Pastor Ralph Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? Quote
Anointedtoo Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? The servant was afraid because he could not see. Elisha had no fear because he could see and knew God's was their to fight his battle. To have a relationship with the Father so we can be assured for His faithfulness in protecting. He says the battle is not ours, but His. Because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. He is my strength. Quote
pickledilly Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Elisha's servant couldn't sense or see the unseen spiritual forces around him that Elisha clearly saw. Elisha was calm and confident in the LORD's protection; his servant was terrified because all he could see were the enemy forces. I think the difference was the faith that comes out of having your own relationship with the LORD, not just seeing someone else having that relationship. This is a wonderful story that reminds me of the spiritual warfare going on all around me all the time that I cannot see. And right there is Yahweh-Sabaoth and all His heavenly hosts - taking care of business as He protects His plans and purposes for me. On top of that, His very presence, including Mighty Warrior, dwells right within me. There is no battle from within or without that He cannot win, for He is greater than any other force that exists! What have I to fear? I don't have to get in a panic over the disasters and difficulties in my life or the enemies that would like to destroy me. Lord, give me faith and enlighten the eyes of my heart so that I can see! Quote
Elder9 Posted February 16, 2006 Report Posted February 16, 2006 His servant was afraid because of vision problems. Not being able to see as God see's or reveals to His servants. God had already dispatched help, he just couldn't see it as his master Elisha could. I often have poor vision until God opens my eyes to the wonderful things that he's done and doing in my life or on my behalf. The difference between the two was realm knowledge, Elisha knew God and was used to seeing the invisible, his servant was used to seeing with earthly eyes only. This can really cause a problem to those working in Kingdom building, one see's enormous amounts of potential another see dispair and hopelessness. We need to see as God see's in order to accomplish His work. Sometimes it takes the fear of losing our lives as was the case with Elisha's servant or the threat of losing something intimate. Shock treatment has a way of introducing us to reality even when we close our eyes to facts. The thing that makes us unique is that God uses everything to His advantage to get us up to speed. All things work together for the good, even in Elisha's servant condition and panic stricken moment God made it good. How often can I claim the same experience (untold numbers of times). Once I realize and stop quaking, that the God that I serve is greater than any circumstance in my life, whew what a sight of relief. I can over come any and every obsticle and advdesary. I stop looking at the enemy and look at the size of my God. Quote
linda bass Posted February 25, 2006 Report Posted February 25, 2006 Elisha's servant was afraid because he saw they were surrounded by enemies along with their horses and chariots. Elisha could see thru his "spiritual eyes" that the Lord's Hosts was greater than that of their enemies. Like the servant, we often look at things thru our natural vision until our spiritual eyes opened to the wonderful things God is doing in our life. Quote
ego Posted February 26, 2006 Report Posted February 26, 2006 Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? Elisha's servant was afraid because while they were in the city of Dothan the king of Aram arrived with his army because they were after Elisha. So in the morning Elisha's servant saw that the city was surrounded with an army horses and chariots. He became afraid because he did not see that they had a greater army than the king of Aram. He did not have the spiritual eyes to see beyond the physical eyes. But Elisha had already seen that the ''those with them are more than those who are with them'' Elisha's spiritual eyes were opened and this marks the difference between him and his servant. For our eyes to be open calls for us to be holy and blameless before our God Almighty. We are suppossed to be pure and righteous. Total obedience to the word of God should be part of us and we should always trust in God. Finally, our relationship with God should be very cordial to the extent that we can here from HIM always. The scripture in 1 john 4:4 strenghtens me in spiritual balltles because i have been assured that WHO IS IN ME IS GREATER THAN THE ONE WHO IS IN THE WORLD. This is encouraging especially when you have full trust and faith in our Almighty God. I see God far above all problems, circumstances and situations. Quote
Stan Posted February 27, 2006 Report Posted February 27, 2006 He saw through the eyes of the world and Elisha saw through spiritual eyes that only some one filled with faith has. His servant was afraid of the things of the world he had no faith that there was a power far greater than the world that he could look to. Elisha knew the Lord from his master Elijah and knew that throught faith in him he had a powwer greater then was in the world. I can learn from John that I also can rely on the power of God when I face my enemies of the world and like Elisha know that greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. With God on our side who can be against us. Quote
EsposaBonita Posted February 28, 2006 Report Posted February 28, 2006 Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? Elisha's servant was afraid because he thought that he and Elisha were severely outnumbered by the enemy. In short, the servant lacked faith. But Elisha prayed to God that his servant's eyes would be opened...that he would be able to see the armies of the Lord all around them. Faith is all that it takes for our eyes to be opened. If we have faith, we know that the Lord is behind us, that the Lord never leaves us on our own, and that the Lord gives us strength. The Spirit of the Lord dwells within us and is far more powerful than the spirit (Satan and his allies) that rules in the world. Quote
care2hope2 Posted March 6, 2006 Report Posted March 6, 2006 Elisha's servent was afraid because he could only see the physical world and did not at the time have spiritual eyes or a sense that God's dimension existed. Elisha had to pray and ask God to reveal the spiritual reality to the servant. Elisha had the faith to have God open his eyes before this time and could see God's dimension the servant had not faith yet so God revealed and this revelation helped his belief the diffrence was Elisha had faith and knew God already. In 1John 4:4 the Scriptures reveal that when God is in us . His strength and power are greater than any power around us. it reveals that with God as our savior and Lord that all the starts within us with God's presence can over come anything we face here in the earthly diamension of life. So we if we do not believe or are in fear need only to ask God in to be our savior or if we have already ask him to increase our faith and belief and to show us how he can help us over come whatever. \ I find this believeable but I tend to be in the fearfull minority and have to ask God every time to increase my faith and show me how I can overcome. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 10, 2006 Report Posted March 10, 2006 Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? He was afraid because he didn't have the faith that Elisha had and only saw that they were surrounded. He couldn Quote
denisetowns Posted March 20, 2006 Report Posted March 20, 2006 Elisha's servant was afraid because he did't believe that God would come thru for them, elisha has more faith than his servant,We have to believe that God will come thru.That God is in us and tha he will fight our battles if we let him. Quote
Ms CJ Posted April 2, 2006 Report Posted April 2, 2006 Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? The difference was one could see into the spiritual realm and had no relationship with the One who protects. The difference between the two men was that Elisha knew they were safe because he knew the Lord of Host and the heavenly army was at hand to destroy his enemy and the servant had no relationship with this Lord only the one he served in the natural. It takes the Lord to open our spiritual eyes to see the things in the spirit world and that he is supreme over all things in heaven and earth. He had seen Elisha's relationship with this God but he must of thought that it was only Elisha that could serve Him because I'm sure he had his native gods he served and that it took faith for him to see the Armies of Host out there and many times he looked and each time his heart opened a little more until he saw with the eyes of faith. Another one borne to God's salvation and he must of seen the Lord of Host, the Captain, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as my defender that He is alive and not a stone or tree something that is dead and something that is cold and gives no hope for the future. That has no one to guide me into the ways I should go that only gives false hopes and false words and want me to die instead of live. Just like Elisha's servant I couldn't see with out faith and the opening of my heart to see Jesus and the world the Heavenly Father has for us to see. It takes a real relationship with Him to see into His world. I had not seen Him or things in heaven until I came into a true relationship with Him and the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see. Just like Elisha we all can see if we desire to see and we all know Him as He knew Him if we learn who He really is and that truly we have a promise that no matter where we find ourself in life He is there to protect us and give us the strenght we need to overcome our enemies and battles. If God be for us who can be against us? Quote
wingless1 Posted April 11, 2006 Report Posted April 11, 2006 The servant was afraid because he had no faith and didn't realize Elisha had God on his side when Elisha's faith was shown then the servant believed and saw the army when we have faith in God then things will work for God's best Quote
Kenneth Posted April 20, 2006 Report Posted April 20, 2006 I believe that the servant could no see because he did not have the spirit of the lord on him at that time so he was afraid because he could not see. Quote
HisSong Posted May 15, 2006 Report Posted May 15, 2006 2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? Elisha's servant was afraid because he only saw the enemy surrounding the city. The difference between Elisha and his servant is that Elisha stood with the Lord and knew that the Lord was his Protector; he was seeing with spiritual eyes. Our eyes may be opened by staying in the Word and prayer so that we see things as God sees them: spiritually. I love 1 John 4:4! "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." John is speaking of ungodly spirits and false prophets and how we may discern and know the Spirit of God. His usage of "little children (John must have been very fatherly)" makes me think of the Lord as our Strong Heavenly Father whose might protects us and gives us victory against the spirits of the evil one. A picture that comes to mind is a little child boldly encountering his enemy with this huge, beautiful, powerful Dad coming right up behind him and the enemy dropping his sword and running! Of course, the power is not in the hands of the child, but in his protective father. That's what the Lord is to me when I encounter satan in my life. Unfortunately, I, all of us, forget that He is with us and we try and fight evil in our own strength. How ridiculous! Quote
4sue Posted June 16, 2006 Report Posted June 16, 2006 The servant feared the ensuing battle would bring defeat. Elisha knew that God Quote
unclebob Posted June 28, 2006 Report Posted June 28, 2006 Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? Elisha's servant was afraid becausehe did not hold complete faith and when seeing the armies out the window and not having faith with Elisha of what you have when you are faithful to the Lord, he thought he would be destroyed. For our eyes to be opened we just need to have continual full faith in the Lord, everyday looking and seeing the wonderful things the Lord does for you and me. 1 John 4:4, can strengthen us in our spiritual battle because as long as we believe in the Lord and have our full faith in him, we are his children. the Spirit that lives in us is stronger than the the spirit that lives in the world. Quote
greymoose Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Elisha was applying 1 John 4:4 to his physical situation. His servant was overwhelmed with the physical reality but Elisha saw what was behind the physical. I don't know if Elisha actually saw the armies of God in the same way his servant did. He may have but what was really important was that he knew without a doubt that his God was greater than what his physical eyes saw. Spiritual warfare is not only doing battle in prayer, although that is very important. It involves acting as if you believe God has already won despite your circumstances. By applying the same knowledge Elisha did (a deep conviction of the truth, not just an academic understanding) we can persevere through situations that would cause others to wilt. Quote
olori Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? Elisha's servant was afraid because he saw the enemy all about, thousands, and he could see no way out. Elisha was seeing in the spirit, and he could see God's mighty army all about, and Elisha knew he had the victory. Our eyes can only be opened through prayer, and only if we have faith in God, and we walk in that faith. Then God will open our spiritual eyes. Knowing Christ lives in me lets me know that no foe can come against me, no evil can win, I am completely covered and protected. I walk in this everyday, one day at a time. In this way life's problems aren't so large and I know the Holy Spirit will take me through Quote
masika Posted July 31, 2006 Report Posted July 31, 2006 Our false perception is the biggest cause of fear and frustration ; in fact , I might boldly say it's the only cause ! If we live without faith , our perception is restricted to what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears . With this limited input , it's no wonder so many live in Fear - it's no wonder so many become frustrated and discouraged with their day to day life . But as our faith and understanding of God increase , we are able to trust in what we cannot physically see and hear . We can live in peace , knowing that " The one Who is in You is greater than the one who is in the world " ( 1 John 4:4 ). Battles occur in and around us every day - battles which cause us to become heavily burdened . We desire to walk down to God's path , but the pulls and attacks of the world seem relentless . We need to remember that His plan and provision is always perfect- always working toward the good . Somehow we must understand that the battle we see with our physical eyes and analyse with our mind is never the real battle ; " For our struggle is not against flesh and blood" ( Ephesians 6:12 )." Our spouse , parents , children , or co-workers are not the enemy - neither is our church , the government , the economy or our health . These temporal things are not the true cause of our pain nor should they ever become the source of our joy . The real battles are always spiritual....... and we're NEVER alone. Let 's draw ever nearer to God until we gain a true understanting of how much He Loves us - and how much He is fighting for us ; " Those who are with us are more than those who are with them. " Jesus Christ has already Won the ultimate battle ! We must now trust Him and give Him more of our heart. Heavenly Father , we desire to see you clearly and joyfully walk without fear . We Pray that you draw us into your presence .... and open our eyes . Quote
april Posted August 8, 2006 Report Posted August 8, 2006 Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? Because he saw the human army around him and Elish's. Elisha was a prophet from God who could see in the spirit he is what you would call a seer prophet he recieved picture from God what was going on in the spirit world. He prayed and asked God to open the servants eyes to see in the spirit and God did. Your eyes will be open to see the things in the spirit when you learn to yeild to the holy spirit and his gifts that He gives all of us so we can show the Power of God in the earth. John 4:4 tells us we are more powerful than the devil because Christ lives in us and we have his authority and power. Thank You Lord! Quote
ella Posted August 19, 2006 Report Posted August 19, 2006 The servant was afraid because he was blind and could not see. Elisha was firm and steadfast in the Lord. Humas sometimes need to have strife and evil things happen before their eyes are opened. 1 John assures me that I am powerful because I am a child of God. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 15, 2006 Report Posted November 15, 2006 Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? Elisha's servant was afraid because he saw a great army coming against them and felt certain that this army would wipe them out. What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? Elisha's servant was looking in the natural and trusting the arm of flesh, whereas Elisha prayed and trusted God to protect them against the army. What does it take for our eyes to be opened? For our eyes to be opened we must have faith in God to supremely rule over all matters of life. How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle? We are encouraged that in every spiritual battle, that we face, The Greater One lives in us and through the omnipotent power of the Almighty One we will be conquerors. Quote
MarkH Posted December 11, 2006 Report Posted December 11, 2006 Elisha and his servant were both human; being human we all have emotions that get the better of us and we sometimes have closed eyes to what God is doing. The servant was afraid which caused him to not see that God was there in the mist of all that was going on. Even though this scripture doesn Quote
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