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Q6. How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35) What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

Gideon's leadership keeps Israel strong enough both spiritually and militarily that they are not troubled by invaders during Gideon's lifetime.

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Gideon was both a military and a spiritual leader for the Israelites. He was a huge influence for the people both in terms of military presence for their enemy to fear and respect and as a spiritual leader to bring the people closer to the Lord and to keep them close.


How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35) What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

Gideon influenced Israel to stop worshipping Baal and to follow God in defeating the Midianites. He also, unfortunately, left the golden Ephod which became an idol. While he was alive the land enjoyed peace, rest from invasion, and prosperity. After his death things kind of fell apart (read chapters 9-10 of judges to see what his sons did), however the memory of the his life lived on. It was remembered by the Israelites as references to him can be found in the Psalms and he is in the great hall of faith in Hebrews. It gave them an example of the great things God can do with one person, even one timid person. That lesson is still being studied today!

  • 1 month later...

Gideon Lesson 5

Question 6

How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35)

What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

God blesses Gideon's influence in Israel as judge, even though Gideon's ephod leads people into idolatry.

Midian was subdued by Israel. Midian never recovered and was at peace.

Gideon's leadership keeps Israel strong enough both spiritually and militarily that they are not troubled by invaders during his lifetime.

Throughout this study we have seen The Spirit of The Lord come upon Gideon and through Gideon save Israel from the hand of the Midianites.

We need to realize that Gideon's heroism was not a product of his natural make-up, but the outcome of a transforming spiritual experience.

This may help with Gideon's legacy which end in sadness.

Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town. All Israel prostituted themselves by worshipping it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family.

And . . .

"No sooner had Gideon died than the Israelites again prostituted themselves to the Baals.

When God made the first covenant with Israel at Sinai, He said, "If ye will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto Me from among all peoples" (Exodus 19:5) But Israel, alas, had not the power to obey. Their whole nature was carnal and sinful. In the covenant there was no provision for the grace that should make them obedient. The law only served to show them their sin. Making it impossible for them to Continue Faithful.

We need to be at great pains to keep the contrast between the Old and the New Testament very clear. The Old Testament had a wonderful measure of grace, which Gideon and many others experienced, but not enough for the Continual Abiding in the faith of obedience. That is the definite promise of the New Testament, the fruit of heart renewal and the power of the Holy Spirit leading the soul and revealing the fulness of grace to keep us 'unblameable in holiness.'

"I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel. I will put My law in their inward parts, and in their hearts will I write it." Jeremiah 31

"I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them." Ezekiel 36:27

"I The Lord have spoken it, and I will do it." Ezekiel 36:36


  • 3 weeks later...

Through Gideon's influence, the Israelites enjoyed peace for 40 years. Because of Gideon's effective leadership, Israel was not troubled by invaders during Gideon's lifetime....very thankful I was able to complete this Bible Study, very rewarding, beneficial, and highly recommended .....lmc

  • 2 weeks later...

How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35) What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

His leadership as a judge brought about peace in the nation for 40 years. In spite of his personal failure, God used him nonetheless. Many of us like Gideon, have not always led the ideal Christian life, but through the grace of God, we have been able to rise above the sin and guilt of the past and move onward and upward in service for the kingdom.

  • 3 weeks later...
Q6. How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35) What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge? Exposition

Gideon showed God's power in action taking a stand for God against both baal and against the Midianites. Gideon influenced Israel in his life by turning them back towards God and away from other influences. The positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge is that the people stay with God until his death. (8:33)

  • 3 months later...

Gideon judges righteously and keeps the Lord God at the center of Israel's culture. Because the people wait to raise up an idol as their god until Gideon dies, it is apparent that his rule is a restraint on the people's sinfulness.

But as long as the Israelites worship God, they live in peace with their neighbors. Gideon is blessed with many children; he is not perfect, but it is apparent that God's hand of blessing is upon him.

  • 4 months later...

Gideon becomes a judge for Israel. Gideon's leadership keeps israel strong enough both spiritual and thru the military that there were no enemy invaders. There is peace for 40 years.

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

5. How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35) What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

He keeps Israel strong enough both spiritually and militarily tah they are not troubled by invaders during his lifetime.


I think the people regard Gideon highly as leader, although since he, rightly, will not take the authority of king, he falls into the background of their thinking a bit over the years. But they are, for the time being, committed to honour his standards. As a judge, he lifts the standards of justice, and keeps the people from Canaanite and other religions and idolatries. Not themselves prayerfully aware, they allow the idolatrous ephod, and become ready to descend into ungodliness as soon as he is off the scene, so much so in fact, that they have no thought for his descendants at all.

  • 3 weeks later...

The land enjoyed peace for forty years as Gideon was the judge of Israel. :)

On verse 27 of chapter 8 tells us how Gideon did not always help out the Israelites in serving God. It tells about Gideon making an ephod that the Israelites adored. This tells about how the Israelites looked up to Gideon and followed him even when he did not make a right decision. :(

  • 6 months later...

Gideon's influence gave Israel peace for forty years, until he died.Gideons leadership keeps Israel strong both spiritually and militarily. For the rest of Gideon's life they were not invaded.

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Gideon was an influential man to the people. With his faithfulness through out battle, they were able to conquer their enemy. Gideon was obedient therefore so were the people. Even when Gideon became puffed up they followed orders because of his position. Gideon had the influence to the extent that when he made this image out of the gold and set it up in ophrah the people did what he did "played harlot" and when he died the people forgot what the Lord had done.

they had peace for 40 years dispite of the ups and downs gideon faced.


Q6. How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35) What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

While Gideon was judge the Isaelites did not return to Baal worship Gideon's leadership remains as an example to us of obedience to God, not allowing others to give us credit that belongs to God. He is an example of how when we feel that we can never do anthing for God, what we really need to do is to be willing to be obedient.

  • 1 year later...

Q5. (Judges 8:28-31) How does Gideon influence Israel during his life?

The land endured peace for forty years. Israel was strong both spiritually and militarily and was not invaded during his lifetime.

What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

The positive continuing effect of Gideon

  • 8 months later...

Q5. (Judges 8:28-31) How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

As a result of the victory over Midian, Israel enjoyed forty years of peace and they stayed focused on Yaweh. His leadership keeps Israel strong enough both spiritually and militarily that they are not troubled by invaders during his lifetime.

  • 3 months later...

Gideon conquered the Midianites and they had peace for 40 years under his leadership. He also destroyed the idols they were workshipping and led them back to God.

They had peace and worshipped God during his lifetime.

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon's positive effect was to tear down the idols of Baal and the Asheroth pole and return Israel's attention to the only true living God. His leadership strengthened the country spiritually and militarily.


Q6. How does Gideon influence Israel during his life? (8:28-35) What is the positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge?

There are few things we learn from the Story and life of Gideon

First, it was not enough for Gideon to lead the people of Israel to a great victory. They desperately needed his ongoing wisdom and leadership. His failure to lead them left them open to the seduction of the priests of Baal.

Second, Gideon

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