Pastor Ralph Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives? Quote
pickledilly Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 These titles of glory are defined as heavy and weighty in His substance. And what is the substance of God Most High? I think it's the perfect balance of dazzling pure holiness and love that includes such attributes as righteousness, peace, joy, wisdom, justice, and goodness. It's His majesty and integrity and might. It's being the source of all creation and supply for every need. I am humbled and yet incredibly empowered. Yahweh's presence in my life is of substance - He is not a lightweight. This should give me courage to face anything and generate constant thanksgiving and praise! God's glory comes to fill our lives as the Spirit works through the Word in our hearts. We behold the glory of God when we study and meditate and obey His Word. Then step by step, "from one degree of glory to another", He uses that truth to transform us into His own image of splendor and glory. Wow. Quote
Elder9 Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 It tells me that our GOD is exalted & Supreme over ALL THAT EXIST. His glory is much like a "mantle" with which He cover that which belongs to Him, it also covers His Majesty from unholy eyes (He cannot behold evil or sin, nor can the unregenerate impure behold Him) He's veiled by His Glory. It's like cracking open a diamond and finding a more precious stone inside. What God has revealed of Himself is about all that we can handle without a new container (one like Christ's, Glory beholds Glory.) God told Moses' no man has seen my face and lived. We've yet to see PURE GOD or God in His purity. As this precious jem is broken open and its true or inner preciousness is revealed it should be reflected in our worship of His Glorious Majesty, by changing us into His Glory, being made into His image. Paul says "from glory to glory, even by the Spirit of the Lord" Quote
ego Posted February 22, 2006 Report Posted February 22, 2006 Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives? These titles reveals the supremacy of God over other gods and all created things It shows that God is head over all things. And as we behold HIM, We move from glory to glory because HIS glory spills over unto us. Am so joyous to know that there is none that is above GOD. The King and the Father of Glory. May HIS name be glorified in Jesus name. Quote
linda bass Posted February 25, 2006 Report Posted February 25, 2006 "King of Glory" tells us that God is "The LORD strong and mighty", "The LORD mighty in battle." "Father of glory" tells us that thru Jesus we can be given a spirit of wisdom and revelation as we come to know Him. God's glory comes to fill our lives when we accept Jesus as our savior,allowing Him to work thru us. Quote
EsposaBonita Posted February 28, 2006 Report Posted February 28, 2006 Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives? God is the most Splendorous, Honorable, Dignified, and Majestic of all. God is a great light and we should revere God and tremble before Him. The verse in Corinthians reminds us that God is transforming us and that His glory shines on us and through us as He transforms us to His likeness. Quote
JohnnyB Posted March 2, 2006 Report Posted March 2, 2006 "King of Glory", "Father of Glory" how can we ever really comprehend His majesty. Its like looking into the heavens on a clear night and trying to take it all in at once. It overflows my mind and soul, that he would allow, or even want us to know and be part of his Glory. It is all not only his Kingdom but he is the creator of it. We can, having a relationship with Jesus Christ. This allows us to get a slight inkling of his Love for us. The "King of Glory" robed himself in flesh, came to us not rich but poor. Allowed himself to be beaten, spit upon, mocked and crucified to share His Glory and show His Love. Help us "King of Glory" to live rightouesly, give us wisdom. Let us glorify you in all we do. Quote
care2hope2 Posted March 5, 2006 Report Posted March 5, 2006 From what I read in II Cor. 3:18 We or I see the God of Glory, or the glory of God the Creator and mastor as thru a looking glass. not seeing him face to face for no one can see God and live we see him reflected in the Word as we read it , reflected in good practicing Christians and thru their counsel . Reflected in nature and reflected in the things we experience. That the God of Glory is near and we can't fully experience him yet but in the future can look forward to seeing him in full but we take what we see reflected in all the ways He / God is reflected to us and take comfort and strength and joy from these reflections and praise and honor God for these ways we see him and experience him reflected into our beings our souls our spirits. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 10, 2006 Report Posted March 10, 2006 Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? He is the God over all the universe. We can Quote
denisetowns Posted March 15, 2006 Report Posted March 15, 2006 He is our Glorious King and the all powerful, Our attitudes is that we understand God and and what it means to God, That we worship the Lord. Quote
Ms CJ Posted March 25, 2006 Report Posted March 25, 2006 2 Cor 3:18 18And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. First of all isn't this what Abraham seen in the face of Melchizedek? The unveiled face of God, the Son of God and the Word of God and did he see his own face within the face of God though Melchizedek. This meeting between to two I see as the same as when we came face to face with Jesus as we confessed him as Lord and saw the face of God and knew that to get to know that Jesus is the Glory of our Heavenly Father. That we when we enter into His presence with true worship and pure heart that He the manifested presence of the glory of God our Heavenly Father degrees to us " Who is like Me there is none other and who can redeem your soul No Other and who loves you with an everlasting love.. No Other ( another name for Him ) who is more beautiful in all glory.. No Other As I sit here in His presence and as you read this His glory is manifested in our connection as one with the Father,Son and the Holy Spirit and all heaven. Our hope Glory and knowing we are being made into His image in ever increasing splendor and going from one degree of glory to another that only comes from the Lord (Who Is) the Spirit. Quote
luvstosing Posted March 26, 2006 Report Posted March 26, 2006 "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) This passage seems to tell us that God can be our source of strength for physical & spiritual battles we encounter in our daily lives. "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17) This passage indicates that God cares about our intellectual growth & understanding of His teachings as we learn to apply them to our lives. When we worship God, we express our desire to depend upon God for our strength, knowledge & wisdom. According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, we can only reflect God's glory with "unveiled faces." And we can't have unveiled faces before God unless we have asked the Spirit of Christ to intervene on our behalf, because God cannot gaze upon us unless the Spirit has covered our sins. Quote
wingless1 Posted April 1, 2006 Report Posted April 1, 2006 God is King He is our Father-heavenly and our Lord we belong to Him As we worship our attitude should reflect what He is doing for us; has done for us and how we appreciate it The more we rely on Him the more we learn about him and he blesses us and His glory shows through us Quote
HisSong Posted May 7, 2006 Report Posted May 7, 2006 The title "King of Glory" in the Psalm passage denotes strength and victory and royal demeanor. The title "Father of glory" in the Ephesians passage is used to describe the Lord as a Giver of "the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,..." and in the next in verses 18 & 19, "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, (vs. 19) and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power...". My first thoughts about this are that being the "Father of glory" and as the Father, gives His children good things; the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, are gifts that He gives us so we can know what is the hope, the riches, and the exceeding greatness of His power. He is a mighty King, royal, strong, and victorious, yet a gracious and giving Father. As King, I want to fall on my face; as Father, I want to be held in His arms and rest in His love and express my love for Him. Both leave me in awe; if I live in awe of Him, then I'm convinced that my life will please Him. Quote
4sue Posted June 10, 2006 Report Posted June 10, 2006 That God is pure and radiant, brighter than all things. We need to worship with an attitude of fear and awe. God's glory comes into our lives through turning away from sin, following Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit and doing God Quote
unclebob Posted June 23, 2006 Report Posted June 23, 2006 Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives? These two titles "King of Glory" and "Father of Glory", to me mean that believing in The Lord and giving your full faith to him that we will be able to share in his Glory in the Kingdom of Heaven, that he created. We need to have a full righ attitude in God and not just a superficial understanding as we worship the Lord. "2 Corinthians- tells us that "Our veil has been removed" meaning that we have been saved through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, who was crucified to save all from thier sins. If we continue to follow the teachings of the Lord, and have complete faith in him we will enjoy the Glory of God, and as he workds within us that we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more. WOW! This Bible Study is Such an Awesome Feeling. Quote
greymoose Posted June 30, 2006 Report Posted June 30, 2006 A king has authority over and responsibility for his subjects, A father has authority over (hopefully) and is the source of the child. God is the source of all things "heavy, weighty, that is: of substance, worthy of respect." Not only that, He is in authority over all of it and is responsible for its existence. Philippians 4:8 says: For the rest, brothers, whatever is true, whatever honorable, whatever is right, whatever pure, whatever lovely, whatever of good report, if of any virtue, and if of any praise, think on these things.. If God is the source of and responsible for all of these things surely we must be thinking about Him if we follow this instruction. He must be a part of our thoughts. Our thoughts impact our beliefs, which in turn lead to how we live and worship. I think Paul's description of how God's glory comes to fill jour lives in 2 Corinthians 3:18 means that as we see Him in the scripture we reflect Him in ourselves. The Bible is the revealed Word of God. Jesus is the Word of God, therefore the Bible is Jesus revealed to us. The more time we spend with Him (in prayer and study of the Bible) the more we reflect his glory. Quote
grace2grace Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 King of Glory, Most High God loves me. Boggles the mind. I keep thinking about the elders around the throne throwing there crowns at the Lords feet. Seems to me as more and more we see Him, as He really is, The King of Glory, the Most High God, the more we exalt Him and joy in His presence and glory. We've seen glimpses and when you see it, in that moment when you behold Him, you stand in His presence and realize it. Its like the world just falls away, the scales fall from your eyes, and joy fills your heart. I see these elders litterly standing in the presence of the Lord and their response is to fall to their knees in worship, reverence and to cast their crowns at his feet. Its like the crowns represent everything we strive for in this world, all our material desires, our good deeds, our hopes, our dreams, the face of the King of Glory it doesn't even compare. Because He is that wonderful everything pales in comparison, and they throw their crowns at his feet, because He is their glory, their joy, their highest hope, their most wonderful dream. I think they are so undone by Him and His glory they just want to give Him everything, to honour him with all that they have, because His very presence is their life, their very breath all they want. I think of sweet moments with the Lord even here where I see and know only in part, and in those moments all my heart can cry is "All I want is you...your so are everything". Everything eles just falls away, insignificant in comparision to just being in His presence. Father you alone are God, You are the Most High God, the King of Glory, help me to walk each day in view of these great and glorious truths about you. Rend my heart Father, open my eyes to see you in all your majesty and glory, so that my life may reflect you, and honour you. You alone are worthy of my praise. I thank you Lord for your presence in my life, I do have a crown and its You. amen. Quote
masika Posted July 26, 2006 Report Posted July 26, 2006 " The King of Glory ' and Father of Glory ' , They reveal that Our God is the Lord of Heavens Armies , and this is none other the Messiah Himself . He is eternal , Holy and Mighty . The Glory that the Spirit imparts to the believers is more excellent and lasts longer than the glory that Moses experienced . by gazing at the nature of God with unveiled minds , we can be more like Him . In the Good News , we see the truth about Christ , and it transforms us morally as we understand and apply it. Quote
april Posted August 6, 2006 Report Posted August 6, 2006 Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives? The two different aspects of God you can see here First the mighly and all powerful King of Kings no other above Him. and second the Father of us all who deserves our one and only worship to the true God. there is no other be side Him.. His glory shines though us when we have spent time getting to know him. Quote
ella Posted August 6, 2006 Report Posted August 6, 2006 King of Glory---- God is strong, almighty and all knowing. Father of Glory----- God is like a father. he created us, helps us grow and nurtures us emotionally and intellectually and spiritually if we seek his wisdom. God's glory comes to fill our lives as we worship, praise and pray to him. Quote
Tina Thomas Posted September 16, 2006 Report Posted September 16, 2006 Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives? That God is ALL powerful; Mighty Warrior; Undefeatable. When we worship God, our worship should be full of accolades that depict His nature, i.e., Lover of my soul, Majesty(sovereign power; authority), Almighty God, Wonderful Counselor, Deliverer, Redeemer, Comforter, Wisdom, Defender, Avenger, etc. for He and He alone is worthy of our praise and worship. God's glory comes to fill our lives through the working of His Holy Spirit in our lives. Quote
Foladag Posted October 20, 2006 Report Posted October 20, 2006 Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives? Through these two passages in the Bible we come to understand that glory has something to do with a surpassingly great achievement secured in and by God who is also its sole authority, power and governor (arbiter). According to 2 Cor. 3:18 God's glory comes to fill our lives through Christ by he Holy Spirit as we are transformed and progressively sanctified in our walk with Him. Quote
Robin Posted November 4, 2006 Report Posted November 4, 2006 As I see Him as King of Glory, my worship will be changed by the awesomeness of who He is. As I see Him as Father of Glory, I know He has brought about new birth in us with the purpose of changing us from glory to glory. Quote
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