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<_< During his life, Gideon kept the Israelites resonably close to God. He kept the nationn strong and invaders did not bother them for the rest of Gideon's time as judge.
Thus Midian was subdued before the Israelites and did not raise its head again. During Gideon's lifetime, the land enjoyed peace forty years.

+ I found that subdued could mean: "to conquer". Midianites were no longer a problem. Israel was able to have peace because of Gideon's wisdom until his death. For forty years, the peace of God reigned over the land and its' people. :wub:

The principal purpose of the leaders of Israel is in Judges 2:16: "Then the Lord raised up judges, who saved them out of the hands of . . . raiders. God permitted the oppressions but raised up deliverers such as Gideon.


Q6. How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35) What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

His leadership keeps Isarel strong enough, both spiritually and militarily.

God blesses him with peace in Israel for the rest of his lifetime.



How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35)

Through faith in God

What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

Protection, spiritual peace, prosperity, and eternal life.


Gideon's strong leadership influence Israel during his life.

'His leadership keeps Israel strong enough both spiritually and militarily that they are not troubled by invaders during his lifetime.' They enjoyed peace for 40 years.



Q6. How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35) What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

Even though Gideon's ephod leads people into idolatry, yet God blesses Gideon's influence in Israel as a judge. His leadership keeps Israel strong enough both spiritually and militarily that they are not troubled by invaders during his lifetime.


Gideon's continuing leadership in Israel holds the same promise for us as the kingship of David. David fouled up with Bathsheba and Uriah (2 Samuel 11), Gideon fouled up with the ephod. These leaders were allowed to continue by the grace of God even though they sinned. You and I are also guilty of many sins and yet God's grace will still strengthen us :D and make us great disciples!!!

We are not freed from the snare by our own hands, we are freed from the snare by the hand of God. B) Cool!


How does Gideon influence Israel during his life?

Judg 8:28

28 Thus Midian was subdued before the Israelites and did not raise its head again. During Gideon's lifetime, the land enjoyed peace forty years.

(from New International Version)

He led Israel away from Baal and back to the Lord, delivered them from the Midianites and they had peace for 40 years.

What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

I have to think that it is a major blessing to us that Gideon was a judge of Israel and that this portion of his life is reecorded for us. He provided strong leadership that was initially very sensative to the Lord. We can follow that example. We can also learn from his mistakes. Things we can learn from Gideons mistakes that are mentioned in the exposition; not letting people give us the credit for spiritual blessings, do not let others put us in a place reserved for God, and we must live with integrity. We need to be careful while establishing traditions and practices for our families and churches because, whatever traditions and practices we implement carry with them our strengths and weaknesses. We do not want to pass along our weaknesses as Gideon did.


During Gideon's lifetime, there was peace for 40 years, and the people

worshipped God rather than idols. He had many sons from his many

wives. After Gideon died, the people immediately began worshipping idols

again. Abimeech, one of the sons, killed all but one of Gideon's sons in

order to rule Israel. Thus began a very evil time in the history of Israel.

So, his influence did not survive his death. Perhaps he should have spent

more time teaching his sons to worship God in truth! Then perhaps his

legacy would have been more positive. We need to take this example to

heart and teach our children to truly worship God, rather than just be pew-

sitters! Perhaps our country would not be in the situation that it is in



blondesmiley.gifHAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! :wub:

In his humble beginnings as a judge, Gideon was able to abolish Baal and Ashtoreth from "their" hold on the Israelites. Of, course, we know of the mistake he later made with the ephod. No leader is perfect, especially in our world today with all the evil complications, but we can only pray that they will be wise in their decisions.

I think Gideon's most positive influence on the People Israel was his refusal of kingship. His answer to the people that God is their king must have opened the eyes of at least a few...if a man who could have "everything" (materially, at least) could refuse it to serve his God, then perhaps there was "something to it"! I look at many of the TV "Evangelists" with their $1000 Armani suits, surrounded by gilded furniture, asking for money for their ministry, and am saddened to think of the influence they have on so many people. I have to remember Jesus' words: "Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Luke 12:33-34 (NKJ) ^_^


The people enjoyed peace for forty years. God blessed Gideon's influence in Israel as a judge. Israel was kept strong enough both spiritually and militarly. They were not troubled by invaders during Gideon's lifetime. This was the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge.


:rolleyes: During Gideons lifetime the land enjoyed peace for fourty years.Even though Gideod's ephod leads people into idolatry,yet God blesses Gideon's influence in Israel as a judge.Gideon as a leader keep Israel strong enough,spiritually and in military that they are not troubled by invaders during his lifetime.As we follow our leaders and uphold them ,if they are a Godly person and being directed by God to lead us ,we still should be aware and pray for decernment to where we wont be trapped into something that is not of God.We should pray for our President and Leaders of the World.Pray for peace and for protection,to our Lord Jesus Christ.Amen.

I have enjoyed this study and reading others replies has beem most benificial to me.Blessings to all.Linda


Gideon leadership with Gods direction keeps Israel strong both Spirituallu and militarially as long as Gideon was alive.

I believe his most positive roll was following God and doing what he ask of him and God doth provide the guidance and sometimes the reward for our listening and obeying him and his word. :lol:


Q6. How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35) What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

God blesses Israel despite their idol worshipping thanks to Gideon. Israel prosperred both spiritually and militarily.

Gideon's influence kept Israel strong and free from invaders during his lifetime.

In Christ Jesus,



Gideon influenced Israel during his lifetime by means of his strong leadership and by being favored by God.

The positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge was that Israel was able to enjoy peace for forty years and they had become strong spiritually and militarily. That's because he put God above himself even when the people asked him to rule over them. He was able to hear and obey from God and I pray I may learn to hear and obey God in my life.


To all who have been in this study - I have read your posted answers and appreciate the ideas I have received from you all. I hope to see you in the next study in March.

Love in Christ to my brothers and sister in Him who died for us, Omie (diminutive name for grandmother in German) of 3 wonderful grandchildren! :)


Although Gideon made a mistake with the ephod, he still managed to infuence Israel in the right directions spiritually so that God continued to bless the Israelites.His life as a judge brought peace to the Israelites so that they were not troubled by the Midianites for forty years. However Gideons legacy did not survive him and this was a weakness that we could learn from-that we must not leave weaknesses in our legacies for the future generations so that they will continue to be strong and be obedient to God.


Q6. How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35)

Gideon was an example of trusting not in the eyes of the world but in the power of God. He began with an awareness of his own futility and feebleness and his complete dependence on his God. However, as can often be the case with success in whatever the battle, he took some credit that rightfully belonged to God, and God alone. At a time as a Christian when I fell from grace and failed God, I still consider just what damaging influence I may well have caused other, younger Christians through my bad example. Gideon, though a mighty warrior and undoubtedly highly respected by his people, must have left some doubt in people


I think that as the Bible indicates, Gideon, for the rest of his life held the darker forces at bay. Only after his death did the nation return to Baal.

Gideon did try his best to meet the middle road with God and God assisted him to accomplish HIs will. I don't get the sense though that Gideon was a man after His own heart the way David was. Gideon had to struggle much more to be courageous and rely on God. Even through this, ,though, Israel had peace. It just seems a shame that Gideon struggled so hard and as soon as he died, he was forgotten. Would be interested in any other comments from the group. :unsure:

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