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For Abraham and Melchizedek God is/was over all; he is in control of all. There is none that can match him in strength or power. God delivers the enemies of those who believe in him into their hands. God has possession of Heaven and Earth.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. (Genesis 14:19, 20, 22) What did Abraham and Melchizedek seem to believe in common about God Most High?

Both mention the name God Most High ('El 'Elyon) when they are speaking.

So they do believe in a God that is higher than anything of anyone else. Both are monotheistic, in contrast to most people they are living with or communicating it.

Both say that God Most High is the Creator of heaven and earth. So God Most High is at the foundation of everything that exists.

So God most high is a name for God that puts him above anything else in heaven on earth and under the earth.

  • 2 weeks later...

Both believed in a Supreme Creator, One who was responsible for creating all of Heaven and earth. Both also shared a strong faith in 'El 'Elyon. Melchizedek believed that God could deliver Abram's enemies into his hand and Abram had a faith that simply relied on God's instruction. God spoke with Abram, and he obeyed. They recognized that there was none other higher than God.

Q1. (Genesis 14:19, 20, 22) What did Abraham and Melchizedek seem to believe in common about God Most High?

That God is the possessor or owner of all that is on Earth and in Heaven. God owns all. God is the rightful owner of all for He created them. That the Most high God reflects absolute perfection and sovereingty.

  • 3 weeks later...

That God was creator of the universe and that there was no one else above Him. He acknowledged that as humans we are limited in our abilities and so that God is our helper, in terms of, we need His strength to do things - "who has HELPED you conquer your enemies" ... Since we cannot claim to have accomplished winning battles on our own strength.

  • 4 weeks later...
Q1. (Genesis 14:19, 20, 22) What did Abraham and Melchizedek seem to believe in common about God Most High?

Abraham and Melchizedek both believed and declared that El Elyon, or God Most High, was (and still is) the Creator of heaven and earth. All things in existence have their being and are rooted in the Creator.

I think that Abram believed in a creator of all things and was devoted to doing good

I believe that he had the knowledge of the kings who were good and he gave a tighe to Melchizedek for that reason. From scripture I believe that Melchizedek was a priest king and may have been Jesus in the flesh. He also relied on the Lord Most High he went to him in prayer in solidtary places like the garden. Jesus was our sacrifice, Melchizedek accepted a scrifice from Abram. From Abram we know that he talked to God when he had something troubling him and that the Lord talk to letting him know what to do and what He (GOD) was going to do. This alone gave him reason to want show his love and obedience by giving a tighe and refusimg to let anyone else say that they had made him rich.

Hi, Stan:

I, too, have tended to believe that Melchizedek might have been Jesus in the flesh. However, there are other schools of thought on this. See link below:


We're all going and learning in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus. Thank you for your post.

~Helena~ :-)

Hi, Stan:

I, too, have tended to believe that Melchizedek might have been Jesus in the flesh. However, there are other schools of thought on this. See link below:


We're all going and learning in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus. Thank you for your post.

~Helena~ :-)

Can you you show where God or Jesus was on this earth under another name before? Melchizedek was a high priest because he was a man. He could not forgive sins without the slaying of a sacrifice. Jesus didn't need to slay a sacrifice to forgive sins. Jesus is God's son (God).

Mark Hope

  • 2 weeks later...

In this passage, both refer to Most High God as:

-creator of heaven

-creator of earth

by deduction:

-creator of all humanity and everything else in the earth (and heavens!)

Mechizedek (who is a PRIEST OF Most High God) believes Most High God

-has influence or at least the ability to influence actions/activities of humans

-has shown favor to Abram

-is able to bless Abram

-is worthy of blessing (to be worshipped) because of his favorable interaction with Abram (ie: works together for the good of those who love him! (Ro 8.28) and is therefore a 'good' God)


-when he swears an oath to Most High God, he refuses to break it... & therefore sees Most High God as the most worthy being there is?? Exalted.

Q1. (Genesis 14:19, 20, 22) What did Abraham and Melchizedek seem to believe in common about God Most High?

They both believed that there is a Creator who owns everything on earth and in Heaven. They both understand that there is none higher, than 'El 'Elyon. GOD most high is identified as a personal GOD who is involved in human life. As God had delievered to them there enemies. God the most high is worthy of all our blessing, and the source of all our blessings.


Melchisedec was in the postion to declare the blessing from the Most High God. One major part of the ministry of a priest is connect people with thier heavently Father so that they hear Him for themselves and the other major part is to encourage them to bless the source of thier life.

Abram was indebted to God for this provision and care and he testified of his new found relationship with El Elyon. El Elyon is revealed to all creation, though Melchisedec. El Elyon is possessor of Heaven and Earth. At no time was He never not in complet control working "all things together for good". He knew how to manifest Himself to different people at different times and these aspects all culminated in Jesus Christ. As He was declared at his birth to be "Son of the Highest." (luke 1:3

  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. (Genesis 14:19, 20, 22) What did Abraham and Melchizedek seem to believe in common about God Most High?

According to the three verses above, Abraham and Melchizedek both agreed that God Most High was the Creator.

  • 1 month later...

Abraham and Melchizedek both believed that God is "God Most High" and that God is Creator of Heaven and Earth. They also share that belief that God alone the one to be worshipped, not the many gods that others were believing in. :rolleyes:


Both Abraham and Melchizedek recognized and honored God as the Most High, the Creator of the earh and heaven, They saw him as being the supreme being and the Only God to praise and adore. Abraham did not want Melchizedek to think that he had made him rich and that it was God alone who had done all this. Melchizedek was also a king but did not put himself above God. Abraham knew who God was and obeyed him in all things.

  • 1 month later...
Q1. (Genesis 14:19, 20, 22) What did Abraham and Melchizedek seem to believe in common about God Most High?

They seemed to have the same name of God as creater of heaven and earth. Although Melchizedek was of pagon origin and probably didn't refer to the same creater of heaven and earth. (god) (idol) Or possibly a territory god. Or national god.

nancy melton


Q1. (Genesis 14:19, 20, 22) What did Abraham and Melchizedek seem to believe in common about God Most High?

They both believed that God is the Most High God and there is none equal to Him. He is the creator of all and all things. We owe our all to Him for all He has done for us. No matter how great or small the task at hand - God is the all powerful, all knowing and everlasting God.

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