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Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

Most High, Elyon will acquire deep significance for me in my worship life. Personal worship should be intregrated in my life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In all I think, do, and say, the Lord God must be first and foremost in all areas.

Not only is the Sovereign Lord over all "gods"--jobs, money, position, status, worry, strife, etc., but we are to humble ourselves as we approach him whether physically, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally.

I researched further the root word of "Elyon" which is "alah." Fascinatingly, in a quick overall summary,

"alah," on my part, appears to require and encourage multiple and simultaneous acts of the worship of God. Applied to myself:

As I worship the Most High, mentally I expand my "border", i.e., rise from the physical to the spiritual plane, offer myself and my gifts, as offerings to the Lord. I "climb" up to the Most High, who is always ready to greet me. We "visit" together, and I am exalted by virtue of His exalted Presence.

My Lord Lives and is to be praised forever and ever!!

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I find it easier to meditate on the word 'exalted' than the phrase 'most high'- maybe because i don't have a series of traditional 'gods' in my psyche whom i can imagine God being above. However, if I think of the spiritual realm (which I don't feel particularly versed in/aware of), its quite easy to see that GOD is Most High- above any other spiritual force.

Of course there is the correlation between the belief system of Abrams day- the multiplicity of gods- and that which we worship in our current culture, which I guess can be summarised by the concept of consumerism and acquiring material wealth and status (which boils down to glorifying MYSELF).

It is helpful to remember that God is HIGHER than these things we pursue, that ultimately the things we so often turn to (financial security, having nice things, others perception of us) cannot and will not save us, neither are they the Creator of life! In fact, perhaps they are part of the road to death (separation from God).

I find the the Pete Sanchez/Ps 97 song a great thing to meditate on & will be mindful of Gods HIGH-NESS as I pray this week.


El Elyon is Possessor of Heaven and Earth. As Possessor of heaven and earth He is the Owner and therefore respondsible for all men and all situations. Every item in one's daily life comes under His jursdiction and care as God is for us and never against us. El-Elyon is the One who ensures that all things work together for good for He never leaves us nor forsakes us....truly a wonderful Father. I praise God for being El-Elyon every waking moment of every day.

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  • 1 month later...
Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?


As I was meditating I began to dissect "Most High"- I thought Most means to me- more than any other-above all, High means to me-up, elevated. So when I think on "Most High" I think my God is elevated above all. He is exalted- there is nothing and no one higher, greater- He truly is the beginning and the end. "Most High"- the starting point. He reigns over everything! I will call Him "Most High"- I will lift my eyes and stretch forth-I will put everything else out of my mind-nothing else matters.
Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

Most high means to highest of all gods, or the supreme one (elohym) meaning supreme one, gods, angels.

But I want to make a comment. Why is Elohym has these defintitions when God is to be the most high, not gods or angels.

Because in Ps 8;4-5 we are made a little lower than God (elohym)

To incorportate in worship would be to express it with raised hands speaking in english to him you are the most high, you are the supreme one, you are the highest of all, king of kings (as the pagons captured different kingdoms and then became king over kings (king of kings) For his live is highest of all, his spirit is the highest, and I can depend on him because he never changes, and is truthful. And I love him because of this and can express my love toward him still with my hands lifted as to give these comments to him in the form of thankfulness, and love toward him with a greatful heart.

Like the Greek word charis (favor, but especially the divine influence upon the heart, resulting with grattitude, reflecting in my life.


the name of God holds an important key to understanding the doctrine of God and revelation. the name of God is a personal disclosure and reveals his relationship with his people.In the new testment,God"s name is manifested most clearly in Jesus Christ. HE is called "the Word" and Jesus Himself makes the claim that He has revealed the name of God. When I worship,I say God the Father,Lord God,Mighty God,Heavenly Father.


have you looked up the greek word for word.

I have and its great to know. logos; word, speak, say, thoughts and reasonings.

So the thoughts and reasonings became flesh and dwelt among us v. 14 in John 1;14

v. 2-4 and he is life, and light also. I Jn 4;8 he is love Jn 4;24 he is spirit.

now put these together and we have a description of God.

He is love, he is light, he is word (thoughts and reasonings, speaking and saying) he is spirit, (loving spirit)

he is the supreme one that is loving, and life. (eternal)

This is what God is like, this is what he is, he is love, he is life, he is spirit, he is light, and he is supreme.

So when I worship I say oh loving one, oh great light, great one, I worship you, offering up my worship with lifted hands as did Solomon. Offering his worship with my whole heart (grace) (and it reflects in my life, in my attitude in life)

Making me have a loving attitude toward him as well as respect, very grateful, since I was a sinner, and now forgiven.

Oh how great he is, loving and kind, truthful, and yet loves the world (Jn. 3;16) I living in the world

world ; kosmos - ornamated, decorated, inhabited implying evil.

hope you enjoy this as much as I did finding it out.



All my worship to God has been filthy rags...unworthy..I did not realize I was worshipping "church' an the people in church trying to fit in and do as much service as I could and failing because the only way I can go forward and give worship that is pleasing to God is to be obediant to His word..to understand that it is because of His love and mercy and being a Soveriegn God and still loving us inspite of ourselves this no one can repay but to obey and trust Him no matter what and I was only trusting in what I could do and failed miserably..I pray God will give me another chance..


Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

The title "Most High" means to me that Yaweh is the Most High -- Creator of Heaven and Earth. There are no other Gods beside him. There no other gods that are not man-made; Satan devised.

Worship is all about acknowedging the Most High God for who He is. That is how I woship Him.

  • 3 weeks later...
Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

"Most High" means supreme ruler, He is the Most High God, above all others.

All glory and honor belongs to Him alone - He is the Most High God. Worship is everything I do before God. Since God is ruler of all and sees all - then that is everything I do. Everyday, I will worship Him in what I do and say. I will remember Him as Most High God with His help. I will do all in excellence, giving Him the Glory.

Passage Romans 14:11:

11 It is written:

" 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord,

'every knee will bow before me;

every tongue will confess to God.' " [a]

  • 3 weeks later...
Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

Most High should mean that He takes first place in every aspect of my life. My life itself should be worship of Him. But in the act of worhip, I think every aspect should begin with an acknowledgement of His place as Most High. So in prayer, praise should always come first (ie Our Father Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name...), in personal scripture reading begin with acknowledgement of who God is (ie. look for an aspect of who He is in each passage read).

Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

The connotation "Most High" is hard for me to grasp. It appears to leave room for lesser gods. I am much more comfortable with "I Am that I Am". God does not have to defend His position, nor does he in that phrase.

  • 3 weeks later...

to lift his name on high. to know that he is the one and only one to worship. i prase him and adore him as he should be as he is my every thing. when GOD told MOSES to say I AM sent me that tells it all. that sends cold chill all over me for he is every thing to me.

Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

I know people say that idols or gods in our lives in this day and age are things like money, but when I meditated about what the title Most High means to me, I felt that it means that I need to place that value on God with my actions as well as my words. It's easy to worship God with my words but I feel that God is moving in my life to align my actions with His heart.

I felt that in verse 21, Abram was given a choice to keep the booty or to respond as he did. In life every action involves that same choice. To say that God is most High or to say that our needs or desires are greater. I don't think it is a multiple choice. It comes down to saying God is Most High or He is not. As a Christian I am challenged to align my actions so that they shout that God is Most High. This is my act of worship.

  • 2 weeks later...

A song comes to mind - I could search for all eternity LORD and find there is none like you. GOD the MOST HIGH GOD - Creator of heaven and earth. When you can look around you and watch the grass grow or a bee fly and rejoice in GOD who spoke and these things are here- with purpose. When all chaos is breaking out in front of you and you find that peace of GOD.

Many times we make other things ( ex. jobs) and people our first priority - our gods. It says to me while these things are important they should not take priority of EL Elyon. For the last couple of weeks, I have yearned to return to the place where I used to meet with GOD - Thank you my song has returned - Name above all Names you are worthy of the praise - How great - How great is our GOD.

Q2. Meditate on the title "Most High." What does it mean to you? How do you or will you incorporate it in your worship?

GOD is the supreme, there is no other.

Always keeping my eye on GOD and not on the circumstances around me.


It means that there is no other god in heaven and on earth who is above or better than God Most High. He is the only God worthy of our reverence and worship. Therefore in worshipping Him I must mention it that: "Oh! my God, the Most High Creator of Heaven and Earth, there is no other god below here or above there who is alive, but You oh Lord are worthy of our praises and honour."

  • 4 weeks later...

Some fo the most powerful moments I've had in worship have been when singing about the Most High. More than anything, the thought of worshipping the most supreme being in the whole universe fills me with such awe that I dare not do anything to profane Him, but yet at the same time sing my heart out to Him.

The relationship that was mentioned about the suzerain-vassal covenant relationship reminded me of how much we depend on God's protection. It amazes me that when Abraham is offered riches from the king of Sodom that he turns them down for allegiance to God Most High and to His priest. Abraham knew that this priest worshipped the same God he did and that it was His hand that provided the means of defeating his enemies.

Some fo the most powerful moments I've had in worship have been when singing about the Most High. More than anything, the thought of worshipping the most supreme being in the whole universe fills me with such awe that I dare not do anything to profane Him, but yet at the same time sing my heart out to Him.

The relationship that was mentioned about the suzerain-vassal covenant relationship reminded me of how much we depend on God's protection. It amazes me that when Abraham is offered riches from the king of Sodom that he turns them down for allegiance to God Most High and to His priest. Abraham knew that this priest worshipped the same God he did and that it was His hand that provided the means of defeating his enemies.

  • 3 weeks later...

Most High

Above all else; the utmost.

The phrasing makes me want to look up and not down...wants me to look toward the heavens and not the earth. Causes me to be in awe and wonderment.

Fills me fully...God Most High, Exalted God...the one.

Words seem inadequate but the imagery that pops into my mind is of a gorgeous sunset filled with color after color and you are unable to look away from it.


When I meditate on what the name God Most High means, my eyes and my thoughts are drawn to the heavens. I cannot look into the vastness of the universe without a sense of overwhelming awe at the majesty and power of the One who spoke it all into existence. Younger people than I use the term "awesome" to describe anything that is great and good, but for me that term is diminished by its common usage. God Most High is truly awesome. That God Most High became man to redeem me from my sinful nature is both humbling and uplifting. What other response can I have than to prostrate myself before Him in worship and praise!?

As I approach His throne to worship, I keep these thoughts foremost in my attention by calling on the name of God Most High.

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