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Q3. Meditate on the phrase "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy...." (Isaiah 57:15, RSV). What do you learn about God from this phrase? How should this affect your outlook on life, your way of conducting yourself?

Over the years and generations, I think we have, in our conduct and minds, made God smaller and more "human-like", (if I may say so and you might understand what I mean).  We carry on with our lives and can sometimes praise and worship in in a matter-of-fact way, thoughtlessly!  

This study has made me again realize Whom I belong to!   Here I can repeat what I have studied, read and answered in Q 1 & 2,  the God is The Most High !  Creator, Ruler, Totally Supreme over every- and anything in ALL the universe! 

The scripture (and others relevant) in Isaiah 57:15 where God says He inhabits eternity and dwells in high and holy places BUT ALSO with the human that humbles himself, confesses, acknowledges Him !

Makes me think of the song:  "How Great is God, how big and wide His vast domein, He's big enough to rule the might universe, yet small enough to live within my heart"!

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i learn from the phrase that G-D  dwells or lives in eternity.He is from everlasting to everlasting or age to age.Revalation1:8  tells us that he is the Alpha and the Omega..G-D is and always has been and always will be.Its does not matter how we perceive time. His judgements and his ways are unsearchable and past finding out. I try to worship G-D  in humility and respectful fear.

  • 10 months later...

God is above all else in the world and yet God is humble.  God is so humble that he gave his son for us.  That is one of the reasons he should always be exalted and his ways honored through holiness.

  • 10 months later...

Names Of God; Lesson 1, Isaiah 57:15 Meditate on the phrase "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, Whose Name is Holy: I dwell in the high and Holy place, but with him also who is of a thoroughly penitent and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and revive the heart of the thoroughly penitent, bruised with sorrow for sin."

Q2: What do you learn about God from this phrase?

He is above and higher than all, Holy (completely righteous and without sin or any shadow of evil or wrong doing or wrong thinking, perfect in all His ways.) He is living...has always been, is now and will always be God who exists outside of time, eternally. He is ever present everywhere at once in the entire Universe.

How should this affect your outlook on life?

It comforts me to know that my Holy God will be waiting for me when my time on earth is done. That He has chosen and called me and because by faith through grace, I responded to His amazing love, I will spend the rest of eternity with Him...(without the "vail") forever and ever in His presence in Heaven. Because He is High and Lofty, His intentions for me are always for good, and never for evil, and success rather than failure, and with His goal for my future with Him and what awaits me there. I can trust Him because of His perfect character and compassion. No matter how painful is life sometimes here, I can rest in knowing He loves me and will bring good and character development as He conforms me to the image of Jesus.

Your way of conducting yourself?

I remember that He is always right and if we disagree, I am wrong. I live in surrender to His will (sometimes with a fight, first). Remembering how Mighty, and Majestic, Holy, Powerful and Awesome He is, I'm aware that comparatively speaking I'm not even a fly speck and shouldn't deserve a glance from Him, and yet He says I am His precious daughter whom He adores, and dances over and delights in me with singing. The only response to His amazing love is to live to bring Him honor and glory, to quickly repent when I sin, to walk humbly before my Father, to live with the joy of knowing I deserved punishment but instead was given a clean slate and eternal life. Praise and worship and thanksgiving are my offering. Obedience is my lifestyle (learned the hard way). Service where He asks or directs me, trusting Him for results and the power and energy to comply. Enjoying His company and sweet fellowship is my joy.






  • 2 months later...

Similar to the previous question, the concept of God being high and lofty, lifted above the earth and all in it, is challenging to fully comprehend. However, His position causes awe in my mind, reverence in my life, and holiness in my action.

  • 11 months later...

I learnt that God is indeed very supreme and exalted. He also knows that much about himself and does not have respect for anyone man, spirit , living or non-living thing, He cannot be likened  to anything on earth, under the earth and even in Heavens

He decided to make Himself known to man.

Meditating on that passage, it is obvious to me that I am nothing before God; the fact that God is mindful of me is just a great privilege and so I pray and strive always to be contrite and lowly in spirit so that I may find continued favor in His sight.

  • 6 months later...

His name is Holy and should be respected as such.  He is eternity, all time, He is creator and He is everything.  As a Child of the Most High God I must conduct myself as He requires of me.  That is to be as he is, Holy and righteous in all that I do. Because he is Holy and righteous, I am made in his image, so I must live Holy and righteous as He is.  I have chosen to serve him , to worship him to live for him so I am a child of the most high God I must present myself as such..... "for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, for good works, which God prepared before hand, that we should walk in it."......  since we are his workmanship, we are holy as he is....


I learn from this verse that God is supreme.  He is above all things and is holy and righteous. I am to live my life honoring him as such.  I am to live my life the same way as he is.  Holy and Righteous so that others will see him in me and want to be saved and be follower of Christ.  

  • 4 months later...
On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2006 at 8:38 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. Meditate on the phrase "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy...." (Isaiah 57:15, RSV). What do you learn about God from this phrase? How should this affect your outlook on life, your way of conducting yourself?

Surely, One who inhabits eternity must indeed by the High and Lofty One. I spent time this morning pondering the remainder of this verse that this One who Is High and Lofty dwells with the with the contrite and humble spirit. What a huge thought to start the new year.

  • 3 weeks later...

It brings new illumination that He alone is conceptualized in He is All in all, King of kings and Lord of lords. It humbles me to know that this all powerful Being wants to have a close relationship with me. In worship, it makes me want to run into His embrace, in the safe place of His love.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. Meditate on the phrase "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy...." (Isaiah 57:15, RSV). What do you learn about God from this phrase? How should this affect your outlook on life, your way of conducting yourself?

He’s above all and He’s exalted above all else. He’s on the throne. There’s no one greater than Him. No one can usurp His authority or His power, for there’s no one more powerful than Him. He’s not limited to the constraints of time and space. He’s eternal, immortal, invisible and invincible. His name is Holy and He’s holy. And this holy, eternal God has chosen to dwell among us, has chosen to redeem us, has chosen to translate us into His kingdom, has chosen to call us His own. I am humbled and awestruck at this wonderful One. Our high and lofty God. If He’s for us who can be against us. I am more than conqueror in Him. I am triumphant in my life for it is He who has chosen to have good thoughts towards me!!! 

  • 2 months later...
On 2/15/2006 at 5:38 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. Meditate on the phrase "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy...." (Isaiah 57:15, RSV). What do you learn about God from this phrase? How should this affect your outlook on life, your way of conducting yourself?

I learn that God is above all other things, He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, He is beyond time. He is holy, and He dwells both in high places, but also amongst the humble, in order to restore our confidence and hope in Him. He is the High and Lofty One. He is lifted up above all others.

Because God is exalted above all else, I know I am accountable to Him and whatever I do, I should do in order to please Him and not grieve Him.

  • 11 months later...

From this I learn that He is holy.  He is above everything and everyone else and He will reign throughout eternity. From this I know that nothing I do is kept from Him; cause He knows it all. And if He is holy then I should be too. 

In my life I should be doing things that please Him and bring Him glory. I should not willingly commit sins and dishonor the one I chose to follow. In my conduct I should be blameless, holy, and utterly humble and leaning on Him.

  • 2 months later...

I learn from the phrase "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy ..." that He is not to be taken lightly, not to be taken for granted.  'High and Lofty One' to me means that He is in a class all by Himself.  There is none like Him, none can do what He can do.  If He is out to get you, there is none who can stop Him, or rescue you from Him.  There is no one who can contend or compete with Him.   "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity whose name is Holy ..." speaks not only of Him being in a class by Himself but being in that class from everlasting to everlasting and who has a name like no other, Holy, who wants the same for His children, for in 1 Peter 1: 16, quoting from Leviticus 11: 44, He instructs us to 'be holy, for I am holy.'

For me, seeing God as the "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity and whose name is Holy ..." has inspired a healthy dose of fear in me.  It is not that I haven't had a fear of/for God in my heart but this vision of Him seems to have heightened that fear which in turn tells me that I have to walk more circumspectly, striving to be holy as He is, walking in the Spirit so as not to displease Him.  I know that He loves me, and I love Him too, but I also recognise that He is a very serious God.  

On 2/14/2006 at 8:38 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. Meditate on the phrase "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy...." (Isaiah 57:15, RSV). What do you learn about God from this phrase? How should this affect your outlook on life, your way of conducting yourself? Our mighty God is High and lofty, but also dwells in lowly places to mend the hearts that mourn. He the Exalted One, chooses to live with the humble in spirit, to uplift the weary. God Most High uses His might to exalt others who are weak and weary but honest and good of heart. 

I try my best to honor God by living righteously, honoring His laws and commands. When I do or say something that might upset my God Most High, I immediately repent and beg for mercy.  I do my best not to repeat my mistakes. Knowing He is with me and that His heart is big enough for my indiscretions makes me trust in Him and find peace in Him. I seek him constantly through prayers. I always show my gratitude to Him that protects me, shelters me, and gives me strength to get through the days when the wicked try to overcome me. He is a High and lofty God who is also a compassionate God that loves all His children, no matter how low, weak or damaged we may be. He is a great God, and a loving God. 


  • 3 months later...

Is amazing to realize that God, who is above all, in majesty and exalted position, who reigns supreme and dwells in eternity still humbles himself as to relate with men, even in our debased state. What  a love. Knowing I have a God who is above all, why will I be afraid what  men shall do unto me. If this great  God, 'the high and lofty one' be for me,  who can be against me. 

  • 2 months later...

I have been improving how I conduct myself at home.   Though no other human being is around,  my God knows me through and through...my thoughts, my words and how I drive.  I am being reformed.   Because God inhabits eternity, so important more than ever to be my best.  

  • 1 year later...

God has always and will always exist. He is eternity because he has always been. 


God is Holy and does not like sin. God expects us to be holy just like he is holy. No exceptions. We are not perfect and make mistakes but that doesn't mean that we are to just live our lives any kind of way with no consequences. We should stay away from sin.

  • 2 months later...

Honestly I struggle inwardly a bit with the lofty word but after some consideration I suppose lofty is a heavenly term of endearment that supplements the idea of being light and high up like a cloud. Thank you for this service, your Abba Yeshua wishes you to remark and perhaps feel free to be a guide with any insights, plus He says thank you and so does His Abba El Elon. 

  • 9 months later...

Q3. Meditate on the phrase "High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy...." (Isaiah 57:15, RSV). What do you learn about God from this phrase?
God sits high, He is the king of kings. He’s seated in heaven and decides all things. Nothing gets past Him for He see’s and knows all. He is worthy of all our praises.

How should this affect your outlook on life, your way of conducting yourself? 
It reminds me that there is nothing in my life that God doesn’t already know about, I can’t hide anything from Him. He is everywhere so there’s no where I can go that He is not with me. It gives me strength when I’m weak to know that my God sits High and it draws me closer to Him. 

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

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