. Quote
alisicia Posted December 21, 2005 Report Posted December 21, 2005 REVELATION Chapter 3 "Revelation to the Seven Churches Continued." Revelation 3:1 "And unto the angel of the church in Sar'-dis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead." Sardis was the ancient capital of Lydia, and as such, attracted merchant and commercial activity from all parts of Asia. Traditions were common and many. The "seven Spirits" mentioned here are those possessed by our Lord Jesus Christ. See the notes on verse 1:4. The "seven stars" are the angels overseeing the seven churches. This church is dead, with no spiritual life left in it. Their religious service has become nothing but a form, a process to be followed, usually within a church system. Revelation 3:2 "Be watchful, and strengthen [stablish] the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect [found no works of thine fulfilled] before God." This church is in trouble with God. They are dead because they are so far from the truth of God's Word that they don't even understand even the simple terms of the Bible. Words such as Passover, salvation, sin, repentance and so on, just don't fit in their Sunday morning sermons. Historically, this church at Sardis was strong in the worship to "Cybele" [the mother of the gods], also called "Ishtar". Do you remember her? Well God despised Ishtar, and many churches today get this heathen worship all mixed up in their Christianity. They call it "Easter", and use it instead of "Passover". This church of Sardis forgot all about "Passover", However the fertility rights of rolling Easter eggs to Ishtar became a sacred and holy thing; something special at Easter. It is one of the tradition practiced today which ties many churches to the church at Sardis. Does this right enter into any church you are aware of? Sexual orgies also took place during the egg rolling times, however today most churches have cleaned up their act, and Christianized their heathen customs and holidays. The Sardis church also practiced Sunday morning sunrise services to honor the rising of the sun, in their sun god worship, also relating to Ishtar practices. By redefining words and acts, this practice has become traditional, so its a way of hanging on to the heathen customs of the past, and soothing our minds to convince ourselves that it is unto the Lord. Its like a Muslim becoming a Christian, and continuing to bow to Mecca, only now he has changed the word "Allah" to "Jesus", and he thinks that it's all okay with God. The church at Sardis never offended anyone, even the Sodomites and those in other strange practices were patronized; so as not to offend anyone who desired to worship with them. The Sardis church believed everyone has the right to worship in their own way. Spiritually, Sardis is dead to the Almighty Father. Do you know of any churches that fit this description of Sardis? Revelation 3:3 "Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon you." Jesus is telling Sardis and any church that is in a pattern to the church of Sardis; to repent and come out of their sin. We are living in the final days and the "hour of temptation" is well under-way. If you remain in a church continuing to practice as Sardis did, you are in trouble when Satan arrives on earth to rule as the Antichrist. Sardis is spiritually brain dead, and God will not revive her. Jesus is giving those in this church a stern warning before it is to late, get out!. Revelation 3:4 "Thou hast a few names even in Sar'-dis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy." Even in this filth trap of a church called "Sardis", God has a few that understand and study His word and follow the truth. If you can make it in a church like Sardis, you have much going for you in the eyes of our Lord. Many through marriage are trapped into remaining in such a church, and God is with them and will bless them. Revelation 3:5 "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels." When you hold true to God's Word while in Sardis, Jesus said that He will call out your name when you stand before our Heavenly Father, as one of His own. What joy to the believer who overcomes out of Sardis. Your "white garments" are made up of your righteous acts, and thank God for each of these dear souls. Revelation 3:6 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." Do you understand that these are the seven types of churches that Jesus is calling your attention to that exist in the latter days? Remember, there are only two of them that our Lord calls His own? The first was the church at Smyrna; the church which knew all about the "Kenites", and were not deceived by them. The second church that our Lord called His own, is the next; the church of Philadelphia. Revelation 3:7 "And to the angel of the church in Phil-a-del-phi-a write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; Jesus Christ has only good words to say about the Philadelphia church. It is important for us to understand this verse. This church of Philadelphia held the "key of David". They knew who the "Kenites" were, thus they were able to understand all truths [hidden manna] of God's Word. That "key of David" allowed them to unlock all doors of deception laid before them by any man, and that includes Satan, or his offspring [the Kenites]. Philadelphia was and is a church of love and charity, and full of understand of all wisdom and truth in God's Word. Philadelphia's faith is made real through her works. Does your church align with the church of Philadelphia? Revelation 3:8 "I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it; for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name." When God opens the door so you can see into His truth, it's a blessing. With just a little strength from God, anything is possible. When you know the truth of God's word, you will never follow any man's tradition that go against the Word of God, or be tempted by the Antichrist, or his system. Revelation 3:9 "Behold, I will make them of the syna-gogue of Sa'-tan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Those of the "synagogue of Satan" are the "Kenites", and they have no hold over the Philadelphia church. If they do exist in the Philadelphia church, they are converted and worship right along with them, and love the Lord Jesus Christ also. They are no longer Kenites, but sons and daughter of the living God. The church of Philadelphia will not allow the Kenite mind of deception and confusion to take any hold in their church. They are equal in praise from our Lord Jesus Christ. Both the Smyrna and Philadelphia churches have learned the "parable of the Fig tree", and can identify the good figs from the bad figs. The "bad figs" in the parable, are the Kenites. They are of the synagogue of Satan, "and say they are Jews, but are not". Relating this to today, they put on verbally to be Christians, when in fact they have no faith in Christ, They don't believe in Christ's deity, His virgin birth, His resurrection, and in fact they don't even hold God's word as inspired by God. Remember what Jesus warned us to do in Matthew:24:32" Matthew 24:32 "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:" Matthew 24:33 "So likewise ye, when ye see all these things. know that it is near, even at the doors." Matthew 24:34 "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these thing be fulfilled. Matthew 24:35 "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. Jesus commanded each of us to learn the parable of the fig tree, this was not a option, but a command. This command was given to those living in the latter days, when all these events of the latter days would take place. By knowing the events and those that are causing those things to take place, there can be no confusion to the times and prophecies of those times, so that you would be deceived. All the prophecies of the end times will take place in the life span of one generation. The starting point of that generation was the planting of the shoot in Palestine, of the nation of Jews returning to their homeland. That date would either be may of 1948, when the Balfour agreement was signed at the United Nations, establishing Israel as a Nation, or in 1967 when the Jews took possession of Jerusalem to be their capital city. In any case, we are well into that generation. Within the church, Kenites cause confusion, misinterpretation of God's Word, gossip, and conflicts of all sorts, however the Philadelphia Church would not allow it into their congregation. When it started they dealt with it immediately. Revelation 3:10 "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation [trial], which shall [that hour that is to] come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." This is the first day of the Millennium, and all mankind, of every race and nation will bow a Jesus Christ's feet, including the Kenites. All will be so overwhelmed by the events taking place, all will bow on that day to Him. The people in the Philadelphia church knew the order that the two "morning stars" would appear, and waited for the true morning star, Jesus Christ. They held fast in the "hour of temptation", when the people of the entire world were tried and chased after the false star, the Antichrist. Revelation 3:11 "Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown." You will have a special crown if you are able to understand God's Word, and not bow to the Antichrist, nor take his name or his number, or his system. Revelation 3:12 "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Je-ru'-sa-lem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name." The "pillar" is what supports the church, the true temple. These pillars, or believers, will be what Jesus builds his Millennium kingdom around. Once you overcome in this age, your position in Christ's kingdom is an eternal position that God set aside just for you. You are important where it counts, in God's kingdom. The "new name" is written in Isaiah 62:4, "my delight is in her", that's the new name. "Her" being the bride of Christ. In the Hebrew, her name is "Heph-zi-bah". The name for this new city is called "Beu-lah land". Revelation 3:13 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." Now to the next of the seven churches. Revelation 3:14 "And unto the angel of the church of the La-od-i-ce'-ans write; These things saith the A-men, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;" "The beginning of the creation of God", is badly translated. For it should read, "He that begin the creation of God." That identifies Christ, who was with the Father when the creation took place. Christ is God, for there is only one God with three separate offices. Revelation 3:15 "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot." This church at Laodicea were in the middle of the road. They avoid conflict at all cost, and would pervert God's holy Word rather than be at odds with someone. They are like the fat hog laying in the middle of the troth, that will sop up what ever anyone throws to them. They don't care who, or what enters their church; these good old boys cater to them all, and all their false doctrines. Revelation 3:16 "So then because thou art neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." These are the ones who will not rock the boat, take sides, or stand on the side of anything. "Nothing" is what they stand for, and "nothing" is what you get from the sermons. As a church, the Laodiceans are just "good for nothing". God finds them detestable and wants these people no where around Him. Revelation 3:17 "Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:" Revelation 3:18 "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see." These miserable creatures don't even know how wretched they are. They think they are rich by worldly standards, but they are blind to God's Word, and spiritually in poverty. God is telling them that He wants their true love. He wants love that is tried like "gold in the fire", which has all the impurities burned away; and that love will stand clean and pure. God wants you to be rich, but it has to be in God's way. Riches to a righteous man are the blessings of God to a man of God; but other riches are nothing but fools gold. The "eyesalve" of the anointing, is the truths from the pages of God's Word [your Bible]. God wants the church of Laodicea to see and understand His word, then get hot on fire for Him. If your church is as the church of Laodicea, it is time to start a spiritual fire in your church. Revelation 3:19 "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." Jesus is urging those in this church that want to follow him, to repent, and get into His Word. God will test you, for through your testing you develop patience and your faith grows. From your faith flows your works for the Father. Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." You and you alone must open the door for Christ to come into your heart, or He will never come in. When you open the door to your heart to Christ, He will enter warmly, and in love. Revelation 3:21 "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." Just as Jesus ascended to be with the Almighty Father on His throne; As an overcomer, so also will each of us share the throne with our Savior, Jesus Christ. In Christ's Millennium kingdom we will reign as kings and priests with Him. What joy that will be. Ezekiel chapters 40 through 44 tells us of that Millennium kingdom. Revelation 3:22 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." Do you have a ear to hear, and understand the message Jesus is passing through John's pen to us? There were only two of the seven churches that met with Christ's approval. They knew the true word of God, and equally important, they knew who the Kenites are, where they came from, and could not be deceived by anyone. The Shepherds Chapel Quote
LisaZ Posted December 22, 2005 Report Posted December 22, 2005 Q9. (3:21) How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? How can you help this happen? Testimonies are often a powerful and encouraging way to glorify God. We could use more testimony sharing in my church and I could suggest this to the leadership. We could also be more loving and hospitable, as our pastor is encouraging us to be and to invite other members of the congregation to our homes to get to know one another better since we are a large church. As we love one another there will be more unity and deeper fellowship and when believers walk in love and unity it glorifies God. Quote
masika Posted June 1, 2006 Report Posted June 1, 2006 If we want God to recieve more glory in our local congregation , we must first and the most praise Him with our whole heart and mind repenting from our Sins. This can only happen when we seek His face by studying His word every day . Quote
JustJeff Posted June 29, 2006 Report Posted June 29, 2006 God created us to praise Him and when we lift Him up He lifts us up. Our church lets it go with lots of music and song, with individual and group singing and dancing. Prayer is integral and the more that we do this in the spirit the greater the presence of His glory. We pray that every Christian will celebrate the praises of the King as David did; dancing, singing and making a joyful noise unto the Lord! Quote
AngelOnLine Posted January 15, 2007 Report Posted January 15, 2007 Q9. (3:21) How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? By remembering that "it Quote
Patsy Laycoax Posted March 30, 2007 Report Posted March 30, 2007 God can receive more glory in my local congregation by praying about everything we do, giving Him praise for answered prayer, by looking to Him and keeping our faith in Him. I can help this happen by trusting God with everything in my life and others, praying always for his help and guidance and sharing with the congregation how God has answered my prayers. And praying for the congregation that each one will trust God to answer even bigger than expected and praise him for the answers. Quote
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