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Because the LORD God is totally supreme, because there is no other God, because He is Creator and owner of all things that exist, there is no one and nothing else that deserves my allegiance and devotion and obedience and praise.

There is a lot of emphasis on God as our loving friend, which is a mind-boggling and glorious truth. But it's easy to lose the balance we need to keep of enjoying Yahweh as an ever-present compassionate friend and maintaining appropriate respect and awe of Him as the supreme, all-powerful, righteous Owner and Judge of all creation. I think the average Christian doesn't truly understand and value and revere Him this way in our practical living. We resist submission in the real-time minutes of daily life, but there is nothing in our little worlds that should precede His rightful place of honor and authority.

This is probably the best starting point for worship. I've already learned to begin my approach to the Lord with praise. I need to specifically recognize the supremacy of


I realize that we share a unique position, we are the only earth inhabitors that have access to the MOST HIGH, God requires a perfect worship & allegence. Any haphazard approach to God is tantamount to baspheme knowing who we're approaching and based on the death of His only Son Jesus Christ, we humble ourselves before His Majesty. We would not approach Prseident Bush by saying "yo what's up" its irreverent and disrespectful, though we we don't bow in his presence we know that his office requires a certain amount of respect. God has said that we can approach the Throne of Grace at any time to get the help that we need, but there is a protocol. The angels cry "Holy, Holy,Holy" and cover their feet & eyes and they dwell in His presence.


the name of God holds an important key to understanding the doctrine of God and revelation. the name of God is a personal disclosure and reveals his relationship with his people.In the new testment,God"s name is manifested most clearly in Jesus Christ. HE is called "the Word" and Jesus Himself makes the claim that He has revealed the name of God. When I worship,I say God the Father,Lord God,Mighty God,Heavenly Father.


I think that worshipping God Most High means humbling myself before Him. I think that too often we forget to tremble...the Lord is Mighty and Exalted. He has given GREAT gifts and is worthy of all of our worship. No other god deserves our worship...indeed, there are no others. God, 'El 'Elyon, the Most High God is the ONLY true and living God and all others are false.

At one point, someone had asked me if there were other gods out there, and if so, is it ok to recognize them as long as they are not worshipped. The answer, of course, is NO there are no others but God Most High, and He and He alone is worthy of recognition, worship, thanks, and praise. The verses included in this lesson clearly show that God is the only god and that all others are false.


God is totally supreme.

There is no one else like Him.

Only He is worthy of our worship.


To meditate on the title "Most High" brings to mind the lyrics of the song by Micheal W. Smith that goes:

------Verse 1------___________________------Verse 2------

Above all powers____________________Above all kingdoms

Above all kings______________________Above all thrones

Above all nature_____________________Above all wonders

And all created things_________________The world has ever known

Above all wisdom____________________Above all wealth

And all the ways of man_______________And treasures of the earth

You were here_______________________There's no way to measure

Before the world began________________What You're worth

I will be sure to start my prayers to The "Most High" with acknowledgement of his place in my life and the universe.


To me God Most High places God as a force over me ... or as the force in existance that controlls

what I do and what happens to me. If I am well it is he who keeps me well or heals me from

sickness. If I have money and clothes ( like the birds of the field ) it is he that controlls this.

I have been experiencing this lately. I needed a winter coat and recieved two lately from a friend

they are very good coats and they and like church coats one cloth and one leather. Free

and I recieved a job as I had none just part time but it met my needs so far plus gives me a little

extra. I recieved these from friends but attribute it to God most high.

Yes I will place praise for God most High into my prayer and praise in church songs and in my

personal prayer . Useing it as a reference to God . who controlls my life force and my being and

my spirit.


Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you?

To me it means that He is the One True God, there is none before Him.

Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you?

I will give Him all the praise. He is the only One worthy of my worship and praise. :rolleyes:

  • 2 weeks later...

Without question it will make my worship more enlighten of whom my Heavenly Father is and at night when the stars are out and bright that He is the Maker of all things and as Abraham saw as he gazed the stars that who could ever image anything else. To see in the future his path and to know that God is true to His word, and eternity belongs Him. Even now inside my own spirit I can see the heavens and the earth the same one Abraham saw and to know He truly is the same yesterday today and forever.


The MOst High is above all the most important one thing to us as believers. All we do should please Him alone. I would incorporate that into my worship by feeling the words and thinking on what He has done for me giving Him all the praise I can

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

Most High means that God is more important than anyone else.

Most High gave us clear instructions in the form of:

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)

The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40).

Five simple directives to incorporate in our worship is :

love God (worship),

love your neighbor (minister),

make disciples (evangelism),

baptize them (fellowship),

and teach them to obey (discipleship).

This is accomplished through discipleship training, prayer, bible study and Christian fellowship.



What "Most High" means to me is difficult to put into words. The Lord is highest in all things: love, truth, justice, mercy, every good and honorable attribute our limited human minds can think of or aspire to. There is nothing or no one that can compete with His holiness. My spirit swells with praise just thinking of the Lord in this way - how good He is!

There is also the more tangible, if we can think of spirit as "tangible," since we have such a limited view on these deeper mysteries. We live in flesh and time and are limited so much by these bodies and this "dimension." The Lord is Spirit, in essence exists in a different dimension than we do, and is not limited to time or flesh as we are, and in this sense is High. We can not attain to be like Him or reach Him. It is only by His grace and love toward us that when we die, we will be transformed and exist with Him where we will have the honor to bow at His throne!

I believe that, with God's help, if I can slow my mind down and think on His greatness, become more aware of His Presence, then I will be more likely to remember that I am not battling "flesh and blood," but satan. By God's grace, He will give me victory over sins, which strengthens me spiritually, and pleases the Lord.

  • 5 weeks later...

The Most High is a descriptive title that sets our God as highest in majesty and power and the ultimate authority over all. I will use it to praise his name in my prayers and quiet thoughts.

  • 2 weeks later...

The expression "Most High" makes me think of the greatness of the Lord and His absolute authority over everything that is not Himself, all the creation. God is in His Throne, in a place that is impossible for me or anyone else to reach. So, from His own majesty, He sent His Son to reach us, to come down from His fullness, to be the way back to Him.

I wll use this title in my prayers to acknowledge that God is the Lord of lords and the King of kings, that nobody and nothing is as great as He is. I will also give Him thanks for the fact that we received the gift of salvation simply because He is as merciful as He is great and powerful.


Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

Most High to me means above all, no others above, the sovereign. Incorporating into my worship will be continued as I have the past 55 years. I beleieve and with worship the Lord, Jesus Christ the one and only.


As several people have already said Most High is a description of God's place in relation to everything else in existence. Incorporating that understanding into my worship takes two forms:

Firstly, I worship God by living in obedience to Him. By acknowledging that His expectations and desires take precedence over my own (and those of people I relate with) I am acknowledgeing that He is the Most High. If I worship Him in words but not in obedience it is hollow worship.

Secondly, whenever I come to God in prayer or corporate worship I begin by acknowledgeing His authority and greatness. It is my first act of recognition of who He is and clears the way (in my expectations) for Him to respond as He wishes. He can of course respond any way He wants but this acknowledgement clears the self-centerdness from my expectations as well as being an act of worship.


Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?


Most High, to me personally means there is no one or anything that is above God. He alone is in total control.

I have always used the words Most High God in my worship of Him, now, and as I go through this study, I will incorporate His many names into my worship and prayers. Each of His names discribes a piece of His personality and what He means to each of us. Learning His different names and His personality will bring me closer to Him and heighten my prayer and worship.

This will take me from one level to another level and glory to glory.

  • 2 weeks later...

In years past I was very religious, legalisitic, very busy doing things for a God that seemed far off. I believed he loved me basically because he was a good God and loved man kind. I had difficulty accepting that he loved me personally...me...Heather. One day the Lord spoke to my heart and told me I'm going to teach you how much I love you and I'm going to show you how to receive my love. He also showed me in a vision the exchange of hearts that had happened between us. I was blown away and true to His word he has spent the last 6 years teaching me all about His love for me. However, I started to sense that even though now I was secure in His love that I had come to a place where I saw him as a loving Father, but the wonder and the awe that should constantly be there was not. Oh wonder about his amazing Love, but a small vision of His Majesty, His awesome power. I started to pray...Lord I want to see you as Isaiah did, Like John did in Revelation in your glory...I want to behold you in your glory, I want to see you as you really are., I want to speak your name with such reverance and wonder and awe. I want to know what it means to "fear the Lord". I had become so comfortable with Him as friend and abba, I felt I was not seeing Him as "Most High God as well. I have looked around Christendom and see such a lack of reverance and wonder. If we don't have that sense of Who he is as most High God I think we tend to suit ourselves. God loves me, I'll do this or I won't do that, God will love me anyway. However, if we see Him as the Most High God due all honour and respect, I think that combined with a true understanding and intimacy in his love will cause us to throw ourselves away, and to lay all at his feet. Really understanding that he is not only friend, Savior, and lover of our souls, but Lord, Master, and King of Kings, Creator of Heaven and earth, the Almighty, The I Am that is head over everything...that nothing short of total obedience will do.

Lord I pray this day...that I might truly receive wisdom and revelation of you as the Most High God. I pray that I might be like that Lady who cried out...I want nothing for myself, but I want everything for Jesus. Lord Help me to live an authentic life before you, living a life of deep and humble reverence in You. Let my life be authentic not just a bunch of of pious sounding words. Test me and try me O Lord and lead me in your ways.

I love you and thank you and praise you. You are indeed the Most High God, you are everywhere, and in everything and its only in you that it all holds together. Enlarge my view this day I pray. amen.

Thank you Father for the people on this forum for their thoughtful replys that have blessed me and challenged me to grow in you. Please draw near to them, and help us all to see You as you really are.


  • 2 weeks later...

When I think of God as The Most High , this should give me more courage to give Him ,The Best of myself in everything I do to honor His Name .

When worshiping Him I should adore Him with the whole of my heart, mind and migthy.


There are many gods but there is only One True God and he is the Almighty, Most High. To meditate on this is to acknowledge him and praise him and worship him.


Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

There is no other God. God is the ture God, all others are false. Most High meaning there is nothing that compares to God, He is the first and the lasts, begining and the end, the all in all. Our minds are to little to comprehend the vastness of God Almighty. Yet He loves you and me how can you figure....

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