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  On 2/15/2006 at 1:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

These titles all point to God as Glory. I decided to look up the word Glory and here is what I found:

1. very great praise, honor, or distinction bestowed by common consent; renown: to win glory on the field of battle.

2. something that is a source of honor, fame, or admiration; a distinguished ornament or an object of pride: a sonnet that is one of the glories of English poetry.

3. adoring praise or worshipful thanksgiving: Give glory to God.

4. resplendent beauty or magnificence: the glory of autumn.

5. a state of great splendor, magnificence, or prosperity.

6. a state of absolute happiness, gratification, contentment, etc.: She was in her glory when her horse won the Derby.

7. the splendor and bliss of heaven; heaven.

8. a ring, circle, or surrounding radiance of light represented about the head or the whole figure of a sacred person, as Christ or a saint; a halo, nimbus, or aureole.

Every single definition is befitting of our God, King of Great Praise, of Great Honor, King of Distinction. God is worthy of our admiration, our Honor our adorning worship and thanksgiving. He is beauty and magnificence, he is splendor, magnificent and provides our prosperity.

With God we can have absolute happiness, we need to be grateful to Him for sending his Son to die for us. We can also we content with God, no anxiety, no worries give them all to God.


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King of Glory means that He is the King of all that exists. He is the Father of Glory. God is and was and always will be all the things that He says He is.The king of glory is the king of all kings,He Lord of all lords, the God of all gods. He is the very reason for the earth's existence and being. If He is our Father then we can call Him Papa and daddy.

This God is the One who is above all others. He is our God if we have excepted as Lord and King. I find it really hard to express all I feel about God.

As we worship God we should call on Him for everything. and realize that He knows our every need but we always need to remember to thank

God for all He has done for us.

We need to realize He is with us every moment of the day and night. He hears us as we worship Him in music, prayer , and every daily activity and He knows the sincerity of our worship.

He is the ever-increasing God who has unveiled our faces and now reflect God's glory and now being ttransformed into his likeness being transformed into his likeness with the ever-increasing glory that comes from the Lord. He is the spirit.


King of Glory means that He is the King of all that exists. He is the Father of Glory. God is and was and always will be all the things that He says He is.The king of glory is the king of all kings,He Lord of all lords, the God of all gods. He is the very reason for the earth's existence and being. If He is our Father then we can call Him Papa and daddy.

This God is the One who is above all others. He is our God if we have excepted as Lord and King. I find it really hard to express all I feel about God.

As we worship God we should call on Him for everything. and realize that He knows our every need but we always need to remember to thank

God for all He has done for us.

We need to realize He is with us every moment of the day and night. He hears us as we worship Him in music, prayer , and every daily activity and He knows the sincerity of our worship.

He is the ever-increasing God who has unveiled our faces and now reflect God's glory and now being ttransformed into his likeness being transformed into his likeness with the ever-increasing glory that comes from the Lord. He is the spirit.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/15/2006 at 1:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

The titles tell us that God is the greatest of whatever exist.

Therefore, we should worship Him as the most important.

By the Spirit.

  • 1 month later...

The titles "King of Glory" and "Father of Glory" bring to mind awe and wonder in regards to God. Acknowledging the glory of God puts my heart and mind in the right place. We come to reflect God's glory like the moon reflects the sun (I think I heard that somewhere). We should "make His praise glorious" too.

  • 2 months later...

Names of God: Lesson 1

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

Meditating on these two phrases from books in the Old and New Covenant I am firstly struck by the agreement between this Psalm of David and St Paul

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  On 2/15/2006 at 1:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

  On 2/15/2006 at 1:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?


  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17).

What do they tell us about God?

How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God?

According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?


  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Windy
  On 2/15/2006 at 1:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

God is our Heavenly Father and King of Kings. Moses could not look directly at God, because His Glory shone so brightly that Moses would have been blinded. Our feeble minds can't grasp, how great and glorious our God is. In 2 Corinthians 3:18 The glory that the Holy Spirit imparts to us, is excellent and long lasting. By gazing at the nature of God with unveiled minds, we can be more like Him. We will come to understand how wonderful God is and what he is really like. As our knowledge deepens, the Holy Spirit helps us to become more Christlike. The more closely we follow Christ, the more we will be like him.

  • 1 month later...

God is victorious. He is strong and mighty; He is mighty in battle (Ps 24:8). His plans will never be thwarted. They have been prevailed throughout history and will continue to prevail. This victorious God is the source of all glory. When we seek His glory, we will reflect His glory and bring glory to God.

Psalm 24:9 reminds me of something

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

God is not only the highest of the High, our Most High God but He is the embodiment of Glory, radiant in His being. He is so beautiful that we desire to bow down and in the Psalm piece He tells us to lift up our heads; look upon Him; allow His glory to permeate our spirits and our souls, and our bodies that we too may be a shining beacon in the darkness. If we are to radiate with His glory in our lives, for me, I must keep in close relationship with Him; allowing His desires for my life to supersede any of my own. As I allow His glory to fill me I will radiate Him to my world. The closer and longer He is reigning fully in my life He changes me into His likeness. His glory will shine through whatever He has for me to do.

  • 2 months later...
  On 2/15/2006 at 1:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

"King of Glory" and "Father of glory" follow suit in reigning in strength in possible times of failure...both military support and for planning the Visions of the Future. Therefore it is with these attitudes of worship that History has been written. Corinthians 3:18 represents the success of this pursuit and the Confidence with which the Vision of The Future could be comprehended.

  • 5 weeks later...
  On 2/15/2006 at 1:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

When I think of the King of Glory, I think of the grandeur and light that emanates from God,a light that is brighter than the sun, so majestic that even the angels have to cover their eyes. Nobody can look upon Him and live and yet Jesus left that glory to become a man so that we can come to know Him and through Him the Father of Glory

My attitude should be one of reverence and holy fear, God is not my equal and though He loves me as His child, I may never be complacent. God can only get glory through my life if I can die to myself- He must get complete control over me so that I can be useful to Him. More of Him and less of me.


King of Glory - He is the Sovereign LORD above all. He is omnipotent and eternal. As the Father of glory, He shares the same nature as the Son, Jesus Christ who has revealed wisdom and knowledge. My attitude needs to be one of humility, joyful and obedient. It is by His Spirit that we are able to see His glory and be transformed.

  On 2/15/2006 at 1:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

It means that God is a glorious God.

He's done something great, because of which He deserves respect.

He's not something small that we can ignore.

Paul writes about the Spirit who can fill us with God.

  • 2 weeks later...

The King of Glory. Wow! Not conquerable, Ultimate loving Father. He lifts my head. I no longer need to live in shame. Just as when one of my children make a mistake and they try to hide there face in shame, I put my hand under their chin and get eye to eye with them and let them know I love them and am not mad at them or disappointed with them. Also being a shield He is my protector.

So my view of Him is that of a mighty King and loving Father both of which are protectors and deserve our praise worship and our reverence.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/15/2006 at 1:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

4. a. King of Glory - He is King over all, altogether glorious, awesome, let this King of Glory in our lives that he may change us altogether from glory to glory, He is the one who fights our battles, strong and mighty. There is no other glory that can compare with the Glory of God. When Moses asked God to show me your Glory, he could not because no human could look at God face to face and live. When John, on the Isle of Patmos saw God's glory he was like as a dead man. Father of Glory - The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who gives us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

b. They tell us that God is King, Holy, Glorious, Above All, All Mighty, etc.

c. He is to be worshiped, reverenced and adored.

d. God's Glory comes to fill our lives when we surrender to Him and ask Him to be Lord and Savior of our lives. Only then can he change us from glory to glory to be more like Jesus. Faithful is He that called you who also will do it.

  • 4 weeks later...

King of glory tells us that God is strong and mighty, The Lord is mighty in battle . Father of glory is God of our Lord Jesus Christ who gives us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation,so that we may know Him better. The knowledge of God as King of glory and Father of glory should cause us to worship Him with reverential fear and awe of who it is we worship. Gods glory comes to fill our lives by the Spirit of the Lord.

  • 2 months later...
  On 2/15/2006 at 1:39 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

God is Supreme, He reign, Lord, rule over all things and is exalted above all the heaven and earth, As the Most exalted God He is characterized by His Glory His Characteristics, mightiness, greatness, beauty, bigness, height depth etc reflect in us and when people see this they recognize it is Gods Glory whereby as His children we can boast in every moment of our life holding Him to the highest esteem worshiping Him in Spirit and truth as the spirit alone can reveal Him to us and transform us to His likeness.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

I believe these titles reveal that there is no glory except that which comes from God Himself. He originates it, bestows it, is it.

I think that we can ask God to show us His glory during worship and He will reveal a part of Himself to us. Glory is who He is, what He is.

According the 2 Corinthians 3:18, God's glory fills our lives as we fill our spirits and minds with the Word. Jesus said that "Anyone who has seen me, has seen the Father (John 14:9)." Jesus was the Word made flesh...therefore if we see Jesus, then we see the glory of God plainly.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives?

After looking at what Glory involves I desire to have His Glory flood my life. I want the Lord to be the King of Glory in my life facing all the battles both physical and spiritual for me. As told in 2Co 3:18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. the more we live within the Glory of the Lord the more we become like Him. Praise God

Who is this King of Glory that pursues me with his love

And haunts me with each hearing of His softly spoken words

My conscience, a reminder of forgiveness that I need

Who is this King of Glory who offers it to me

Who is this King of angels, O blessed Prince of Peace

Revealing things of Heaven and all its mysteries

My spirit's ever longing for His grace in which to stand

Who's this King of glory, Son of God and son of man

His name is Jesus, precious Jesus

The Lord Almighty, the King of my heart

The King of glory

Who is this King of Glory with strength and majesty

And wisdom beyond measure, the gracious King of kings

the Lord of Earth and Heaven, the Creator of all things

Who is this King of Glory, He's everything to me

The Lord of Earth and Heaven, the Creator of all things

He is the King of glory, He's everything to me

King of Glory....His name is Jesus


Found this song and would love to share it in this study

You sit enthroned above the circle of the earthSpreading out the heavens like a veil

You hold the universe so firmly in Your hand

Reaching out in love to all the world

El Elyon Most High God

Holy is Your Name

No one can know the secrets hidden in Your heart

Paul Wilbur El Elyon lyrics found on http://www.lyricsoncall.com/lyrics/paul-wilbur/el-elyon-lyrics.html

Mysteries beyond the reach of man

No one else commands the sun to rise and then to fall

All creation heeds the great I AM

El Elyon Most High God

Holy is Your Name

Elohim El Shaddai

Yeshua Adonai

Let our glory of Your name be magnified

Lord Most High

El Elyon Most High God


Meditate on the titles "King of Glory" (Psalm 24:7-10) and "Father of glory" (Ephesians 1:17). What do they tell us about God? How should they affect our attitudes as we worship God? According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does God's glory come to fill our lives

this titles tell me god is the master of glory and made glory in all its power. this affects my attitude because god can make something so holy and powerful like glory that all he wents from me is love then he is more than worthy to have it.

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