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Q5. How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's affect the way we approach life?  We should be submissive and look to God for guidance.


In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong?  We can certainly become too passive and in being brash we can get into pride and fight with our own strength. Then God will have no choice but to back away and look at us fight and lose.



Are there any instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles?          If  we are not is His will, He cannot and will not fight for us.


  • 3 weeks later...
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Knowing that the battle is my Lord's should affect every decision I make. It should NOT make me prideful or arrogant.  It should make me humble.  I should approach each battle with the knowledge that this battle is my God's and he shall fight for me. I must approach this in the way the Lord would want. 


I should not be timid or brash in any battle.  Timidity implies I have no faith or trust in my God and being brash implies I am fighting the battle with my own strengths.  Both of those will result in failure. 


I believe there are battles Christ will not fight for us.  The battles that we are trying to fight on our own or when we make decisions that do not coincide with His will or His plan. I should make all decisions with the Holy Spirit. For he is my counselor. 

  • 1 month later...

Q5. How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's affect the way we approach life?


We need to develop the ability to "let go and let God". Just today I experienced that. I'm taking bookings for next month and beyond and only have a limited number of availalble dates. There's nothing more frustrating than having more than one venue wanting to book me on the same day while there are other days going begging. I determined to let God handle it because that kind of juggling act is so far above what I can control in terms of getting people to book me on dates I have available that I have no choice but to let Him motivate the people involved to book me to perform at their venues on dates that I have available.




In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong?


If we're too timid to trust God to work for our benefit we try to make things happen ourselves and become control freaks.


If we're too brash we just bull our way through and expect God to clean up our mess and make it right. Now I've seen God actually do that for a guy I used to know who blundered his way through life, much like Samson did, and God seemed to be in damage control mode the whole time because he had plans for Joe and was determined to make them happen in spite of Joe's best efforts.




Are there any instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles?


Seems to me those instances are commonplace. One of the hardest things is determining God's will and direction for our lives and when a decision needs to be made and action needs to be taken, God's guidance is nowhere to be found. Sometimes we all feel like Saul who in the heat of battle needed to make a decision and Samuel wasn't there to give him God's instructions. So Saul made the best decision he knew how and proceded. God still cleaned up after Saul but he was reproached by Samuel later. My own thoughts on that incident are that Saul did the best he could. 

At times we take on something that we know in our hearts God doesn't really want us to get involved in. It's times like that when God won't fight our battles. He will be there for us but He won't bless our endeavors if we blunder onwards without prayer and without waiting on the Lord.






  • 6 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Q5. How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's affect the way we approach life? In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong? Are there any instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles?

Knowledge is power /confidence!   knowing Who our God and Father is will give us confidence and courage in times of battle.  Remembering at all times He is The Mighty War Commander, God Almighty, Victorious and Triumphant!   Knowing His promises are true and faithful that He has already overcome!  He ALWAYS is with us and before us to lead us into triumph with Him,  Mark 16:20.  We can rely on, believe in and trust Him and so be filled with peace that passes all understanding that will guard our hearts and minds.


Timidity and brashness are lies and unstable 'feelings' we allow from hell to dissabilatate us, robbing us of courage, leaving us afraid or we act recklessly and without discretion or regard of consequences!


God will not fight for or with us when we are disobedient or without faith!   Putting our total faith, trust and obedience in our Commander /Leader is what gets us LIFE and every promise He has made !

  • 3 weeks later...

Having the knowlege that the battle is the Lord's should give us strength, courage and confidence to go forward marching. We must not be hesitant to put our trust in The All mighty, for he is our Banner our Refuge.We must not give up but fight against the wiles of the enemies. We MUST put on the whole armour of God as outlined in Ephesians 6:11-17

I think that timidity and brashness reflect negativity. Timidity is having fear and lacking confidence/faith.Lacking a strong relationship with God and allowing warfare to take over in our lives. Brashness is having disrespect and behaving in an irreverent manner.If we have the knowlege that the battle is the Lord , then we can't afford to lose our souls by being brash.


Having the knowlege that the battle is the Lord's should give us strength, courage and confidence to go forward marching. We must not be hesitant to put our trust in The All mighty, for he is our Banner our Refuge.We must not give up but fight against the wiles of the enemies. We MUST put on the whole armour of God as outlined in Ephesians 6:11-17

I think that timidity and brashness reflect negativity. Timidity is having fear and lacking confidence/faith.Lacking a strong relationship with God and allowing warfare to take over in our lives. Brashness is having disrespect and behaving in an irreverent manner.If we have the knowlege that the battle is the Lord , then we can't afford to lose our souls by being brash.

God will not fight for me if what I am doing is not his will.Not my will, but his will be done.Before I enter my battles, I must seek God first and look to his Banner.

  • 1 year later...


Names of God, Lesson 2

Q5: How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's, affect the way we approach life?

It should lead to peace of mind and quiet intimacy with the Lord, as well as a quiet confidence and trust that He will secure the victory.

In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong?

Timidity is fearfulness and insecurity regarding one's identity in Christ, resulting in a lack of trust and a sense that one can't ask or deserve or count on the Lord for help.

Brashness is presumptuousness that we deserve and are entitled to His help so there's no need to pray or fast or look to Him for what may be required on our part. A self centered, cavalier, disrespectful attitude.

Are there any instances where the Lord will not fight our battles?

No, I can't think of any time that we would be left on our own if we ask for His help, since He is always our shield, buckler, strong tower, Mighty God, El Elyon!  We're even told to surrender ALL to Him, even addictions or compulsive behavior....will power will fail...but when turned over to Him, He will deliver us. But I think "asking" is the key. When we ask, the battle becomes His.  I remember a time of willfulness on my part when I was new in Christ and didn't know better, and I was determined to take a course of action I knew was not His will for me and I told Him to stay out of my business. He did stay out and I made an enormously costly mistake for which I am still truly sorry. (like the board in which nails have been pounded, then removed. (or forgiven) The holes or scars still remain.) ..however It was a mistake through which I learned such a painful lesson that all willfulness was crucified that day!

Romans tell us: "When we work, He rests. When we rest, He works"  That's speaking of "works and striving" in the flesh on our own and of resting, trusting emotionally and spiritually in faith in His ability to accomplish what needs to be done through us and of the outcome of battles when turned over to Him.

  • 1 year later...

God has given us his assurance that whatever we ask in his name he will supply.  We should have confidence in his word.  He supplies all of our needs. During our trials and tribulations he is with us, holding us, strengthening us, comforting us, fighting for us.  We should put all our cares at the cross, at his feet and he will take care of us. That is his promise to us. We are to trust and obey and depend upon his word.  If we say we love Him then we should do what he tells us to do. Stand on his promise and his word and trust that he will do what he said he would do. This is his will for us. We need to put God's will before our own.  His will is all that matters. He comes before everything.  he is the head of everything.   He will not fight our battles if we are not doing His will, if we are not walking in his word and living our lives according to his purpose.

  • 6 months later...

Q5. How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's affect the way we approach life? In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong? Are there any instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles?

Our Lord is always victorious. He has never encountered defeat, neither will He ever encounter it. His promises are Yes and Amen, forever established. When He has promised that He will fight our battles, we need to take courage in Him. Just as to Joshua the Lord said, Be strong and be of good courage, for I am with you, the Lord says the same thing to us. When certainty settles in our hearts that the Lord will fight our battles, any temptation, trial or difficulty that we face may not loom ahead as a mountain making us defeated, depressed or discouraged. But faith will arise within knowing that at the presence of the Lord, our mountains will melt like wax. May our confidence be always on the Lord, as we set our affections on Him.

As Augustine said, Without God we cannot and without us, He will not. So we need to partner with God to see victory in our battles. Timidity expresses a lack of trust in what He has said. So a timid person will withdraw from the battles, without active participation with the Lord. Brashness does not depend on the Lord either, but goes ahead without consulting the Lord. They put their confidence in their strength, or their wisdom. Both are dangerous. The Psalmist says, some may trust in horses, some may trust in chariots, but we will put our trust in the Lord. When we trust the Lord, we bring the Lord into the equation. We undertake the steps according to the commands of the One who guides us. This will ensure victory in our battles.

Since, we need to trust the Lord to fight our battles, whenever that trust element is missing in our lives, I believe we will not see the fingerprints of God in those instances. So that entails that the battles we are fighting are the ones that God allows to come our way, in order to strengthen us and build us in the process. Those battles that are caused by our whims and fancies, the Lord may allow us to go through and suffer the consequences of them. But even in that, if we turn to the Lord, He can work something good out of it. 



  • 2 months later...
On 2/15/2006 at 5:44 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q5. How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's affect the way we approach life? In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong? Are there any instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles?

The knowledge that the battle is the Lord's helps us know that this means we have already won the victory. This should encourage us to approach life with the understanding that God has told us He will fight for us and we have nothing to fear. Our confidence should be in the Lord.

Timidity is the lack of courage or confidence and brashness is a behavior that shows a lot of confidence but no respect. Neither of these should be the right way to approach anything, because in both instances, we are not relying on the Lord.

God won't fight for us when we do something that is not His will for us. If we stray from the Word or try to get involved in something that is not right, then God won't fight our battles. However, sometimes He lets us go through suffering and pain because He has a plan and purpose for us.

  • 11 months later...

This knowledge should empower us to fight knowing that He is with us. It should cause us to be bold and courageous and not give up. 

Timidity causes a person to become too fearful and not move forward. Brashness causes someone to go full steam ahead without consulting the Lord and make mistakes.

The Lord will not fight for us if we are in sin and not listening to Him. 

  • 1 month later...

Knowing that the battle is the Lord's should give me the confidence to approach life with the conviction that my victory is already won.  Won for me by Jehovah Gibbor Himself who is the Almighty Warrior.

Both timidity and brashness get it wrong because: 1. timidity lacks courage, and a child of God without courage is a child of God who has little or no faith in the ability of his/her Father, and also doubts His promises.   He/She is afraid when faced with challenges and adversity, not trusting God to take care of him/her.  Timidity gets it wrong because it is saying to God, 'You are not able to ...'

                                                                                         2. brashness in a child of God is one who may not wait on God for directions before jumping into the melee.  He thinks he knows exactly what God wants done and how He wants it done, and he claims, by acting this way, that he is acting in/by faith, totally forgetting that the Word says that we must acknowledge Him in all of our ways and He will direct our paths, and that the battle is the Lord's.

There are instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles, and those instances are when we try to fight them in our own strength, depending on our perceived skills and abilities.























  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/14/2006 at 8:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q5. How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's affect the way we approach life? This is a way of acknowledging God's power in your life. It's realizing that you're not alone in your battles and that He is ready to come fight for you, no matter who or what the enemy is. I used to try to do it all on my own, and get discouraged when the enemies continued to attack, slander and mock me. Since I have called for help from the Lord of Hosts, my Warrior God Yahweh, I have found the enemies starting to retreat and that I am shielded by His protection. 

In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong? Are there any instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles? I think we need to realize that we can also participate in the battle-- "Fight the good fight"  by keeping God's covenant, being faithful, righteous and a trustworthy servant of the Lord of Hosts. You need to acknowledge God's mighty hand in your battles and remember to always thank Him. We should stay by His side always and lend a hand when needed. Stay vigilant of the enemies plans/plots and bring anything suspicious to the attention of your Lord God and His army.

God will not fight your battles if you are seeking to do evil against another, and if the battle you're waging is against the innocent. In other words. God will not help you sin, nor will He help you oppress and harm the innocent. 



  • 3 months later...

Having knowledge that God has taken over our battle and that He has given us victory help us depend on Him  if in the  worse scenario. Timidity and brashness makes us loose out on what  rightly belongs to us. God will  not fight for us if we push him out of our  fight. He steps in when we acknowledge and welcome him. 

  • 2 months later...

We can approach life with confidence knowing that our names are in the hands of God (Isaiah 49:16).  We the Church of God are precious to God,  so dear to Him as repeated through out the Song of Solomon.

Timidity and brushless are symptoms of unbelief.  Though we go through rough times or periods of the dark nite of the soul, we are beckoned to praise the Lord. A French spiritual written by the name of DeCaussaud underscored the importance of our need to abandon ourselves to Almighty God.  To acknowledge that God's hand is in  all situations good or bad.  We may not understand some difficult matters. Prophet Ezekiel was told by God not to mourn for his deceased wife.  He was commanded by God to prophesy to the mountains, valleys and dead bones.  He entrusted himself to God.   He had no time for timidity and despair

God will not fight our battles if we are in a backslidden state.  If I am not faithful doing the Lord's work or rebelling in someway, I cannot presume that God will fight my battles.  How circumspect I must be each day !  How diligent I must be to be a Bible student!   Martin Luther stated that we are being reformed each day.

  • 1 year later...

It should give us the comfort that we will have the victory if we continue to stand in faith in what his word says and what he has placed in our hearts. So we shouldn't walk around with a defeated attitude. 


Being afraid doesn't help. God wants faith and trust from us. That he is The Almighty and can do anything. 


Being brash doesn't help either. There is a timing to things in life. God wants us to use his wisdom as well 


The Lord will not want to fight a battle if we are out of his will. He will want to bring the person back in his will. But he is not going to help us win something that would harm us or he has something better in mind. We want God's best.


  • 1 year later...

Q5. How should the knowledge that the battle is the Lord's affect the way we approach life?
We should look to the Lord for everything, He said He will supply all our needs. Also knowing that no matter what happens in our life the Lord is all to handle it for us, nothing is impossible for Him. It should bring us comfort to know that we aren’t alone when troubles come our way. We should also know that we have the victory over every battle, we’ve already won.

In what way do both timidity and brashness get it wrong?

Timidity and brashness gets in the way when you can’t decide which God you are going to serve. Either the god of this world or the Lord God Almighty. This will cause you to forfeit the blessings and the promises that God has over your life. 


Are there any instances in which the Lord will not fight our battles?

Yes, the Lord isn’t obligated to do anything for us. He does it because He loves us. 


  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
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