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The armies of heaven are called out to follow the Mighty Warrior, Yahweh-Sabaoth, in warfare. The battle to be fought in the Garden of Gethsemane was not a military event requiring military force. I think it was a personal battle of holiness over evil, of right over wrong, of salvation over bondage, of life over death. That battle had to be fought with love and humility.

When the time comes for Christ to sound the call for the heavenly host to follow Him into battle, it will be the time for justice and judgment. He will be coming back with unimaginable, inescapable military might to execute the final stages of redeeming all that is rightfully His and banishing the very presence of sin. That battle will be fought with the fullness of His supreme power and majestic authority. Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come.


Jesus couldn't call for help in this battle although the host of heaven was patiently waiting for the order to march, this was one battle of all battle that was strategically meant to be won differently. Without resistance Jesus quietly, humbly and successfully defeated our eternal adversary. His life for my life, He died that I might live, the battle was won in the garden, and demonstrated its success on the cross.

Its not going to be pretty, now the heavenly host has been rallied for THIS DAY, for centuries they have been waiting for this day, when they will go forth to battle with a furious fury urged on by the Commanders voice to destroy without mercy.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jesus did not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane because this was one battle He had to fight alone. He willingly went to the cross so that He could emerge victorious over sin and Satan.

In Revelation Jesus leads the heavenly host in victory against the anti-christ and his minions.


The Garden was a battle that Jesus was fighting for the Father God, He said that all prophicies might be fulfilled. He was doing the Father will and not His own. He was sent for just that moment in time and for that puurpose to die that we might live through HIm being drawn to the Father through His great love and compassion for us.

The coming in Revelations will be the Hour of Christ. When HE returns to claim what is already His alone. To redeem those who refuse to take the mark of the beast who chose the right hand of God as their resting place. When He calls out His army they will answere and the evil of this world will flee like the unclean spirits into the herd of swine but this time there will be no where to flee but the lake of fire. Christ will rule and His power will last for ever.


Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

Jesus could not call them because the battle was for HIM to fight alone for the sciptures to be fullfilled. The battle was for the remission of our sins. He was brutalised for me and for you inorder to bring us to God. If HE had sought for help, the scripture would not have been fullfilled.His life was staked for me to live. What a great love HE showed on us.

When HE calls on the heavenly host to join HIM in battle, it will be a time of judgement when the supreme power will manifest itself. A time to prove the supremacy of HIS Lordship. Atime when sin will be wiped out from the face of the earth. What a wonderful and glorious time it will be.


Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

Jesus could have called upon the heavenly host and been delivered from the suffering and crucifixion that He was soon to endure; but because He loves us, He chose to stand fast and deliver the sinners of the world instead through His own death and resurrection. Had He actually called on the angels to deliver Him, the transaction would have been forfeit and humanity would have been left without our Saviour. Jesus conciously chose to refrain from calling the heavenly host so that we could be delivered from sin and spend eternity with Him.

When Jesus DOES in fact call the heavenly hosts, multitudes of angels immediately report to do His bidding.


Jesus did not ask God the Father to send the legions of Angles to him

to assist him or help because then the Scriptures or revelation of how the world would recieve

a savior and it would be Jesus God's son would not be fulfilled. Jesus had to die , had to face

all this tortuer and suffering alone and then arise after giving his life. That was the Father God's

pland and he wanted to cooperate and bring this plan to fullness.

In Revelations it reveals that Jesus has all the legions of angles and whomever he asks for at

his disposal to fight and rule. But God was planning that since we do not have the where with

all to save ourselves he had to have his Son Jesus die and fulfill the punishment that is death

Sin was meant to bring death only Jesus took on death and died and rose again and paid for

sin past present and future......

But had he taken help and refused to die or put off death the plan of God the Father would

not have been fulfilled at the fullenss of time when God had wanted it.


Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane?

This is something He had to do alone. Because he loves us He became the sacrificial Lamb and He defeated death.

What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

He will return to defeat His enemy. :rolleyes:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

He did not call upon the host of heaven because He came so He might die for all mankind and He being God in the flesh knew that they had the ability to save Him. Here again He laid down His life for us so we might be saved.

When He calls all of heaven mounts upon war horses and joins Him in the fight to rescue those that belong to Him and the Heavenly Father. Tell me if anyone else but the Son of the Living God would do that and what other god has an army that can wirh stand His army, there is done because He rules the universe.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jesus didn't call upon the angels to attend him because this was the Father's plan that he would suffer and be crucified and be risen again If as times before when he was fasting and after he was tempted the angels attended to his needs

  • 1 month later...

(Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

Jesus did not call on the heavenly host in the Garden because if He had, the Scriptures and the promise of a Redeemer would not be fulfilled. When He does call on the heavenly host in Revelation, the "armies in heaven" are at His disposal, following Him "on white horses." He wil judge and make war and strike the nations, ruling them with a rod of iron. What a Mighty God we serve!

  • 1 month later...

It was a battle he had to fight alone, to fulfill the prophesy in scripture and to fulfill his Fathers will.

When the time is right he will call on the heavenly host to support him in battle, to end the war against evil..

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

Jesus did not call on the heavenly host because the battle was won before it even started. It was not a battle that was going to be won by death, swords, and useless fighting. Gethsemane was the chosen place for Jesus to win this battle. Even though Jesus wase ultimateley crucified he had won his battle because he saved his faithful followers from sin.

When Jesus does call his hevaenly hosts it is going to be the battle of all battles. He again will be triumphant, Oh what a beautiful day it will be.


Jesus did not call on the heavenly host in Gethsemane because they would not have let men mistreat and crucify Him. They are always ready to fight and, with power from God, they certainly vanquish and win. It was not the right moment for them to act, but it was the moment for Jesus to carry out the salvation of the world through His death. But Jesus will call on His host when the time of mercy will be over and God

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)


Jesus did not call on the heavenly hosts in the Garden of Gethsemane that the writings of the propets might be fullfilled.

The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen. Jesus is thier commander. He leads the heavenly hosts into battle.

  • 3 weeks later...

Jesus demonstrated perfect commitment to His Father's will . His Kingdom would not be advanced with swords but with Faith and obedience.

Jesus is above all Names , No Name can do Him justice. He is greater than any description or expression the human mind can device.

Jesus came at first as a Lamb to be a sacrifice for sin , but He will return as a congueror and King to execute judgment . Jesus' first coming brought forgiveness ; His second coming will bring judgment . The battle lines have been drawn between God and evil, and the world is waiting for the King to ride onto the field.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane?

Jesus did not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane because what laid ahead for him was what he came to earth for. He must complete the way for man to be restored to the Father.

What happens when he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

When Jesus calls on the heavenly host we see them accompanying Him fully regaled and ready for the assignment.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

What would have happened if Jesus had called on the heavenly host when in the Garden? God had a purpose for Jesus' life and Jesus knew that purpose. He knew that if He called on the heavenly host that two things would happen. First of all, I don't believe the heavenly host would have come to his aid--it was against God's purpose for Jesus. Second, Jesus would have sinned (by calling on the heavenly host he would not have fulfulled God's purpose) and therefore, would not have purchased our/my salvation. I for one am very grateful that He obeyed God in this purpose and was able to become the perfect sacrifice for my sin.

He rules the heavenly host and leads them into battle against the nations of the world.

  • 2 months later...
Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

In order to save man from sin, Jesus had to go through suffering and death on his own.

When Jesus does call the heavenly hosts, Satan is cast into the lake of fire. Jesus doesn

  • 4 weeks later...
Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

If Jesus had called to his Father to rescue him, the legions of angels would surely have come. And they would have wiped out every enemy Jesus had.

But one thing would not have happened then. We would still be lost. A blood sacrifice was needed to save. And Jesus was that blood sacrifice. If He had called on the legions to rescue him, He would not have fulfilled the Law, which was needed to save us.

But Jesus did not call on the legions. He knew that there was only one way to save us and that was for him to go all the way. And He went all the way. For us.

Compare this verse to the temptation of Jesus by the devil in Matthew 4.

When Jesus call on the legions of angels (and according to many commentators in Rev. 19:11-16 also all the saved one that are with Jesus), it is to "strikedown the nations" and "rule them with an iron rod". The fierce wrath of God will then be released.

So when Jesus calls on the legions, this means war!


Jesus says himself why he does not call on the Host of Heaven at Gethsemane:

Mat 26:54 But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?"

Again in verse 56a, it says: "But all this happened that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled." Christ is the only one who can qualify for the job He was given. it was of the utmost necessity that He accept the position of Savior.

In addition to this reason, it seems to me that this is an amazing example of Jesus' obedience and humility. Prior to the betrayal and arrest, we find Jesus asking His Father in earnest, three times,in verses 39, 42, and 44, that the cup might pass from Him, yet each time, He puts His Father's will above His own. Because He could have called 10,000 angels makes this act of obedience and humility even more significant.

When Jesus calls on the Armies of Heaven and they arrive on the battlefield, Armageddon, the largest and most one-sided battle in history ensues, leading to the Millennial Reign of Christ.

Q3. (Matthew 26:53) Why did Jesus not call on the heavenly host in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happens when does he does call on the heavenly hosts? (Revelation 19:11-16)

This must be Jesus' fight and no one else's. If God had sent the Heavenly Host to rescue Him from crucifixion, then there is no Messiah to save us. As terrible as it was, Jesus knew that He must complete this task alone.

When the Heavenly Host is revealed He appears on a white horse and his rider is called Faithful and True. He wears many crowns and His name is the Word of God. The armies of Heaven follow Him, also riding on white horses. He will strike down nations and rule them with an iron scepter. His name is KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!! This is the same Heavenly Host we can call on in our time of need.

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